passage of this Bill the Government WERMD ToX TCO down a general principle. It couid not be declarea that the use of 'steam motors were dnnfierous on this road without declaring that they wore dangerous on -- all other roads. -- The Bill would also set aside an existing contract between the Kinfton Road Company and the county of York. The effect would be to seriouslg diminish the value of pro')crty aloxtxg the road. an also interfere greatly with the trathic coming into the city of Toronto during the summer months. He thou};ht it would be wrong under these circum-- stinces for the Government to pass the Bill. Mr. DEROCHE thought it unfair and uniust that the Bill should be forced through in its Fresent. shape. It was an interference with the rights of those who had purchased property along the road in view of the development of ' communication with the Lll)t& Mr. BADGEROW entered at some length into the history and position of the York Roads, ex-- plaining that portions of them lay outside the county, and were maintained at con-- m'demble exponse. By an Act passed in 1371 the use of traction engines was permit-- ted. _ Experience, however, showed that the | PR BE RRN O Ablmcnd mle Mecvois m Fnis ECC e attd C CA RA, EPP PE SUICC use of traction engines had the effect of damaging the roads. They were also the cause of serious accid@nts to those travelling on those roads. So great was the damage that a ooms)romlse was souat to be effected, and subsequently was effect-- ed, between the Company and the county of York. He then entered at some leng't)\ into the DQFO"I' tions between the county of York and the Tram-- way Company, and the legislation that resulted therefrom. Owing to the contradictory stateinents of both parties, it was impossible to give any weight to the statements of either, and the only way in which the question could be intelligently dealt with was for the House to carefully examine all the cireumstances bearing upon the case, and legislate accordingly, That the use of steam upon the road was a grievance was proven by the fact that the County Council of York h.ud oAfi in dsc ds d cA t e t i io & o ty t Py a{iven up the use of one:third of the road in order to get rid of it. There had been an undersu:ndl':fi when the charter of the Company was gran that steam should not be used upon tl;e road. He had endeavoured to make himsel ncqluainmd with all the facts of the case, and he could only come to the conclusion that sw%m was not to be used on the road. He thought therefore that the BHill should _ receive the . support of _ the House. It was quite possible that some of those resident along thut road would sooner have steam, aund there had been a great flourish of trumpets about a certain petition, but hon. members knew how easy it was to get ug a petition. The petition was largely signed by those who were interested in having the traftic diverted from the Kingston-- road and sent round by the Don and Danforth-- road. If the Bill was not passed it would be wORZG uiscc o 24 Ns P ccai s 4 0 ts it aiso . mcvie 9 vovngg \r. BELL said that the last speaker had no doubt presented in a ver;i'hforcib'w manner the views of his constituents. The Bill was introd uced in order to break a contract deliberately entered into with the full consideration of the County Council. The House ought not to sanction such a measure. The words of the agreement between the Council and the company showed that they entered into it with their eyes open, and that ex-- ception was taken to traction engines merely. He did not bolieve that traction engines frightened horses. _ He read the evidence of Mr. Beasely, City Clerk of Hamilton, to the effect that the use of »iecam motors in that city had not proved prejudi-- FUIn EVE WPBZmOY OPmE C CCE OO O s mOCIAd road. If the Bill was not ed it would be undoing what they had almSy done for the par-- ties resident along that road. He would most strongly urge t:lpon the Houso the necessity of not staving its hand in the prppoa_ed lcglslqtion.L y cial to trafile. Mr. MOW AT said the rule on which the House acted with respect to Private Bills was not to in-- torfore with the decision of Committees unless a very strong case was made out. Hedid not think thore was room -- for interference in the wesent case,. There was no doubt a cer-- tain nmount of danger in connection with the use of steam motors. HMis impression was that when the use of traction engines was prohibited. it was not contemplated that any other sort of stecam engine should be substituted. 'The County Council llmufi'ht the use of the steam motor in-- jurious, and desired its removal on the payment of due compensation, and under all the circumstances ho did not think any reason for interference had been made out, The Bill was read a third time. TORONTO UNIVERSITY. 'The House then went into Comnittee on the Bil amending the University Act. | _ ___. ; . EPn C m es The frst clause was amended by striking out all reference to the quorum of Convocation, and leay-- ing all graduates of ths University itpso facto members of that body. _ _ e aiie it _ Mr. MEREDITH wished to know if this clause would not interfere with the right of Convocation to impose a membership fee. en ge o uis As cA _ Mr. CROOKS thought Convocation had no right to impose a fee as the condition of enjoying the University franchise. 