The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Jan 1882, p. 2

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", 're . u: .. t . "c, 2%., " - ' ' _ "f r.' 'V ", . is 'ijt have"! ief.'i)'Jfthod"t1'l'sTp"i'd'tatt," we??? . abject tan. l " t ongorrymu . tt on . " . . ti 1 . "r T interests of the world ot Ontario. Her (Mr. Me. )lr,\ll].l.EItllld .,y/."lh',t,ttt1t/,2, 1tilgl'it2?gt J. ' betwixt") "man." to any that the member for soc-xhreqsed m-mslheil tor' under the Kiiiaiaii ' , 3 Glcngarry was the only lumnber of the Opposition were yt,t.y,'lyr,,1e','Jt Ittt He then reverted tot e r who mm Lorn emit pledged to stand up for the and Huh. '/'if,"/,'l,.i'/i'ierh'i',V/ll',l in Ontario. 'at, . : rights ol (inmzi r, Ho "yasrined the people of ',,i,?t,',rl,i,7di1,l, which computation did uot include I a , G'lungarry Jf) 'i",;,'?,",'?' tilt-V1.1" lucmbnr as e native Billing: 'um;3.3mmpg-.BraldesthilthereWomebout w, ot "iort'irirry o :1 . mun n Jol'll. but reminding £600; from miles of line wooded country yet to El lihnttrat hy wtld " 1:.e51".ys out ot fht.tHio.., and o. t Li 1 Thoy had the further to gounloee they , " _ under mt- mtlueuct- ot the Mosseuus, the Chap. he "will; 1iiii ion-how. Fhtperionetshaet taught _ _.... . 1mm, tly"ur.ortatl the uniform". of Quebec. Rot I: L 'leiitnho ZOLJO '" new milee of limits . p, t wlio had not the mulling! we lugs towards the 1,ee,"i1icire',Sa"d in arpa of l2.803.000 feet, which , a; . 1'"?!le of (tantra). [they recollection! when "-('u"l moutuailv cut 2,000 feet Per acre QVGI' the . '. I ppm-t Alla in nun the hum and nutter Canada. "mi" . (iiii?riiisd/GG than usually mede. That , "P swim thorn. ll" condiments must have told him y. 1'lti,.fil'1,1 2e iki)" ooo ooo feet, about the "me csti- i I that whort he went it) the lw,.imlutuve, he should troll: bc) 'i"t..'i""ii7,7iii','i' to the disputed territory. r'rl lense Quvtrco ttehi.nd him ttttti stand up tor the 'el)),', a?" the'forcign demand for timber he l , ' interests of Hniurlo. 'Applause., [hey had lean , _?,"/l,"flh'ii'tu?, city of Chicago lest w. imported _ c!corly h m' that gentleman." hud stood up tor 'e, i goldii'U'tO Go feet. or one thirteenth 0"" the timber I l Eli-"'3 i? o/rc,?'";",."".,,;'"'))',:","",',,,",).)",'",',', "31.1le I . 3:09"th Hahn" regard for (humorously It 1 - i I r: ' A ' . t I . . ' , mirth-hum uulxrilv might desire" to Impress l "I!""('51.'i""1p.313fill",'3i'33'ie33ii'3i§'r§3:c pl, at: F , utArn ml]: Whip"! ol _f':'/'f,',',"',,tf,v, 2tuttiit,nt?Mpy,tt tt/,,"i'je,hi'irli,'t.te'//.' 2'30 000 000000 feet at onedollnr _ _ tion on Yin no urzuci .or cons: l . ' , , -, . . '."' , l atum J . ' . ' 5 l would yield a revenue ot $26. . , tlaw would tind that tferr, nun would mf, that I i'."":u fl? id ls l ya to bear in mind the l I t aistiou. ilteat', hm". Ne, men ofthe rovlnce lite)" Truy ' no la '; N rth. _ ' 'd/C')', dirt.", thritrtesty?tt nnd ther 'tgee/tlat, -'l"{-':.':,"-'i..'" 1"d;','/i/1 "smiles" are ifge; ': , "mm" tieth. " PM". trfit. He mad ttext/ht,',', sum {in thelumrghm Boy. The cost of monsoon ( T I bu,', (hurls "roll". 