Ed ECCC t T Mr. CALVIN said that his firm would have had to fice bankruptey twice if they had insured. Mr. MEREDITHHI enquirbd as to an item of $175 paid to Mr. Hodgins regarding the North-- Wost Boundary {or revising the argutnent. The Gov-- ernment had got $i0,000 with which to press the r:zms of the Province, but had not yet done any-- thing. 1113 4 .3 22200130000 tss h4h P hh i ats sint en w v a Provincial Institute, but he thought that the various institutes woald prefer to have the «pend-- ing of the surplus money of the Provincial Asso-- ciation themsclves. (Hear, hear.) ltegarding the Cidci0n} ENOTAAUITOS,. ALEDUET, MEWERNA : CCC P laes agricultural societies, he entirely agreed with the member for Perth (Mr. Hay.) The standard of membership migzht at least be donbled. As it was, there was sometning like a family compact among these electoral societies. # s EHHCSC OPOCIIIERT ITOROITOUY Mr. HAY, in reply to some members, repeated the rea sons for the ground he took with refesence toagricuitural societies, He denied that any feeling of antagonisin existed among agriculturalists to-- Mr. MOWAT said that he was glad his hon, friend was so ; nxiouns to have the matter settled. He had not desired to abandon their ground on the award und briag the matter before the Privy Council, BHe was not desirous to iake that step unless they were foreed to do so to maintain the rights of the Province, Mr. Modgins, whon a metuber of the House, had assisted in the prepara-- tion of the arzument, and it was thouzht desirable to have a revised copy of the arguament. and as Mr. l|u.l¥im was no longer a member of the House when the revision fook place he could not be expected to work for nothing. -- Mr. MOLAUGHLIN said that copies of the evi-- CUIVCY Mr. MILLER objectcd to the payment of insur-- ance premiums. -- He would be Yrmurod to yote a million aoilars for adequate Parliament builuinlp.'h and save the difference between that sum and the amount approplated. 2 hap C whe UI EPWPE PRmEC Sm CHWCOC wards largefairsin the villagesand rtowns. A anciety that could not maint=in a memhetship of 100 was not entit'ed to consideration. -- Me did not say they should jump to that larger number, bmi there shoule be a gradual tendency in the directiion in-- vicated. ki ad ture, dence taken before the Agrienltural Commission shouid be distributed throughout the country, Mr. WOOU said it was the intention to distribute the said evidence as wide y as possible. The item pa«sed. On the item of $1,000 for repairs on Parliament Buildings. Mr. MERRICK said that there had boen a large representative -- gathering held there during the year, and he would ask what was the policy of the Government in regard to it. Mr. FRASE!H said when application was made _ by _ the -- Oddfollows ?t was -- based upon the grounds that their wathering would be so large that there was no other hall in the city that would aiford the necessary accotnmodation. In view of the fact that the gathering was com-- posed of many notable pecsons from the United "tates, they had docided to allow them to hold their wathering in ihe Pazliament Buildings. However, as this might in furure lead to serious complications, the Government had decided that heceafter the Parliament Buaildings should not be used fror any other purpose than for the meeting of the Levislature. f Mr. MEREDITH said that under the cirenm-- atancea he did no* think the Government should be censured, The item passed, Un the item of $22,630, Publie Works, Mr. FRASER said it was proposed to skorten the navigation of ."(-ufn;; Lake by three miles, and for that purpose they had to dredge it. The item passed. On the item of $96,500, Colonization Roads, Mr. LAUDER enquired what steps were taken to enquire into the neecessity of a Colonization Road Lc{ul'fi money was granted for their consurue»-- tion Mr. FPARDEE said that no grant for a road was placed upon the estimates until the Government was thoroughly satistied thatthe road was needed. First they had petitions. They carried a certain weight, but not suflicient to obtain a grant. 'The inspectors were sent to investigate the matter, and the -- Superintendent -- accompanied them, and it was only atter the most thorough investiga-- tion and the neceasity and utility of the road clear-- ly demonstrated that it was placed upon the esti-- The item passed. Un the item o. $59.273 73, miscellaneous expendi-- Mr, Doroche (Oin Thursday, next--Order of the House for a return of ali corréspandence between the Conncil of Universizy College and any female applicant for permission to attend lectures in that inatitntion ; sueh return to show ailso the stand-- ing o° such applicant in the University of Toronto. Mr. Hascourt--On Thursday next-- Order of the House for a copy of the annual account of the bur-- sars of the University and colleges at Toronto, re-- quired by section 6, chapter 21L The Attorney--General ~--On Thursday--Bill for the incorporation by letters patent and the regu-- lation o timber slide comumnies :; also l{ill authorizing the issue of supplementary getters patent to joint stock commpanies, Mr, Long --On Thursday next-- Order of the Houso for a return in regard to hotel and shop li-- conses showing the amouat o6f money rccclve({ for such leenses in the countiles of Cardwell, Daiforin, Girey, simege, ind York, showing the amount paid to inspeciorts and other worki expenses, the amount paid to nmnicip.llilir'i.ulll't'famount paid to the I:r«r»'in<-iul Treasury since the opcration ¢f the Crook's A "t. ® Mr. Morrick -- On Tuaesday next--That thrseventh report of the Standiog Commiitee on Primte Bills be referre! bac« to the Compmittee with insurue-- tions to declare the preamnle of Bill{No. 5) to incorpocrate the Orango associations @f Onta rio, cast and west, as proven, f A PEmepod _ POue Om esc utl c3 iNE C ds Mr. PARDEE said that it was impossible to satisfy the member for Grey. He stated that money was injudicionsly and corruptly spent on colonization roads, yet ho failed to show where one dollar had been sospent. Me objected to the manner in which the work was carried on, yet he failed to suggost any other plan by which the work should oc done. Hs wonld defy him :o point to one dollar that had been spent for pur-- poses of corruptioa, and before he talked about corruption he should be prepared to substantiate his statements. Mr. LAUJER said that the building of these Mr. LEES said he did not object to the manner in which the mune{ was spent, but thought it should be more equally distributed. Mr. BLEZAARD bore tostimony to the execlient return given for the money expended in his neigh-- bourhood on colonizaiion roads, R The item was passed, 'l'llln:).(,'um:uin-.-c rose, and the House adjourned at io. mate. IHOCC. Mr. LA UDEIR said the wholo system of build-- ing colonization roads was wrong, and that the money was used for corrupt purposes, " h 24 .8 )i adrusist 161 mc 'Enwinnnathlx s 4s Mr. DEROCHTE said o at the systeim by which colonization -- roads -- were | bullt _ was inauge-- rated by-- tho-- Goaveramment-- of Jorun ~and-- fold Bfm-dcu-.n.l.l. and if 'there was uany-- thing wrong in it, the gentlemen on the opposite side of the House were re«ponsible. 'The memner for Groy would have the money placed in the hands of the Municipal Council, Heialked about eortuption, yet if he wanled to inaugurate a resular aystem of corruption he could not have hit up--n a better plan. Tac great good done by these roads conld no he overeetimated. Ms. MURRAY said a cortain amount of money had boen spent in his constiturney in openiog up colonization roads, and he: was satistied that the money had been qudiciously expended. Over 1,60) people had been brought into his Hiding by these means, and if he complained of anything it wouid be that the Government hal not expended more money in this way. |___ us s i1 t 4. NOTICK» OF MOTiON. Lh E")'.'J