I. m... E . - "rr" _. .". .a . 1.; '" . I. r .5». ' rescWervrt9f-, , T5"/, ,", " tPF "".t '2'" tl . ". . " . ' . I a " - Ft, r' on" , "r'.!,",,' .. "or v» _ . / "sy' la. 'Arr 'ff'.'. 1iiiiiMIliiiiiiil')- :' J, T l "es _ - " - 'r"-'.'?).'," " Ft'iis a _. " . . J. r Ya," - "a? Quad _ - . _ - 'u'- -'it "cl -."'~ .' ".-C.'v_'... . - _ . F - 'milareliar- ' . celior Lord Seiborne. It was rtp,.rre,teitittrl, 2iht hggdgifiidgfii'iediilg'i;VY:;?ti(t)rt%astie. iitiribiit- . either ot these gentlemen would tr.,," the l ed to the good harvest, h!t.sairl that exception had to come out here and 1P"fi1ffier in Ittttt.te, by the Qppositiptt to the emission by ' . task of nrttitratinit upon the new, at the Government of any reference in the Speech view ot the very large iextent of tang" Iona from the Throne to the National Policy as 1seimt stake. It was itititnaied "mi." tar tbq tre con. one of the factors to which was due the present \iaodonald and " 'i'i7iat/tiFtiee1.e1,'y,." ed to prosperity. Ilia thought the Government. had . corned if the Ontario iovurryrt.ety) have": acted PIT. Wisely in not introducing a reference, ' anew Arbitration. they mid!" suleet " t,'Jitt "his. to the Naomi Dolley. and that they 'Y?r.'3 ' Arhositiond.i.d ttotaeem whim IMI. Home ' iii/ir. iiertoptlgitust!tits.t! in using the fe'l',.'i,eit"r1tl't', which i factory one, They had had Grisiirhrtrtvi1ytr.1, 'il'l: they had used. The total exports "0"! Ontario for " . iiiiiir7aai it did not seen) to him to 119 GUN-13""; the year 1830 were valued at 325565.011. 1'heeno Vice to have a new one. lt had tglso y',.il.ea,2,1dl ports of animals and their pt111ycts were valued ' F him that the V new" of this com)!" rl d ist8t8,258.920, or7ll percent. ot the whole exports. ' l , reward the mull of Utisarbitratittn 1!,1,i,e,,t.h,evvdl,t't This snowed that the agricultural interest did i " B" 7 r had as entitled to much y,rt.?.t/,"' w " more than anything else to contribute to the pro'4- ' y .d (' irns or Lord . '" . . F than the decision of either Lort la ot those t perlty of this Province. iheri- wag coma-ml? rea. , . Sélborne. It was proluthlo tttat "mm? i oi the t son for thankfulneos to the Great Givet. ot iii good r . ' gentlemen. ttrt" iii,fii,tjpa,tv/ic1hi'i)1'l's1; Sir tor the uomilhariI/ests. And they had had excep. . . . eople, who knew ' P. '.Y,t . Fi .110]; " tionally iiigi pr cos. to wnici various eireuiir ' S. ' " Hlnoks. and Pity Edward tort F . t e contributed. one brim: that the Wheat, _ renew ' ' ' " 3 mm a . . ' , . - l any litigation. 'JI'",', labelll$1;;:i:iilt 1ep1',est""'Ji crop in some 'li1rl"r'/.'?, oi the S'SW, f.e/fh'haf, unit '; ' tyd Terr uttJtrd an un w, " T, is. it tto that oftiis i'ovince.ani we rcnpm ma - - ' opinion that it ou0t to be "do". the l'iny l vintage. lie did not meautn format the other F Council. He thought "PM?!" "tty le/gil','), i, industries. but the agricultural interest was "r, ' l contirmed no new or iiiraora , . ..e i main foundation of the prosperity, n I chosen wouldhbe si'//t/iiti1T xiii-2") 2'""/,,T iiliii I speaking ot the Boundary AwaII'd, v,lg' . that it tart mid l 2 'tl',' the Privy Council. _ noticed the matter with a " 500 t f.1) ' the case shun " I "i tl t this WI... the z of regret. because at the. last scsqiou he "as _ It would be tepey,:'lfCj, m . 137) ' of opinion that the Dominion Would rainy the method favoured by Sir Jul"; 1,t1rHlei,ly,r'r award. The opinions he httrl at that time. i.t had _ NO: proposals had been Pf.'.' {i t'lru1'd'll1'l's fi;; transpired. were not well founded. 