The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Jan 1882, p. 7

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- "e""","',"'"""""'"'""'"" - - a" - V N "T- . . . . ": II PtNllM I - II _ x; .. ' . . ' _ _ .'1 " Ivy]: I l _ IT?,. t ,2, . l . . ' . _ rtm, . It; , on; 3 V ' ' s , ", o ' . ', os' l n . '. . ' E He cut t.ltet,iuyl", on those, 1'oati.allowances, bat it i I tt'iyil, aother;new?staffinggtttztii:r l _ wiis cluiiiied by the municipality. and they went i . (ar arge l'?, t .., . The ri tits of to ert fll ' ' to law atmo. it and got u. judgment, ot a. court1 t I Mr. 11/,c.,lgy//d'1', d g p p Y tt l . _ » nmiiis'l Mrluiren for the. value. of the timber. The ' under the "my 'fllf . th d d h ' _ lion. Mr. 1tichards,sitting in this liousennd at the i Mr. 1'AtuMs:E- fI course IT, dot in: w y I time t'otuutissioner of Crown Lands. introduced a i should an}; 1t%1.-.'"fc1lA1"/e,tli"e1ds1"i),,s"ii'ot/dt7. ' Bill at the '.vulut_'s, of Ncrarett for the purpose of l rensouII ' letL iiie' matter he \Bguld admit that i . r» ie " d hini ol that iidzniirnt. TI . _tyrityys muy 0 .n ' . l. , rt'll "n . . J _ tat wasn- post . ll . iron in the hon member trom l . do le:isluiion indeed. " ho w uld ' , . tite, l ustrutions g . . . * .; C?." 1 all" I up" " "talt of "my" "mama t y. no v "'3; 11h" Gleugnrry fell under one of the pim mom for ', I - , dy,/ti'.),'/ 1r'rrlr'.1'iti0,,'t1'., .,' this} 1rl,f'/U1',f tlt1' 1.1isallowutwe laid down by Sit. 1Joit.rt Macdonuld in I - lame ',ouuoilirrga Government in 1Jata . ' dat I his 1863. His hon. irieiid bad l I q no on said that they might be fairly charged with . i l mother I Government " Ottawa. tLoud tut" treason to the people of the Dominion because I I 'latuse.) they had introduced this guestion into the Speech. I _ * Mr. MEmeDtTtt-Read thet eat post facto legit" Mr. Micmsoi'ru denie that he had charged -u'i""- the Government with treason in introducing the l Mr. r'tititr:trp,Tft1etlttl to read trotntthe statute question into the Speech. Ho had referred to . is follows :--" Every government run! allowance arguments which they trad made use ot on the included in any t'rown timber license hereiufove than". the Home. _ . (mntett ot' which PP? iyyytr,ttr be. granted under Mr. l'Aiwiizic asked which party, or.the course i section l of chap. 23 of the Consolidated Statutes of which party. was likely to prove moat detri- ot ('anuda shall be deemed and lulu-In m bc.yyt mental. he would not any treasonable, to the best ' to 'rur. '".r'tt u!u,Taitted binds of P.e. l rown witliitt interests of the country I Was it the party which che nttywitys.ot' that Seam"; and lia.ble tttl such to would not surrender the rights of Ontario. or the w int-in led in such license Here it Will be, seen party which adntittort the power of the Ottawa ' ( hat this vt'-rym"'lto" contains tite extttet words "1 Uovurnineut to interfere with those rights and i retrain-urn charm-to: which have hm"! ,3" supported that Governinentinsuch interference: ,trotrglc condemned by hon. gen [omen opposite (Cheer-s.) iii the ',hi) err, and §treems Bill." lih"/,'au,.'