The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Jan 1882, p. 5

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,"- F'i'i1?is'rfii1'tr'ri?S& 'tlt , - 'r . "kw . " .. ' . ,1. " . 1.73, . a _ iu'SRfh?i1: a "'r,i?,9lrlrtX.":fr,-1 -" -' y ,1; v, T J"':', "iff an". V "s, ".,". Ti1H: 5 .rl V uni-f 3". ' I'M"? _' .5 '_-- _ ...,.§ '0, ", _ ", '. T . v" I'll; _ ( . Al. tlrF . . .- . C T ' "e . a t , - r tiUe1racolleetion mono paper of the . u . ' _ . - . . u ', _ . Mlle" .to prevent 7is"ul'lll'/i':l'dhtitlfPwpe tine , ". ere reserved try the L,1'.t1e,t,y11tfa"tevt,1,oy tor the . _ V ecu d fairly argue that aceordin to the spirit, ot , nsideration of "is !'i.',iTye.r,t,y',y the Governor- . , the M. N. A. Act and the spirit of the Constitution _ - General in Council. W hat dilly Frtt. John Mae,, . any such power Was Riven to the Dominion Gov- ' donald say in bid report to the ylo,,ttenytutu.erty . t " eminent. It would be mood. on reading the Con- upon these hills i He would name front bir John's _ r Ititution. that the section which governs the own words in that report. which were as follows '.-- _ , lubJeCi matter pr, the Streams Bulgives Ontario "If these Acts should again be passed the Lieu- I the erylutsivo.tirht to legislate upon such a mat- tenant-Governor should consider himself bound to _ I , ter. On turning to another section of the Act it deal with. them at,ouee, and not ask Your Excel. " ' .. woulld be t'oumllI that the right is taken away from lener to interfere In , T the Jominion arlinmout to deal with the gate " _ ' tact limiter of this Bill now under discussion. That MATTERS OF PROVINCIAL CONCERN. 't , - mg the case. was it possible to suppose that the and solely and entirely within the Jurisdiction I ' ' fratnem ot tttttt Act tirat gave the Ontario Legisla- and competence of the Legislature. .tlere it would i ' r ture . beseen that Sir John not only considered. but in I T I " T TUE EXCLUSIVE mairr tttrect protested. that "is,lxcellcucr. should I , w to deal with this question and took away the, not 'Sven be asked to in.terviy.te lit mat-I l C ' powerot the Dominion Parliament todenl with it, , ters that were so.lely .ttt.t.d entirely a ' If and subsrequently in the same Act gave the Do- the competence "Pd 1t,1riy,i,icti1T ct this Legisia- ( , . " .- minion Government the power to disallow the ture. IC.tlysn. His. Excellency ought not m. h" l _ , Bill? Seem," Soul the B. N. A. Act. which pro- asked to intervene in. such matters "fortiort he , I I vines for tlittdi.shllowauce of nominion legislation 03118: Irwin" tatoitndggig'ettaet1,eloetguti1ea2Agi , : , d - hy the Imperial Government. is the only section Eegislature some vears IC," pulsed albill in :01; I m W.e Act relating to the question of 11"glt'd1'lli,t I tion to the Goodliiie estate which it was alleged . ,J , " at all, and is the section which authorizes the d 3- " many char ed that oiiire"iii'aii'u' will "YG I M . allowance of Provincial legislation by the Do- iipisiii was i'l'lll', to dlltdf'l i av ',' it'diuiiiowed l . . - minion Government. it will be noticed that there but Sir lohn ii1Uioifii'i'i who with; iiriii"iiiiliiir; a i r