The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Jan 1882, p. 3

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. " T _ v T "l ' - r M-Ti' "in . _ . r gill" .. M8Btll8 aer ' l '., l is it _ P" J', "s . ",~ f, Tr, I . !iRi2i'ft. . A "Way"; 'rr'? TV, _ '. 9316:: ', , let-Tr' '. fl _ . 'v: MW: "' "(1.": y, _ " _. ' _" ,:,'s):, " . e oqueitt pcrorntions on titanium: "ho Tl . F . thathe was sent 'rtt,'dl't1i2r' _ T abject to. . interests at th" podium ot Ontario. He: (Mr. Me. .vr.1nLrtPei1idt.u?ttl.t..ipkthqthehttetamntutmtrt , Laughlini Vettlurt't to so! thnt the member for uo'oxpre'wed himself. The settlers. he contended. J. Glengat: was the only member of the Opposition _ tvere amply provided for under the Home. ' _ who had hot-n cent pledged to ntnnd up for the and F'rcc, (mint Act. He then reverted to .'tt rights of (numb. lie tittztgined the' people of uuantityof timloe" under license in Ontario. W. Givvtuarry :ul-lv-wxnn,r their inmnbt'r as o native 2i1ti'k', miles, which computation did not include ' or "rytulrry Yo 'ir- mun-n- burn. but reminding tadiwutedteayitnry...l)fsidaeath.'aytere-usirt _ hltn that he wus it long tune out of Ontario. end 3.0N square miles of line wooded comm")~ yet to under inc in,rtueuct or the Mosscnus, the Chap. he "cots-13d. 'l'hoy had no further to gounlose titty icons. tly'i'ttr.o'-is,.'a_rttl the Lan "wins. of Quebec. got the disputed territory. Experionu'Utt tang t _ who had not the intuition reeling; towards the luns'oertnvntltat :tho 20.030 square miles of limit: . Province of (ln'urio. They recollect" when would voutnin an area of 2.800.030 feet, which ' l ppm-(hum in tutti the taxes and Lower Could: would ct cntually out 2,000teet per here over the . swim them. ill 9 constituents must have told him whole. a. rarkru' entitnutc than usually madi. That that wit-m he Went to the Legislature, he should would give 2e,000,000,000 feet, about the some esti- _ lent o Que-lice behind hint and stand up for the mutt: as was applied to the _t!iypyttsA.ttrrttoir. , interisisot Hnturio. 1Applnuse., They had neon Looking at the foreign demand for timber he , clatrly how that gentleman had stood up for the i found that the city of Chicago tant 051' imported i!iit"'t «as ch Ontario. itch-rung then Jo the l 2,0tyJ,0(0,000 feet. or one thirteenth 'al the timber sum-nu "at. hy said that however much ' in Umurm. Having regard tor demote-mug de. " trt'mlvmeu mumm- mizht dome to Impress l mainland the diminishing supply. the value ot ' upon the people ut the country that it was it ques- ' the titnh.-r in the disputed territory must be care- tion only to he. arvued>r constitutional iowycrl. _ fully murmured. 25tWJ0,0tX),000 feet at omdollat' . they would tind that tferr, man would argue that i n thousand would yield a. revenue ot sasmonoo. " question. titcnr. imam. "to men of the, rovlnce They would also have ta bear in mind the , would duo-tum the question and they would taken scarcity of timber in Manitoba and the North. , common no" c How ntit. Nomad the principle , West, in computing the value of timber t Iaut tloutt by Sir John .Vittodunald himself. the sold on the Hour-shut Boy. The cost of transpor- l letttlci'or' the. hon. gentlemen opuoaite, Which was tutiuu teun Georgian Buy to the Rainy River will 1 that "'ttu'i'e a mcusuru is considered only partiully he sin dollars a thounnnd. so that timber "Indira; l dr-t'vt-tivv. or wlvuz, it is objectionable as being on the ",i,wc.sot' tha. Lakeot' the Wendi was worth 1 preoudtcial to the mineral interest; ofthe Boom sixdulinrs it thousand more than the thousand I niou.ora~l clashing with its iecrislatioa,esommuai. fret in Ontario. t.ipuiause.) In Winnipeg the Ctstion should he had with the Provincial prim: WH' thotntnnd for lumber was $30M m. Gtnirtttttetit with respect to Inch measure. ts him it was sold ill Toronto for trout " 50to " [and tint ill such case the Act would. not ir-'." in wand. tHear, hear.) In that View of the be tiiriulit)wt'(i, it the generaliateresta permitted utteettn;i,tiittl taking the value of the licenles at SUCH u. cutti'so'. until the Local Govern- Oni', dolhtr it thousand, the timber in the disputod l ment has an opportunity of "ttttMgt tertiory would be worth 81t0.