" - " , . 2.3m " " . -,eit: EEt . '~'k WW2. v E, 'tMil..':','..)-,.?." w": "'2 . it; :?fi'i"i,?,ffr,'S.,] E5aeh'fvv'lqilEii _ a." F.'ilF%Rt! v':1i,"" ' List. 3' F -- [ATURE _', ONTARIO LEGIS . I ----------"- . FOURTH PhttugttEtir--SEc0M SESSION. ----.----_ ' yuan. Feb. 18. The Speaker too.k the chtte " 3 00m . PETITIONS. The (allowing petitions were New 'v.-. Mr. Burrow-<0! Yorkviiie Council; aUtt ot the townsh p ot York. Mr. -lti'2i,l'a-dlf/hd town at Dundas. . h Mr. MoL'ranQy- the township of Norwie . t amendments to the Ame-mm Act. "'tr/'t ttr i f r. itmon--0t "if Council of the town-h P o Grey. tor the aha! on or market feel. ' ad nut readings ' Mr. Harcourt -- h Bill reapectilli! peach trees. . ed second reading-e To amend the Ontario I trninafe Act. To further improve the Schoo Law. REPORTS 0|" COMMITTEES. Mr. PARDEE presented tho tenth report of the Committee on Railways. which was received. FIRST READINGS. The following Bills were introduced and read a t ird time c- ' Mr. Hardy-wk Milt to amend tho Act respecting the registrant» ot births, marriagoa. and deaths. Mr. Mownt-A Mill to loom-potato Ar. letters patent. and to tix the regulations ot timber slide I com um. . Also a 'to for the trim of dowur of married women in certain (mos. Also a {in to extent}!!! the power: ot the Law Society of pper Can a. THIRD READINGS. The {Idiom Bill! were read a third time and seed ..- ""d'i",,',fdau, the Phoenix Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Ontario. To llillL'lld the. not respecting: the Exclamation ot "o.-jsarit!strshipa and hustnws firms. . f To make provision for the Administration of i Justice in the county of Duitrrin. i Till: DRAINAGE ACT'. Mr. MEitF'.lt1T11 mm'wi tor n return 'ahowipee- tit '1'ttuauuounts upended for slraituuzc works it! the ton-nubile at Moore. Nomura, and Furnin. in "termmttt.vo0rintktont m the dun-u "hr" wr-h expenditure Win made: Hit the amount-s which I have been repaid on amount of such expenditure: , it) the ammo" inurruur on not-ohm of sueh rx- ! Stuntman». and for what years nut-h mnnunH are f ' ue. lite chit-cl was to call the attention oi'the 1 House to the unfortunate suite of thinly regarding ' the asseamnntu under the Drainage Act. Them t wage considernhle loos ateeruin . to the Frontier) l in many cases. Under the 'l,'lllin'ir/ Assmment i-'nnti there. was B very large amount in art-our. This Was! rspftiylly the 6'rbyqg' in the cotittties of Lombton and Right. He thought that the system . wold only he mmtinueni hr autumn-w eolleetiratta. i'here We; ulna our ninttirtpwt.r, l'uhourg. which lil owed a eomidcrahlc out" on neeount otthe _ 1urW'iptlitieo Pond. These armors uhould not be . permitted to run on in his: opinion. Mt. FRASER said he knew that there were. itune imvmhitn in unlit-nit! in that respeei. The law we: hm not in force by the pracasdiug not-ent- 1 atom. Ot neetiw.iity.ttttdowiittt tnthe "irr'ttttt2tttrtrts, T there were lulli' and xnrluna complaints. Tur ' law "no altered by _the present Government by slung the t'g'fe,f"ufdot 'hHhti"i,e,',', th: 3 right oi eon-trumtcm o tit-am! . e people however. were again complaining that the works Were not properly mmnleted. It was ehown. ihemtme. that they oouid not enforce ( the strict letter of the law W, Payment of the , arrears. The? had to try an ei'eet an amieahle ' settlement. "use" math he hrotttrht down I allowing alithe imeultim and ohm-notions. and i he was sure they would justiti the drier of the Government tn the matter. le int-ted thatan ' early arrangement would bo arrived at. . Ttlimit)'. MAUHINE At'A"i1Mih'T.u, Mr. GRAHAM Moved. "That in tho Timon of thin Home it to dtw'rnhie that there algal be some ' . legislation calculated to lessen the number ot till; j dents arising from the use of cteatn thinning. mnehim hi parties Who have littleur no kunw- : ledge in the use ot steam rhymes." He said that 1 so many oeeident- ocrurred 1mm thi, mum-that he then?" some. 1.tttt,fy,',t Wtut tit-many. 1 Mr, P {AMER eon d hardly we how tell-lotion Ptrlld wort: tt Marin in tiw ditm'llt'm indicate l. l lie had given the solvent route attention. and tutti t concluded that the bent remedy "ttft to employ Pont. petent men to take charm! of outrun-a. MLHRAHAM said he had been requested by ownoro ot "assutgaotur'urn ot thruohimr machines and aloe by insurance men to "rtouttreiutsh n station. He Would, however. withdraw Ihe mo- ton, Mr. MEREDITH thoug'ht that Maiden" from I explosions might he mum mi against. After some 1 little further durum-ion tho motion "on with-| drawn. . i Mr. HARf'Ol'nT moved for ttit "lu. o? tho ' . House for n Pup) ofthe annual net-mun of the the I tor of the i'nh'ersitr and (Manges n: Tut-mun. t The motion earrimi. E Rn'ktw AND ril'ttEAM" mm. 1 In the ohoeneo of Mr. Louder. Me. Mruik'.nin moved tor tin order of the Home for copies of oil ' . "orrotypondetuNt hetWeen the Government, ora ly t member or Irepartttttsnt thereof. and other hurt it' :. whiting: to the improvement of the inland sir-mum and Flt'er're8.o' of the t'rovttwe. Aim. nil "Ol'l'il _ Immunoa- wining to or asking for lem~lntlun re. {mime sueh 'itt't'itttts and mtttrrwtt.rh, and the r tthta and oration" are with: the ttoatimr of the ember therein.- l'lre oiueM. he. said. wasmar rm M t " ham" 'll'",',' which the Government had introduced the fy Itrtttsruitttt pin-am and rivers. _ Mr. 1'rutDEtu' mm he had ontv received one, letter from it lumberman. minted it. it. Smith. in I minim,» mums. nauseating name allermiom in ( . ' The motion was carried. ', THE ANgtlF'sytt:s"p APP, [ Mr. t'tutttMitos moved the second roadiryr of a