is no, "Puma" tRye/ei"",',,:,',,":",?',',',,'"?,','"',',;):?,," of Justice thougu not 'azreeink with "he Act f; m :3 $29.33" aheo angina? ii?el1'llg1uiu he- refusedto disallciw it. Upon the ground that the l. I twe'éii the Dominion and the Provinces. subgect matter was within the potn;JCbctrtce, and ' " inciclv reducing the time from two years to one. Q.ii,tPt2e of mi". Legislature. Other U'ithMM " . vi" itivai not we ended that the Imperial Govern- 'o"a8"si'lh'Ct', Jiiath,, 'g"2'v,i,,'er, tnlat not [ . I. _ intuit would Love the .ristlt, to disallow measures Minister ot Justice bull othglqri'iuilgc ww! l I enacted by the Dominion Government simply lio- Justice invariabl {do t. 1 ti I., l 1'5 (.'l J, , . I. ' cause they then proved ottheiii upon their merits. i . i l . y . y e?, M ry f'.:, " "C, l , "1i It was concede that that time had long 3mm, _ s certany the on]; cot.tstit.l.1ti.ouui One. V I tf _ . nested away No disallowance had taken place Hon. gentleman opposite argued as it the rights of ME M {iv inc iinocriul'Goi criiiiientot legislation enacted Untzirio were diminished by Confederation. He . "" _ . hi a colonial legislature having representative and would .as.k. them it they thought Ontario had the , I Jkt . responsible v',ririiC.iiiiiiG unless such legislation Pme.rietts. with res,u/-"e,t, to (reedoiy of legislation tit' 5'4 was contrary to law or interfered with Imperial 'tcet/ttl/thilt'.' on} Kalahari: oU,:ut"haidta. " ye , 'CE? . interests. [in was true-and hon: gentlemen op- ri his were /li',','la5eJ,Q." en o 5d) t at these ' ll powpatltrtiued.ilr-.-tlin.t th1s.Itt.t.oeritil G1orerym.tut I in. Mtgrtmrt'rn hr', . h [ . . i could not c'osuitytiwyelly disallow an Act Similar I Mr. 'il Jun": 8;" Lil"; .%'ll" not sirery that' his i, ca l lyty.o titr:eaitrs Act if passed by .the Dominion lien h.Giii took this view as he 'contended and I _ QE, rarlianuutt. then as the section in the British I Wouldbe able to prove iidl we have the some T C r , ' North America Act as '10 fP.rl1tyvtyhe' between t " ri ta frsted in ti old Pr in t Cat . d . , 'cr'." " the innit-rial and the Dominion Governments I rtuyt ',"c/,if/ir'fer'. ti 10 or sea lil a - "t'rfi" a and the Dominion and the Provinces was one and T prior to IP. L' .1f.y fe, l " t l ' _ s. t;- I . "tat . l f reed to at Mr. 11rcitrpruTii-- hat was not t le\ch0 tue he." '. . tuts same '3ecttop.. t "T were 0 p Reform 1 .3 ers at the time of Confederation l - 'P, I "2 the some construction ol law upon the power of '" ll . F L ll" Y F it v, u . I I "f,. is" disallowance. it'liccrs.) It was laid down in the A P. )lelJf I'.",,',.' ' .itth- . b I , :.r'icri"ia memorandum which Sir John Macdonald pre- Mr. Pvtorcic, continuing. said hon. gentleman I :1 ft:- w " - h tri ... o' l l ei I. tion could contended that the debates on the Quebec Itesulu- ', V . '.,rrtHI aredin lid t .it no roimcni etsa . . r .-m .. . . . ', i .'. 