'lty,Lih"g,i,p,ti"l, htlvulilgh'wes tritium fr'uu Goortdan llziy to the "A"? R'ltvlordwill _, eat UN ne. 1% a . . sci I . a t It. othat Um or n ine "r, tint: when. a tut-aqua; id considered ugly partially Rh till 11l,le/1t,y)'yite; il', the Woods, was ',"/llt' _ drtncliwlu or wlvwe it is o.bjectiona 0:80 mi! schhd'uH a lll'msudld more than the thousand q . "r prejudicial in lull? vip/ttttlaterz/tg/et/ltr',)".' trial J,' Ontario. itpulatise.) In Pts'llr,'ntlt . -" A ntort, 01' 'di " "H I I ' . ' i., r (I ' thotir,and for lumber wa" tw . J _ 'F" cation should he had with the Provincial y/l.',":, p r", tlt In Toronto for from 12 50to " _ u'trvtumtuetit with respect to Jt'"'L',ttr,t','t' .l)j,if/i,i,',yi",'tii'.o"li/,'a'f.': hear.) In that 'd,,') of the / (iii'" _th1t irt syylt ruse ti":- 4 e to. rmittod may." and taking the value of the licence at '_), be disallow-(i. if the t"iti"""itl] ,i"ti'ifl l "li'JQt". 0'lt'tlt)lltil'lt thou-mud. the timber In the dipputed A' Slum " "mu-S." until t cf 'll'fllu/ and (él'l'llcll'v would be worth 81NWliha10-Mler,tturt-- P. T you: has Jd oteel'itJn1ittuf,, 03371 maniacal and the Province of Omar-'0 mum have that lSCIISSl'It.' le . "' . . 'r . ' . . ' ' F y, it w" " . Legislature hanttlso nu opportunity of Mimi". "all; t1yj,tei.ont,"u1 t'/i"ird,oTstd'lrd as over it. . I". 'llfld'"1.1.111."th[lyrgflsllill[\lvtifsedll:nilloiggli'lfy'l:o l'ués'nt; on to Speak of the Rivers tttd Streams ' ' M ttWtt ' t . 'F' IC,' c" i: ; (one com tent o Renew] Hovormueut the Legislature tere alto will liiith-'itl 1i",lrtrusTigo11,ff,'t',g7lgt,tt,ttit,t, I ' - informed of the ray) that there was some! 032 'it." 1f"'eJi"/d,,' .wnh the question that it had fomd I ? t/"vr',ig 'i slug" Emil: Ji)tirhfnidru'g'tt to be he'ard: it-wh' upon his mind that he [would be "1???le f 31"" , In' ." - , F t "or t l the conntr 0 (I e I u Even tl.o thirst amusem was not ',i','et','l,','ti,i,1,'l artful?" hi: \lie'vlrs. ligoln Orecord. 'W/dll elven _ . L3 ii.';:lnlli l":!, 1'.'/,utlri2',illpp,1',', C/dll/tine'",',,',,',',,",,','); for ihounht and he, thou tht then, that in 'gtttyreht, v" I" OUA'? 't ' t ' w" ', t '... , aret a, Fr:st formula laboured wry hurd the other TIt Jilin t1r,'o1'lfolat/2i'f1"l1ei""itiu'cii)/titgf from . in: to dt-uiuuszrute that the llrttleh North Me on 'iUi"ellf.hilg; of that. Bill and if that bud been . rr . Act the (e/gi/thue/tgp/tttut'",';,,',? donefhev would have had, no disallowance and I "hm" any AF")! f mind frog") Mr Blekeou no constitution"! (nestlon would have arisen. He T 'Tytlerrs'en "WWW la quo , id read them the knew summing oi the '1ittic,ulty in mum: rivers this y1yp.'y1r.y.:a.ttd le /sl'h. "Pud- " There we. no and streams ready to drive timber. liu linemnccd t I " ','1t,yi,y'i1i,',11tyimile:tal'/ta 'tit" a maintenance the one of a man having tt lyt of lumlrrer y/Ct', . Ii", "will? Y,", who that our own Local "(mature stream. and hetMr. Miller) having some titrtlt,er ' ' m t " pn'l'l' ' '_.' the own power. dealing up the strum. if the first man was an enterpris- 'it 'g/ii/YJ,',',',""",').) i133 1r1'i"fuoru1f'a','ti"tlft'l',',l hes " lug. pushing man. all being. Aéillcrl would Rages? a nt ' Jr. r.' 'oc . l -ai . . e. ret man tar 'on w,' . u to lltu..1 W" "It": yh'htut't,i,'"ttri'tgtaitt 'l/ty/he, s'fl/)/',l:t/iht,i.lvt///i,)lorCU,te/3. and thou '3' y/itll by tlie .dii1tjJt'/it"tr, IU 1lG or unjuw he could throw Mellon into the stream and send ' [i'1y,T,yi1.'1titea'elyat,leer, #rail'flilrea1'nti,ft was them down, with": Hivayuu.w of all "is "till"; - ' ae niocr mm of rm 'peopluthropqh their repre9ettt- boure' //y'qgiTy":a, '1e,u'kuTng'i7ie,ir "9:33,: ii agave-g in the Legislature. lhe rodent Govern. small toll. here. was no re ' T 'h i' iii a. mm had nu mm wuhin the spirit. or es he would compensate a man for the lxouhlt r a "ee ' believed within the lotter.of the Act todlullow up been put to. . . . 