m ., ':e..", i' ale." I ll _ ' V _ "," _ one; Y' _ l gig? friends oe "we. or the respondent. with ' timeliud been taken up in treating it' from the ,ll;,ttt,,ii.'iii,iire:i, to hove been more Me',:,',? u- standpoint of whether or not the thwart! was I min ds Gat J1: 'C),',t,eet 'ftgt,t, 23:. 2 33,0233; min: and just and ouzht. to be ratified without I from ide /llPlstt'gf,, we: to t'ttthtettee m. going to tho Privy Council. Now the point in y _ i'j,iiisAi,ir', corrupt mung, . V * A sum of I debate was whether the terms Hitch winch the _ money. 'hich was woken of by Mr. Rover " question had been submitted to the 'riey Council 1 f,Hiar.", Wtttg remitted to him. or to the Muakoka f ( were consistent with the part course of the Gov. s "HRH"! Coninwy. by a bank draft. ml was mnent or in other words had the Government handed by him to Shields. This was one or the or ' . f ', iti l l d _ T incidents retrpeetimr which we felt we were not receded to uni/extent PP t ie pom ion t my " I .,' put tn possession or the whole truth. ' t " The formerly occupied"! It seemed pretty thifi'ealt I result of all this is the conviction that to whomeo- to please hon. enticineu opposite. Prior to the F, ever We "mm"! itt to t.teettrttniiiiE there Wits ttrt making of the agreement they had com- J F,t,if,i1,,1i',iii1"tl.iritFi'stii',i'i'i, plan to limp-10:; 1'f'f,'l'. [mined that the Government: were making 1' ' 0 , P . . . . _ . and that it 'd2"llfr't"ot 321313}. to grist: those T'"' upon Manitoba, ysd 'd,"',', that the . means to bear he ireneully a. (tangible through all 1.,ierfrnmet.st. had entered Into t to arrangement parts of the electoral district" that? committed as strongly as before. .What -HHear, hear.) was tlml'xmlwn cl [the Government? He de. . N , p . , . claret t rat t rev it eon perfectly coexistent in . _c. "3:23 f""UGHTox--n that the report Of the their Tty/ttet and policy. (Hear, hear.) . If they , i Mr. 1,r,ls1rir'pmr-..su, wereinelined to boast, indeed, they might any! I . , Mr. PAii!us'itUfrhi,', .3... what took place in tttag yocp,r, had Gd tl Complete "cm-Y2 (Heuf l -1 I "" " , Muskokn. Go to West Middlesex and see what hear.) The hon. leader of the 1ly:rlitiy,it had f '. " ' happened there. Notwithstanding the disclos- asked "1iitli.ee.ntsy, the couraetol the hovernf [, ' Ures that had boon made in )luskokn and the 33f" ' _itLN Watt tttt easy.q1ns tott to ituswer. ' . _ . . .. . . wit" u hole course and their whole energies had . . emuientnatia of the bribery there by the Judges. , . . T ' . . . ' I ' _ . _ _ been directed towards procuring the ratification " - sn/rtyjylstauu.ir/r that the eVidence had aliown . ' ' . ' . ... . i that these outsiders had TOtto into that eonstitu, of. the Award, M tt ought to "Me. been _ratitied M " , eucy with xnonev 1" ith _ k tt . without going to the Privy Canned. ', , til l . out Wt trun s o roitdtt The question what had been the course Ln. " l 1lyxkt.v--thi.U, hsmr)---to c"ltt1pt the electors, ot' the opposition m this matter was ' V . , t?i1ti'yg'ftji'd"ir,dtiri't' they had taken possession a more diliicuit one to antiwar. "Hear., hear.) ' a C . a That chime had been a. most inconsistent one.and l U. 7 sn'llctmiLra, rr I): THE!!! cannon Immune, his nun. friend knew wh and when it became in- L F . u what did they do when the West Middlesex elec. Consistent. but he (Mr. gimme) did not intend to y _ , tion came out Emboldened by the hem-papers discuss that subject at the present time. The _ e oi their puny, who said after Muiikokn had been apposition coinplmned that the Government, " t " carried that they could carry any constituency in on behalf of the Province. had retained F,' . the l'rovmoe where the majority Wits less than posiesoiitrtt of the territory, and said they rr 200. they undertook to remit their Muskokn ' had no right to retain much possession after ... operations there. The evxdeiice in the We»: ' the passage