The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Jan 1882, p. 2

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,'~: l 1", .= . MI __ . _%ei'. " _ I '> Aidtt, T . i. "g "' , r'. w t III. " . __v. _ I, "Th ' I " a i ._ C." "t. ": h." u ', . .. 34-3.. . " . N New , . - n" . r ' - "u,'. -. . r. . '. "'", . " "r") T'II'V'QQInQN' . ' "Wtc's' I' 'ir MBEbt't V - t '. "..- _ . ' _ 1'se'it'.i""' _ w: 'l ,~.-';~RF"~' s?ly.c%'s'":'""' s.,' air?" ' q w" V 'I " r.'? ' ' . "tk"A'2't'5 {aw-i Wsi, _ _ . I I I II I T can"... Lord solborne It I "I I _ v. = III I.. l. . A ,. . _ '5'"? - H,' _ tG - - z was represented that l fronlthei .- N . . m. f' L"-;-. ' F5')'5Mili' I I I f timer of these gentlemen Would be willing hater. 'i,','2?Jdti'o1'/'tiet1 were uagi'milarchar. -.* :95).7III;;._, I o come out here and undertake tlie i ed to their mum of the. revival of trade attribute ' I I IIIIIIIII'I I I . task of nrttltratine n l . o ttu'vesit,he, fy id T, . F I I II III ttpo no matter In been taken b th . I int that exception lind _ ' ew of tho very lor'o extent of tender ttt t r oonliosnion to . ,', . .. . k a I, the hoverninei the omission by 'tt But e, It was lniinmted that so for a! Sit-John fro t '" ttof any reference in the H ' I ttti iivai.d',' II MloggnaIlfd Bald Sir Alexander Campbell were con- 0mm);- 'lfi,',t'lg,t,",'. l the National Policy: ah "3;: i her tor 'di2gtyiiS'i was to be tinal The m , can . t 0 Ontario Unvormnem agreed to I . m 0 which Want d a . . . ' " 'orrstodrsfhi . I - em. ' _ lie the tresent II ot In. ("manna I I I tlg bein anew urbltriiilon they might qolonte'thur Til" Drmtierity. He thou-rm the Go 1 _ ., . my. and ot ttisl . . I son ' ' . . -e t. . l ' . . . "t . vernineiit had (whiltrhewas at " , . b, o.rttltrumat rorsoaltioadifi notscem whininlr \lowntlmuii acted vary mm" in ttot tttty 1 ' I . . IC 8ttttte. tttiitt I t "to t I . .. I g. to the N ' . mi "cum " peteversce I elm action of ti G . l lound ado _ actoryone. they had had one trrTsitration--iue . . .'uoml Polivy and ti I" i 109.0% I lf aovert'.'mt'ttt wi III rsst'tr heart-Land it did not so . . Lei, perreptlgjusritutd i . . nit they were I 'lil admire miles from u . e.':: took ow.» cm to him to he ot ttity 8er- I n using an, ox rtssio . , (mum th: til . 1 Mario. Phe . vice to have a now one It hrd also on . l t my had used. The total ex . l', . . its which l v'?', tr " leGovertttttent the. tr _ " " will no . . . outta ")an L .- ' , Hip. to BCCO od ",'t ""me them him that the poi llieurot it) the year 1833 w e . _ _ n at'ioror I . tttttt atettw . . II reams " ple of this coniitrt' wooid . tl valued at 325 563-11 T tical an ' . _ eiiiiln and pow I l .. reward the run" of 'thearbitrtMion whi III" rl d ports of alumni" and their tpod I. ye . "if ex- i Ni i ,1). out". WHILE the bill W of ll 90-!- air y had as entitled t ten my m at $18 258 9.20 or 71 if l l min were valued , I 956 in the interest not f (rf framed and . 0 much greater weight '" . ' , ' iper cannot the wl l I icon stated ' ':0 Mr. Caldw ll memo the decision of either L .d c, i " lliis snowed that the a i t ' lOocxporiH. ' ilk s ' but in the impre e as had , " _ = r pi .. . 