The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Jan 1882, p. 1

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Aw ak:iir' T . K... C ", Jer-s-. str, '? 119,Riy5'v_ , x .~ _ . aw., u Wrler 'C1Tyl's _. L _ _ _. if 'r, Pet, . ieaeerttvinly om t portionso the re rt. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE _ '- ' 'Str/eu; had a right to do so. But the gh'lirlld ' _ _ that they had so made were not marked with _ ----- . _ _ asterisks or stars. as was the ease with the emis- . ..... made in." Tights; warmth. - . or was .. FOURTH PARLMMENT THIRD SESSION. .whitish...unmanned"... an"... _.___ 'reterrin to the horth-Weat'l'erritoriesas ade- V i ' sirabic liell" for immigration. '{hese hang-:3; f with the except on 0 one or wo. out (By ther thon Reporters.) . I :ii'eady been admitted that he noted properly in -- so doing. He would point, out another peculiarity -- _ in the Ottawa report. It was there stated that TUESDAY Jan 24 .. the exhibits from Manitoba annoyed . "' ' . . T irreat attention " at the Hamilton Fair in lhe Speaker took the. chair " threeo'clock. l 1880. In the report as it was issued PETITIONS 1 from his Department, and b also in the, . . . . 1 original manuscript. it was stated that the /t,"t,l2,'2,y',t,et,'t WWW '.-- i'gtyit1?, to" jst")',?,',',':.,",,,",,',..',',"'?).;;',,,',',",,?'),)))),;')'," . he tollowin net ...- t on." et i no n t . . . llly Mr. 17,,il'rrr'lf'ettt't'i'tiot"i,rrh,ygtatthi It al; . f,'ioatP11il,1,'l't in if.FfttedPp).t,oe2i8lt'Lt.irt'l asoor V. Messier ct al, all o . hat l 0 . l ff,5. tcar. " ' the Bill to incorporate the t2U1"rpegg2s'l'tt. I that the word Manitoba tshould appear m . Do- ene may pass. . minion report. and he talented t?"it),tt'gt', fi2t'li, By Mr. Htutoart-The etition t the own-! gentlemen oppositetot. to ac . no i t,"hft'encll ot 'llp/leU' 'trUl'll' is. til,), Bill _ more::1"intzhthttrdtrrirlime stu'" ide the township of Griuisby mar not [ Northern It") ','.it'/tig' St'tlttcs respecting y lo; " - , a , minion ant Nort - 'est 'erritories. an A QUESTION Oh' 1 R1ViLEGE. _ imtuizrauua may be reasonably expoetoii if means Mr. HARDY said that before the order ofthe should be taken to dis-oeyruety the desired la. day Was taken It he wished to refer to a question _ formation." This was omitted doubtless because ot privilege and to make an explanation. In therthonurht.up_d thnizlit rightly. thatthis wasa tetsturdar'ti issue of the Mail newspaper he found an matter upon which the public could form quite as article. not in the editorial column. but in another gent! an opinion as Mr. Smith. He (Mr. Hardy) column,headed 'lisaracorttluttrt3ltn . Mr. Hardy had. in dealing with this report. made C'wptared in . h'laarantc Delicio.m havfng reference omission of all advertisements of the North- to the question which had been brou htup in the West 'l'evritotues, and of such clauses as were . House by the hon. member for North grey and the nothing more nor less than advertisements of local hon. member tor East Gray on Thursday night. Hamilton interests. He was not going to give The Mail was. he supposed. in sseesion of any Hamilton a local pair. it Was none of his business information on Thursday hrlif they had for to do so in his Departmental report. He had Saturday's heme. and might have made any omittcdnho allusions to a report which had been charges or accusations which they intended to made by the (heat Western Itailwiiyand the Ham- make on Friday morning. so that they could have ilion & NorthN'cstertt ltail we." two other Ha.ny been answered. or the attention of the House and j ilton enterprises. Was there any reason why his country drawn to them on Friday. bat for some department should publish these: There were reason it was left over until Saturday morning, al.,osotncullusious to local factories. Was there before the charms were pat into print, This was. any 'i-eusoii why he should publish those! it therefore. the tiyst opportunity he hai had of call- might be said that he titulit to have done so in my: attention to some of the statements in that order that iumii4t"antt' might _ktiow where such article -tgttttemttttrs which should nut have been factories existed and in order that they might olr made after his explanations Riven two evenings tain employment there. iiu; these reports were before. There