R c T R * ": C e 0s l pAs" C COf yE Hupnaiines 6 n 2ldn® + 4n cmd ol i t hlins oi woye " _j\' k o eege en Mess * . 7 ie i e hee+ M } y aapaeay . __. f ' ( PyX Km a + _ o -- bo punished by forfteitizre of the 1i p 1 } pun > f eiture 0 ie license. 1e C aps kentu T o T neo liffih n & 3 j nunber sk:,;cl lit%n;g;'cl;:mm""l in . each m\'mi- | Lll)'('n(lg:}n".l'u Association did verylittle except meet [ $ 4 Cl i ¥ t » iner »d. 'This sc : PR s t x 08 | A}f?m'{m "';l'":'l xl\';l:;;y 'Om l';,'",l"m'lfi',t?&ig' lu'lll'd Mr. HIUX PER entirely concurred in the views ) did not interfere" with thein in any' Wuy, ex'.n'c.us_wl [)}'ll|4! ,:.l\'l sneaker. | ;» In addition to beer and wine licenase a clause had i Mr. YOUNG, being President of the Provincial | d been introduced giving the magistrate who found Association. did noi objec to the criticism on his | | \ W liquor upon such licensed promises contrary to account. He defended the necessity of the Pro-- | + \ f | law, power to conilscate and destroy such liquors, vincial Associat ion, and referred hon. members to | ¥ «4 \ - , He hnad thought it better to allow the magistrate | ,t!_m views of, the delegates w that Association. | V \ & this nowe~ than to let it remain in che hands of the ! They wore not Gesirous of abolishing the Associa-- | f \ f insnectors. 'To in some measure protect hotel-- }'wu. Thoe Association received about $1,00) a year. > 4 ; MA keepers he had introduced a provision to more lae whole expeoses of that Association was | : severely punish those seliing under a shop license . , not over . $400, and the . other $600 . was | E 4 | who miszht be foun@guilty of contravention of the ' applied to. the improvement of the Institutes j d ' law. 'Those convicted would not. have their | 93:('0('(111\)@ to the votes. of | the delegates. | 3 g i heense renewed. This, he thought, was going as | They aifered nrizcs for evening classes, cetc. | . far as public sympathy would bear theiu out. Too | The number of delesates avtending the anmual | : | stringont liquor luws were much I'ke o0 stringen| | mecting-- was herween 40 and 50. It was all very | | cusooms laws --thoy tended to produce sinugziing. well losay that the A ssociation was iunnceessary, [ & k. \ Ms had, however, embodicd & clause in the Bil | but why were delegates, not sent there to say sof + % S : \ inuking the lines of thoss convicted of sellinz Ithe Assoctation haa effected a great improve-- ; S ' P ) liquor without Ncense morestringent, by providin« \ mont in the status of the Institution. _ He had not | I t | that for the second oifeance the tine should be not souzht the pasition of President last year, and it | n | less than forty and not more than sixty doliars, was ualikely he wonuld be in that office for another | | with costs, and that for the third oifence the per-- year." He had nndqul)t that the Association had | | sou so convicted should ho ut vrenced to a term of done a great deal of good iu the past for these in-- ! | throe months' imprisonmecnat at hard labour. He astitntes, "."'! would, he trusted, continue to do a ; had also prov idod that those who sold the liquor-- good work,. . (Appanso.) l | whether it be the proprictor of the hn'usu or only an REPORT®. yex % : the To --AtCHHR % x*a ' J e f:l ;u}'h"l'll"ll).-lxt'l\x' illl:\ltlll(.!'l(.u'lml:.'ll::;b.I'Ul:.:":]Htl';ll pllllklrl'.l I""_ Mr. HARD Y presented the report of the Agri-- <a $ punished for the .s:'unc difonce. l'l'hn iGill also pro c'ul'v nn'nl.'\ rlllllt':.