of the Government to introduce any measu | ing this session with referen luey "uf "'f,'""t o ce to the fees of AMr. Creighton--On Thursday next-- i --That in the opinion of this lit};usc. it |§322§3&'[§2 . that the form of ballots used at clections of mem-- | bers to the wgislugi\' e Assembly and at municipal ; elections should b8 assimilated to those used at | the elections of members to the House of Commons of Canada, so as to avoid the coufusion caused by -- ,h'aving three separate formms of ballots in use. &l)fh.t: the Legislature having adopted the principle : the baliot in the election of its members, the principal object in so doing being to protect the electors by kcepm;; secret the manner in which they have voied, the secreey of the baliot ought to -- beyi)l'esf'r.\'cd by discarding a form. Mr. Chisholm--On Thursday next--Bill toamend | the Municipal Act. i ASsSEMBLY COMMITTEES. i PRIVATE BILLS. i The Private Bills Committee met this morning | at ten o'clock, with the Hon. C. i®. Fraser in the | chair. The first taken up was a Bill respecting | the Gatling Gold and Silver Mining Comp:u:iy. | seeking to contirm the sale made to the Canada ; Consolidated Gold Mining Company, and auchor-- | ! izing the winding up of the affairs of the Com--| pany. --It was agreed to report the Bill. | The next to receive consideration was a Bill re-- | si)ectiug the separation of the_{ownship of East | uther from the county of Wellington, and to ; annex the same to the county of Duiferin,. Messrs. i Parke and Muir appeared on behalf of Kast Luther, | and Mr. Jelly on behalf of the county of Dufferin. The question as to the terms to We imposed upon the township of Kast Luther was discussed. It was decided to amond the Bill and impose an ad-- ditional term providing that Kast Luther should pay all costs in connection with registration in-- cidental to the change. _ A section was also added making Justices of the Peace now in East Luther Justices of the Peace for the county of Dufferin ; insteadl of for the county of Wellington. Bill to | be favourably reported. Upon consideration of Tax Bill to authorize I Gilmour & Co. to make certain improvements on the River Moira, it was decided that clause three ; should be amended making it necessary that the ; consent of the Councils of the Municipalities | through which the river rans should be obtained, , and in the event of refusal of such consent an ap-- peal to be had to the Lieutenant--Governor in Coun-- | cil. It was agreed to report the Bill as amended. A Bill rospecting the Hawlseye Gold and Silver Mining Company asking to have the conveyance to | the Canada Consolidated Gold Mining Company | conlirmed, and to authorize the winding up of the afairs of the Company, was considered and re-- ported with slight amendment. A Bill to reduce the stock of the Civil Service Building and Savings Society was reported without amendment. Also a Hill respecting the Wosloyan Female Col-- lege of Hamilton, to reduce the number of Direc-- tors an« othorwise alter the provisions of its Act | of incorporation. It was agreed to report the Bill. The Committee adjourned. 1 #uuninnisititi i in io in annmenmmnnmmmen