An Act to incorporate the Toronto, High Park, and Western Tramway Company--Mr. Bell. An Act respecting the Weslcyan Female Col-- lege, of Hamilton--Mr. Gibson (Hamilton). An Act to reduce the stock of the Civil Service Building and Savings Society--Mr. Wells. 4 An Act to further amend the Act incbr'mrutlng the Ottawa Ladies' College--Mr. Baskerville. An Act to incorporate the Toronto, Hamilton, and Buifalo Rail way Company--Mr. Hay, _ _ An Actauthorizing Messrs. Gilmour & Company to make certain improvements in the River Moira --Mr. Boulter. An Act to enable the Corporation of the town of Port Hope to incur liabilities for the construction and extension of Water--Works, and aid in the establishment of manufactories--Mr. Brereton. An Act to separate the township of East Luther from the county of Woellinston and annex the :lame to the county of UBiiiferin--Mr. Gibson (Ham-- ton), An Act to incux'&mrutc the Toronto Island Rail-- way Company--Mr. Gibson (Hamilton). _ An Act to incorporate the Northern and North-- Wostern Junction Railway Company--Mr. Pat-- terson, An Act to consolidate the Toronto and Nipis-- Mn:f' Whitby and Port Perry, Victoria, 'Toronto and Ottawa, (Grand Junction, and Midland Rail-- way Companies--Mr. Forris, Mr, Nairn--From John W. Cook and othors of St. Thomas, praying for amendments to the la w of evidence. oo n o P e 1 Mr, Mowat--EFrom the Oxford County Council, against the application of the Toronto, Grey, and Bruce Railway Company for a repeal of certain clauses in the Act of last session and praying that the application of the Grand Trunk Railway Com-- pany for an Act to contirm the agreement for the working of the 'Toronto, Grey, and Bruce may be granted. An Act respecting the Hawkeye Gold and Silver Mining Company--Mr. Bouiter, | "T ies " l An Act respecting the Oitawa City Passenger Railway Company--Mr. Baskerville. °_ _ _ =_ An Act to incorporate the Western Counties Railway Company----Mr. Hay. _ w An Act to incorporate the Prescott and Glen-- garry Junction Railway Company--Mr. Wells. An Act respecting local improvements and taxa-- tion in the city of St. Thomas--Mr. Nairn, FQOURTH PARLIAMENT--THIRD SESSION. M:s:. Waters--From the County Council of .\lid;llescx, asking for the abolition of tolls on roads. Mr. Creighton--From the Corporation of the Township of Sarawak, in favour of the Act to con-- lirm the agreement between the Grand Trunk Mailway Company and the Toronto, Grey, and Bruce Railway Company. _ _ _ _ _ @ $ An Act to amend the Act relating to the Canada Landed Credit Company--Mr. Young. _ C An Act respecting Water and Gas Works in the town of Paris--Mr. Young. An Act to incorporate the Galt Junction Railway Company--Mr. Young. _ The Speaker took the chair at three o'clock. PETITIONS®. The following petitions were presented :-- From W. E. Youmans and others, of St. Thomas: also from the Miadlesex County Prombitory Al-- liance; the President and faculty of Victoria Unlveni?'; ltevy. Canon Carmichael and 1,675 others, of Hamilton ; WV. J. Richardson and 84% others of the town of Thoroid ; Johnson Harrison and others on behalf of the Halton County Prohi-- bition Alliance ; Thos,. W. Hall and others of Brantford ; and Joseph H. Campbell and others of Dundas, all praying for certain amendments to the Crook's Act. _ Mr, Robinson -- (Kent) --From the County Council of Kent praying for an Act to provide for the crossing of railways by streets and roads. t An Act respocting the Prince Edward County Railway Company --Mr. Striker, Tc E1 An Act to incorporate the saugeen Valley Rail-- way Company~----Mr. Wells. N tok * [# of Gueliph--Mr. Laidlaw. Mr. Mowut--From the Warden and members of the Oxiord County Council for certain amend-- ments to theJuror's Act. Mr, Gibson--(HMamilton)--From the Protestant Episcopal Divinity school praying for certain powers. _ _ s %o R 3 Mr. Deroche presented reports from