were two classes of charges made. not made for the. iniiiiizraht-i and were not dis- One was that certain portions of the report ot Mr. tribtitcd atrium; them. they were not sent abroad. John. Smith. Dominion Immigration Afiem. at Tin-y Were made for the people. He had Hamilton. were not printed in " (Mr ardy'sl only to any in conclusion that the ground annual departmental report. It went further. and he had taken Was the ground which. he said that they were struck ont of Mr. Smith's apprehended, was taken more or less by report. if bythttt was meant that these portions every department with its own othccrs. This were struck out of the original manuscript then he was that statements not rclaun , to tspecitie que.9" gave it a tint denial. The orMnal mtuttueript re. tions of fact, and which were merely the opinions [named on tile just as it was received. Any emeii- of the "tilt-er making: the report. or which related dations that he had made he, made upon the to cullulrl'ul liialu'l'i. could be tiven in full. in printer's proof. as in fact he had never seen the extract form. or might be omitted. entirely in the manuscript until this discussion arose two days discretion oi the lit-Lid ofthe department. He was two. Atrto refusing to print, certain portions, ot thejud.w. lr, couLi only characterize the course the report. that he not only admitted but defended. of a loaning and iutttortuntjoututal that would but he took NH"- and he desired the Hottae and hold it ; charges ovcr,lyiug in wail.for twenty-four the country to understand that wherever he did or thirtysix hours and then publish them on not print a paragraph or clause he inserted a line Saturday so that no reply could be conveniently of asterisks. showing he did .not print, the full made to them before now-tot. they all knew report. but only extracts trom it. That appeared that it inert many members went out of from the report unit-h he held in his hand, and town on Saturday and were not here on there was no concealment. Hon. gentlemen oppo- Monday-m a most unworthy course. It was the site Were not "Hailed. because they had the report moat cowardly piece oijourrtalism that had ever last session. and it they had thought that there come under his notice in this country. (tiliccrsJ was anything wrong they could ha _. ask. Mr. 1'iir:lGlrl'o.N' rose lo await. bit was de- ed to have had the original brought down, clawi by the Speaker to l)», out of order. The and thcrcfore he assumed that they had l I)|-<ilt'il was one o/ pt'ivihrse. taken the same view that he, had. He had only to ' Mr, in: up i u to t "that! if the hon. the Pro- Bar that he jtys.titicy1 that entirely. There WM vincmt icon-tar) Would lay tltuutaaascript report nothing secret in it: it was done openly: the on the table. Housewas informed otst: and he was prepa.r.e.d My, HARDY said he would send the report Loggia" t,1ttrt,,e. Iliad do'nmatid to tine the [Lublic across the .ioor to the hon. gentlemen. and did so. gt reasons are or. no icr ant ravec artre , . ' " . _ was that he had iaisiillod that repoirtt. hcither by THF. "otrN1MIts' 91th PION- putting in words whic l were not iii t e iiiaiiu- . _ . script. or by lot" int: out. words. or bychnnxin the Pi TH)" "A,'ue1rtiddtvtt",d fe'Lrf,'idg/rh'e form of expression which Mr. Smith had needs lie the come ll te. " e,'. s " n . . ' tool; the opportunity or giving that the most hon. friend item has? "it'io/,k'l,l.R; iftiitlNlt unqualuled denial. there was another matter he observed. " "h not n lit' p tbeth [W. as "n. ' . . to make some statement as to the prtt ate nexotia- the hm. gentleman had iicier seen the manuscript . . . l. . . ' or asked to ace it, mm n... m... Hardy's) word tionsthat had town plate With respect to the thereforeiiideninloiight to have been truttioient tlscputed 1u..rrl.P/Ttlt.?:'.e:e liltiisltilf and months" at least until the contrary was shown. not oulyto of the Dominion Got ointment. . e Int not at " the House but toevcr ncwtspaperia the country iittie m" at "Dewy to make tMt) 1%tiNeilt t.Urot! .. A /gygg,N't of the IL it artiole subheaded .. iih'. _ the subject, but in consequence ot his tutu. friend sitieation _ o. 3." contained thefoilowin sentence: I having ptes1sed him IMI he did. ho had communi- .. . The demand from the United Kingdom for all outed with the Minis'er of