'tR Act 1uprause the Federal nuthttritims deemed it Mr. _r_"rhAsFiPu---).row.'is it that a mutually of Ct Hum... or uuiicut." (Appluu'sot Since tho upeechoi lumbermen operating ' Minimum "More. Iwho ', T ot the Quinn" siironer of Crown Lands and the l ptttkejtrtprovtiutettrs, ofthia kind. pay thmuxe.)m " member for Huron. he believed tlie Opposition _ b rpolledting tollsin exactly thorium" way as M"- hed nvurivted newlight onlhm [woomttormnnd licliurcn would have been allowed to collvd , ' q ho how-d thet would yet retrace their step: while . them l . 3 - ' tlture "3" on orTovturtitD and assistinthtt defence Mr. MtLLEIt-rn the f'met place. in the Muskoka t,,l utonttuuu's tettttotD' and rtklttti. lboud appllueel. waters those gentlemen (10 1:01 make the more! A» ' ' m IlCriG'.it'l'riON' 1Hastiugst 'eontplitndtited the valuable iusprovertuums, tld ; C'ioiui':t:uyiontr vul' Crown Lands upon the able Mr. FRAs'Ktt---troes "n, hon. t't.'iend know' thot " ism-cch he cieljyered the day previous. He de. L) theirnuyovemeuts mullc by the UnmrluUOV- "." 5.9 r! med his rcudiueco, however. to stand or fell try ' 'orntueni on tho Muskolm stream the 1'ompauy s. 'NM" the position 'altvrt by tho member foe London I 'will have to lmy.uud that they propose to make. "if" - (Ur. 1ltstFttlt). Wp. Robertson proceededto de. I further improvements where necessary. recoup- v'".' him-c the t'oiitHtt ol the Government in diemlulni i lug themuch-'I in this some wnv as provided by . . JJ) tirtaitt o'lit'iuls in. the ..oum_yot Meetings. an I the Act of last ers'siont if a 'oompnm' can do . ig Slzllillt'ti his intentmu of asking for infttrinBtion l these things and pm themselves hyimposing tolls, , I rtc,rccdirsc: tttego "WHEN" With "an," to the I whv cannot an initiriduul do tho mum: " lll'ttllilllll of ualdbll~lilllg a Bureau otStatiatioe h. Air M lllLER replied that the Muskottt required , tlmuglll it Would mvolvo an expenditure for but amttll impeovementa,at, 850.003 at the outside. "gm." [1,"... would be little return. and it would was all that was hem-wary to improve it for the . r unit "mini " PM?" tot. ot,tiyrsee.ktry Apttt? mer- urpose of bringing down one thousand million . km {oi-g hre had _ris"o.rtrcd. he Enid. that ttieir "o. f'd,'i or timber. TG,' "Ht-9 clearly " .Htratn illlll ' _ ltitrt would ttot cuttYelr please the farmers. would never have come. truth-r the provisions or r I W I! "NJ! tro-gan "g eotnplitnarnUntr both Mr Moimren's (use. Mr. McLaren had taken a arluq or thellcuw onthec aracterot thpepeechee iGiaii'trii was in a "law or nature uutlt fot , I "WW " 'l 1sol""rt the C'ommiaaionae of driving Iowa, but the Muskokn W883. large stream. c.- Latttts ttt partiealar did not femur ' and he failed to diueuver where they have paid it." llouq- morr frequently With luch an thin . ' "'41" ttnrt "louuvut syeec'hrsa " ' that. to sir FlirtASlCR~The hon. memheriqnot meeting l whirl they listvllml durum resuming. lesson. what '1 have suggested. I want to know why it is . IN uh I'd-short to the mnteutmu ot the on. lender it pa ment by toll is right in one case, why not in ' l m ilH' 0mm :tlmn that the Government should not smug". ' ' r l rv-tnm v-muhic'u- control of the anion! timber limit: Mr. MILLER said he would statty his case. and ' i \ rt-t'urenc-atnlhar House. he lieu-till! con. nuke it clear before he Kot through. It was ' _ plum-Ii, and Immul that tyTh I .oheyk qrou " all giving the people who used the improvements an , i m ont , l.