The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Jan 1882, p. 2

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. - V I t " a, For, - ' J ..x . A _ r' I. MII ' . R'N I "I , ." _ . '.h 15 453' if b ' Cg ME.; . .' . ' . 5 - _ - - 7 I" 1;" ' ".. fig; . ", . , T _ . ". /'a.." as" L ' - . ', - M.-- iii-tttth-s f 0 -- .2; - o- . be the gyli,'g', ",i.igll'g1ttti'lf srstsspt;it'jtll:j,i'-. l tru/trl,,,'."' gt,gltit1htt) " had bee 2,idf'g,,t.Q ', ' v o ' _ . . J . 1iurTllfu(lllfle; which he so new!!! Qu,','; [ it was theduty of the Government to P04311110: tah,ilit l i united! Was it that alien an exponent» bout lineasnrc and show the Dominion uovcrpute.n Pro-l . l ifiiiGl rears of Confederation" hu Yh"', f, l 1 ' Sir John Macdonald that the people ot this, . l, ' 'd . l v and scheme of a o.onrederater Vince believed ittobo a proper measure. I'hea 1 1 to uyd.o "f..."ir return to his favour'.te idea yt. shall again assert their power to pass such a . l el.'.,.'),),'?.:, union I It was so well Know" that 515 measure in that House. (Hour., hear.) Ad- , T Jilin Macdonuld advocated "rc/cis/is!,'?,?,',,','."),:".,.:,,".,')).,': 1 l verting to the i'oitt .ot the itr,""pp,'?Ii.'le F onl abandoiieditiia impractuhle under (A1." I li' lmade on tho Mississippi River try l c "e . V 'cll1.1lt"s't'lll)'i',r. To use his own words, _", he 1?lli, t l he said that the figaro named by the ineutlret' fur . I it impossible to bring about, 'ee.tyl,eiie',elt ttlit'?, ', . Glcnuiirry (Mr. ?1Lyyyyyi! elti'ie; It' tlg"g'.efr'i he "we up his idea of yriitl1P.v/l tut",,",,";, .. The _ too high. it having been moi/(itl "MRS .1 out the could not be brought a.boitt, all. at l' . (in. the cover the entire. outlay. e pointec 't of the "ee three last words were sioitleatti It,1 Ittt d"; I ktl is enormous expenditure ot Toney on the part of _ direction of .t'ir John )lacdoniilds innit1 "gl [Ill Province which the, adoption ot the propo'Si ion t f, subject. tllcttr. hear). "ere the _iic,'io,,'rryi/,"rlllli1 the uusmber tor itaspilca..tlua.t It SP',.",',',',',','.?,',','].' 1 ' premier Province. he yro//l..u. tdit . Emi'tzr liavin" _ should purchase "id 'ht"l,th"h 53:3: igg'lwim ' quisli me control of tttttr' to,'f,U'fdir.1i"//7t'd(1'/n"/-' menus. Giup.snvo1py e "dl, ll er fol as u. . reached the front {Maillot} than"? lute Lion . that proposition. It was ly1 ','ilstel telpdbwn I ing "ttstove/tith'".'.? Piovutce Ut '3'. ""31"" y' ' l measure placur-t a toll Ott "at" 9it .oa\ l fl; it, bl after by frugality and enterprise .bui i ml 'fha. I the stream. It the compensation indtne I ado an. ' i country. attrixctinit a large _vf_i?y.yytioe.,f,e,' I')] . ; session was not sufttcient, then it evolve upon '4 tine a surplus in the l'icasui-i . were ptr 1 them to enact a measure which would be Still? die; ' when they had "mined. . that. 1,"Nyc'll', 1 tory. (Applause). 1hvitinfrP.n to ,tte,t.eetntre,'ielnt, Ht ;, ready to go back to a lexisliiliic unionl . ' his? 'g'l%lil0"iiiiiiiiNs1e,ly.?.i,.e,1e Q,T,tig, tickle}: I _ they. with Quebec labouring ynIlcr a yP..v..l tt i made. againstwlr. Mackenzie by the .ea. oro be . delJtcuirusss, and Ontario cou touting tis tty/ell? _ iiiiiiiLiirey,ylyy) GiiiiiiiGiv/ii1yePt,p.,1 ly.:. , r n? the revenue, willinf to take such a ""99?" . the fact that when the attention ofer. Mackenzie " sire step! lie thong it not. He charged _! l' l was called to the suPjcyit. it. was in Augustzldili. lemlcrof thootlier sid.e Put? J.', it? [01.9"- l and he went out ot ohm: in §elitcnillei ot llie on this question of tnaitttatu1nW l ryvittcu.'al rights. l early part of October. it was impossible. thric- That hou.genstlouptu' had formerly yraiitty! thy i tore, for Mr. Mackenzie to have, ratified the Government in advancing the claim tor our terri- i award. He believed. it hon. gentlemen oppesue torial rights. But alter a comet-once with "if went to the country.' With_the contention