1.'ortyr.irtw to ' Government as to 1ltTifi1illl,th territory thou-vii the extension of the boiindarici of Manitoba. be. _ v' 'in iit,"attfoo/sotve;'lfdlt; had made smelt p}... said that the I,.',.",,",,?:."":',",:'),'),'}','",',',!',?.,,' had given :0 _ t " 'C.. Manitoba territory to w iici ntnrio was Just y ' ' Aposais on several occauonu. . . do entitled. tHear. hear.) Ue did not say that the . Mr. MEttignri'H---Wert' any ,r',7y,7.,1tf,o/,!'h',"d " boundaries ot Manitoba should not have been en- _\/. . for thetainporary governinontpf the countr) 'l RIC; iarged. but the territory to which Ontario was cu- T t than those which were tttaut' m t"/,'i1"/il.iu'ii1' Y.'., I' titled was not the only territory which could have k," 'ipttit,sl't.ir"1/efe, 1tt Tef/yy.'..]? the '4',"- 1'.2yltS'li' . been given. They had territory to the n.om'U.,,ut.td . ,' of the ill thathas passea two years ago m reg down to the Tgf/Citi') aInzlc lo! the Lilac oi the toAteylthtylr. . ' Woods. but insteat 0 not they came own to Mr. MOW AT thought such P.11".'t1',t P35101322 what they contended twtoye the arbitrators was the, made several :',itn"sht,,eiiaogosf,a"l"t1t(t' 'l/dig/ll "2. true t.qh'hiyituf,hPl Province. the same Ct ee y t l: t / _ .. Mr. l Eli I ' --"No, no." member any substantial 2"'/e,"'" l' "t l/I/s/il:", Mr. WATE its replied that the hon. gentleman _ proposed in reference to I. tO ,. in Jr'" it.» it'll" had not attempted to show anything else. tilt-air. ftY't'lll',' awailid "l "if?" abjzctmi hatover in heard The Quanta fl/?J,,cu1ttlf'/if, in": complicated that ere t ' ".', I , r, .- the question by ringing . iiiiiioim nto the ques- agreeing WI S'.. I?" n'x'iigrd "In? su/dt/ii,,,'..; tiou. With regard to tuc tiudutx o. the arbitra- . a andonintr t'ie Em" . l', . t i ' lr a f l tor, he did not are how thes could have arrived at . toasecond litiIgat on union it nastier til stud: l ttttV other " main ion "I", wmi'd have had to I, . ' nu arrangenien s in u: no t ' '.' . . ' . C _ .' . ' . ' . H ' 't"i2,'.""ft mgiildhbe remembered that two sets of l innit-en (vi-ti d prof docuini-niaiv evidence. T ' laws. existed in the diviputeil terr.iory. and two 3 winch it was "Nahum! lo 141;"1'0- In theyettr _ A ' .. ' . . _ , , -'-" -. wie, 't .it I-ain'necessar tteta ot tit.1t'i',"ghtihe,gi 3.33113 'egt/i1'.i,l.tl1i' {iii- l t1,7,o'ji:,eyi'Lt1tlr, ),'/g,f,irihuvi1t'gd,'ldita/fi1ill.','fi' to mi; ' i 2.1',l'dill'"ill'd arising from the want or any (rriii7iriii)'ir,iii,riiii,"aTui in that commission it. , i . _ 1',1'fitt system of law. or any reoozniloii murmur was said that the westerlly boundary extended to ' F ' hr any power to grant ilClillStN to out timber too 11iysisslpy?i. It int since been ascertained ' . e t And in view of their lll'm'lllui that the Mississippi did not go up to , ti!'ifi'it"r'nri'gf,/t' il),"wi,'l.l'/i' wuil" in t'orv.totieirolsje the 43th parallel. but it was the intention tion in asst-mid iitutation if they could make ii. to extend the 'i'rovmee to that river. (Heaphur. _ satisfactory settlement in regard to provisional l.'hir4r'oinnt.itaio.u to Nany Carlton. ip, Hiding . 'rah cinema in the, meantime. the then Province of Quebec. into taper an _ "Tl,'.y.1ifl.l'i?re.1l'h'll Were any suggestion»: made Lower Canada, put the Province right to the . inTiii, bonnie ofiho discussion as to the Facts noon "hill"??? Htisoy ML This and '//e1t,rgi,rfg',figtg', l iel the tribunal Would have to pronounce! were et1Tethe:iu'biutiuy's0uy iicirzcnu notices V ("meteor-q» it tho facts are in dispute was tt?ttlisytiyed!,, and they showed what "Middle then the Privy t'ouuril could not deal Willi the ttttttttttOtt or the English Government at the time 9 question. and 'in view oi the ,,aptcsiion made. when the Province was divided. They had also I ' it might be thought that Lord ('nirns or