\'. "\"". "fl~' ) a rai urn showing the ' * e no ol C P 3 cost of conveyance ofi lunaties to the asylums, and ie | vidted that an application to quash a conviction We UR mferternns e * * ~ S . . C admas't ; boys to the Retormatory. migzht be carried to the Court of. Appeal. Certain fls owighe * o x leading newspapers of the Province bad made toe | _ It being six o'clock the Committee rose. \ charges -- thut the Boards *'of Inspsetors wore | aPPER LECESS § a -- political body, and that their; influence | * { o | was --used for political purposes. To asser | In Committes, . io: . # * tain the truth of thesse charges he _had , 1Mr. 110s8, again taking up the question of the f sent a civcular to the varions Inspectors, and he | Mechanies' institures Association, said he ha l not I *A founid from their renly that duriog the past year been convinced by the remarks o the member for | &E of 1.23%6 applications from BReformers, 12302 were Brant. He thousht tac largor Iustiutes were | V y wranted and 164 re{used ; of 2,978 applications from benotitted at the expense of the smalier in the mat-- | 'a g Coussrvatives, 2104 were graated and 274 roinsed; tor. , -- M and of Zi$ applications from }'cr.-. ms belongiug 10 Mr. MIMLER mn.x'.(l not very well see the utility | e $ & ncither :)(')Ei[i"-l! party (chicfly women}, 25; were of jorty mehn incoting, making up a report, und us s qrunied and 67 refused,. | 'The grants to Relormers then going home and receiving that report. Ho * "[ = » % were bnus about 87 per cent. of their applications; saw that all the money received by the Associa-- to Conservatives, nearly 91 per cont. ;rand to non-- tion was not exp mded in baoks, for the; had + o politicians, To per cent, To carry tho comparison $1,500 at credit in Bank of Toronto. He thought it | ol further, of the total number of these applicants would be better to disbaind the Assoctation and l *3 for licenses. about 28 per cent. were Reformers ; | distribute that 1,.50) amonzsst the Iastitutes. m P 85 per ceni. Conservatives, and 7 per cent. non-- Mr. HAY drow aticntion to the grants to the | politicians. He thought that the various provi-- Acvicultural Societies, $56,000. Tt was an impor-- 4 stons of the Bill would be found to be acceptable tant' subject, 'Fhey has. ail told, some 250 socie-- . to loth the licensed viectaallers and those who ties, and six or soven sociesies for each county. held temperance views. I Tae imoney was divided by giving two--iifths + Mr. MERRICK thought the country was in fa-- i of the grant of #70) to the kicctoral 8o-- i J your of a rigid liceuse taw, but he was afraid that clety _ in | towns, -- and the -- balance to the his hun. friend had gone too far. He questioned towuship sovieties. . Ha _ thought a gricultural as to the correctness of the state nent that a nmu-- societies should receive aid according to the work M 4 jority of the succesaful applicants for licenses for dono. The division of money was unfair in his § the past year were Conservatives. . 'The reports ' opinion, -- Mo questioned whoeiner the memlers of of Inspectors, he thoughi, were largely coloured | many of these societies were nol encouraged by ] with a view to their own personal inceresis, 2s | the grant to be lazy and indiferent, aud wnuether f they would try to show that the Act under which ' they did no make money oul of the gran'. The | + they obtained their emoluments was wurm-.rm-n. | grant should be accurding to the work dons. | With the general working of the iaw he did not | Another poont was the maiter of shows. Thore | think the puolic wouid tind fault. but he did think | was a growias feciing that thore sh aid oo larsor | that fauit would be found by the municipalities ! and fewer shows. Any townsaip hiaviag 200 rate-- | with the expenditure on account of the Ins pectors ! payers may form an agcicmiiaral sociciy having | and Commissioners. Nixty thousand dollars was ' but thirty memoors. Tae result was tha they had | hus sponi out of funds