o oo e nsP S eeeeeune .~~; ie ns ""\4 e w v',.;, '\v; 3y e a 1P 4 s : » $5,000 for the whole Province. . The total cost P Piie ton pasted. 0 0C of the jury system in the Province for the y€ | P * i ' 1876 was altogether $135,000. . That Was. MJ SECOND READINGS. average of $94 tor each qase--cwnl and crmutx;a The following Bills were read a second | --which the municipalities had to pay 'for ltm- w6 :« é : Pu{fo $ iees a toul. _ te-- tbl:s ?t:::da tl?e \ _ 'The Municipal Amendment Act of 1881. 1| getlier too large a cost. He submi $s \ _ The Assessment Act of 1881. § . question to the House as a system entailing an _ To amend the law securing to wives and unnecessary expense upon municipalities, children the benefit of assurances on the lives | Mr. HARDY said he did not propose to en« | of their husbands and parents. : | ter into any discussion upon the subject, be-- |\ _ Respecting Peach Trees. : cause he did not think that at tha_t late penod | THE SCHOOL LAW K of the session there would be suflicient tiune to | f Je P l fart A discuss the question in the exhaustive manner: | --On motion of Mr. Crooks the Bill to further f & it merited. The whole jury law would require amend the School Law was read a third time, ' 5' consolidation at nfi early sessl(tm. ;nd lt,tl v:?uld PROGRESS OF BUSINESS. be better to let the matter stand until then, j He thought that the scheme of the member for Mr. Mfl)WtAl;tan:x?ivcg d %L':;:lbe:nme g::,':fi | Huron was not broad enough. -- The question of @110"{'":0_ xx:orrow ind ti'mt the Speaker leave E.1 jurors had been discussed by the House before, o'e och @4 "clock Withous the question E4 and the House had then declared that there the chair a o(;\o 9¢ E should be trial by jury. He hoped that the being put, Carrie atstas | hon. member would not press the motion. CIVIL ENGINEERS. § Mr. PATTERSON said he thought the ex-- Mr. BADGEROW moved for the QIwhx'\rgq of penditure for the selection of jurors might be the order respecting the Civil Engl'fxeer s Bill. saved, and heartily concurred in the motion. Cries of--** Carried unanimously. | Mr. NAIRN could not see why the tFresent The motion carried. stem should be continucd._ ~He failed to see PUBLIC BILLS. Ke necessity in the public interest for the 'The following Bills were reported in Com-- E:J second selection. y i ithee _-- { Mr. LEES also favoured the abohtion of the To ;r.nend the Jurors Act of 1879. second selection, as the selectors selected the To amend the Registry Act. ' ' mlme:ngithout knowing the men they were Respecting snow fences. hed | 1 selecting. _ Further to amend the revi statute re-- | Messrs. Dryden, Watterworth, Waters, and A A [ # Monk also concurred in the position taken in 'P';cttmg mortgages and sales of personal pro | J the matter by the member for West Huron P"Tg:; House adjourned at 12:15 till eleven V | (Mr. Ross). M y o'clock to--day. . | | Mr. FRASER hoped that his hon. friend io vusiaen ie rircmmrravdfe mb | i | | would withdraw his motion, as a great deal NOTICES OF MOTION,. | a I | more was involved in it than appeared on the es ! 0 | . face of it. He was not ({et persuaded that the Mr. Gibson (Hamilton}--On Friday next-- | R t second selection should not be retained. It Order of the House for a returm showing (0) | $ was a qusstion to be gravely considered. The for each license district in the years 1878. 1879, > fact that the second selectors did not know who and 1880 the number of applications to County E§ | the men were tbO{ selected might be an ad van-- Judges under section 62 of the liquor License i8 { tage instead of a drawback. Act for the revocation of licenses upon any of $ Mr. ROSS hoped now that the Government the grounds in such section set forth, stating $ saw that the sense of the House was unani-- the fround of each application and the result a mously expressed in favour of the motion that of the same; (b) the investigations of negli-- something would be done in the direction indi-- gence of inspectors un der section 63 of the said 1} cated. Another point which he would suggest 4Act, stating the grounds and the result of each ¢ for the consideration of the Government was a investigation. & reduction of the number of jurors in civil cases. P oommantremmccnroomrcummesmemmmeememend i He had brought the matter before the House k s -' before,'\aml had been induced to withdraw it, but he thought that in the present case the ; House should pass the motion. It would not alter the law, but would merely express the "W wish of the House that the second selection of uh f ' jurors should be abolished. [ | __Mr, MOWAT said the hon. member for B | Huron should not force a vote upon this ques-- | tion in spite of the wish of the Government. They were not prepared to legislate upon the question as {et, and he would move the ad-- i journment of the debate. Mr. YOUNG said the hon. member for f i } Huron should withdraw his motion, as if it ) 1 passed it would commit the Government 3 against their wish. !' The debate was then adjourned. 1 GOoOVERNMENT ORDERS. P The following Bills were advanced a stage in & g Committee :-- + ; | _ To give increased efficiency to the laws ' } ag::.linst the illicit sale of intoxicating liquors ; an f h+ For the incorporation by letters patent and the regulation of timber slide companies ; and ? To give increased efliciency to mutual fire in-- ' surance com')ames. Mr. HARDY moved the addition of a clause $ to the last--named Bill tothe effect that in case of P $ any Ontario insurance company whose name might be confounded with any other company t in Ontario the Lieut.--Governor in Council shafl $ | be empowered to change the name of such com-- pany. -- Carried. f ® The Committee rose and reported progress. "5 SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES. | t R F A message was read from the Lieut.--Gover ' ~B: nor transinitting further supplementary esti-- & | mates required to complete the service for $ f 1881--82. Mr. WOOD explained in Committee that he was embarassed in making necessary payments in January of each year, and the vote was in-- ' | tended to cover the difficulty. 3 The Committee rose and reported the reso-- s | jutions, t LIEUTENANT--GOVERNOR's3 OFFIC E. x On the item relative to the expenses of the 3; Lieutenant--Governor's office, $3,350, 10 Mr. MEREDITH said that the Opposition %' had divided the House on the item last session, | ie and he thought there would be nothing gained s by dividing the House again, as they knew the 3 x I A 3 " * ie '. uk wfi'""' -- -w::.?_\ \op ~amreugs es s 6 s