()00,tXD-tHtar,tturt- discussing the objections taken. and the cal and tire Province or Ontario would have that Legislature hm also an opportunity of roundly"): nun-it iu'uiitiona1 territory. and it was as tho ileum: round to cxtst. Here the [Magpie was likely to he an under estimate as over M. laid down that before a Bill wag dish low by the l'u,ging on Io speak of the Rivers and streams general Gs,vertttuent the Legtsintnro should be Bill. hr said that they were quite competent to informed of the {not that there was something de. tttni with it. Ho hed been broufrhtco directly in- I froth" '. nud see if tin-y could not remedy it. to router-t With the question not it had forced Every person on ltiq trial had a right to be heard. it-mlt' upon his mind that he would be remins in his liven tho vilost tt,sassin was not condemned un- duty to the iiouste and to the country it he failed hoard, and yet thiu liiil was condemned unheard. to put. hie views upon record. He hndllways The Home would rctnoniho-r that the member for thought. and he tltoutht then. that in passing that i'l'h! 1'oronto inhoureti wry hard the other even- Hit: it would have been proper and right to have ins; to deuuanstrate thatthe British North America exempted Mr. McLarcn and Mr. Caldwell from Atet gun) the nonunion Government. power to the operations at that Bill, and "that bed bu. , _ rr tit,:aiiow MI." ASL"! 3140001 Legisloturo. Hon. done they would have had no disallmvance and 'Tytltatrwren opPu8tte had qttotod trom Mr. Blture $ttt no constitutional ' uestion would have arisen. He UH" 01103110"; and he too would ttil them the knew something J/ the 'tlMcnolty in genius: rivet-n same authority, MIR Blake said: . There W" no and streams ready to drive timber. lie iicutatnced matte; ".ror? important than the maintenance the case of a. man having n lot of lumber upu ' ot the pt'iytipl.o met our own Local Loci-mute stream. and bank. Miller) having some further acttitn,r wsthir.t.tro 5130p!) of its own power. duiing up the stream. It the tlrgt man WW3 an enterpri,_ . with, tin-w titlitira syhir'lt tho Constitution it" on irig, pushing man. all he IMF. Miller) would have to '; tumult to 'lic..Pryvinces, cannot be inter-Infddled do would be to wait until the tiret man had gone with by the tilinllm'ullco of .Billl. br the Mario in and made all necessaryimprovements. and then yuyetyitly'rtt. whether they Silty/ri,'),', oe Quill". ho could throw his loco into the stream and send ly hr br.licvot woe it matter ot ind trereinoe, it won them down, takimt tuivouure of all his neigh- tlie "oci. it)" of tit" people throuqh their represent- boum' {Improvements simply by paying son"; mire! in'llm Legislature. The i-'cdenl Govern. email toll. There was no remuneration which i Tty-st had T:'. rtcltt Within the spirit, or " he would compensate a man tor the trouble he had i bulieved Wiiilil; tilt; Icittcriof tn: A'ct "diluent; an been put to. _',' Act h 0:111":le "more nut or ties com it , t , ."t . t11'i'vi,'df'/,"l. unjust." (Applause) Since tho npeechol tcy/ia,,.',',,',',),")',,';?,,'.,-,-,,'.,',:" . H {II SELF 'i?/llll!b'Y,' Jf, oi the ("onuni v,ioner of Crown Land: and the lnak i '/,v0g1iti1tl,"'o'rlh', 'l? l" 1' ."In 111212)?) j, member for iiuron. he believed the Opposition i 8 '_ru?t,'ovtyu.ftt.u'o t "? Im . tr'a.N WW"? Y! , , . '.ral _ _ ti t F _ b collecting tolls in exactly thcsumc on) us Mr. hid to oiswd in w .tgnt on the" two mutton. and Zl ld 1 b all .ed in ho liopud ther would yet retrace their "GP. while . iheullufcn W00 Hive eon " owe to COl L'Ltt tltrere mu an opportunity. and assist intho defence , . ' ot'Untnrio's tetuurrtr and rights. thoud applause). Mr. MtLLEIt-rn tue "PM place. In the MUSkOka ', Ile. IlolG'.it'1'SON' tiioatingst complimented the Waters these gentlemen do not make the most I C'oisuuUsionvr of Crown Land. tMton tho able valuable ile'?yer.tymts, . . . ispr-m-h he delivered the tiny previous. He " , Mr. F'RAS'hut--tots my hon. iricnti knoithot ritrctl his rcudiness, however. to stand or (oil by for the Improvements [nude by the Ontario Gov, t the position Yukon by the member foe Londonl {eminent on tho Maskoka stream the Company i (Hr, 1ltuv:htlt). Mr. Robertson proceeded to de. will have to pay. und