which would otherwise go | mauy weak societies. Thore woere always a few | to the municipalities, As to the Inspectors he | men in a locality ready io get up an azitation ' would favour the appointment of thes> willcers by ' for a show. Ths questiion was, how to sgei j # the municipalities themsolves,. allowing thetn to rid of the Gdimtcvitg. Paose few men said | thereby save the large sum they now e miributed \ we have a show ouce a year, and we will not give | for the maintenance of Inspectors. lte maintained [ it up. lHe thougihs the tm had arrived when | § that the contention of no uadus politic i inflaence | thoy 'should susgzest a remedy. 'lhey needed | being exeroised by the Commi--sioners was notl ; | umon. | To would sugzest, instead of the present | m bone out by the facts, Hoe thought a full dw;un- | | busis, that they should fix the membersbip of a | w aon would enzender a atrong feelinz azains: i society at 250 instead of 50, This would develop | e | the continuanece -- of _ Government _ Inspectors, [ local vigour and make a stronger sociely, Tc i i. f | As to lhe _ proposal to _ impose t duty | ettect woill e ~of \.\m"l.: socieires """l"}"'ls"lh ' e | on .drugzisis in -- places where -- the To: large» ones, ond would form a stirongy comoina-- ~ | perance Aei-- was in foree, heunderstood tion,. He was sure that coasolidation and \!u;' 3 | | the intention was to creato a revenuec from, Lhat | raising of the standard wouldi ve beneticial to the | duiy out of which to pay the expensos of 1The ; agrienl quriets the mselves. -- Ho was suce he would Commis--ioners and lnspectors of the locality. | be susiained by intelligont "4""'"""""!""7 An SOrkt He objected to the reduction of the limit in which \ | snch seheme,. | 1t mitigated against the fr0ds in" druggists could sell, viz.: from twelve ounces 10 | forests ol i _ soodts MAE , mombership of | four, on the ground that medicine used in pre-- | 50-- to ; recolve the grant. At ait" events | arations for the cure of caitle nsuaily require*l | | he thoigh}t imat _!I'{l'- quesiioa nv.:i!'-'\ ventilation | Eu:.f«-r quantities of liquor than the propostu | and discussion, They might say, " On, thal will | limit. | | lead to unison with societios of tow ns and citios, The motion was carricd. | Weil, that was what was wante . he thought. -- In O the item of iinmigration, $11,200 ; decrease, | | the large cenires ""'.y 'V'U'_llfl Illhl'l' '.tl'..u] raise a ::;3";00_ | larger sum 0i ll\l'xl\vy than in the :i'n':n.v.' i)lun'.'f. Mr. ILIARDY explained the cause of the in-- | ""11 h se wore fhe ponel 0 mtros to develon agri-- | j | crease. He stated that their Rurovean agent was | enmitucrai strengin. e would ""'"hfh""l' distine. ) | uow stationed at Liverpool. 'Fhe item of $15.090 | BPe )4 '"!:'l"'},",""".'?','(,"'"'l; c s ,]".')" t SORCLS 111 | for carrying immigrants from Queboe to Outario | | s BWn# SHOU Ece Tor aticke stnastt onls. TGCA; iA | would not in fuiture be asked for, as they had | Lo W usnd:» doing more WoOrk sil "f"" onliy reecs:vs ! notified the Dominion Government that the Pro-- $15) he could not undersiand. Lel the guoston d1 ' ' tines would no longer pay two--thirds of the coat to now much they shoukd «604 bedixed by how much | as heretofore,. In 1878 the Dominieon Government | l."u,-y. .-f"'""' .l" Peluthe M C \\'.1.-' y \'\'h'..