'rr.u.' . ' . . "Stuttl'o SBlhorne It We on Ii me or Lord more than v l "I I tt tyu) 'ttttr rest did pplause). He " as h d . "taria. . a probable that nvitttcr or those I "Pl t ling else to contribute t , had been in F a to be able to so th tl gentlemen wu known to oae in a hundred . I parity of this Province T t . . o the pro'r- l, l _ ' deathly disappoint , z , t to ' . lot the i , . hen was ccrtni iv . I a lours m the lu. . I tri in respsrd to the eoplo who knew C'hiet Jastice Ha .. soiil'or thankrulttetmtott .. ' t. In , ion.- ', i ctricuitural Co ' . . . . .rrison bir f i.,t.rem Giver. ot ll thought the it ii lumingioii and he uncle Hlnoks and plir Rdward 't'lt ' or the good nerve-its A " Rood r i . '- " en union who had . . I . I 'I orntmi. " . . . . ' . nd they had l ttd "on tit-mixed l l thitm ot that tstwlituation. were to beliitl wt IIII I I . . tioiinily high price-i to wi " . I t 9mm). . (ttur-N ' . tin ihnnks of the Ho _. ed very unjust. and _ l t It consider. stances mntr'i I In!" various "mum" I I III calturyicto!nntrtnitr to IIII I use "Id the I I "nreasonuisle--lie Wtt4 of ihuted, one 1traitrg that Il ' z I Fee (int-tum h . Dual}. Oh the Market opinion that it t)ll"ill to be h-i' 'e ti Pri . crop in which irtioiis ofthe U . ' lit) Wheat l iliii-r .I l e thotuht if thny we . .' Council He thethzliIt tl . . i in ie in." I up to that of l " " I nited States was not I l'" e IIII'IIII alco be soutetl II II I Inc removed . hit it the award worn not tits i "Mince and Wt', . , run tvine l . _ n.i.. done in the w . . val . ' I reaped the - l . in NS tolls. i'i . . cr..; I " of cgnllrmed no new urliitriiioi-s who could he I hustlers. l', did not I"."" to forrtet "10mg: 1 ment Buildings 1?L/dl"; {within of now lax-list 2t"".y'"tflt,f, vatItIiIsftictory in the country. nut I mains l 'pale/lt tsgrieuirural interest win 'lf,',',' I, would have been 'lh" 'is/h/ltd/it',",'.',?,,',; Ind it. er I gum)" were to IIIII II I i Lion of the I . . I. b gone on prt f . I o mverntrtettt [ml the use should Ko to tl . I I m I speaking t ptospiwity. In ' )mlitiy with the work . i... e Privy Com ul . o the Rounder . IIIIIOIMI He II II whenit "I" titat It would be Pemelt I I l . i. l . "aimed tl . . , Award he . e tad ulwBVH tl ' . wet-ed that this w . V ' it, matter w" ' ' ' A r l UlCElilllt . . . . 1ought.tiowever. gt-led, tuvoured by Sir John Mocdonaid l", IE'SIII; of, because at the, L, geinLfoOiI deal i work (1y'nrtti,ti,tie,iilel,i,, dollars naked for $3; . oi proposals had been mode by the i'/,/iiiii'tf of Opinion that the lJottiiniott would , .1 WI "its [ country would ("fin fin" and he did not think the. Goreenmettt " to providonui iih.iiiikiii0iit"s"iiii. award: lho opinions he liol'i ill that riot") the _ iiunlioiravs rhythm". J,':', an expenditure of 1 mil- the srovttntuetttot, thedis mini" .. II , tratripitwl, were not H! ' r "lit ' it had ' , he hair .I . . . "utT"t'd6t. It "as pert" the th i " iitory. thoustlt h . . Wt l founded PM" . Dram" ttta: the G . . III ti, to I'd ii6ilGrttruover.tttictt0ltadntad"suchr""" t !' extension ot [no hottiidni'io-t ii; 1'ii'v', l, Kiting to I proceeds of the \lprclfgo' ernment .eypetyt the posa ye, several (lttcuilullc. tel py the Huntinion Goveuatment til, I"),?.)),',,' be ega'olislie,'t their IIIIIIouI {I f'f1.t without ["va I Jt'iislllii,fl'ileNlic)vpig any oropositiome m tde Jti"2,t."' stir" ,t."'i'i to which Uiilili'it? 