The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Jan 1882, p. 2

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if": PN 4'"' "if" FV ' MW. .:... . . . tir t ' . r . ss%JMr,T,:,?tu' "' l i C-k Te - "tPM is _ j'ifit.ii't?4,i""cji. _ . i a P ", f La _ sr,?crP,'lcll5,', Mr, 'iji'; f,'itN!,fle,t'?,rAri"l'"") . ""': '.rMtl. all "ififtjriiriiiittriiiiu., he thouglit,tT , n.1,," -"~" f'jiiff'cri,s' -. -e T _ . . ' ' -. - t " .g. _'rq attention. (Applause). " ' ' " . .7 'lttiiittairii; _ _ ' _'., id -. ki . "Rt " Mr. BISHOP aid that " a fume l .. . r" ,3 er wages were being pm to wor men than ..."; , not Bit there and he r " could m 1 two vents ago. Another reason of higher prices a _ ar the Shtement. m d b .. . 1 , l l "" , the members for North and East Gre n e Y _ was that raw materra was sormwhat in; rer. _':t. in; the heuefita to the. farmers fro y rispect- i This was not because of the increased tariff, l . "ssia, . tional Policy. (Hear, hear.) It renmdt tt N" ' _ but because of.the Increased value of raw ma- c:it':a, " of the old ladv who told the Bamo. tnt nu ed him I terial and the increased value or labour. He - Niki", T that she " length believed it trul 1'E so often ' held that the N. JI benefitted the fartryer "e :5; I The member for West Toronto t ((1 ',teihtrit) because, wherever there was a. innnuincturmg u, , the N. P. av b . tt Mt thatl establishment lomted, the agricultural: had a - "st . g e otter prices to the farmers. " . 1 t f 1 f. d a He " a. farmer took issue with the ho h l ready iiiarlret for the prot no a o In. arm. an ' ber on that point. He had taken tn. mem- received tiiteen per cent. more for his products .. _ look into the matter, and took in? core to than if he had to export them. and that thus l: quoted in the Mail for the 20th of o P's" Y' the N. P. was not a hardship upon him He . I each ear since 1874 or duri th fi eto er m held that when the imports exceeded the ex- 4 the 'daeldl'z'd regime as LU'; e " years of ports the country Was getting poorer, and ' s " .--. . . id 20th October . , accumulating debt. the interest upon which we l , err-trr-rl-------------, Aver- 1 had to pay every year. [he exports, if the I 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. v Countr r Was to be in a proper position, should ' 1tniiwheat.81 on 8110 si 11 81 2:? , at" l , . l _ Oats........ " 39 . 40 ii 30 3g 8 1 g {exceed the imports, and that was' the true . Barley" ..,. 97 92 86 05 1 00 83 l principle of the country s success. llie Minis. l BIL. ......23 tn 20 00 14 oo 18 25 13 50 17 97 ter of Finance, in his opinion, deserved a great , 8g,r: ....16 00 14 00 11 N 15 00 12 00 13 75 deal of credit for the part he had acted in in- D 'ira"iiii/d .. .. .. JO 21 27 augurating the Nuional Policy. This question 11033.... 8 50 a 00 6 53 5 25 5 50 6 75 should not have come up in this House, but Et-.... ... 24 21 22 20 15 20 2-5c whim it did come up he wanted his constituents o ----- to now where he stood. li this policy, which roh1tPitk"tl average of.. . ...... . .. ....841 28 had been carried out tor so many years. was r . 0 ate in the three your: of the 1 a . 1 l ld . National Policy the prices were quoted in the a much. to other countries, t ion why soon it Ifail no follows '.- not be a benefit to this country. Speaking of l] 20th October the boundary question, he said that when the "--------"-----, Aver- Interests of Ontario were at stake the House 1879. 1830. 1881. age. should be a unit. There was $150,030,000 glttt.:y.y.:y.y.y. 8 135: ' Iro, S 1 35 S 1 ?5 worth of timber in that country, and that Fr irGiiyC.C.'