by the House of Commons of what F 1' Middlean trial showed that thousands of dollars 1 l were commonly called the "Boundary reselu- i 4 _ l Were distributed in that riding by means of what f i "one." _ was rolled the "envelope rr system. (Him, bear.) I 5 Mr. 1,'EREDrTH-No one ever said anything . f tr, further showed that the eandaiate' himself had i J of the kind. . exp mtied - :u was proven by his own hank-book I l Mr. PARDEE~Whnt has the hon. gentleman ' . o'; --a sum of money that startled the community. l been saying throughout the length and breadth "" In a {ewe-coke reyrheroh.tction took place. Wt/re, of the country ? What did the newspapers on , the peopie of thnt_ constituency ndvxsed by his 3 " side mean by charging the Government With . . hon. mend opponte to take wartime bv what , having committed all sorts of crimes through to E had lmpprnrd during the iimt election? Did be ( taininq poser-anion of that country l.' , ' tell them that the candidate Johnnton had only , Mr. Atha'ltEih'fir-ri',1ir' forcibly taking poeses- - meme-l 1rsuuahticatiCu "by the akin of his sion. ' l teeth," and Lunt they owed." to themselves and Mr. I'N'spr:rr--what does my hon. friend _ A . _ to the country to show their di.'ra_purobatiin of mean by "foreible possession?" This Province . " , the t-nrrnntion that had boon practised. by select, had been in pimsussion of part of that territory ', s' , on: another candidate? No, sir, nothing of the for the lust quarter of a century. and of the par- _ _ kind. with» contrary, that hon. gentleman tion north and West of tho height of land since Went to the Ihur,onti:ui called to choose " Candi. INN, administering the, law by magistrates and 2 than, and told the people that they Were bound oftieera appointed by the Government. It , _, to :'v.'..,'-'.ltt select Johnston in order to avoid any was not pretended that Manitoba had ' stein upon their t11iN"et".-',on--ttelteers) -and they any right; of puschniun until after the pissage of ' did select him. During the second election the the Manitoba. l'ixtcnsion Act in 18S1. The (low . saute processes were attempted to be carried out eminent had been called bb traitors," " trespass- " (is were wed in the first, and in precisely the ers,"and "iturtostors " simply because they had same manner. \thn these practices were er. , been endeavouring to retain possession of the How}. did Ins hon. friend say they were wrong? country which they had occupied tor so long a ' No; ho downwind the man who had been guilty time, Mr. Norquitv himself in 1881 had made a L. of i_ri'utsry--t Hr. Meredith. " Hear, hear"r--and watch in which G said that Manitoba did not 'W ho defended the parties who hid been in Mus., wont to be drawn into the quarrel at all l but it .' , U/ca fos. the Nattu, purpose. (UhoersJ It seemed Wins the policy ot the Dominion Government to ' _ to him (Mr. t'ardcio) that bring Manitoba into the dispute in order to shift , ' ' I T'HIS "lull-MIND") LEADER. part of the responsibility from their own 1 lt . _ _ this unn-mnnded patriot, who stood upon the shoulderi. (Hear, heat). Tue Government were . Ft f public itliui'orm--he had not yet done so in the humid to hold possesoon of that country. f Home -und accused others of bribery without They had been unordered hy the House in the , the shg)utest proof, Wan bound to have, taken " resolution which was passed almost unanimously ' different Course in West Middleton. and to have In the session of 1sso. and even if they had not "tinned in.