that they propose to make. ' more the count} of the Government in dilmiuin l further 1mProvtmet?ts where "POPSSBI'Y. recoup- I comm" oiiirinis in the county ot Hana". uni ', ing themaclvw in thp. some way as provided by , Sigllilit'ti his intention of asking for information i the Aet ot Itsst teersgiortl If a company can do r"/ucdiror: [hush tlsyurisosals. With 5060001 to the I these things and pa) themselves byitnposing tolls, t intention of "itabliclunl.,r a Bureau of Shaina il. wlw cannot nn individual do tho tmute..' "mum n would involve an expenditure for Mr. Mii.LER replied that the Muskolin required w " hit-it [lit-r0 would be little return. and it would but small 1mpt'ovementa, at, 850.003 at the outside. _ l unit "ford u plum fur ottice-seekera. Att to mnr- was all that who necessary to improve it tor the . ('i, knt to...) hehad discovercd. he said, that their "o. furposeoi' bringing down one thousand million . il'itnl would lint entirely please the farmers. not of timber. That was clearly it "tt"h.ttr) thttt ii I Iii. MILLER trogtttt h complimenting both would never have come ttttdup the provisions or oilvss of the House on the Junta": th.-cttes, Mr. McLaren's cage. Mr. McLaren had taken a mum.. u ,.t .-..m-..vm,[ that the L'ommiaafoetorot "room that was in a. state of nature unlit for V t'r-mn Lands in particular did not favour , 1riy,intUo.ior, but the Muskoka \vasalnrre stream. V n..- House more frequently with web and he failed to diucuver where they tare paid twin umi cioqucut speech" to _ that to '"Td.'tfi , , . . ' l which they "strum! during yesterdn '. my)". Mr. i tAS'ER--Tlte hon. metnheriqnot meeting: "'th runner! to the contention ot the LU. lender Find l have 'rtyrfr.tytet.i. I.wtsnt lo know why it." l or liit' Uppo xiii-in that the Government would not it Willie!" by toll " right In one case, why not IU l rv-tmn v-ointtle'i- crorrtrul of the anion! timber limits snot erl _ . . i "MW; n-[nrentjtg to that House, he heutil con- Mr. MILLER said he would state his case. and [ .,-.w., hound that such I check would," all ' it clear before he not through- It was i ..._ rftit , Lee "up." "lt We Exec tive botorts the hon. "than: the people who used the improvements an I Cu ntlt'llit'i) to the inn crossctLu er to the Govern. undoubted ndvnntuge over men who had made ,' tttttttt hon-hug. " here were out)", proceeded to them. To take the improvements of Mr. McLuren siy, IC')'.: murm- miles of timber under licence in and give them to to.mebodr else "'39 manifestly i tint-tum, ovcr 1 no) or which had been iii-noted by t unfair. It was not in accordance with the princi- l the out I'rtniut'n of Canada. when the friends: of plea of the Reform pnrty that they should deal i tho. Irppootion wprc in the hnhit of Ranting tot 'ttith, one party differently from another. The t their Sit'plrsrt'tC'r.'a timher at: unwind price ot i Muskoka t'oxngnnv had not expended $5.033. ' n siutu'i' tum. Ttaelate Mr. HuruitUld "adenoid l certainly not 10.000. and they were allowed to A duh-.40.; tlust those limit: should be gold by public collect tolls for all the timber which passed il'l"'l'ill. and they run up to "Manners mile. through. . Full. r-,twottrsotyiPtta_tyli!ytihutrmitijifpGFc Me. y "HER-They have only the right to "no", the Government at. Ottawa manned to collect. tolls hnving regard to the amount expend- grant lilllill'r liven-mo on the old plan in the ditr. ed. not for improvements which they had not I puted territory. . Lavrte1irnio have been thus acid made " all, therefore my hon. friend is arguing on ' at it nominal price to it Mr. Macaulay. who in turn ofa'lso wound. - Suki tin-1n to a third party for 9:50.000. When the Mr. - _1.lAlirRtwhi)e the Company have ex. ontario (iovcrnmcnl gut . possession ot that l {bended 310.000. the Government has expended territory tlow tusuhl not. deprive the third party at I 25.000. and are they not collection: for all,' r his it-ut-iirt-ti who. consequently the action ot the l Nr. "ttABErt--rt ther are doing that they are ' I 1tourrnou Gotirtttttiartt in this one case alone en- } doing it We'll"?- i tnilcd a ins-tor 51:0 out) noon the Provinea. in-.- i l Me unrvn -....u___-, a , - " " .

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