('fi.;':l't_'f.ul | had arrauged with the CGrand | Trank | Rail--| | feeling tha? the system wAas completely overdone, | way for anm increased allowance for this car-- | and iho tonueney wias 1 :"-' rds "'ff"'":]"'l_""rflmf)" ."' | riage without consultinz the Ontariy Government his gugzostion wias adouto l the. WixkiEGT ""'""'""' t ! and the Ontario Government had always refused "\"'.""'l am ilst e uic his" the iarger ones,. and de-- ; | io recognize that new arrangement. There was, ; * se 4 s i Tt only to he found in |-lk"~""'"- PMA thercfore, a balance of £5,010 in their account with | Mr. LAUDDiIH referving to the Mechanics . Lasti d s the Dominion Goverament no. yet agjusted, | | uiss \,7"," Natian, sard ',"('_""'."":h' tblaat l',n"..,""'""_"'m' | Mr. LAUDEt complained that there had heen | monuk Al Vc Del '»:""".}'_"'.v"f",l_ . . n 1"" had "\""_'1. | | paid a sum of $2,571 to the tGreat Woestern uil way DHudaetrens h e in Amtialn am 'ds j .l t ek l"'""",';"\' ! | for the carriaze of immigrants --a railway that ran | thomselves should decide as to whetuer they wishs | | out of the country. He would infor thon that a | od to do awaiy with tae assossme:nt. _ Rui e had | larze proportion of the imimizrants bad been as-- | never n('.n'-vz ol any ('!»I'H['Hl'.lrl\lfi _:.n,- he thought | | ois nlln.".i of the l'l'u\i:lu" to the United _Slulus. 'i T"{'ln'{"l}if'l'.\'":il'}'("m'"" '.1, # '[!'\'j""'(."'.'.l-(l' it was well | ie also could not understand an expenditure of BR aspyal 8| ondvrighe claadt rom it +oh in patmiFodibet +oh 1 | 81 514 for wmeals, lodcings, &¢., at Hamilton, as | raiged in the House as to the Mechanics' Ass30cid-- i & thas would bo aho for iinmigrants going over the iction,. Ho had heard no good arguainont for LWQ l | M | Grcat Wostern Hailway. He thought the Province | contmusuce of the Mechanies' Association,. HMe t rrite sar lamy - 5 6 j ! contended that the Institutes got no return for Lhe h | should not vote such a large sum fos immigration Thod A ; Ap + Hlivet . | as that asked tor. * | assos n'.«\l!:u anndl l)!mll th';" ",\»«-a';;'a y:.'(lxll 1h;ul outlived | | r f r s » + USOi ress ani Snd 1G De A0o. *0. f q Mrc. MHARDY said that as the (-l'(-:lf.\\ catern, | e l'_';f'\'\ C 4 l")l"\ l("il"l not c ,'»".J'n.'(;" the views [ C | covering the same ground, was carrying immi I Mr, "Af c ntne mt ravesvaled apn t F en 4 EiSpaih | grants for one cont a mile, while the Grand Trauuk l beld by Mr. Hay, Im-"l x:\\ nshipn \, :(""lil,l.l-\l'hltzl(, | . > chargzoed one and one--third cent a mile, the done more woo.d than al thi C l'hlnl_\ and 1 m\mala_)l j cheapest, thoerefore, runniug west got the traffic. {oghiowe dn O burd o Th 0000 io e axserichee | Mr. ~mith's statoment showed the destination of | |Il'l']'lil towns and villages, as l:-!" us his :'.)..\'.l'..Cl'.L'i', ' ! each imimnigrant nrriving at Hamilton, and no moeal C Un\'_'ulf: ll'.",'lfl":.'.",':l_, ,_'.,1;;'1. ',"'l,..(.ln):;,.';\.l'.l\:\'.;f.; u'?,(' l tickets were wivien to any one who was not gomg | '.'"'" =..m..: + thialiy i a ® .1 hh se lunder io | to settle in the Province. | He had, however, re-- | farmers who attended. Th .V.ln:w'm.'l; l.:,l.'nun.,f.l i0 | ! monstrated with Mr. Amith, a Dominion agent, as | i farmors was to wipe «:ul thc,l ,l.u'\ incla s.l'..').\\ s,and | to the large expenditure for meals, and he had | | ngt the townshin or clectoral CsSTVLCL '"IT" C> . | t «ed a smaller expenditare mlure M\vr. BPEROUCILE said it was is imipression that promised a n al penditare in fuiure. | Ne igha ¢ the small shows did but very | The item passed. a great many Of es amall shows did t (' P | _ On the item of $27,030 Mechanies' Institutes, ' litile good, und that thece was A guod de fl | 3 |~ Mr. ROs= disapproved of the continuance of the | of humbus about theim. .A large "n'(']"tll of "Ln}'".-'- t ~s \ Assqpeiation of Mechanics' Institutes, which im-- | | was spent for very little good, and ho Thous 'ch"' | Y | anjsed a tax of $20,00) for its maintenance, Mo | waus vme that Government interfered. and by . P 3 * l ; suppressing the emaller shows direct the money * «* A i1 # ® & B x l A ¢.--' Cuges ' Ne y