'wtT',1/i'l'd/y' "glifvml that if [hit 1ithr')i',Srtiii,1tolth'e'io,; te, he I aiportsrrstoverrtmytt.ottyete . , " , '. ear. team He (lid .' I _ , i o tie right of th,; r; . . l") l h group than those which were made in iii; Je,'.':,'? othIc,I boundaries ot Manitoba should niIiItU"I IV., Hint the mom-)- they would :f'mlmo" (J0Yernment to this t"i'itsti'l"i/i'a"t"', in t'ebtrutttev, III the 1'ie,' III larged. but the territory to Which L'l1',?i', been en- amount over to the 'ffl,.),','!',',',. 2'pyiig to hand this of the ill that was passed two yeah iiid itt x. k ll' titled in" not the only tenwituo. whi " b? was IIIII Mr. LONG said he "III IIIIOIIII mum" to that matter! ' a. egai . been given. They haul territoer l l I f our! have I Natiouat Policy had e S'. " eased to know that the I Let 2,2,v/Mutt,t1',St, such proposal, had ltoett tr'ro'g,.oi,tte/i"g/titied ttit/lit O'olhtiml' '1r'i'/'y'//,f, tsji,jjlij,jir,ljjtii/)j.,i,t, and rng't'iti,phot 'i'pgi a "hue ot I u sever tit t I IIII I H! ttttrt I b t I A. " m {'lill'llUb, c. crews 3' the some 'JC/tn"tteh"go'e,"raitte.' 1/feli'd'/l" to what they 1,i,'etg'tSe'//tUeeJ,i/itr, down to I the 'e,'//e/rr.'/t,'r',i1rri,'et.i't'.ritthtvt had JJfJ1'g't1fT, member MW substantial Yuriiiiioii iIn 'l11"/d.ic true t"yhry.i.1.r:.v, of this 'rt'iti.'iii'ii.' I "no" was the, was ttittivnilt to Rec 'ifii,tcrpitt:ottgr'io'tht,, nmIIBIIIIIIINI It I g: I ed in reference lo the ptusvicuoual "If: It xiii???" ~".\'o, no." grief-[Cd thepriee ot' harlot. cro'flluiizd in guy "on. ti . Jprner Cs. it had alwuyi Elwin-ti to him had . A 1y/,1,p',e,17,1, that the hon. T) rh, , l in"? , Pate years, Oh'in' t y" that tat there would lrtt no object wlrateve I notattempteti to sltow any" . g human t hart Lasts. we had OVbt'. 'd 0 th.e good agreeing to go to the Privy ' thrift-"I hear.) The Ottawa Govctttmerrr lgIKICISG- (.ltriur., quantities instvtul '1l?"I') barley in large a undoninir the resent award and Milli il't'i .' Iy"" by bringing ririiii'ui a'! ('Ullllliltzaicd ' Govet'ttiitent had vcrv 11t"y1Hy it. The mama" lltlfaiRon unless it "LII" the (Ill,,",','; mm. With nsgtsrd to "i- 'tygi1t//o1"i','hly,.'" (illus- l Girl long staple wools i'IU//J',tirge 'e,,"ed It duty sPcurin Prov slonui arrow ' . . .' ','.S liorihedh . ' l 4 _ no ar0ur'tv . 0 woolthmc t t i 'I . 7 _ are: exudes time. l Would be 11.ettJt///,i"ilh""/iil. In the motor l not. ()lilf'i-l inf: "I e h nv m," could have arrived at I am Sllt'h Hm;- ij,t?,t'ifi'r',r:r1tecigl m the country. tsttd law ... PN' . mt. two sctsoi' 's;.,", "" .' ' tt ll-itHl. liiuy woitid h i " f .i _ . 