't: g, disallowed unless it was In whole or m part tions showed that, our leaders had took a ditt'erent I . " f illel'al or uultti4 it clashed Wm. Dominion le: isla- view at that time. He had read those tit-hates, and l _ '. g . F . . . ' . , F ' . F . . I t . , tion. or was detrimental to the interests of the 2, 100131 nothings!) them but "ty showed (Ileaill') l i 3'43: liar; , itty.utyion M 1" y huh SlrJUh" went flirtllel'.'8lld tavlt'cgrciselde in"feon','iitutl'),',tflu Gillian-r (lagers? I "'le ti? to said ttyat.Yiu in those cases where i? hon tentliruteu would read 'd/i'ie1'it1a, on these l ' km". " - was wltolly or in part beyond 1 roviiiCialjurisdic- . ls, ' _ . _ . 1 'r.' ' . V . r, 4' tion no disailowaue? should take place until the Resolutions iii the light of constitutional law they , l 2,, Government of the Province had received duo woult.i.stee that there was no intention ol claiming . 'a": notice and been atttwded full oprrortunity of ty1t?,rl)iti"a,,1,T wyvuT.ordisallowamre underthe veto I I i& aliowinir cause why the measure should not be section. P.T.i.i.?fry.yy.!y'..t must rest upon cunnil- l . , ll disallowed: andin ettseadecisioa to disallow was tuttoual rul'osnnd piactice'. and not on more my , f, " .1 come. to. the Provincial Government should be ltrtc0 9t.r because m tlie JuCtmttettt ot the YP/tYE ti "II trttured an opportunity of amending or repealing of Justice the Act was " te, one. .Irt the course - I , ', the o 'iectionable Act. in this case there was no of ttis T,tt9, '.l).1,ti,uer, tlei oure EMF"? 1ii'U.atts, Pt' r. if) rcten -: that any notice was 'l\'l:ll. and the tirst JPN" Alluf-dQH'lld said on this subject .- [no " . l'/i'i'f/ri'o',l the Government ind on the subject general but criimenl assumes towttrdrthe Local 5 ', m e , w a throurh the Mail newspaper. unless (,i?picyi?y/ee,tt precisely thr, some P."Itton as the AB, r M tn' hi he said that a statement made by a certain Imperial G'ot eminent .ltolds _ tit,,lt respect to _ I" , gen ' "it in at ("mimic Iialli'was 'll',),"?,,','; and here it?" 195'" the" 2',,io"le,i',cntt'os',fd.'k IA/YT/i).: C x. - I . _ " wou' l "esteem t int tie oiiiiniou Jorernment. ._ . , ' 'erf' l, l _ ou a . , a I . ir, he MP of the. rule I") clearly laid down by Sir liamentary frov.eIttuuu1c, speakingas to the rule-of I .l ., . - Jon . .inc-lonahi. thouxht it conustent with their 1yw.p.rovatlimr 1.ttt.wt.e.t/, r.he iuwuuitlaty.iC.oloniitl I " . di :nit , and duty to impart information in an im. Vrgi.syt.urel. 'hilty.'4 _ "ll" ,sapeemelesrislttive an. . IS' n rctattt Stale tttittj't' between the Dominion and thorny _issytlt.i.ectotf?o.tu.'reo.t.otheparamour1rsupre- i , id t if Province to a solicitor in a cause before they macy ot the iutyerya.l _l", over all minor l a" I . . 'n "oatirirttt'iated tit the Province the fact that and subordinate legislatures within the Ishupire. I T 1'. i . the "mm-I of disallow-ance was under discussion. _ "it; functions of control exercisable by the lm- I Ni 'I i, . lil ' tcarlct. oi the Opposition had asked W hat dit. penal Le,;islaturrt are 1pt'ayicaily.trctit'cttiuyd. liow- l We " ,.,.,I 'v',' Il would hav" ""5" supposing the notice ever. by the operation ot certain constitutional i "gain. .3 ha: won givcn I Pccliapn it would not have made principles herslttu' to bt! considered. it may i '91:! "d', .. our .II:;-CI.I.m.I.. "I. icnrudthnt the fact of the per- stitticc to