.ui"ia'r.) THE BOUNDARY AWARD. Q}: "',1'ti',t.t-,-,'i,'l',e,tt,lt tawny /,'lt"il deemed Turning now to the boundary (luesiion. he said trii1'i,t'iil0"if"t"u't' Dominion Government in diyal' the people were ntttu.rallyoxc:ite.t upon .this sub. lowing the Streams Act a blow at re ireseutativc. JY/it .ttn.ti.. took a deco interest in it, nitrecting as it and in tt st'ttNe, at f.'l,u,l,/i"il'er," 'torern- did. hull our territory. consisting of 100.000 square mum He understood up to this time miles rich in minerals. forests. and agricultural I that the members of this House were responsible resources. but ttotwithstaudin,tr, all this, he tin- . I . to the country for the legislation they omit-ted. 1':,11a,':yyl? said that he placed Car greater um I 1'hat was what he understood by responsible ROV- pulIluiici. uponI tho full power to ,lfy.rj..s..1e..t? I erniuent. Blithe found tlra: wus not "tumult! at fwd the . ni.i.iutenaiice ot Iour Ilrovmciul 'd all. 1uuteadot' being responsibloto the people the. in: ofo'yJ/,tn"a///i',al rights 1tliyyrtei..titd. than ' venue was changed and they were simpl' rc" l", "(I upon this Pl and expensive region. . spoiisible to the Dominion Government. l ioud will tttey. couldInot overlook the importance of aoplause.) Let thorn supoose that it one aItion- tRli,1et',t",'v't IN huthquld be the result it the . a icrvutive Cabinet ut Ottawa. which satin Judg- I1°Vm¢b View deprivc0. of this territory? It f met on all the Acts of this present Vyritla.tyre, I would be reduced from the proud position ot the in" but the people. took the Irtttario Adiiiinistru- I PREMIER PROVINCE - "d lioii to task for what they had done. It would lie I . . . with them to say, "O ir Acts eiiiinot have been of the Dominion ta the position. so to speak, ofa wrong because the friends of the Ontario Oppose third-rate power in the Confederation. Quebec. . :ion at Ottawa hove passed upon them and Manitoba. and liiitish Columbia would have " I ",trvroved oftliem or they wouldhavo disallowed it larger territory. and would take precc- g mom." He said. therefore. thiit when they went deuce of us in this respect. vet hon. members g to the icople. and wore charged with bud ieqisla- opposite were. ptered to defend the Dominion F 3 lion. diey might t:ousi.sttmtly shield themseltI'cs Government in this gross outrage. unit-erg.) ',, a behind the Dominion ('overnmeiit mid any. .. Ile Hon. gentlemen opposite took the ground in on ' "ills you coutplam of were allowed by that Goss poiion to the contention of the Government in " mcut." this mutter that Unturio was not deprived of any 1. nesroxsiiiu; oovmzxunxr tMPkitiLLED. territory. and that the tqultIliiy with the Maeken. " r ti . tt t in" the nuci no of responsible zu- government. in not t cc _'rirtrt the award to he , Zlftl'lel'llll'lll'txft'tusdtfllplft'ht'l'Vlitl.plit't'u|]lstf the Dominion InIzmhm: below it was made. ly other words. they . tioverninent \Vlrl'o responsible to the people, the mauled tho 1hyelcttr,zi/?. Adusimstratioa because rctwonuilsilttyot the t,ocaliioverutnettt wusignored the) Iliad H0180 1ouyl.Sir John linedonnld hyyti olto "ttttey. lt wiped them out and did not and loot us to make it impossxhle tor him to reiuse louvre thi-ni even the status of " County Council. to ratify ll!" ye..',"),.; tl.iear.s "ty:? The dispute IreCatttg1t there wits no power which could review win rcierrcd to at".ntraliott. to able men in w iom County Couur'il legislation. and allow or uiyallow. tut,- whole country liiid coutidtenen, Iiind who were T T it on its merits when it is within the provisions oi ol more tIliunl unidian fttme.atttl this "yyyrNt? the Act creating ouch Council. and the 'o'ovCryu.ten.t at Ottawa agreed tout their - Mr. Mbitt gun" _it can be set aside by the deck: ,usuould bcItinal :tInd cotttlusiste. lie read . l Courts. 'l'UHl a report OIIIIllM: 1rrorts!usitce.ot' the Privy w t Mr. 1'avumr:--0ttly if it contravenes the Act, ,lt.'