m 39 R to the disputed territory as a * white elepbant, i d He had not for which they were contendiN® . "5" ||ocpjon, heard anything about the «* Reader | AUOA"D)a it would be taken up in t but he supposed that it wou a i f Education. After speech of the Minister 0o lor soime enlogizinge Mr. h%'eredith, Ihis leader, for ime he resumed his seat. & Mr. Widdifield moved the adjournment of the House at 10;45 p.m. NOTICES OF MOTION. Es sod--On' _ Wednesday _ noxt--Return uhgsvri.np':v--lst. The several lots in tbo'tnwnahlpl of Tudor, Wollaston, Limerick, and Faraday, in the County of Hastings, which have been sold, located, or disposed of, or applied for since January, 1880. 2nd. The dates of such sale«} tb: persons to whom made, the prices wtd,.anl torms of payment. 3rd. The dates of the severa applications for the purchase or location of such lots. 4th. Copies of all correspondence with the Crown Land Department with reference to any of the said lots to which conflicting ciaims have been mado. Mr. Balfour--On Thursday noxt--Ball to fur-- ther amend the Act respecting joaant stock road companies, and to provide for appointing & pro-- | vinctal inspector thereof, mhore Mr. Carnegie --0)u Wednesday next--Enguiry of the CGiovernment whether Mr. P. Janueson, the tenant of a portion of the Agricultural Hall, Toronto, has as yet repaid the whole or any part | of the money ecxpended by ths Provmce in ma) > ing improvements on that buildimng, which Mr. Jamicson's lease required him to make --at: his own expense, and which expenditure, ace rding to the estimate of the chief architect of the Pab-- lie Works Department, amounts to £2,0831 80, and if not, what steps havo been or are being takon to secure an early settlement of this claim, Mr. Carnegie--On Thursiay next--That an humble address be presented to his Excellency the Lieutenant--Governor, praying his Excellency to cause to be laid before the House copies of all applications for the oftice of Registrar of the l County of Petorboro', aud of all correspondence and memorials resating to the filling of the 'va-- cancey whichfexisted therein from December,18§2, to January. 1884. Mr. Carnegie--On Friday next--Order of the House for a return of copies of the annual reports o6 the Muskoksa Dam. Niide, and Boom Com-- ' pany for the years 1882 and 1883. | Mr. Carnegic--On 'Thursday next--Order_of the House for a return sbhowing :--1st. The amount voted by this House for expenditure on each particular colomzation road in the Pro-- vince during the year 1883, with the conditions (if any) attached to such grant. 2nd. The amount annually exvanded on each of such roads. with the dates when the work thereon was com menced and completed, 3rd. The romds upon which the $20,000 piaced at the disposal of the (Government for general purposes *"has been expended, with copy of report recommending such expenditure, or other application therefor ; date ot appropriation, date of commencement and completion of the same, and conditions (if any) attached to such grauts. Mr. Creighton--On Wednesday next--Motion for a return showing. the location of the three creameries erected under the Act passed last ses-- sion of the Legislature, the cost of each, and the names of the officers thereof, with the salaries paid to them respectiveiy. f | ce nemmnemcnmennenermmm e mm N I