Janice. illtll' hat ow kinds of brmuistuttu and dairy products has been tamed his authority to state. what llll ta'cett place. exceedingly good duriue the year, with high He would .m.eatlon tlest that. despairin-r prices; durinarthe some period there has been a after negotiations "Ed 'A/me O'.1 J"tr t'.11"..' ively demand for barley at more than average "me of their resulting in anything. they irices.' This wasa plain statement of facts. but. had sent a _despateli to the 1.iovetti.m"n.r. hr. Hardy was not 'qattstted with it. He thought " Ottawa. stating their my} Wtttt'. thty claimed it needed cxplanat ion, and so to the sentence about, and .wltet they complained or. with a view of ob. prices he added thesi- words with his own Minis- minim: front that Government a statement, of, any teriai hand: . With " keen competition amongst proposals which they might choose to make. that the United States bus on? The naked fact of an despatch has not yet been answcrisl. it was sent inoreaeeof prices might have been iii some way a during the latter part of last year. and he 1:Ur. oint in favour of Int- N. P., but Mr. Hardy Was Mowat) had hoped that a reply \vouid conic heiore bound not to lot it go in that shape. and the House began its W510". but " lill'l not yet so he forges for Ilr. Smith a sentence been received. These negotiations returred to in explanation." He then read from the the importance of oti'ectint: a dual settlement. and iiianuscrzpt report in Mr. Smith's handwriting in the meantime ot mattingr some provisional an the ahovcouotcd sentence. concluding with the - raiigctiients in Tity, to the general government words. .. will: ft, Ira-u competition amongst United of that country. 'hey had stated iii various docu. Stulrs buyout." ti'hccrs.) He would hand that re- menu. Which had been made putrlie. tta.' port toMr. Speaker. or to the hon. member for no proposal whatever was made to this North Urey, who was man enough not to repeal, Government for a settlement of the boun- the accusation after he Mir. iiardyi had given " a darr question. and no . proposal was made. denialon Thursday evening. The report relied oti wit l reference to provisional atTau)' by the Mail and the hon. member for North (ire in regard to the government of the dis. was taken front theUttawa Blue Book. 1'r.."lslgffif pitted territory in the mean time.- On the wane Dominion Government ottieer. and merely other hand they tthe Ontario Government) had sent a copy of the report to his (Mr. Hardy's) be. repeatedly made proposals for etfovtinut some or- rtntent. liowditi they find that to read itt the rangements as to provisional Government. it was (lll'i'lll1"Jipo'l.l", The last sentence was left out, only right that theirjurisdiction should be recog- for what reason he did not know. perhaps for the tinted t ere. and that they should have the right of very reason that the writer of that article imputed dealing with the lands andtititlree of that territory to him (Mr. Hardy). idgl"?,'pi lan wanton. of some pending tinnl scttlc- I Mr. MEREDITH rose to a point of order. The ment 0 t ty w ole, tttteration. i' "we yu,trf."he'! hon. gentleman had no right to make accusations Rag 2n,g,tlt, as hon. members k.ttrtw. iett they against the Dominion Government in speaking to 'lt loot 'fl'll aeepti.try the lPP.iliety '' a question ot privilege. tirt ier o substantial importance took place in the Mr. ts'PKAlOs'it was of o inion that Mr. Hard; negotiations until a new proposal was made to had one about as tar m that direction as he was them (the Ontario Governmentl with rclcrcnco to entailed to o. a tinal settlement ot the question. It was the t1.rst Mr. HAKUY said it was necessary for him to proposal whieh had had from the Dominion make those observations. Hon. outlemeii OPDO~ fovel'nmpntlooktnftowardsafinalsettletnentbtid l tttte derived their information E','ll' the Ottawa t was this t--that t is Ontario Government should i, report. and he wanted to show that upon ootn- agree to anew arbitration. '1 hey were asked to l isott it did not .m. nd with he manuscri t agree that a new arbitrator shoal. be appomted iii , "it to his other: T"'ifl J'dht, The omit. the peNon ot abhor the late Lord Chancellor of I so y . r. " . Rowland. Lord Cairns. or the present Lord Chan- l

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