/ytiy1l/yril'yllyyyi; rl',11t1tyift.1tyfP.y,iyri,,otstush i I and the nonunion Government can only disallow 1 th e retort-cs be duel between the parties. . . 1. ' ' our Acts when they are found excel-din; the _ {Hid Mruti.P.Dit'H - 1'nat " not the original ' tl l i, ower conferred in ion us bv the Constitution. nm to. . . "hair. Iteat.t He would revert 'o the theory of My. l'sitttrur--0f Coucde it Tiv' not the oriiripal. , ' hon. gentlemen opposite. that iesponsible govern- but it was the retcrciire wlil gave the urlntrit- - F', F lI ment was preserved bsuvause the Dominion Gov- tors power to uci.I Aitas hon. ;rIiciid was trying to t lernnieiit were. responsible to the income. lie ,cludethe force ot it. "by men did they agree I would put the case of " measure, whiting to ' that the award should be mud and conclusive and ' ' l Ontario beingpitssed bytttisltousvartddisaliowctd on the very hrs! opportunity turn round and l i at Ottawa. Suppose the people of ontatuo eonl ) abrogate that awrrrd tso tur 33 they could t , _ r ( cinned the action of the Ottawa nulhoritics llllt . ._. . . P . , , , I rlcturned to the [loose of t'oinnioiis u tuttJotuty of A TUBE-h U01'.Nr'.PK0 Helm . . . her rew-rttativus pledmd to [but reondeiunn:rott. Hon. gentlemen urFuvd that the Dominion Gov. . lint tissuiiiiiiq th it ii number ot other Provinces tu'ttulettt cyuld no! Q any legislation (mango tho I boring no inteti.t in the disullowed legislation boundary liIte "'lullm'l Ct vr'ttro'ttt legislation on - , r, returned it number oi members sutiicient to Wipe the port ofIthe howl t;overn1.oni. But what was at out the Ontario tn:Juuty. then what would the Dominion Govcrntnvtttdoing.? Were they not » become or the responsibility of the lioiiiiii- Trttmiuc.rto permit our otitccrs to have control of . l,", ion Government to the people of tins Province .' tite territory syltrch had been ttthi'dod to usl SN ere i . B) ll.ond applause! lion. gentlemen opposite But I they not keeping possession of it its tar as they , T, 1 turirnid the argument advanced by the lion. SdA f could..? All" not tsatisiicy.i. with that. they were , ', , "mm Blake - ' Iiiiaitters still Iworse by providing _ {a Fi' - .\li'. Mr:rtmuTu-inrar, hear. l than vter).g/i',e1i//il, rtt,r1ltht,o/'tdgtll/'hij)i"di, Ito k" It. , ' . ' ' . .. I ' u- Wr'm' erii mum :iryo t it: rovmceo ntiirio. . . r . tc),"i,xi'gdt"icJ,'" tti1yl.etL'tt1Joh/.1'2ti1,, to? l What wat, the mm Lot that .actioy.? I mm be il l ' _ l lished in the Govertrtttettt orgun. and he was iible l noticed thttt u, ,'Y'" only the Jurisdiction that Wits . t ' _ to subscribe to every word of it. tApplause.) 'l.tjypt.i,r.tTy..i.: int-control of the lands. the forests. I , What did Mr. Bloke. surf He said. " lt Win sin; and the mines was still retained by bir John and I _ gestcd tlrnt if a Canadian Minister had the Itowt't' ' ll? Government. who uroltauly reasoned that be- , I . I , or' controlling the emit-uncut or ope:uutiouof Pro 'I ttx 1-. . y.a,typ.ryrt and the thL-rful borerninent at I . ' vinciat Arts tho c."ut"'"lu1ul1-"-y. would be " viptual l Ottawa tic') In mild be able to keep Ontario out of t _ . l repeal of the section of the ll. N. A. Act giving ' ly,', Iriglits.II 1.'lrt...fyy) right contorred upon the I l the exclusive right of legislation on certititi nmt- I _ "ovi"'for yttttit.ob.a was Iutst pr, spending her ters to l';orinciitl Legislature." This was cr:actly '.Tou'V for /he ":ltnitstgtration .of Justice l" ttyrt . our contention. and coining us it did from so "Isle l "human "Ilierc WBu. tlie necessity ot St,,1,s..t),T..?,ry.r, [ _ i an exponent of coiistitutioiinl law he placed grout . 