4 NTET Mr. CROOKS explained the changes made with reference to elections to the Senate and conferring on that body the power to elect members to {ill va-- cancies in itself during unfinished terms. a Mr. GIBSON stated that Convocation had as-- sumed that that Act gave them such a right, but thought that if this cfixuse really (lerrlved Convo-- cation of the power to impose fees, it would be all :hofmore popular, as there was strong opposition 0 fees. _ The clause giving High School masters a second reKresenumve was struck out, and after some other slight amendments were made the Bill was reported as amended. DoOwWwER OF MARRIED WOMEN. The Bill relative to the release of dower by mar rled women in certain cases was advanced a stage in Committee. Mr. MEREDITH objected that the Bill gave power to the I. ., gociety to deal with conduct unbecomming a ba* vister. otc., but thore was a wido difference 0'5 opit ""oh m to what constituted such conduct. _ Som|?"qpjeted vyery strongly to the advertisements'© {ngored in "the newspapers The House went into Committee on the Bill to axte:(il the powers of the Law Society of Upper anada. Ts * y LAW SOCIETIES. the Government were layin T Pu" UV x0 baslawna aice h overnment were laying It couid not bq_declared by some members of the Y'r';)fewion ; but he was not disposed to give the Law Socicty arbi-- trary power in regard to such cases. Any penalty inflicted should be for gross misconduct, not for breaches of professional etiquette. _ T -- To nn i Ni Nob nc e ME 1+ Aprvecsbiee UEOWUITOW U° PB PRERCCANO TCO s Mr. MOWAT thought there was little danger that the Law Society would err on the side of un-- due stringency. The tondency was rather in the other direction. The Bill was reported. * PRISONS AND REFORMATORIES. On the first clause of the Bill to make further P'rovisiuns respecting the Central Prison and the eformatories, House in Committes, Mr. MEREDITH said he doubted whether it was right to take away from the m unicipalities the amount of the fines. _ ___|_ _ 3 . 4 O C €ELTRL! MR MV DCCCCR Mr. MOW AT said the Province had to bear the expense of the Courts, and should have the benefit of the fines.. n o e o 2. o aaie l rlal L GIBU MNETCT® Mr. BELL said that in the city of Toronto the Province were at no expense, and the finea were a considerable amount. He hoped the Govern-- ment would reconsider the matter. The Province had the benefit of the labour of the prisoners who were sent to the Central Prison, and they should be satisfied with that. Mr. WOOD said the labour at the Central Prison did not pay. 'Tee Province was often at a loss through it. 'The Province was also at the expense of the railway fares of prisoners, both in coming to the prison and sometimes in leaving it. . A o tA S a 9 4 3.2040 40 .00 0tA desas hsms tic ns ). Psn tn n P t' Mr. BELL said that very frequently the priso-- ners were only in durance a few hours. He thought the Government would be doing wrong in ml_:lgng away the amount of the fines from the city of Toronto. After some further discussion the clause was carried. The other clauses of the BRill were carried with slight amendments. and the Committce rose and reported. It being six o'clock, the Speaker left the chair. AFTER RECESS. The House went into Comnittec of the Whale and reported the following Bill with amendments:-- To extend the powers of companies created under the Joint stock ([:"ompunics' Letters Patent Act. MARKET FEES. Mr. WOOD moved that the Bill respecting mar-- ket fees be referred to a Special Committes, con-- sisting of _ Messrs. Harcourt, Hay, Meredith, Ross, (Gibson (Hamilton», Gibson (Huron), Creighton, Parkhill, Wood, Broder, and Nairn. Carried. PUBLIC RIVERS AND sSTREAMS. Mr. PARDEE moved the House into Committee of the Whole and moved that the following claus e be added to the Bill :--* That every person ownin ig such improveinents may make rules and regula-- tions governing the transmission of logs and tim-- ber. but no such regulations shall have any force until approved of by the Licutenant--Governor in Council, who may cancel such regulations and from time to time approve of new ones." The motion was carried. SUPPLY. Mr. WOOD moved the House into Committes of Supply upon the Supplementary Eatimates . On the item referring to the Central Prison, Mr. MEREDITH said he would like to call the attontion of the Government to the condition of the hospital in the Central Prison. 'The ward used was too small for the purpose, and was unilit in other ways. Mr. FRASER said it might be possible that the hospital accommodation was too limited, and there might be a necessity for something more convenient and larger. ____ a Mr. PARKHILL asked if it was the intention of the Government to include in the supplementary estimates a sum for the administration of justice in the county of Simcos,. There was a large ex-- Eenditure required each year under that head,and e thought they should have a special grant. Mr. MOWAT said he had been in communica-- tion with the county authorities, and had as yet been unable to find where the expenditure was required. As soon as this was known the grant would be made. The commmee&rose and reported. GovERNMENT ORDERs. In Commiitee the Bill to incorf;orm,e by letters patent, and the regulation of timber slide com-- panies was advanced a stage, and the Committee asked leave to sit again sECOND READING. The Bill respecting the registration of mort-- wages, was on motion of Mr. Meredith, read a second time. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LECTURES. Mr. DEROCHE moved for a return of all cor-- resrondence between the Council of University College and any female applicaunt for permission to attend lectures in that institution, such return to also show the standing of such applicant in the University of Toronto. Carried. Mr, LONG moved for a return of all timber licenses or permissions to cut timber issued to any person or persons in the Thunder Bay Dustrict, to-- gether with the names of the person or persons to whom issued ; the amounts paid therefor; also, all correspondence that has taken place either with the Crown Land Department or the agent at Thunder Bay relative thereto. Also, a return of all licenses issued by the Crown Land Agent at Thunder Bay, nn?l not confirmed, with the reasons for not confirming them. Also, all reports relating to the said licenses or permissions made by. the agent at Thunder Bay under instructioas from the Crown Land Department. Mr. HAY moved for a return showinf 1-- ist. The number of members comprising each municipal council in the Province (but not in-- cluding county councils), in the years 1879 and 1830. 3rd. The amount of such compensation paid each such assessor in each such year for the per-- formance of his duties as assessor. Carried, Crown Land Department. * Mr., MEREDITH said this was in relation to_ & withdrawdl of a timber license from a Mr. Moberly, who claimed compensation. _ _Z2nd. The number of assessors in each such municipality for each of the said years. _ s 4 THE MOBERLY CLAIM. MUNICIPAL RETURNS.