'li _ taxed. it w f . s existedin the dliputed lt'rrilui'V 'lllll i .. f km)», " 4:141 " "ti ot' i ' are in. to we could not rinsi- ther, . a. oun4 that 50.13 of legal tttaehinery. It was llnleI'lIthit' to IisIJ ', which it was imo [pix Ii. 1r1"/j,"/i,."", evidence . those had very J/iyl,f./vPf,T, wool; tn GINA, and tttin aciear title inland in that ('Uill'lI"' I. II yt- I 1733. after. the Liiclid i no li/T,'.,?.',; In the your list. The. "Ominion (cov' en placed on the free Ipructical evils arising from the sl,',",,';",')",',)'" I3":- iI"(IIISUIIIIMItIle'hqu'Il'IlIitIiltII"lIlI{I}[II 'e"tn.e necessary innnd that the UPL'SG;K Eminent however. mid settled system of law, oruny recognized orr.1,' I)' i'riiiii"irir'i'riiiiiri'i.', and , " commission to the Ia.!y.ei"ceett.tse than "he re /f.?, rought them a of "II, power to 'trant. heunsm to mu tinthi- was said inatthe ',k',"s'/e't?l'l,dl t,1),t, eommisslon it. I new of the country 'tIIinleIaIIIO can? on the wererery fret". And in view or tliecit. iii-m-i' I. I too 1i.issismwoi ItIl dI , u it ury extended to , their intention of 1'/afiiiin"z" l o.ey.had nllmawd evils it iiiigitim worth wnilis in ft ., I I it " that iht. ji', c,..., .- '." some been ascertained " cotton. t'mitiiit'ii T t te, dunes on to. and tion ma". I I II srv.totheiroltii-- tl . J, . lawman"). did not' Ku . keny' G l . l who: pointed out that th It , . I cont litigation ti ini- osuld tttt k-- H, AM. "Man" b t . up to "do JVerrttttent was B. no satisfactory settlement in regurd, to Iii-win: t Ii Mum" the ProIi-IinvdIl' iIt wits the. intention alien-am {humour} titlrgyt"i, idem-r! on the ttrytgyyh".rhte, in the meantime. r ionu 'l'liie winniishon to give; 'Y, IT.':? (Hear. hear. Mr. G11t.n'0N--Does sir f'oai)n"r'i','ve; Manly detteitts. . l?r. MERKlWi'l1 Were any aliquosiionu made tho then Province of I',; tni'hon. in ividln vices cost I . l govern the country in the course oitho discussion 11.9 t l ' . ' .. Lower. (You. l _ ' Que ""'. into t ppor "'5 In" LONG said tl I whi II h . I ot it, Facts IIIIIIII I I at a, put the pm", ' f ',1 ,. out a. all events! e (f II t e tcll.syntt) Would have to 'rl'0uouuct' I ,inwwm Hudson nay 'i'hi . dice right to the ti l?'.',' tt large surplus. Darin; it ,.l ' WM able! to t come» if tho tun-ts are ttt IIII. ' i "-..,.e [MUN GFaliiii'Ai Iliad" ytlystdooytnentd t.heGr.wertyuent had put an!" '.f "ttwoNegittortq then "'8 Privy t'ounvil could not ti'e':'O Il/tu/f,' thu not dispute-til and l(fiintiiid tl1eivgeauitusnetsa _ "Chilling the action of 5'lrJ(IiIiIIId reqtlilltiong con. question. and in view ot' the ,/rCo%rin' I i 'd'. iuttetuior.tof the L.II',t,-4 he? showed what was the l ministration in referenc ttt llgcdonnltts Ad, T l 1/ele,t, be 'd"t,Q, that Lurd ('ttirnq or would when the 1.),'l.ii',.,,if,'C:4ie/vWii'vvie/i,,r'ir."e,'l'id,t, the time % r AWMIJ. and the ("martian ""iaPte,trJ, i . me wont deal with it and take .'. d the ('Olli r'. ' » . 'i p, . ' ' my had al . r I mom, Y asse t "i t I . tttttgui. I ' mid" IC'. . liliil)" Ill:l . l . x . . so . I, [III to t I I tcet/ll,',.'),?),?,').'?)') L'h Soy what was sl'//i1"ilciioii :IIemIlIII " ttrJttt tit 1:}E'I:I:il:iI'I:tl LIiOIIiIIdtmun flSitit I IIIIIIIR to be apparent "e//',u,vl,t,. "l'd,.,"Td" I / I . . e in. l .. Pr . Nilllit: wtr Fe -' . 