2 °,, "ommodmiues some other where, and you shall stay on the market for a certain time, and hefore dealing with us at all you shall pay a tax to us for doing so." The Government's proposi-- tion was that the cit'es and towns may establish markeis and market fees ; that if they establish those foes it shall be up¥oual with the farmer or seller whether they sha'll attend those markets or not : that if free then to compel the farmer to at-- tend the market for a reasonable time be-- fore offering his goods elsewhere. There are several citics and towns surrounded by coun-- ties owning county roads, and which impose tolls vpon them. It was claimed by the urban consti-- Inencies that it was unfair lgmt they should be (-omi;nllnd to have their streets ('?)un in common tor the farmer and citizens outside, with the citi-- zens inside. They contended that they were so surrounded by toll gates that they were beleagured cities, so to speak, and that a reasonabic distance uutside of the city or town should be free. There was a time when York county was fully justified in collecting tolls. That time, howevor, was long past,. With the present network of railways the residents of York were the persons who now paid the tolls and fiaid the men who collected the tolls. He had no hesitation in sai'inz that any county that kept up the system of tol} gates was not abreast with the spirit of the times. (HMear, hear.) It was the most expensive -- wavy madiea all00g 0 L0 OeC d EC RCCRATUTCOC WHOYAERNC be called justice and fair play. On behalif of fiAo farmer and seller it was claimed that if corpora-- tions had the right to establish markets that the farmer shounld 'w allowed to judge whether he would have suffcient accommodation afforded to justify him in going to the market place, That matter should be optional with the seller,. 1t was an arbitrary action on the part of the cities und towns to erect buildings without consulting the farmer as to the proper amonnt of accommo-- dation, and then say to the farmer, " You shall sell your hay here, your cordwood there, and your commodities some other where, and you shall stay on the market for & certain time ind £ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, Mr. BAXTER presented the third report of the Cominitteée on Printing, which was received. . RETURXS. Mr. HARDY Kresvnled the following returns :-- pR:specting the fines collected at the Central 1ison. Bursar's statement of the cash transactions of 'he Universit{{of Toronto. Respecting Registrars of Ontario. FIRST READINGS®, The following Bills were introluced and read a Arst time :-- Mr. Livingstone--Of the Township Council of North Dumfries to the same effect. Mr. MEREDITH --A Bill to fnurther amend the evised statutes respecting mort ;ages and sales of ersonal gropert y. Mr. GIBSON--A Bill to confirm sales oi Jand Mr. Watterworth--Of the residents of Delaware 'or free market. The Speaker took the chair at three o'clock. PET!TION®. The following netitions were presented :---- Mr. Mahon--(i the Township Council of East Flamboro ; Mr. Wittorworth--Of the Village Council of Wardsville and the 'l'own.umi; Council f Caradoe ; Mr. Livingstone--Of the Township Jouncil of Dumfrics, praying for the assessment of lividends where the stockholders reside. _ FOURTH PARLIAMENT--SECOND SESSION , QNTARIO LEGISLATURE. Tuurspay, Feb. 24. way maye a 130300 .060 ReHon tor leave to trans{for or re-- move a license to make an inspection under sec-- Lions twenty--cizht and twenty--nine of this Act, ind to travel, in order to mako such inspection, a distance of more than throe miles from his oflice or _ residence, the person m tking such application for i transier or removal, shall pay to the inspector, in addition to al} other fees, the sum of ten cents por mile, one way, for his travelling expenses, and the sume shal} be deposited by the inspector to the credit of the license fund ; but the inspeclnq may be allowed the same, or so much thercof as is no-- cessary to pay the actual cost of his travelling ex-- penses in order to make such inspection, upon his . accounts being rendeced and approved in the Ore | dinary manner : this cluuse shafl not apply to city liconse districts. * The motion carried. The AT I'UIKN}'.'\ZUI'I.\'ER.\L moved that Gov-- ernment orders have proeedence of all other busi-- ness excent nrivara wajl o0 QACC P vags cuyn AHSPPUTCE 19 T case of an application for leave to move a license to make an inspect tions twenty--cizht and twenty--ni ind to travel, in order to make su distance of more than throe miles f1 residence, the person miking such a transier op removal, shall pay t« in addition to all other fees, the su por mile, one w ay, for his travallino PSF mJ ne qi ) _: , | ---- C 18¢ 1UNG Of the city, countr, or'license district respectively in which the said The Canada 'Temperance Act, 1878, shall be in {orce, and shall ne upplied undor reguiations of the Lieutonaat-- Governor in ('u)uncfi towards payment of the salary and expons of the dnspector, and tor the expenses :f the offlce of the Board of Comqus.«ionors and of 'officers, and otherwise in carrying the provisions of the Canada Temper-- ance Act, 1878, into effect. and the residue tif any) on the thirtieth day of June in each year, and at such other times as may be prescribed by the re-- wulations of the Licutenaut--Governor in Council, shall be x;:ainl to the Treoasurer of the Province, to and for the use of the Province. | 5 That where the InsInncotan) 18 mumnimadt 4 Wka 1. That it is expedient that the following duties sha'll ~orealter be payable in i espect of the licenses folloviac:--~ Mr. Hardy moved that the House will to-- morrow resolve itself into a Committee to consider the fol-- lowing resolutions relative to tavern and shop licenses : order. 1 in d h 1 e > Mr. PARDEE said the Government had de-- termined that the motion should be consi¢ered by the House during the present session, and if the decision was opposed it would only impose a need-- less delay, d .}(r. MEREDITI{ said he could not help the elay. The matter then dropped. NOTICEs OF RESOLUTION®S, Mr. FERRIS ausked leave of the House to move the introduction of a Bill to incorporate the On-- tario Sault ste. Marie Railway Company. Mr, MEREDITH said the motion was out of To enable the trustees of Bethel congregation of the town of Orangeville to sell certain lands. Mouse, and both rural and urban constituencies. 'The time during which the farmer on a free market shall reanain, and as to what was a reason-- wble distance for the abolishment of the tolls, were questions yet to be considered and decided upon. 4 THIRD READINGS. The following Bills v.ore read a third time : To incorporate the Toronto Baptist Coliege., To amend the Act wiucorlfi)mw Knox College, especting the Georgian Bay and Woellington Railway Company. s Respecting the Port Rowan and Lake Shore Railway Compainy. + exk NC aoalt To amend the Acts respecting the Trent Valley Railway Company. Respecting the debenture debt of the county of Simeoe, of maintaing roads, and it would be for the best interests of York for some hlfher power 10 step in and abolish her toll--gates. But they did not propose by any act of that House to compel them to take down the toll--gate bars. These re-- marks applied also to Middlesex and other places, The Government believed there should be some reciprocity, and their proposition was that where cities ant towns were surrounded by roads upon which tww!ls were imposed, that this Act shall not apply to such cities and towns until toll bars were taken down for a reasonable distance around such cities and towns,. There were several matters of detail to be settled' in Committes. It was the in-- tention of the Government to refer the Bill to a Special Committee representing both sides of the and the a:'i)uic inspector is required in the nd notices of motion, on have precedence of all is during the rest o{ the "\