the Commit-- tee on Standing Orders, An Act to wind up the Mount Hope and High Park Cemetery Company--Mr. Wells. __ _ An Act to incorfofiftc the Union Trust Corpora-- tion of Ontario--Mr. Sinclair. An Act to provide for the division of the town-- ship of Grimsby--Mr. Gibson (Hamilton), _ _ _ An Act to consoliiate the debt of the town of Owen sound--Mr. Creighton, _ _ _ _ _ _ =_ An Act to incorporate the Manitoulin Island Railway Company--Mr. %{on. An Act rospecting the Midland Railway of Car-- ada--Mr. Forris. An Act to incorporate the Niagara Falls Rail way and Park Company--AMr. Gibson (Hamilton). An Act relating to the Krie and Huron Railway ----Mr. Robinson (Kent). An Act to amend the Act incorporntiixf the On-- tario Trust and Investment Company--Mr. Gibson (Haimilton). An Act respecting the Toronto and Nipissing Railway Company--Mr. Fervis, 'éln A.cE_ reg;':ec'tiu_t:l 'l.hc debenture debt of the city The following Bills were introduced and read the tirst time. An Act to incorporate the London and Port Bu_rwal Railway Company --Mr. Nairn. _ An Act iB"dr{iéz{«('ii.'iQ"Xmé"i-i-llli'i'n'.};m the St. Catharines Street Railway Company--Mr. Gibson (Hamilton), An Act to revise and amend the Act incorporat-- QONTARIO LEGISLATURE. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. (By Our Own Reporters.) FIRST READIXNGS. THURrsDaY, Feb, 2. 0 e wo EDE O m e ETT ND USAED EVTTI Mr. XOUNG thought there were a number of Acts that had been assailed. but not declared un-- constitutional, and those cases might also be referred to. Mr, CREIGITTON said he had no special ohjec-- tion to the.sugzestion of his hon. friend, but the obfiuct he %.:d in view was simply that the public might knotw which particular Acts were reaily in force and which were not. We thought it would not be _o_rfign];;m{*'tz:';'\%o"g?(k:;or\';-"\gl{w|....- An . Aet een Ailo it i ver * & hnj\dlr',, FRENCH suggested that the Attorney--Gen-- eral shounld alzo give a list of the Acts wlm-'h h; his oninion were unconstitutional. -- (Laughter. not be of importance to know whethar an Aet had be'v.h'fl'!fiin'lcn li!m |\t§i'rl§5'§?r\'h|'3m{'. Lt ~Ahe--A 0t Mr. FRENCH suggested that the Attorney--Gen-- eral shounid alzo give a list of the Acts which in his opinion were unconstitutional. -- (Laughter.) He was of opinion that the Aet respecting choeose factories was unconstitutional, but the present Attornc{;Genoml was not resnonsible for it, it havinz been conacted by the Government of the late Sandtield Macdonald. _ C nsl C PAfi sav JB vale Mr. MEREDITIH thought it was very desirable that in our statutes there should be some informa-- tion with regard to the Acts which were not in foree und jlegislation disallowed by the authorities at Ottawa. _ 'There were Acts which upoeareil to be in foree, but which had been over-- ruled. Hedid not apprehend there were a great number, but was of the opinion that when a dis-- allowance took place, the Order in Council disal-- lowing it shonidappear in order that we imight have it. _ uy n n mgal it mt it _An Act respecting the Wellington and St. Clair Railway Company--Mr. Wigle. _ _ Mr. CREIGHTON thouczht that they should he published in connection with the Statutes. o noticed that Orders in Council were always pub lished in connection with the Dominion Statates, Mr, MOW AT--Wnat orders are reforred to. ? Mr. MILLE said there had been a large num:-- bor of Orders in Council with respect to tiimber, which had the effecet of law. The motion was carried. An Act respecting a Public Hospital and Home {or the Friendless for the city of Belleville--Mr. Cerris. An Act to incorporate the Gatineau Gold and Silver Mining Company--Mr. Boulter, _ __ _ _ An Act to authorize the town of Gananoque to issue debentures----Mr. Richardson. An Act_to cnable the trustces of Zion Congre-- gauonul Church, Toronto, to sell certain lands.