I¢ i n raat..| io' sirx t & r / * agaes wl i 28 ouse, The several Standing Commi i ?onlo House may be summoned to maet at ll:' f & cth&o, an&r gn u}'dmlt: moumi#oéer&ormg k reply to the ec all have been House, mhofi"xh the debate on such an address ' may not have been concluded. * f --_ PriIvaATE Binus.--3. The promoters of any. d""" Bill shall lodge with the Clerk of tho Honse a statement as to the compliance by them with the atanding orders of the House in relation to such Bill, on or before the first d:x of each session. 4. A oolgy of the petition intended to be presented to the House, praying for the :ss!nz of any rflute Bill, shall be lodged on or before the first day of each session with the Clerk of the House, who shall file the same in his office, and shall prepare for the Committee on Standing Orders at the fArst mecting thereof a report, in which he shall state the result of his examination into the facta re-- : quired to be proved before the Committee relat . ing to the cotnpliance or non--compliance with the standing orders of the House, 5. The Committeo #hall determine, upon the facts reported or corti-- fied by the Clerk, whether the standing orders have been complied with in respect of each peti-- tion, and whether the standing orders ought or ought not to be dispensed with, and shall report the same to the House. ; Bi1I8.--6. All proccedinfis npon any Bills which myh:»e inl:crgm:fied Lo llhel mlsa.t ant«;l which shall not have n disposad of prior to the prorogation, shall be suspended on the Sny on whlcs:n:he Legis-- lature shall be prorogued, in order that the l})ro- moters thereof may proceed with the same Bills in the next Session of the same Legislature. 7. An alphabetical list of all such Bills, with a state-- ment of the stage at which the same were sus-- lu:mlcd. shall be prepared by the Clerk of the Iouse, and printed. S. .A list of such Bills, with the certilicate of the Clerk of the House as to the st:xra at which procecdin):s were suspended. shall be laid upon the Table of the House in the next Session. in the order in which they shall stand upon such list, 9. In respect of every Private R:ll so laid tpon the Table, the Petition for the | Bill, and the order of leaye to bring in the same in | the proceding ~cssion, shall be read, and there-- | upon such BIll shall be read a first time, and a second time (if the Bill shall have l been read a second time previously to its being suspended), and if such Bil} shall have been re-- ported by any Comumitice in the preceding session, the order for referting the RUlto a Committee shall be dispensed with, and the Bill urduered t0 be referred to a Committee of the Whole House, or to be read a third time, as the case may be, 10. All petitions prosented in any sossion for ®nd against any Private Bills which may not nave been dis-- };osed of by the Committse, and which stood re-- erred to the Committees on such Bil}«, shal} stand referred to the Committees on the sawme Bills in the next session. 11. All instructions to Commit-- | tees on Bills in any session, which shal} be sus-- \ pended previously to their being ralfior(ed by any Committee, shall be instructions to the Committee on the same Bills in the next session. 12. The foregoing orders shall be considered standing orders, and shall be taken ns rules of the House in addition to the existing ruies of the House. The above rules shall have full force and effect during | the continuance of the preseut Legislature. | Tuspurececconmmetunmunecencnmmne