Lord the contention made by the Dominion Govern- - '. I Selhorne would deal with it, and take evidence. V. nicht. in a note in the ('oliininl SecretarY. that the Ks Mr. MOWAT could not say what was said upon boundary Ivitu liiiil down by the Act of1791. which that subject. but he had no objection to stating was the Act dividing the Province ot Quebec into his views upon that point. lie thonzlit there was l pper and Irnvex Petunia. und that it included the ' no dittieultr in their going to the Privy Council. country to the Lake of the Woods and Red River. - T", notwithstanding that there was a dispute in to It WM incorrect to !s1y.thyv the people of the ard tocertaln facts. A large quantity oi iiiziicral country did not regard this boundary erection as had been prepared in the shape "r. dotHtrtients,t.'ltu, uncut great importantrc, and he wool not have » bearing upon the question during the previous hesitatvd to Oppose the Government it they had negotiations. and provided both parties agreed not been fully sensible to their duty in nrotectinK that the Privy Council should decide upon that I the piglits oi the lrlijiii'ince. On the question of the . , material. all thatthey (the Donut-ill would have I'll'CLllllS liiil he did 'not deny the right of veto, , . to do would be to draw the deduct?" .nit he did not think it was a power to be . .. of fact from it. At the same time he exercised w.he.n l Provmce legislated within the CT, , . would say further that after an agrronr'ni ind scope oi itsjurisdivtion. it WttB may to understand ' _ tit', ',"'l,',"'le Initdh {Sigurd uto {he ',1"i,ti", and "Jf, the: iheIpowor of {etc 'lp,','.',.',','")',"",",,""', which it v -, euce to e in more lo. rivy ortitt'U, It! 'a. (In! " proper " rem-116 to t 0 Jornluion _ 'tqty/alt/gee',', Would riiit?ii'h'-,.r,"i'ii)?,t's?iilii f.'ip/it,1T'inf in asses where, 'for (ilnstIaiacg. the , " an enormousoxpense as woe . pp at so. l', Cs " a intiiori y were inter ere w t ' ut in r Mr. MORRIS (who Was now l his semi asked the present instance there was no Jastitioation for Y when the re snl was made .0 which lnsliou. disailowauee. Tue Hill was no F . , f l 'a'lll'a'll1"d,"i ll pa fr" I . tl . t t t M vtldiJ',t,floft,ufth'l, 'ttd, . rtert I G J00 tN Hm in w in erce o i r. Ca wel utint e . Mr. MOWAT' was not aultto state the. exact inn-rest of the lnuibertnen at large. bio nation I time. but he would mention a circumstance whivlt laid come up since ('ontedepation calling an. more ' _ would probably enable his lion. tYientt to tix the united action on the part of all the members T _ date. Somelittlecorrespondencehad passedulrous of this Home. The, power of veto as applied . a meeting. and the result was a proposal to which to noggin)", of purely Provincial interest was un- Ite thir. Mowatt acceded. VlZ., that the interview called for by the naming," Government. It was _ should tako place when theltun. t'ntlouton I'c a power which. if nminiaiucd and exercised 1attyt,'i,t'ht,l,t', Dominion cal-m up herilaio attend lwould reduce the present snitiis of irGririciir, t e great 'ottM)t'Fttttvtt Cotwention. l ianxhiord orislttturw4 to that of ver F unmdue . ' T , About the time that that Convention was held the When Cotrtddertttron was chit-red iegf/Cgtlltt, I oniy personal interviews upon tho suirioct tool; 'Ithe well ilcilncd understanding that we s"v'e,"'t?, _ place. and the proposition was then made,. IA " have control of oi . . . plum) l , this l: tt l ti "i on n local alibi". but now at . [ t a t t _ . THE "amass. back t').ilflut'il,il) ommlpion Governtmtntsutpp6d I " ltill um wr eh, tum"-H promo" and "med." - ",' ' Ie.' tie-bate on the Address was resumed. Home it thin? "ra/,lu1.ttlul"i, prOVlmrIot 12, I , , , - . .. I . . . . ' . . I . 