that. On- (ntaiy chief the lion. gentleman i,t1a.,1,te'itt,1, his l tai'io had got every lllCthl territoi'y she had when . .' ' attitude. abandoned his former positionJl'un clung she entered Confederation. that they would tail ' to thetskirts ot SirJohn. illcar. hour.) the hon. l 'iiiaiiWwvMryyst (Applause) Eminent will 't 'rcntieItttut had nu doubt said to isis leaduut: .. l impartial arbitrators. Sir Fedweri11'ufT,i1oPt,:".1y,' - "m ' will gist Fou my tsupport l" the "mu" m the l Francis llincks. and chlet Justice Harrison. had ' i Award. and I hone you will lend UR a hand ' awarded to Ontario a vast territory. 100,030 c. at the local elections." iArpsause.r,1h'. lintlgumw square miles in extent. rich m timber arrl I apoiortizeyl to the House tor.turc'1NPht, so. much of minerals. and according to th" report of Pro- ' . . ' the time. but no doubt the importance oi the sub- _ fossor Bell. with a soil capable of {"9ng wheat. I :jects under discussion would be his best ',, barley, and other products, and of supporting"! _ excuse. lie resonant his scatZamid applause. I large industrial population. tllcar. hear.) The l l . . i e . . I Mr. BASKEIWILLE found fault with his" tili'i'iloeyrehltéiécniitchgte's't::;'ig(t)t;ltéii2€bx(iiil'ltlhEli'sgipgofigoflzI l , r " havin r failed to give some not it I _, qt . . _ f _ ('otvt'J1t"ltei'l,l/t Policy L'. the, country's prosperity of iit,eii,i,it'iiajoii'ecl1i,'ett1ii") 'tr/,'t,tiitc)'/"'d/Tg'd I . _ . , . ' '" .. . ' . r _ ' _ . . . ' I . , l ia"dpgtrltirt.iut; 35:33.15:minimuimi ll'eainl 'l'lll'fy belittle the Prot'incc _ ' _ , st or run 'iIidustrios of this country stood in need and they had his cy//y1"'7/et,1'n w I? i LICIV'ilp- l E. Jt")ei5l'll'l'il.'/ to enable them to compete success- pooled to the people. tilcan hear.) , hange- uslteld. l _ I fully with those of oldercountrios. which have be- took place between N" John Mac anal and t '0 ' come more pennant-i ily established. lie thought leader of hon. gentlemen opposite at the Lonvon- . ' the Government in agitating: the boundary quer lion held in Fohonto Vrccc}nt(lly._ P. lilllllt't; the. l " tion was seekin to tttttlie for thcuioolve, political member for L moon. yvlto 'I J1'.?,'Y, z". it. i .Hm I V C capital. andlie t//l,,l'll,'/t the action or the Holnllh Goreruinent in standingr up tor Unto. .os rigltts . , ion Government in the course they had taken. iurit0,r/G.sG.s:sionvy/,11I9,jPN11 1,t,eyp,Uaie,y,','d, 1 ~ The Rit ers and Streams Bill was very properly _ the 1.tnty.tviitl"lt position he did before tho, HUNG V .5 vetoed. because the provisions for compcnsatitut of this Province. (Loud applause.) lie was Bulls" _ owners ot imprm cinents Were ipsuteent.., The 1 iled that they would have teyrr?jei_t.t WHY, they ,. necessity for further maintaining the Upper ', had ceased to support the Govetnturent "h its . '- Canada College at the public expense had passed I roution on the Humidity Award. and why t ter . - awar. since the establishment ot numerous iusti- iad wheeled l'Olllltl and tried to belittle their Pro- , . tiitions where instruction in the higher branches \'incc. _ry.y.l.ajyy11tyltr) . ' of education can be obtained at moderate cost. Mr. IN A'U'Jis moved the adjutwnment of the ' He concluded with the hope that members on I debate. ' both sides would abandon poi-limo ice-ling. and l The Hoasa adjourned at six p.m. . cometo a consideration of the questions before __ l- them with a View only to tho public intcrcst. I NOTICES OF MOTION ' T I . Mr. FIELD said he felt that. he would i - - . , . ' . is " j _ . ' b' It', Ji'il""//j't liliydryfcl: 1ii1rgot':tc"u/?g,tsidt. 