-,- ply-mi nu the Exec tive before the hon. undoubted advantage over men who had made , l in nth-nu n (it the hut crossed.» er to the Govern- them. To take the improvements of Mr. McLureu .. . i "mu barium. " "ere 'teff tntw..lus progeoded ttt end give them to somebody else WIN manifestly . l shy, "on mun"- lllllL'S of, timber underllceneo in _ unfair. It was not in accordance with the primi- . . l "mm-m. or" l.l.t' which had been mated by _ ples of the Reform party that they should deal " l the. old Pro.suic"ot' f hands. when the friends of, with one party ditreretitlv from another. The ( utm. (ppgnwtion "on: in the hahit.of grunting tot 'Muskokn Com our had "not oxpeuded 8fr,0J0, , I "A." sit'rrrers..._titylyw Muhammad price at? l certainly not $10,000, and they were allowed to F " who hm"- "Tm." Mr. HumitUld .teeeJy l collect tall: for all the timber which passed "HI-1.1"" that thesv, mulls should he sold by puhllc throu th ' urn-m. und they.tytt ur?.to8.2f0toquirt; mile. i?trhisss:R.-..Th, hare onls. the right 10 g: tii, 'titoy,etHy/1tu1litta_ryliyg. tttie that l'lnpl'ove- eolluet tolls having reward to the ainount expend- I 'ttrot. "'1" (.uvorllmeilt at P.etEy1tttittisid.i, ed. not for improvements which they had not - "PM" tirnP"r licetturvy 9" the 019 pmn m the dig- made at all, therefore my hon. friend intriguing on puted terrlturl. . large 11mins have been thug sold tt false round - V a: in nominal PW'." to it Mr. Bluegill". who in turn Mr tfil'ih"ks...whm, the Company have ex. sold thtuu to " thicrl party (or 81000003 " hen the l aiid" 310000 the Government hag expended "marl" CrovecntnCtit Ru". . posseaaion of that 3 tfl] 000 and nre'thev not collecting for alll te.rusitory then' yoyld ttot, MPH" the tlurd_ party ut I l 3dr l-'R 1tui',ft--rr they are doing that they are t his itcitirtui rirdut.a, "otytetrtyyttlr the action ot the ; doiné it iii;G1'ii; . ' t ltorum,ou tint 'Ill/ll", Ht rtltiil"leo'it'ecuott, cm i [ Mr. MILLER oontlnuei and cued several cases l "MM a t/Y'tot Syst 9'2 y""l,, ,"/',,'.iflg,"t" had 'lti; g of improvements havin been made, 0 m ruse J', i "*1" "m "ot.r.tiniort . " . id 'f h ' "'0 I where improvements had: been made over half a , $4"de t'.ventty tstilrs 05'th, I" 00 t eLnnnde. mile of stream entird ' ithi thelimits or" rivatc , l ' . t.. . . 't v thocyttriicate,and what would . eww n . " . P I I ilf ml I: PNll Ill. f . tl . tt Theleader ot th property. He said that instead of uupruvuu; the ', "MW". '""Tt""",-' or m l . e stream a road mi ht have been cut and properly . ' "aw-HUG" t1rund fault with I",,',.'??:',',',',',',', , 1t,1tiit,1, mecndnmized. El asked if that had been don}- - I the lumber wast-uh. und'sutd tho. t e In)! t mber would the Government let everybody use the road . . I "no." Ire my to tne softly": lie supposoq. then. I and destroy it , that. lum'mrutou had no rights after paying the Mr. FltASl-JlLJt the ublic tservieNrequired it _ ' (invcrmuclit a dollar an acre for the "rte lDrnr why not i p w" ' ;;v. F lure of culling the timber. 811;: it? 'btdtlvzghugum Mr. vhtTLLER.-rt the public lervloe required it, r:'tE. ', of i', """Tr' i!"?!.:.:.' wheat e l 'll h: meant ', r then the ublio should pr for it (Hear, hear.) " , l Irc. 1iFrttkluTH explained tttn t _ It Mr. (i:)?,il'//f'eel)t1d would not the paytnent "fha I "New :i-Idznnuul rule: to be inserted n new recu- be made in thi . . rl l , l , .', ' . ' ould in the tuturebe ls lust as in all cases " lore t icy ' Lilhllill' ll icch nurthnsors W ' In" over private was, as m the case cf corn.

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