'I I I IcI ttl'y.l "Iver" . I . . II I . ttt his "ch upon that point "hf,1'j/i',i/e// to Amino; was 1|th 1,i'iiWv'"yi don n my the Act or1791 tug tal in 1"/intwlf,t' intent on makiag political rm". no dimculiy, in awn-gnu} t Him?" tlt/Te was i'ililor . t t hiding tin. ProvIuce of Qltohec' 't auain to ir, v . k f'lid he for one did not intend i notwittp. I I I g ot IL 1 'IO' l ouncil, I _ yy Icswet.1'anadtt urvl l . . It. 0 "J. I J t, Im, a resrolt'riort ex . _ r . . I 'standin th . . ' , (Htl . . i tint it 10 th _ , Dragon r g to certain LI at [6er wat, " 'lisput" III to it lull} to the Lake ot the Woods a ttiia',ll"lrl the _ . y,. the oi,',,':.":','?,? G'rve.rn " tttt had at an" we. . "we: itautity I I 'er" "I" in "If." . , _ " th "er.. 'u,s ice to ntarioi l. . . . ' . i one ', tt,ittliiifi?,siiatti,i in the Silglleltif tr,t,'Scif,,r,1.reir's.1.1. mum", diId ttitieieL.,.t1.rt'iie'i)v,at/he; people of the ' it in; gratify")!lgiifigiilhillti.iIlIiIiIto:iIidiIii-,\'Award. , . pon " question din-in ii" I ici, 't One of LII'CRIL i C' JO ii My uestionas :aiii-nnt-t. waslrecin . I . e .los ion of in. 'lh'ht,t,iTrt. and provided hoth Ja,?/i'u't'))Cl,i' he,itutcd to J//jg'J,"/g,c'/gil, he Would not have _ ' I: ', 't"iiiT,%erGiiJ/T. ',l'd1l"fcllo"i,"hy'i? ',llt,'utriuti,','ho/t' cf i 1'in Ionncil should leeid I. not been full , . .' " m-illiilbnl. if they had i Sworn" w".itrJUtr,i.' ;. . y t, .0 '. maul in material all that they til ll l T" t. upon that. "my. " Sen-tibia to Ruth m 1 .. i . . i . _ Pt _ . uyiiorTit.y in insurance it... ' . r .i x ' . . lziils'oi tl . I. .'. _ I) in nrotectln I ant ar the willie " I I pplu")es. to do would be t It )llitlil would hum I . . It Province u l . . . I I II I I ttotutitheutoft- I . o draw thc le , . Nichols loll l ' _".? . n ueqaestiort0f the . lane UFOVHlOni-i tdet. ' . omen-non. I of fact from it It it. iulutti u l " dtid ttttt dew" I I . II I ilet (over OI whrch tl . I the same . t . .iiit, ho till n . . to right ot veto ipl'lnce sought to est-i r.. ri I . "f com- treeh',g,ts, :"l'ihar that Mil-r an "liy,.:),fj,tistl,'t,.it t-xerciwll \IvhonIII-l '/'2,lu,r, {Vita t power to G' I Ii? ineurrodt by thew 'i'srli,','h',1'yile,1t/'/tieihiti low" ow . _ Mt' .. . P.".' .ei. ' . HIP."":'I , l "s "II deuce to be luIidI 32%;? HIS. :3"). fuels and (wi- '/2'r't'/if,it/,ioj,1gi,yl,i)'te.y,e It wus 'iidttl',1ruillet the I for WIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII I otmuission "CPOt't "u" ieg.1: I second litigation would iGii/vi, rays ouuvil. W" win 'Ji/l"?,?.',) tf veto Was a unwound Whig"?! lI It tturl f//,,,t/li'id"'J.7/','mf,e,l deserved me" credit. I 1rut..'"is1i"a1hog" expense as well l 'tYJ/Idle".,""': l'd)i1,1uu'nl 11"',ut).',, "if)i)2,', to the Dominion I auwtcultuiul "In" 1,'fi'iicvfi1i,1ihtii"1ttt1t"i, to the A '. . twin) was now . it F . .. ti0'ssot' . sw. W tpre, for inattiu'o I perhaps collect I . I M" " could I whenthe proposal w. t t.itterqotkmt I ' i n. minority were int t f . the. l m. . 'f in an) other way ail .. . I . I I" made to wi .