..C. 72 73 'ld tl, showed the necesmty of every member of the Hum, .. ........ 11 00 11 50 lb 00 l? p, House standing up for the rights of On- 7 a?) 8 .39, 12 1fl 9 00? t:il.rioi (Hear,P hear.) li the members of rl, ...... ......... 33. t te Jomintou arlinment from Ontario had de. ttref.".'.'.'::.-.: 6 it? q g 8 522 7 13" manded the 'ratification of the award, and f M ki t t l f :__l i shay should have done so. the award would l E 1 mg an average. 0 a o .............8n 791 l Hire been carried out. (Hear, hear.) He . l I? that a farmer tilting a bushel or a pound I hoped that the members of the Dominion House I , ' . ',','g,"lg,it,,teht!se1 ',pticitsaei2ttu1t'r1h"' lwould 1 from oyttarit.would make a. demand of that I t I 'll,',',',.,',',",',',',';),?)),), of the Ni; P. (Applause) e'l'ohric; I l 1,f,e:lslhir1'i.1i,y T0333: tiveteyg,t',y,x1,e,tts, 11:3 l I , showed that the National Policy rind not bene. l £0 la, sd tl . t f g G I l' P ' 3 ,a t I l "rg titted the fume" "m. d _ ' 'tru' . I 1. ( I . 1 pe in . l re Jovernmcn was ,r.otng o i' L', ms e pm s tor tincur introduce a Bill on the subject it would not be , . pr.oduct better. "WY - .tllitt the "We"? of such a nature that it would give the farmer l Pm" ot bsrlcy during the Ive, years prior to the wee oi the markets without his paying i &O:::::: (,'l2l,'? t'i'ci"iifru1lj'vic,'1r,',ttth",'i1', some consideration for. them. The Streams . l Vania only 80 cents 'or i',i',r,i"sti'ifii,r,"i're' tn: Tl" file; all tl,1hi,r,'i'111"'T',n2. ot the case. i N. P. was iUiriiiieii. The market, reports l Hi" . an mi ivrdual owning a slide l taken from the same paper for June 20 in the am being m a position P. any .tha.t no one else i ti t 6'. can sh wed tl , r. b .--. could use that slide but himself, virtually gave n y o J 't, Il,""'" to tt . him the ownership ot all the timber front the /_ 1et'd.li11.._., . slide up to the head of a stream, because there , 1874 '75 '76 '77 Ti Average. being no other outlet, he could bay that tim. Wheat ' 1 32 ' 1 01 ' 1 14 s 1 60 s 1 018 1 (l ber tor comparatively little or nothing. The " gtta'.i" 5:0 ll, il 33 g; tl YI Government deserved a great deal of credit for , Hay....: 2000 18 0) 15 50 16 03 17 oo lf 35 the way in which they had dealt with that , Btrnw... 15 00 8 trl. 12 00 10 oo 12 00 11 40 question, (Applause.) r Wool.... 40 35 38 295 20 30 24i Mr. HAWLEY. as a farmer. and represent- Average total for the five years $31 28 f5 in; a purely agricultural constituency, die; Por the period of three vears followiuur the claimed protection had been of any beuctit l imposition of the duties, the prices Were an the tonic agricultural population, but rather an , same date m each your c-- ianry. Why.did the tna.nuiee.turers.want P? . June 20th. ; traction but in order that they, might, limit , "------ft---rtrs I competition and compel consumers to pnr- l t 1879. 1860. 1831. Aver-ire. t l chase from them alone. This principle was the Q , Wheat...... C 1 01 31 12 81 16 31 I?). l opposite to that which was observed in private , ft/trr.::: g 7%. fl 28; ' . ttivruetions, and was clearlv opposed to the 3 Ray. f..".."..'." u 00 13 00 11 do 12 i,'?,' best interests oi the pecule. Referring to the 4* Shawn"... 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Boundary Award, he could not but feel that a. l Wool........ m 38 22 A I the Dominion Government, in not ratifying 2; Total .vew prim for the three rears iiriig l the award 1ad,,ee.y,iyed, ra, gross act, 'of injus- b" . - m admitted tint the farmers were better all. 