-- Mr. Gibson. bad Leen ga.ued. within the last five years, and pronounce ultra wvires without a dissension amongy the judges. He thoucht that the doecu-- ments referred to would prove useiul and he would be happy to have them brouczht down. Wls NERREEATEY -- aL cesc d -- & An Act to empower the trustees of the late J. C. W. Daly to sell certain property--Mr. Hay., __ An Act to define the limits of the town of Tren-- ton--Mr. Striker, On motion of Mr. MEREDITII, rule 51 respect-- ing the time for recciving petitions for Private llhills was suspended to receive a petition from the London Heating and Lighting Company for leave to introduce a Bill to amend its Act of incorpora-- tion. Mr. CREIGILTON moved for a return giving a statementof all judicial decisions declaring Acts or parts of Acts of the Ontario Legislature un-- constitutionai ; also, showing the judges or court3. by which such jiudgments have boon given. the canses in which given, and the eifect on such Acts or parts of Acts réspectively ; also showing which of guch indyments, id iny, have been appealed from, and the Appeal remaining undecided. 'The mover said it was not his intention to enumerate the dii¥ferent cases in which the Acts of this Legisiature had been deciared unconstitutional by Courts of the Provincr, and other Courts of the Empire, There had been quile a number of the Aois passed by this Lexislature declared uncon-- stitutlonal, one very recently at the suit of Dobie v. the Temporalities Board of the Presbyteriana Church. e had noticed several of such cases reported in the newspapers. +ile wished to call attention to the fact that we have now upon our statute books a mass of legislation of which the general public have no knowledge as to which particular Acts are in force. and which have been declared wultra vires. Gentiomen of the legal pro-- fession had an opportunity of knowing as they had . access to the law _ reports. Me thouzht it desirable that this information should be given in a convenient form, and that it wouid be of great benetit if the Attorney--General would present a tabnulated statement in this re-- spect, in order that we might understand our position in reference to le sisiation,as a companion to our statnute book, Mr. MOWAT saic hchad no objection that such should be furnished, but that the hon. gentleman was immistaken with reference to the extent to which there had been adverse adjudication upon the Acts which have been passed by this Legisla-- ture. HKesaid that instead of there being a mass, the number of enactments which had been treated in that way was extremely small, as compared with the whole number of our Acts. Me did not think there was a single case, in which an Act An Act to establish the northern boundaries of the township of Harvey--Mr. Kineaid.© ; ; _ An Act to authorize certain assessmests for local improvements in the town of Stw@Athroy -- Mr. Watterworth . 4* Hfht'x gclt tolv]est cvrlr:}n ;gg?u ty in the Stratford chool Board--Mr. #MY-- Xn Aot, "QL pu')gp,--m the St. Catharines and Niagarce» ven ral Railway Company--Mr. Watter-- F i q.2 q2 10 OCVOAPREY TE CEEIG, An Act to incorporate the Niagara Falls Preser-- vauotn and lmprovement Company--Mr. Har-- court. An Act respecting the London Junction Raiilway Company--Mr. Meredith, * An Act to enable the Trustees of the M. E. con-- wogaltion of Orangeville to sell certain lands--Mr, ood. An Act respecting the payments to be made under the Municipal® Loan Fund Act--Mr. Wood. An Act to incolunornte the London Junction Rail-- way Company--Mr. Meredith, tm=+-- T ing the Toronto House Building Association --Mr. Patterson, An Act to amend the charter of the Ontario Trust Company--Mr. (Giibson (Mamilton). rhe An Act to incorporate the Trust and Securities Co'mm}ny of Ontario--Mr. Ferris. DISALLOWANCE OF ONTARIO ACTsS. CoUNxTYy CoURT JURISDICTION. 'he Trust and Securities Ferris. 10 Niagara Falls Preser--