The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Jan 1881, p. 1

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--------------------ul--ia=u-a----e, SCHOOL LANDS AWARD. r.' ONTARIO LEGISLATURE, , Mr. CREIGHTON enquired when it is ex: , pepted the sniln of $124,685 18, awarded to cor. --.-------- am munici aities in res cot o school land. EOURTH PARLlA#ErlT---SEC0M SESSION- by the arbitration betweelh Ontario and Que. - -- _------------ bec, will be paid to the municipalities entitled t' \Vsnxssnn'. Jan. 19. V thereto. Also, whether it is intended to pay The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'ciook. Interest to the municipalities on the respective , amounts coming to them from the lst July PETITION s. 1867, till paid. ' The following petitions were presented c--. V Mr. WOOD, in reply, stated that since last Mr. Btslr--From the T. G. a B. Railway, for session he had communicated with the Trea- amendments to their charter. snrcr of the Province of Quebec and Mr. Paxton-From Corporation of Village of notified him that some time about the Port Perry,for an amendment to the Act incor- month of June or July he would be . pointing the Lake Scugog Marsh Lands Drain. prepared to go into the matter. He age Company. . had paid a visit to the Province of Quebec, and y r. Murray -li'rom Corporation of the town. also saw'the Assistant-Treasurer at Ottawa, and th.ip of Pembroke, for an amendment to the arrangedtohavea settlement effectedasspeedily License Act. N . . . . . aspossible. Fresh detailed accounts had to be Mr. Cook --F r om mlmmpal'ty of Orillia and made out,whichcausedconsiderablc delay. Not- Matchodush. for the (government P. lower the withstanding that he had anticipated arriving water of Lake h'imeoe and C.o.ttcltiyljng. " a settlement before the House met, but the . Mr. Lau.der--li'royt township of Holland, for early meeting of the Dominion Parliament pre- incorporation of Ily, Orange Association of vented that, and he could only say now that a Ontario and il eat. . conclusion would be arrived at as soon as pos- M Mr. Gibsou--h'rons the Anglo-Cansdulin sible. . . orhtage Com ny, for an Act to ive tie , T , 'ltl'g't2f)' ce.)'ll2'l'jl,'wd.f,'. gt THE BOUNDARY AWARD. MR Boulter -k'rom Township Council of Mr. MORRIS moved the followin '.-- Madoc, for the repeal of the law establishing " That an address be presented to the Eieu- License Commissioners and Inspectors, an.d. re. tenant-Governor praying that he will muse to storing that power to the local municipal be laid before this House copies of all corres- councils. ' ndence between the Executive Council of the Mr. Creighton-From James Cochrane, of province of Ontario, or any member thereof, Derby, and others, that the legislation may not and the Privy Council of Canada, or any meni- interfere with the terms of a certain by:an of ber thereof, respecting the award relating to I said township granting aid to the Georgian Bay the boundaries of the Province of Ontario, and Wellinkidh Railway Company. which may have taken place since the opening Mr. Awrey--Prout the Hamilton and Dan. of the last session of the Legislature of Od. das Street Railway Company, that an Act may tario." be passed giving the Como-my certain powers. ' Mr. MOWAT suggested the addition of the Mr. Morgan-r-From Municipal Council of words "respecting the territory in dispute," township of Woodhousc, that aid may be which was agreed to, and the motion as granted to the Stratford and Huron Rail. amended carried. way 'ompaiiy. , . Mr. Meredith-Front Municipal Corporation SCHOOL TENT-BOOKS. of London, for the passing of an Act entitled Mr. LAUDER moved for a list of all the the "London Junction Railway Company." school-books authorized and in use in the Pub. Mr. Metcalfe- -F'rorn Corporation oi city of lie Schools of Ontario on the 1st day of July, Kingston, to confirm certain assessments in 1867, with the retail price in each case. A said city. list of all school-books that have been author. Mr. Bler.ard--F'rmn the Grange Trust Com. ized at ditferent times for use in Public, Gram. pany, for an Act to amend their charter, giving mar, and High Schools of Ontario since the then leave to increase their capital stock. above data, specifying the name of the author Mr. NorrisuFrom Brnjaniiu llomcr Dixon in each case, together with the retail price of and wife, an