- in. WWW . or cred with buti Ct at three ttmes the. . _ ll ulna friend had", S' "to his lion. ic ' . Immme there w II n t W I I It . VI tttttttttttt expended I I it L Mr. trl'gr1'1',tt1l, not all t f,iii'e),i)'/ivypipi The Bill 'h'lai',f,'l' 2t1i,tht,t,i,r, to; rioting?! tt,,'gr'i'i" clt.eeyt.. Itte r'io"J'f,'.'l,'-nti,,'ii amt: lb": [ti would "million uI g,t.t/'2)it,2,e,,',e'/jit, itti'.'t.i,1tieu1riei "his? of Mr. ('uldwell' 133m": . I l those rump" 'i'firhe"u",1hit,y"E dI'I'III 'u'rGuiiG I o I pro att ytmatslehi.s luru IIII . te, 'ttu'tt hadeurn . t rinen at largo would h: y l t _ ... . a nonmalid u . ' I I I u. II I I _ J ' rrh ." . _ o nation l C tttettjmttitied Ine, . It." I date. sanelitttotorrosirirtule i l hit Po tix the l t tit since ('ontederatio ' . g I len rth~ . i even 30mg to turtl . ' =' ocehad sassedul lulled action l ynt.'.tuli.ttg or more I bl I III this "taller II . ttCt' atneetitw.and 't'h'ii'ii,Tul"t -. ' It _ " " mun of th; on 1ttty part ut all tl IIIIIIIIkeII feea I I n the queIIIIOII of I hetMr Mowatt . . 'ras? tsrortosaltowhivlt 1.3 Home, This in Pete 16 members . _ ., . . to. would lake to so . _ . _ . acceded Viz tl I . l _ inquest." i wet of veto as ipemain Just as ther ' e "liters I should tako phure wt . .. u. in: ttt!trt'VItttbr .. l' ". it.» of putily Pruvi " . . atmiied i "otyle ___ . 'd are. leaving it t i . . . nan ilioiitivi tttlo caiied lul'in- he . ' . tonal interest we '.p OWL' to "1011-199 their . . o the Picscntini: the hm . . l . ..- .i mien 1-9 . . l L hominid-i " . sull- matt -. . '. oivn jmiirtttettt I I lllllltiilciti'ic upherot ' " now-r whtcl ... _ . ox'twtttttettt, Itw i "t er. It tltetaill which tl i ' h in the i I the ttrea'. C'ottMtrvattvtt Ilon Ftret . Holland would t. l, it iiiniiiiuiiicd 1 . ll-S " i nosed to isviu . l . . It Government "ILL About the time tl I" V Jill)". (Lauu:httw.) .'. f adore the tip a b tun exercised ' . I.. I g I OW III on this duesiio . ' A . mt that Com-unlit F . 1e:iuiatuiv (out status of Pr -i . ' t i tin ditcciion of ubo'i-sl . n would be m only personal interviews I . in on? hold the W , if to that. ot ver , . P] natal i it would i i rv .'"'. ting market fees he th l tum tl II ... '. hettiy, t . ' unmtluent . t moment in , .e. . ought 'l,ltfft l" the proposition Iwus thIcli "/',.i,11','.t :IIth I In" on" u/i'Jfi'//i'i'"s"/1atitg chimed i'/'/init/e2,o,1i,t',i i. )Tho litid a; 1,'il't'if,,l,bl,1h,'c/,0, 2t,Tt",1 ',i"dyiit'. i I I I I I IIIIIIII I . I t 'rs utiiiiir thi . i logs or tie con". -i u, ' r m ai d. l THE Ailliiticss , this 'i/ir',"ltitlpf,eeu'g'I local flirt": 13:23:35.? l Gorerriment 1d1"Jf,1i,ee7ao/,:f"i'nt(%t,','i-rt The : l . ". ' t "_... . :rw" ._r. I _ . I "I . The debate on the AIL. . with iron. thvir in I! {don Government ateppbd i, Pi: 5" _trc'sa_r,all, and if "Milling we 'PV with 5 Mr. W STER.'4 i l t '"Y' wasresumed. mil in" was elca IHHllId Iproxmss and vetoed 1 a ol.issit. them the toils should'aiao be re none to or two sir"; I ' " "tM3ltlltk, rim rctlwrtwd to one Home lo int 4. t y within the prorlntst t ht i it being 51X o-clom: the K/aiku I removed. I l 