1 Mr. Lauder-On Thursday nttxt-.Motiott for a LI e . t . b c. _ , , ll ' .,_. i return showing :--1. A list of lands in the munici- portant questions now more the unit. Ile l; . ,. . . _ _ . . ' i turriust to the claim made by hon. gentlemen ,', ', gfv1y'/iii,'it1i.thiAy/i5,yisnef lyff,1, on the If..? , opposite for the success of the tiscai policy ot the i t "510}. .19" Pl?) 1879' I')," amount of such 'f/fd/tl V 't country he instaneed the fact of the lloclieluga l 'YY, 5p"? a ist m t "3 Wvll.1es o.r the fll.'y,1ffi':flf . _ and NGlleytie)d Cotton Companies having lately I such-Ian; s. -2.'A'll.9f. of lands insaid municipality I paid dividends of ten per cent. quarterly above i on who itaxcs laid been paid at said datc.aiid the expenses. as an instance of the operation ot pro- I I "PET!" 9f sttcl2 taxes. "Hug names ot owners of j tection in the interest of the quututi.eturer. As a l BU1 anus. ' mercantile manor forty years', experience he had l -----l- . no hesitation in saying that the N. P. had burae , -tr------------"-'"- .__..._- with especial severity upon the farmers and work. ," int: classes. They were told in 1878 that the price ' 2 t of barley would be advanced by the proposed duty 3 , . i of 15 per won. but the result had not \'criticd that. l . , j prediction. During the late election contest. for A the Local House in his triding (West Xiirtliiiiiibcr- ' l laud). nothing was said on this subject by the op. ' . positron candidate, and his friends, well knowing ' that they had nothing favourable to say. In ' '. the same way it was promised that the 3 - l, wool interest. would be .dtiinuiatvd by pro- - tection. As the N. P. was originally from- d no F ' duty was placed on wool, and after it had been in operation for about twelve months, a de- putation of farmers waited upon Sir John and induced him to place a duty upon wool. but only ' upon lung staple such as is growniii Canada. Fine wocls. such as it was necessary to import foe ' manufacturing purposes. wcro still admitted tree, , and the result. was that the treasury was not en- ' riclied one dollar from wool duties. And so in . , this way the Conservative Government at Ottawa . - had been 1';"iet.idt'i the people by these clap-trap k cries. but he prc ieted that when they go before _ _ a tho farmers tt'4attt for their. support llicy will need I l ' to have something better than thedutics on barley ' I I and wool to point to in order to win the people's _ v. sutrrages. iwas no wonder that a few of the W" manufacturers were found advocating protection I _ when .by it they were able to reap such profits tt. ' 'f-c. he had quoted. It was the duty of a Goveynntett , 2- instead of trying to pile up large yearly surpluses * to apportion the taxation so that it Will take the least pessilile amount of money out of the pockets of the farmers and. tho working cusses . _ and the nausea of the people. (Cheers. ' , layer) speech or hon. gentlemen opposite had _ ' gone to show that protection had increased the I l burdeny.uvon the people without giviugany C'_Ot'-' e _ responding return. (hi the plain, atronir class of _ [goods suitable for clo'liini; for the Emma-ii... f" classes. all oi whieh has to be imported, there ml: _ l a duly placed equal to about 40 per cent. as' against Ill per cent. under the old order of things. ; -.' , llie country s prosperity was due to bountiful liar: _ . vests. the increase in the cattle export trade with l Entriaud.aud to the revival of tLulumbertravie 1 if V rather than to any difference in the mode of col: ', t ' 1e.c.utu,r.thts revenue. lie referred. to the rot-cm d ' t r s" . l tusltpit in the Privy Council. which cxtabliél ed bL- f I ' )ond undoubt the power of the Local 'illll'di'l1iure) too I N . deal with all matters relating to insurance co. 1 ' . mes. The iichct of theGovonntuumt m rl.fll'li'h l . , the f5treums Hill was evidently to for ev K i _ ' 7 set at test all disputes which mi ':ht IT I p F. . upon the question whether any per If, rap", i made improvements It tot . C ' " tavltu.r, _ : IUt pdi '.t t t ll l ttt portion ol astrcam Pt". it. a o a a others upon what basis they -

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