1tt "WNW" l.'.'. Mull robs. at all, if Ilhnt l rovace I stress upon it. lloii gentlemen opposite spoke l wastttot to lune the .liy'et,r and mineral wealth also of the necessitv for the ItotnmiouGovetmment ' which belonged to itt 1iiv,Hp1ly?yi. painted .to ' r reviewing Local legiiiiition in order to protect and the. conclusion that. the Dominion Government, iii- ' eonservr the rights of minorities from unjust legii llu?.ncetl by ttruntosity to outario...atyliu'esstd by the lation. Was not this contention its likely to pre- I ny3ling oCieaioasy IWlllCh itryy1tiled m another I.'.ro- ( judico the rights of minorities as to protect them! '; Vince. hitd determined to snirk the ecsponsiloility ', mrBt . 'th qrmrNr, . " , q.9,N i [by changing the venue, making the quarrel one I ' l l ATTEMPT TO N tltl 1 sr'.c t'.titl AN PItF?.JL' " t>i. 3 between Oyt2rio, and Manitoba. and muting it ten l l What illustrations in this connection were i times as Iditilzult as it was before to a etusettle- I given by the lion. member for Glerurarry , meiit. (them-s.) (Mr. MucMuster) , He had stated the sup- lI A CH \NGE oe BASF'.. r' ' pots1tittoy', Iii'.'."."..., Fm" ty,'! Io/ee.. tslwrtld é Hon. gentlemen opposite seemed to be changmg in." nu Ac't denim in,r the Mutiodist boil) ot the _ F . . I, '.. . . P! T .,', . . . I '. ._ . i, their position on this sulrjecu, trout what it was right to tree \Villnlllp. oi the Roman Catholic body I two Years I". At ll ll 't ' ui l t ti of a right to vote. Why did the lion. member use a%irii it /, . . l' Fs' if2iel/ "rm If . te 'Ill,',' _ _ " illustrations and Hollie two of the largest re- i l, ' ."y A'yy..? lit UI' Willis tt,t.taittttt t " ' 'lic'. II 1 "ouructtiotrs in the State t lttiattse. no i the Il)uiniuioii (not eminent keeping as out of our l Midis ingihoii'rht to be able to create thereby "I I territory.' T/ttp' did not then stand on in defence ' don) . . T, tl . ih rods of tuose, may; i l ot that uomnnnent. but they joined ma resolu. {fee'mdf tr"l,1',"ir',,2l'21llll.' "ll'/'u"/o, to convince /1 , Lion 'tssrssted by tue, .Hytse protesting a4aiust the 'ttll,",',?,'?:,',"; of Ins runsOns. the hon. vte'ntlvttrtn _ that?!" 01.1431: Ug'flulllugn (y'"i'ir,oui1,. [in th.?', re- thou'rbt tointroduce what might be termed scar t'oiiserv-iti , . "I50 I."".". to " m I every I - ".., . l ve membei of the House except t",1y"3slll.iv,o,.ru-so no ' PW, gave his assent, was as follows '.-- i I .' s?lJ.i)?d'i')i.l,'/-ydr' ii'G.' .fricnd sttys"No, no." IlliIiIit. this House deeply regrets that notWith-l _ _ but time illustrations were. not chosen without a ht//,2fCe Joint and runourren: action of the . I I ' {rinse The 'rt Iii'SIIE'er not"? v. 'tp ttmp 'par l 1'i1l't'li1'2s 1'/f'/r1r'J'd' '.el1e, .r'/'l1ll"".?f: in" the I r i these two iutimeutiai religious bodies ware iiuiner- 1 mont of 'CtCll."l /'il,,y/,"ui1,' IgtrothrsI the 3overn- l 5 I ous in every Province in th: l)oiiiiiiioii.I and that the validity a the ildo Il. Grid "'i'ifd"l'ef V lIex'tslrvtionalt'rt'titct them would be, lexislationut- I no legislation has bil", la v.a ed amp 'ef. 'fectin; then-.tercsts of the Dominion wenerslly. 3 ment by the ("when summit , t0d "ht; l and its such. coming within one of dim-"KM Ium plii'pose of "d',ft''lfilV,'t' stiltlnuaaward'g visiortsotHirJolm'smetnortuuium. Noiegis ntion ' (illicyddid not then defend the Government at . . not: a for not lezislatirvg on the question. nor ' _ I

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