observe that the rirlit or local se,Itssoy- l "ri It?" "I" my, mm mm." "uelsopposition to the Billwhen erniiicnt conceded to all British k:'olouiy-s, wherein ,.' t. . it "a, lrefotu, this House being so representative institutions have oven introduced, l ", i ' ' coiilcrstipon the Local [legislature With the co- ,' 3" . RICH AND P0WrHtFUL A at PPORTER operation apti.eop.seu.t of the Crown. its an integral I . . a": of the Ottawa Government, and the further fact ' part of such institutions. ample :ailll unrescried I I; that his solicitor was likewise one ot theahlest l poitcm to 'lclilswatv, and iiciciinun- absolutely in ' T. [ll d s rou'rcxt friends of 'tiiiiT,io'v"ii".nGeit"t would '; reaard to all imam-sot ioc ti concern." (Applause.) I r i . i " ., . " . I . . ' .. F _ , . i., _ have outweighed and overridden niiv protest, i lio'zi'lfggl'lf'fl'f"I'IIER"IT':*\VI,I"_lIT5"93',""lfl'IIUHII lxowcvcr strong. that could have been ll.ttart by "3" u' e, IT/H te. H i'" "m lumen an - c this Government. But the fact that no notice li-tvi f olottialLei:ilatttres,"protyy'[totilt!wtlrat i been given naturally and roaSOualiiy C'cntdd' tt the ','."2"i rule of "i)',"?,?,,",,')))',',',",) lino" applied 1'l M I tha or. "I: . TV I mailers ictwcou tie Joiaittiou 'avliament an _ . '. suspicion ' tit w" t on the put ut ttttt l the Pcovutoiul Le tislatures. Mr. Toli..yent on to _ _ , ' " Ottawa Government that if this Government had l, , sa;: _" In decudnct. upon the validity or ex I ' been ail'oriied anonpoi-inuity tin-y would hich pre '; l pedieney of ptvc.t.rt.c'ial enactments the Governor l [wilted such rmu'mn and :ii'xllziicnlw' do WOW l lI'H'" [ General in Council has I . _ .4r' pturnirsted disullowuncc. and U)" our": tlt I""" I , , _ s , r v I S forced upon their "onrirloyurion, were more I No Altitli'luln institution. I - M' In!" purposes a.ctyd part): "Huff-"g ru'td"/T/,/.' l The decision of the Dominion Govcrnment upon , m"Le , ttuo 990351" of this Gummy Unt't an" t tttt "'. l \llsiiciii iiestioiis must be in cout'ornmty with tite t 1 . exercise ot the veto iiI-;iciiiied upon the amount ot l letter and spirit of the British North America. Act. , :'.' party pressure any. our. who tlroucht thump ii 1-5 Tlmt statute has been correctly termed 'tlie great gt; ir,tpftyt,v1rlh'?eil. bring '9 y.1t.a,r:y2s,.ly-'tl,tjy1,",,ir I chartcrof our Conitittttioit . It rcc-iguixw and I éi'i Cmttederation was nul " optlt ten ' l als "mm" ttip. I guarantees to every Province in the Confederation in»? (Applause.) Hon. izcnlleincn oppo~i c ought ' to , the right of local tseltiovernttutut in all ! _ b' . 'ee i take the some copywvlyurr.iyy Vll'W ml the ll'lt'xlillh :, cases. within the coma Hence of the , 4,kii as was Lulu-ii on his side of the ilou~c. >0mc iinic I Provincial authorities. And it does not i tel ' m. the 1.iyee.t, future hr',orniio'i'iel'"i"///y,lc'.'t/,yiil' l contemplate or justify any interference with the i ' E . might comm) will" to t 0 rw, l Ill It: a "f ' exclusive powers which it ciilrusts to the Legisla- l ', 1,tl _ this House. and no doubt the present i".v'itivn' l y titres of the several Provinces " And a rain Mr . ":rss',a at Ottawa would nut always occupy tinncpn-wni I l ", . . .... G , . "I ' .. T ' . . l . . d th would be u Liberal "INN," , lodd said .