*ge* 64 v s t Pss + s : > S j ' A f * y x e © s \ Tourts, -- _ ~ . ce x thought the work done would compare very p A QUESTION OF RELIGION. . favggrubly with the work d"}lfi d\;rinfl the sam}e: l ' Mr. MERRICK asked the Provincial Secretary time in any previous session while he had sat in Al when a return shewing the }'«rli;:i'-?x?lagfh:}}:.pz?: ?I the House. at which there were later sittings and $ 1 | servants and other matters ordered last session more debate, o Y | would be brought down. The Gevernment had The matter then dropped. A f l:::id:!:gle'h;ue t;)i prcp:}m-@he return, but they had ' DITCHES AND WATERCOURSES., down_. expianation why it had not been bmught ' thhhh;'lilERl':DlTH 33!(0(}1 the Treasurer when | Ilr. HARDY said the return involy % e Bill respecting ditches and watercourses | ber of enquirios. .'l\ l};(»:}tlinox:ll:)?l\t('Se "xl}t\::;ln would he brought down, _ YH in 3", famdt * ol "-- the" wiiters _ and Mr, WOoODn replle"l that it would be brought other portions were yet to be made out. do.fi? ofi Mond}::y d dl.'nea;datv. There was a difficulty in finding out the religion e Ho use then adjourned, of some of the clerks. That was the reasor tor rrepnpmupmer o the del{?'. NOTICES OF MOTION. k | I Mr. MERRICK said that was not a reasoua ble ; § --= | execute. When the motion was carried it was w ith Mr. Meredith--On Tuesday next--Order of the the consent of the Government. The Govern-- House for a return showing in detail the amounts . ment ought to carry out the order of the House. expended for repairs uHum the Provincial, Legisla-- Mr, ';'BRASER said thore was nothing un-- tive, and Departmental buildings in each of the # reasonable in the exouse ofered, as there was & %'.eal's_ {l:om l1867 to 1881 (bé»tl; inclusive), dis-- f difficulty in finding out from clerks their religion. | tinguishing the amounts expended on the separate Some o)f theim, hg supposed, did not know chat | parts of such buildings. | relyion they belonged to, or whether or not they Also--On Tuesday next--Order of the House had any religion. z'Lau hter.) for a return showing the quantity of coal pur-- | Mr. MEi{EDI }{---g]f the clerks no not chased by or on account of the Province in each | answer then the heads of the departments should year from 1874 to 1881 (both inclusive), the in-- dismiss them. stitutions for which purchased, the date of pur-- Mr. FRASER--Perhaps the heads of the de-- chase, and the !u-icc per ton paid, giving the ' j | partments do not know how they therselves | information in ecach case in detail as to %mrd aud . %' atand. (Loud laughter.) If members of that | soft coal. | q House were asked just what they l')uliu.\'ed in and l Mr. Long--On Tuesday noext--Order of the $ E> what they did not, they might find it hard to Houso for a return for all correspondence between V answer, | _______ s the (Ciovernment and Mr. Creswick, Provincial « Mr. LAUDER--Speak for your own side of Land Surveyor, relating to the new survey order-- 8 , the House. * ed to be made by the Government in the township t ©1 Mr. FRASER--I am speaking of both sides. 1 of Sunnidale. | F { have no doubt but that the member for East CGirey Ateevintrniryieemrantreerermenremimee mm | y j # (Mr. Lauder)could establish hisfaith, but in some of l p ' the churches you have to emflfiliuh yourself in a f \ & i p particular form, and there are sometimes obstacles & 3 y E in the way of a man knowing just where he lwlnn'i(s ':; f and how much he does belong if he bulong}s at all. § (Loud laughter.) However, if the difficulties are t not insurmountable as far as this question can he ' determined, the return will show. It will be f brought down this session. 6 Mr. MEREDITH did not believe the matter should be treated with the levity with which the 4 Government had treated it. The same return 4 was given in every decennial census, and there was no difficulty in getting the religion of the aff | people. _ If it was not a proper return the Giov + : ernment should ask ths House to rescind the » . order, but so long as the order remained it was \ ® | not treating the ]sousc as it ought to be treated P w } | | to neglect bringing down the return, ( ' Ee | _ Mr. MOWAT said there was a difficulty which | -- %', E. had prolonged the time which it would ordinarily oR § f | | have consumed in mskil:f: up the return. The . d | return would be brought down before the end of | | the session. | THE NEW PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, P y Mr. MEREDITH asked the Commissiener of Public Works when the result of the tenders for 6 h the erection of the Parliament Buildings would | $ be made known to the House. [ §3 k Mr. FRASER said he did not know the result t P himself. Noneof thetenders had been yetopened. It .;' ' A Waas pu:«'a'n)le tlle_\' would be nlwm:d to--morrow, ' ks but he could not say anything very definite about [ Y them yet. _ It would depend upon circumstances 1 i o > ag how far the result could be communicated to the o + ¥g House. i t Mr. MEREDITH asked if it was the intention U : ¢| 4 E. to put the House in possession of them before f § l ¢ prorniatiun. _ P Mr. FRASER said if any decision was avrived 8 ,A C at it would be made known. p t > foiga : EARLY ADJOURNXMENTs. é (a fos The adjournment of the House having been § ' t P moved, m Mr. CREIGHTON protested against the prac n A tice of adjourning the House at six o'clock. He * t f did not know why the House could not sit oftener 4 . after six o'clock than was the cu stom. : F Mr. MOW AT said the adjournment was moved 8 because it was thought to be the general wish. ? If the leader of the Opposition wished it they K would go on with the estimates. c Mr. PARDEE said it was the expressed wish $ of the leader of the Opposition that they should I not go on with the estimates without the Public 4 | Accounts. It was hardly fair now for a supporter | of the hon. gentleman to try and throw the re-- sponsibility upon the Government. The Public _Kt(:uunts {md been on the table only two hours, '1 / \h but if the leader of the Opposition thought that | he had them in hand long enough they would ' a \ go on. ; x ( Mr. MEREDITH said if it was the desire of l I members on both sides of the House to pro ceed f | he would g& on. ; B | Mr. HARDY reminded the House that a num-- * A | ber of members had gone home, believing that 5. 1 there would be no session that night. C I Mr. FRASER said that was not a Government 3 $ i day, and members had no right to complain if f, | they allowed their notices on the paper to stand i al ( witj\out procecding with them. He was strongly l f in favour of short sessions so far as that was con-- | M j cerned. Members had done a good day's work E: ; that day, A great deal of important business | had been'quietly transacted this session, and he ' pone e o io inmmmmmmmmmmemi} wirt