1 , m'i'i i'i1, ERA, in opening. that ren tsed to 0"" support to the Government in we): r','l"l'lut,1Pd It F" i wo st teuirnts by the iiieinbrr for Duiidus. mute "IN," the " I _ MIritur ' " ti. v . TtteGovernment was charged wUh taking the an- 'dd well in he: 1f,blh't1ue'1y'ipi,tt,lf,' 1'11t,tg; ' potiitinent of guulcrs out of the hands of the it t, " . , . 1Otitt rig ts Tami-118 ' . . ' "islution (the _ " people. but it was well known that lhn p-(ipio CT', . are; I never had theappoitttutent oi' more" and now 1lr. UNICRFTOV' spoke in mym . . I " ' - ' ' " _ -v irottheNat onal ' V s)llfi/,.t'pe11t/tg1i'ltthtr"."Ate,t :ng array i'riiillllil't! t"/11'ia.Ta', 133% from smltslics 'l.rl'J,'dtll1 the t - . . " . iiiiiiaions were e t . 1'KS In all !rortot his . . I in the hands of the Slit-nil and..." io theap. lie faroiii-oda 1lltu'le','lh'i"i the d'du"l'rfPl/e,'l: proud of the Lieutenttnt,Gov,srv.m. in Count-ii. 't'he ttun by. ttcpttiation with Manitoba or appeal to _ WWW bt"yu,it.roadrvrertydt9tyea1ionor.ilio 1t1tiy.v ','oiincil. He defended the DOIItion 't ' Legislature in tak,imr, tt.y.ay.rhts "Ki" ot' appoint- . ott'ue Ihttario 0puositiunin upholding the" course mentlry the poopieot llivision ('oui-i clerks and tuken by the Dominion G " .. -' . bailiffs. These were. rights which the people "ortattt questions _'/n"e'lr"iUt'lvit"ll,"eegjeg,th.t1"s Inv ( 2041;; had. 1Pt,tyyteiyty,ty'yts had been in the 3dr. :1hulijNjv.zreiilid that as), discussion t an .a of the (entity Lourt Jultos. liu own resiici-i1ii.:iiie National Poliiw I d , opinion was that it w . . . _ . i , " toul have crept » 5 ' as a very Juttit'iotts pcort,etlt ittlot le, llouw, but hon. mention a i . C . "UK. unit took away patronage from the l ountv thetitwive, to blame for it tlr/d/d' 'r"llfl'l m {lad " Judge. which wan sometimes iiisawi-pmiIIC The i had been uf hetustlt or I t i . 01 " po icy I ' . next point to which the tutuuber ici. [hind-is had , any. but he was at r t it "fd"' "as not prepared to l I referred was the License Atu. Mr. with, ac. _ limited. prune which th C "UL.dcer° that W" l . V [e knowlouiged that the changes took away cert . prmodtorwcovdt i o Onseivatitoa were dis. , b' wring?" ofthe peotrle from the iitaivi'pu'i' 'Je'ltl', in the 'iriU of Je, in tiiit'owiti-'ulit 3.1m"? "bother t f ci . an that there We: notion; left lo ti " mulsi' .I l lion-ii Poli nr v I was . m i ii- a C, icouut'iisl at' A . . . '; I"-' . . . . . f. Wit-d ylyyy) at all betustteU1 but ' whammy; .le, tttgee/pr/ie/i/ya":,-,; Ill}: /lly/d"i'l' iii 31:: t at»; the Pi!tt..-Go.vernor was iiiiirjiih'iiiiii' , . operationlorsome were "C'iii,"i I» I'.,' won in : ot i In; iiiinx to it in the Speech. The queatiou , t . it 'i . C' on en.u/ dtiiat the i q nations. however, to the p00 10 f o . , I rcsa snowed thatilu.At-t was worlcit tV in iii I was tIto ltout I .rr p 0 Mario I 1 interests ot the people. He referred tl I', . 0 , whiol . i It In) Award. and the manner in , _ _ f ".. . . " If', member l l {I and been treated bv the b' d . , or Dundas to the icport oi the Inspeou. ot' Li tres 'l'iuuz, w . e oral aiithori. I 'f causes for Dundas t'onniv. which Gill that till. i Jir'i'ns,. G, .ll I in"? no 1loabt of the evulence of a. _ ' t l new Act was a decidi-d iioprovriuriii //,,.',1'c,','t i 'iT/lei/f/lore")!)';.'.):,'",: tlt.o etyy.ittcy that we ' . f L neon had decrelued. and that there we; not to 'it ' iii/di/iii', Cl be]: it": iltll'li0ti,,ot the mum", ot i i' ' knowledgaa single unlicensed seller. Tr," III. "III" i ortuttGitG lh'1"/l "ery.".?) by the DomittitmOov. ' i . l r .4 it nit t was always understood that I . . .