'z','ie't/',c,',t.e','g'g'/'ea.e,; the iIiieinhox- for IIIIIIIIIIII 111,C/totoR'id't, concluded by J'rult'd'ylllt i Atteyreeess _ er en. the chair. l I I I"). " . ..' _.. I _ , r . , I " . It; o . pointineni, ot' gttolers 1'ift'1'rt"/) t,nlcinst "Hf I"). indie inch." the ri i t"input. in gleaming bylegitr _ iii. l/hN'G continued his re . people, trut, it WIIIII "IIIIHIIM tlie, minds oi the as well a'4 hvr (giant {Jiitlti-iotthr terrltur from. h l olluiqwoodand Ps tyy"?!! on mnrket uglier had thi,t,Cr,c't"i1,,h"ypt that the p topic legislation. '/lifidi1,'.ti'tit"'""l rights "would; I I IIIII fartners did not "tsiect 't,' Tit", gnaw that t eaprtolutinent W.' ( ' " authors. moi now Ilr , . ~- _ t loyal)! in Iu't', . 38" when . _ ' .t , A r. Bl ', ' . I "I" "III uate I II it"rrl1' l 'l'/t'l,l'/hl)." Al,' dghiiIiIiiIiIi?ati' mil-111110 Policy. 1i'hRl'.i'l'Piy,'te in favour of theNatiotutl I s',),','),',',') ly the IIIICIIIIIIIII ('vt/,U'f"iee"'d,yt'1t'iio/) He n te sands ot the t.iii'e '.rt. t I "I" were on, Cobomut' I l i.IIliii 'stat.tstics r A l , "Mad. as tuutticitmiities i d ' "as. provalof the Lieute, . [trill .'tu'ilt'i'l lo than . ll f C.", at works in sup" ' '.eapeet)mt the aholishthe teos, alre A.' Ci In the Power to ' innt-lun'ei-it. . . , FIq p .0 avourcd a yort of his Conte . ' l 'i ' . an) unaer 2al2t I nicinhor forlliind I . n in (mum. "H. lion t . settlement of ii l 'nuon. l ith t't'.tprettt'e. to ti n ic ha! Act. I e,tisluturel W tadiitetuvdtotlieaei . . 'r 1ttutotiatiou wi I'e boundary ques- I s IIIFIIII "exfs, III 1e Vel mph In II b . in tnkinq llW'lt' th I I-lUilmiiiu tlu, Prim. I' _'. Hill Munitolra , . ' .4 ohm: to the Parli t . le Imsntlsythepoo II f '.'h', 0 right III appoint, . oft', . Ioiiiicil. lie tiere ie or Illlieal to 19:9 he remarked that 1 "mom Build, hnliiifs Th w o Division (mm clerks I I he thttario Opmrsiti' . nded the poaition ,litcely that .. if . t win altogether . one were rights .hi _ a and Lilian hi- it " 1 C' . .onin upholdin th . It "' "At the increased 's., neverhad. The a. . " Ilch the iiciillin lion. . " . )o.ninion "the" it 'tOurse 1triy/yyyyyl_Piyf',iritl these bu ldi I once of hands of tl , uponitlncnts had h..." . ant questions me ti . diluent Ott the im. _ million moi-ed ll 3 Nit m" would cotgr. . . to County you t l WI lu tlt, Mr. 1hol Il f n toned ttt theHue ttt I I III a" than astitntrted " I I 3 opinion WM that it ' I r g Mitt-s. ll'i own rm) o','., _ l IfrNye..:rvtted tl ' t .,, 0L . _ Giccytttttettt ,aith takin ar if e'hamed inst wilt took Win; a veryjudis'iottq I" ' . u l c. in: the National P R ,"1 "HY discussiOn cr I thoiy huuds in " ' . III K y Y? II. Dower IIIIO I I "my patn b.. II p m ocil- "tlo the ll, I ohm should h I J.', '.' . pf Olnllhll lhiision co, . . Jumte wl I I maze liuin tin . "1!".th i live are t and li.ul.lis l .. Irt clerke I II tielt WM SOIIILIIII ' . t t otlnti thetiiwlr- ion. getstleme,n p i ' Kan are, litonse commissio , next point to which tl ttt 4 disauwmtuju? T'ui, i iindi 'tr." blame for it ii'ii In Rrate, had i 1nrirvecto?, who were 'ail acti "ere, and ' II o.r',o. . . ' " . 