HAY--Ho has settiecd your argument. ¢ LAUDER proceeded to declare that not t of territory had been taken from On-- f and cited the Act, which he said spoke If, -- Mr. Lauder here received a revort he explanation* made by Sir Alexander . pbell in the Senate, and read it to the ». Nir Alexander announced that he was ating the views of the Government with to the maiter, and explained that the in boundary of Manitoba would be the n boundary of Ontarto. He also named a of Manitoba under the neaw arrange-- including in his calculation the disputed : ory. _ He went on to siy that the east , ' lary of Manitoba on the map was marked | ' a dottel line because it was not j (Opposition _ applause.) But -- the l $ \was where the Government believed | \boundary line would be. -- (Ministerial ap-- | : e). * Mr. FRASER--That line was drawn this | nf Prince Arthur's Landing. -- (Hear, hear). | t . LA UDER further read a statement of f lation, submitted by Sir Alexander, which led Fort W illiam. 8 . FRASE it --(Hear, hear), You had bet-- #er give up now. $ , LA UDER still maintained that Ontario not being despoiled of her territory, as gentlemen opposite Aeclared. o'ciock having arrived, Mr. PAlNDEE moved the adjournment of ie debate. A r. MOWAT moved the adjournment of the ase. ) " The House adjourned at six o'clock. ® NOTICZES OF MOTION. Mr. Wood--On Friday next--Bill respecting | @yments to be made under the municipa' a fund settlioment. l