- electors against. rvyyuutatitv,r Julilh been so ordered it was then: boundcn duty to rc- l an". in order that the skirts of hi, party, in well will Possession. What would have happened if , :m or lilllht'lf, might be cleared. (Hear, hear.) the Government had been driven or gone out of l Hie lion. lriond hard likewi .13 said that they Could possession? The Uppnsition would have said, l .3 . not that thr, door upon bribery by lughlntiuii. and the [noble Wouui have believed them, thaw r IL; (Mr. Poi-doe) admitted this to in true, but he i the liovernnient had abandoned the iie.!d nod the : . held that, no long as the leaders of a party on". territory. After the Dominion Government re, " tinned bribery by defending the parties who had fused to ratify the Award this Government had ", been guilty oi it, so long would that party Con, exlii'eseed their \i'illingness to go to the Privy tinue to in: guilty of bribery, and it became a l)ouncd. provided just armngcmcnts were made grunt "it ral question how long in the intorentn of In the meantime for administering: law in the ter, morality " man who held the views his hun.fricnd Ptoty. The Dominion Government. it was said, , x', seem ed to hold should remain the leader of n hud offered to ttive this Province limit Possession 'r, p irty. (Cheers ) In Aleoma the same course was With Manitoba. but it was impossible tor Ontario pursued. livery man of the Muskoka brigade, to accept such a proposition. The people of this man John Shields down, Was there, and there was Provide Would not be Willing to allow Manitoba . not the slightest doubt that they med precisely to come down to Prince Arthur's Landing the some means to carry the election there tint and administer law there, and that was simply they eminoyed in Mink-rim. Me (Mr. PM'dee) . what the suggestion meant. (Hear, hear.) ' l had been in Algornn. and one could hardly visit l The terms upon which the reference to the Privy; . a village without . timliast a dozen or two of Quuucd bud been arranged Wei-u (i) that; the va- V . _ strangers thereon behalf of hon. gentlemen op- Mill-V of the Award should be deeded upin I (2) , . photo. These men followed their old tactics, that a decision should be arrived at as early as Y but fortunately they Were not 'tuctrettifui. lion, Juno or July next; end (3) that Ontario would . gentlemen were now angry. not because these have absolute Possession of the territory south . invaders had gone into M Malcolm or Algoma with and east oi the height of land, and joint Control V (gm-mm intent. but became oi the failure in the with Manitoba cf the remainder. This was pmc- l T "unit. (Hear, hear.) He defied hon. uentle- tically what the liovcrnmeutlnid always insisted l _ men oppoote to point to 3 single instance in upon. (.Appiau.su.) lie did not any that it was i l which n Reform member had been elected where all theGovUrnmeii't asked for, but if not, who , corruption melt as that resorted to by (Joiiservo- Were to blame? it Was clearly the hon. gentle- . tivus had been practised. lie iiiutunced We,t men opposite. lie contended that, in view of fl Simeon and South Roul'NW. where the Liberal the Uppusttiori'n hostility to their own Province . l "tctuhers had been oriented, and {said that these and their sympathy With Manitoba, ' elections!" Ul") 21:: ',',,'ietci) v'Jiulirt/giitii:.i, as IT WAS To THE ('lilml'l' _ . ' ' "a ' ' n V . 'i'l,1'illi5iti1)2' iii-1W1»: Middlesex. 11:12:43: of the latter Provuue that she had unread to so , _ it to be his duty to make these ruttttteks, reasonable no arrangement 'tht been tin-wed T . ' and he mud n was not true thug the party of hon. on 1lteipt,t hovel .said, . hit-mo in prett) . . gentlemen opposite were free from corruption on overtly minded 1'C1't,), tttt qucsition. the Pt'd"thit . l. new scales at the ute.tre.er;n election. but he "8 all "1 WWW V wit 1 uf api Wott . , . declared that MO far as hu side of the House were r.ather .see "l, in "regression cTirisote .r' ' ere free from that l lion cries of No, no, and Ministerial concerned they W c urge, . _ _ (Cheers.) ty,,1tytt)ryy, shennght hate felt like taking THE BOUNDARY 95531-103. advantage in the situation. l"etT,fittyvii the l _ Hitherto in the diucuuion of this question their 'populdtion lay south and teast of the height ot ., If _ . _ P "r' V