ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. A FOURTH PAltl.lAllKNT--sEcoo SES:ION. TUESDAY, Jan. MI, The Speaker took the chair at 3p. m. PETITIONS. Mr. Robinson-Prom the County Council of Kent. that the Mill to extend the charter of the Erie and Huron Railway may not pass. Mr. Patterson-From the village of Brockton. praying that the by-law passod by the Council in- corporating the village as a separate municipality my not pass. . P. Meredith-Prom the LondonfBoard of Trade. that the London Junction Railway Company Act may be passed. Mr. Striker-Prom the Prince Edward County Railway Co.. praying that an Act may be passed to amend their' Act of incorporation. Mr. Paxton--From Johnt argrave and others. of Garden. praying for ieaveto annex to the town- 3 "tit of Mara. ' u r. 11epvthtrrvt1sm, tho Corporation of Oxford. 1' to amend l nicrs' Lists Act, chapter 9. Revised Statutes of Ontario. I Mr. Paxton--Keout the Village Council of Port 1 Perry, praying for certain amendments to the school law respecting the Government grant. ' Mr. "1oitard-jroat William Mills and others. of Ashburnhan. proving for Certain amendments to tho Ditches and Water-courses Act. t Mr. Robinson IKentp--b'eom the Town Council 1 of Lhat hamJor an Act to incorporate theChathatn l and Charm; Cross Railway. ; Mr. Paxtdn-Prom the l iilage Council of Port _ iPcrry. praying for certain amendments to the I Mqnieipulhct respecting the nomination of can- j amines. I V Mr. iNetur--F'rttrtt tho Trustees of the Union l Churoh. Port Colborne. praying that an Act may pass to enable them to sell certain lands. l Mr. Hardy-me County Council of Grey. J praying for certain amendments to the Municipal i Act P'lt/it.t, the b xilding of bridges. Mr. tv--. Yom James Rowe and'othors. of 3 Hope. for an amendment to the Ditches and , Watercoursoa Act. l Mr. Watterworttt-From the Town Council, for , certain amendments to the Municipal Act respect- I ingithe frontage tax. . l l r. Parkhil . from the Municipal Council of _ West Gwillimbury: Mr. Uascaden. from the,' Municipal Council of Southwold l Mr. Nairn, from Municipal Council of South Dorchester ', My.'.. Har- court. tram Municipal Council of Togthtp of Hemlock. also from township of G'ains oro', also from li",',.',.',';'.',',',?,',',! Moulton: Mr. Widditield, from East Gwiliim my: Mr. McCraney. from Duncan Campbell and others. ot Boswell; Mr. Pardee, from Council of the Township of Enniskillen ; Mr. Hardy.trom Township Council of Ashland, also from Municipal Township Council ot Brant- I ford; Mr. Cascaden. from Municipal Coun- I oil of County of Elgin : Mr. Awrey. from Walter McKay and others. of liearbrool;: Mr. Awrey, horn the CouneUof Ancestor: Mr. , Blezard. from the township of hummer; Mr. I Striker. from the township of Hallowell: Mr. watteeworth, from the township of Caradoc: Mr. Morgan. from the township ot Charlitte- ville; Mr. Striker. from the township of North Marysburgh '. Mr. Blezard. from the township of [ Douro: Mr. Mowat. from the township of Nis- ' souri East. also from tho township of Blenheim: Mr. Fraser. from the township of the Frontot Yonge: Mr. Patterson. from the township of Euibiooke; Mr. 1varers. from the township ot Lobe: Mr. Parkhill, from the towuship of Tiny l Mr. Ferns. from tho township of Percy; "v. Ila-dy. from the townshipo ftarford; Mr. Harcourt. mun the township of Harvey; Mr. Gt not: moron township), from Geo. Hood. rt.al.; Mr. Patterson. from William A. Duncan. et. (11.; Mr. Near. from William Roskcllf': l Mr. " atom. from township of Bidduiph': , r. Btezard,trom Township Council of Otoaabee--pray- , ing for the abolition of the market fees on farm , produce. l Mr. Noolon-From T. J. Jones and others. of St. f,'ttdetti,i,"f.it,gt".'t',igi2tnt, an Act may (pass to iturorporatethe.8t. Ut iarlnesand Niagara 'entrai Railway Company. Mr. Nairn--h'rom the Town Council of St. Thomas. praying that an Act may pass to incor- porate the town as a city. Mr. Ferris-From the Village Council of Hast- ings, praying for certain amendments to the License Act. respecting the appointment of In. spectors. Mr. Robinson 1Kent)--r'rorn the County Council of Kent. for an Act to incorporate the Chatham and Chttrlntt Cross Railway. Mr. Caldwell-Prom the Town Council ot Al. monte, praying for certain amendments to the License Act respecting the number of licenses. Mr. itiGihiiieii'Gif the \orlcville Loop Lino Railway Company. praying that an Act may pass to amend their Acts of incorporation. Mr. Robinson tKertt)-l'rdtn the Township of 1ilbury East, for an Act to incorporate the Chat- l ham and feitaritt,qC'poste Railway.' I Mr. Beli9rotit Edward Williams and others of , I Toronto. respecting the hours .of closing hotel l bars. Mr. Appleby-From Felix Galbodrie and I I others of Tweed. to the same etttret. Mr. Hay--- l I From Samuel Wilson and others of Stratford, to 1the some etrevt. Mr. widdetleld--iitom J. u. ' Flintotr and others. to the some "trect. THE ADDRESS. Mr. WATERS continued the debate on the; Address. He tirst referred to the Boundary; Award. and considered that the Government in -) introducing the paragraph in the Speech with reference to that subject had only done their duty. I There was no doubt of the value of the disputed territory. It was an important. matter, inasmuch I asthe representation ot Ontario in the Dominion I House would'be increased bi, the addition' of that territory. it was gratifying to him I to see the manner in which the reference to the Agricultural Commission had been received. it I would be ot immense advantage to the country to I