-- [he Iiiiiiciiiic is aimed that no I we, Mum". an .9" . F f tl f, Ti f .I . ' . I interposition to that etriineiit in any degree to the I 4.. mentthere. Itall At'tso mun in o ..v_ o.n .- . l f slr-r, '.' ' . . n f 1 w t " " " i . id bedtt,ullowcd u am 'I. conr,ider:4 I piintin.e o st. 40\Ll'llilltlll in mantra 0 out ' T J m quesft 'Ill (ion 'eh"i,i or hecaiislo the litii.,iugi;., I concern would be permitted or approve]. wiiv [her ' 'gal lion 0 c r m 'ro . _ . si . 7 on the part of the, Iuvoevutl or Domini an Go,ern. " Government. somewhat disagreed from their mo . . ' _ - » . tl . " I "rm" mun"). of "is,,ntrst1ut I mom. in their sevcittl and "iru'tr!uurtCLt spheres of " " "mom" t fi',)',.,,.) "t'v'a/i',,"i'/, " mud." inc [l"lll'lll;' J, action. iii iiinttcrs within the acknowledged com- i, " . . tion 1'hV "mellow ii? i'iis'rrJrv?dye" /iii'.'v'iu'ui.', poteiicc of "nthcryttutrtual. Tnis broad principle I V In. [ upon i. q A. . ii ' ... tw I ,I t tl I C. admits of but one t'i'ttttOtt, viz.. a t'es'U"vC, right l t; I f,i)e,',ne1,uri'UJWd//J1y,'i'l2,',/ A, 27.21 "C',').)' of interference by the ("i-own itself under excep- ' ' - w. up T. ti , ttiVct it no distant do .01 tsl ' I ' tional and undetinahie circutttttstauces,and as it last . MI . ccrtunly have ' tty " ll . la. tro '. I, on: [.3 it . I resort. or at the formal requcstot' the particular ', , 'l " i l'f,'ei; ah'U",g,',W',S,,f "i'/,%'".fi, actint {In Govetatrr.entn concerned" He said he had I a, . in. . . ( , . a i: ' . ' ' Mill I "atrium t1'l,'lidi, if tttey would on this "my" issue Talt')) the House. that he would Show I J V ' I r: aside party and join with the Liberals on thi, y l." best constitutional authority: .t.ha.t ' . _ " if g of the House in their endeavour to try and our rights had not been atrceted or diminished i " . " tflfl/,'fifl the rights of the Province upon a ttlft,ttPgf"t't: audlie would actain qaoto front I . - a' . '. .. ' "l . m.' A r. ' o on t at, oint. le 'Ct ow . l , silty/date/dn/if,' daddiec'dlildl "c/"ct,'1ut//1"llAt1i,'t, from that? HeliLlCllilrn's littos't k"will;l 1,f1/t.l/':py l . I, leader at Uctawa "royyl curaclusively that .he .'l"l"vtl,"Ce,y""e,7g.2t,/elg "1111fht'/'/et' ir, i , , never claimed or considered that the Dominion rights of l l'/"'i,'i,'llCf,e ill mit t at. t to I Government had the right 05 power P.lliiyllc.rt' conceded tr, "ll 'ceyJiiie)"'U..'.e.y';N, 1aoretoforo ( ' iiieasuros iliat were Within our cuutiilt'ucy and in an w) mi several "Mince-R are, J/l , _ 1hrl,sei,tfi"/, to pass. It would ti/J,"",'):,.",,",','.:.',.':,, .ls1se,f.Usnr,"'t {canpaired by that; Inning 1. , _ - ills relating to the Orange Howell" w.).TJ.' '/aP1'hl infrin eui t era compact. tu! t tal, no I , _ b this Legislature inthe your 1813, "inch 'oilis ti on ll on those rights. which would be I r . y ' . . . . 'dt,:,,l',ylttyn. Wit. constitutional usage or with the i V ' _ principle ot action previously enjoyed by the. Pro.. I , ll FC; . - _ . I . . . .

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