'ta- .rtrc ' "ttttras on. referred was the u " In nih,i lint iinnd'H had is . "at tt oi litiiciitor not lt . at et not policy "b" ttts. lie concluded t . . p tioal II I I I I I e "I i) referring to . ktvowiodtredt MenAtr, Avi. MP. IN Ilt"'-; . _ .ay. tut h ' Wttc, entri- it 'ti as not prepared to turmoil the "sheivi .' __. "hm he 5 ' r . b . .. . u' . I l I I n Ol me prlvileoss of 'tl'd,t,,'l't 'P/ei? took "war UUI'LIIIlIll 'ity/i) "NH" which the 1,,1tulrit.rl,tc' that un- I du!ung' ly reees". tr I Huber. ot the House oil. and that there sz "'Y! the mtmictpul t'lillu' in tTy/l/c/i',"',,",!) lo it. it s,121sf"g,"liS',',', were dis. i yr, "It RHA Y deplored the exhibitio I)?" ecum'ils hut the 1'u1,',tt,ij'ii, left tat tint llllilllui- l 't'lU'ril'r1,t of one or two 'tIll with??? "Show" f , SIiIIIIIIi iIII'IIII reference to matters on ,et'lgf i'th', " licenses Thom t." llllllili . iii.- In _ I ( . _ o icy would be f ' as . lie Na. ' ti ttttlit oe Intl tmo. Minion H . _ tere . . . "Ended 1 iv" c.. _ tumor In our r- _.,' mind at all be I I II w, I I I I I . e "(fared to the dis operratiortforsotue u t .. Uiit Am had inn-ll in it . l,I.. "whit-m, .(i '" tustteiel, but , ) a IIII'IIIICI m the Fjeattt4 ict I d II I " ' I ' I tttut "it... t . '. iovermrrwaaf ll . rr I a .. til T -- - ' ' 4" the Bouiidur I results showed tha his tuidhctontcndl-d tl l . t mum to it ' tt rjttstitied I "IIII . he I) rtrrs1tron w I t . I I I the Act I tttt the I ol tines" in the Hpeech 'i' l t . . ' _ ere .n sympathy wit ' interests of the was workupr in in I thrill. however to . . he Question I II"-t maulfestcd " the Dominion Go . for Dun luto Mollie. [in referred H r, e l was the limo t 'rrp ' the people of u ' iwmch ir/Livli:sot,;, tl I.. ' l 1'qM'uttteitt. I the report . t itinemhur whirl . It "o Award and ntario ' , .. I. ct icii Provin c. Rex-rill ' comma for "llllduq t' ot' tlu. limpet-mi. ' 'l' l iii hull luntntreateit '. l l the manner in in" h'st:N5arns "ill, he thought l III: _ Iolllil.". wltie r..; it .i- i has. rim.- . CN D) the hello . siren: Hit ' tr, . was a very new Act was a docuh-d lllliil'0::.h Tull that the strong off." ),1"h", no doiiht of the eifi,'ill llthOI'l- i 'ltJl),'ljriU, AguidI'IiIIiIh In peootP. had evomr been 3:33:51! 'irsereatreti, llllil that 'ill/d',',"';',')) drunken. l 'Ct,,',",'.:,":');')"',,:")),',").::'.)?,",': tho J'e,fi,"/d,"'t'f,"t'P, a i that " ia; iri,Cai. flats"? I? "in ttrt TI tw 're.nsinitleuui II T I 'it,?,yot.toltin ' . i."., I . l u 'dt1.te, iori' ' . we? . i . II. . l, ," -.l in a must it m ois lunged vsieilet.. I'll" I't'liortvt i dIt'IiIiIlIiiIlI-iIi'tIIIIIII:IIfclidcpi'iiI'cd (SELLS: itt,",,t,'i'irii,t,hr,rgf ' I l t/gcei,tvlyttltl"hnoi,1',',, uorernment succeeds: in I I ttttt t tat It "I" " . I n n on op. I ' . -.. Trttuteet to say that the Act lwnis understood that .t'tigyr,1,a1't'iygic2dsrgid them to veto the Aet . . MP, " sat with reference to tt I succe-H or the Na'lonol Poiic b II I w ".', .- . .r.t.. l . . tithe stsw.inute 'f, majority inglI-loI him at the Ontario elections

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