'tiiiiieontta,hi,i'al',t:'ct:t,,e (5111):; )onlt's' iii: _ 'rt. but whrt W they got more bushels to ' i tion, and had proved3 themselves untriie to I -" r -----. V. _ . their Province, nod they would be. takrar, to y ' the acre. (Opposition opplsase.) Did hon. l account for their action in this mutter by "he i ~ ' ""ntleincn mean to tell 'him that the N. ' people at the next election. lhe Streays lilll' W 'P. did it. Whcn a lvl lic learned that |\v:isnmcasurc clearly within the provmce Ofl r ' Paul planted and An dim watered, but i this .Lysisleture to enact, and the action .0, the l , ' God "are the increase. Hid tlicv menu to tiAV l Dominion Gov.erry.teet, m ve,toin,',4 that bill was t , that "ici planted and Auollos "waves-oi, but i m yo way jtrstiri:yblys. lhe labours of "ml L that the N. P. rwe the' incrczim? (Cherts Agricultural. Coniinis'non Were acccptable to i . r ' and laughter.) lie paid in we ts-d iv for his , all clycses ot the tanning population. It. was cont than ever. and Wt the i:uuntws "mm trsk. to. be hoped that the Government would issue l . ed to say, when they rocciwnl loss for what a turthcr supply of reports. He favoured the , they soil' and paid more for whatthev bani-it. abolition of market fees altogether, and con- , that the N. P. was good for "mm, m. tnat chided with the hope that the Speech from the ' their improved circumstances was due to such flironebond we? 9th": matter: as mal form t a pohcy. (Loud applause.) Before resuming the su ject. of egislrition wouh receive the I his seat he Wished to speak of the juability of earnest yyyyyera..tion of the House. . the farmer to drain Lis land under it railwnv w. HAS' referred to the charge that t) track without the pcrmi:sion oi the railway moving the Address he had introduced matter authorities. who invariably Withheld that p.'r- Fyti.gtt to :11"? Spetueh when he touched on the l mission. He thought a law was needed to National Policy. He was not aware that the recredv that evil. F- mover and seconder of the Address were to be l iii-(xenon said he Lad been a protection- i:,,tgti,ticnie,1,1.Qt2.t subject matter of the l " . ist for trinity yeat'r', and he believed that every Speech in their. nrks. He proposed on the l ' man in tins country had derived benefit from preset." ou'?.'"." to review some of the l 5' the National Policy. (Opposition applansc.) l 't1?:,"t,tth,.whi" had been referred to in l ' t' Whereswrtltere N138 a maruithcturint,r cstnblish- Jt , j ; _ , l I ment thcv had derived benetit from the tariff. Mr. s'P)s'AKER hoped that the hon. gentle- ' . _ During the seasons of 1870-77-78-79 nic- man, having aiready discussed these_ matters i I ammo". had to seek employment in the United fully, would confine himself to the third para- ! , " Status, and delegation al'tcrdclegntion liazl gone Small! it/h', terttyyh. i to Ottawa and tried to get the iaritf increased. 'li'lr- l Ir.' said that other hon. members l , After the present tariff had been imposed the " n (l "Peablllg to paragraph reierred mechanics who had formerly left tho country to hilt "a: "Ely?" linxvmg no _c'outysetioy with it. l I through lack of employment returned, as "'?/,'ic)y"/,'"'d'lS.,',' said the Opposition, had _ they were glad to do, when they found 'll ( 9:116. LO prevent tho member for Perth I, that they could get employment at rom "Wing the fullest latitude, and been? 1 _ home. It might be said that lnghcr prices had crested that the hon. gentleman be permitted ' " to be paid for goods, but his answer was that l i ' 1 l

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