Act respecting marriage settle- the same. Said last-mentioned list to indicate meat. those text-books now authorized and in use. Mr. Bell-Prom Corporation of City of To. He stated that he made the motion for the ronto, for certain amendments to Municipal and purpose of obtaining information. He thought Asvssttott Acts as regards exemptions. that the frequent change of text-books could be M r. McCtauey _-_ From County Council of easily controlled by tho Department. There Kent, for amendments to the Municipal Drain- had also beon some talk about public servants ago Act. becoming authors. The return, he thought, Mr. Chisholm .. From Credit Valley Railway would therefore be interesting. . Company, to consolidate and amend their Acts. Mr, CROOKS u utgrratulated his hon. friend Mr. Watterworttt From the Corporation oi in srwkinar to obtain for the iirst time tspecific Township of Carndoc, for certain amendments information on thy subject of eduyti% instead to the Act ro,ireoting liitcliin v Watercourses. of making urns-m1 statement; as' was his cuis- Mr. Widditrel,t, from C. h." Curtis and tom. He (Mr. Civil"; hill come to a conclu- others; Mr. Norris, from 1). Duncan and lion regarding 'ext-books, and he would shortly others; Mr. Metcalfe, fioin J. C. Burrows pu' the House in possession of the pro- and others, praying for an amendment to the posed revised list of text-books. The License Act so that bars may be kept open subjects . t: 'lit in the Public Schools till eleven o'clock p. m. were limit? at present to the ordinary Mr. Hash -F'rom Municipal Council of Town. branches of' an "nglish education, and they l shi of Wallace; also petition from Township were not It. on: ml " ton He would of {Mice l also petition trout Township of LU. suggest the addition of the following words to towel --for a grant to the Stratford and Huron the motion t---" Also those now proposed to be Railway Company. authorized: also a copy of all regulations re- Mr. Lauder -1tt" the Corporation of the Town- i specting Public School text-books; also 0. echo- ship of Collingwood. Mr. Mckint, of the Jule showing the retail price of such books." Township oi Pilkin ttont also of the Council At the time of a public agitation in the press of the Township oi #:Vichol. Mr. McMahon, of he had promised to attend to the vexed ques- the Council oi the Township of Beverley. Mr. tion of tho retail price of Public School text- Nairn, of the Council of the Township of Mala. books, and he had already taken action in the hide. Mr. Mack, of the Council of the Town. matter. ship oi Cornwall. Mr. Boultcr, oi the Town. ' Mr. LAUDER objeetedtothe amendment, as ship Council of Madoc, -praying for tho aboli- he did not wish his motion to ask for papers tion of market fees. which did not exist. , IRREGULAR. h Y,',: Cll{()0KS saidlthat tho hon. ttltr. , , - . M mere anticipatci a return which ie tim. "The Sl FIAKER called the self had 2'dl','l','i' to bring down, and as a mat- ouse to the fact that any petitions asking for ter of con . . h . ld lik th ti to the expenditure of moneys were irregular. . P.'.""'!"? e ITU I f a mo ton . include all the information obtainable. THE JUDICATURE BILL. Mr. MERRICK enquired it the motion ask- The ATT0llNFtGE'.0utAL introduced a ing '01" papers which were not in existence was Bill to consolidate the Sn erior Courts, estab- m on T - N n . lish uniformity in pleadiiig and practice. and Mr. C'ltOtuis- n he papers do "'9' hilt make further provision for the due administra- this? hare yet te, be confirmed by the Council. tion of justice "which was read a first tiine.the I he "FLARE" rulcd that as the addition second reading to take place on Friday next. to the motion was in the form of an amend- * . ment, and us the papers wore stated to be in " RORS ACT. existence, the amendment was in order. Ar. WATERS introduced a Bill entitled I Mr. LAUDER said he had been accused of u Ap Act to amend the Jurors Act," which making general statements, but he was repre- . in read stint time. senting the views of his constituents when he l, RETURN said that the question of Public School text- l b, ' A . books was a burning one. He could not bel MK! {Ally presented a return of the fees supposed to know that the Minister had a cure i P94 . anty I'ectors of jurors, for the your 1879.

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