. u _ T" , "Iggy? yus , . _ . . l , , _ e' . ' _. ' _ I reason t T - , . Mr. MORIN--No, we carried the county .be- l . . fore. Take Grey, for instance. the Conservatives them sent a journnIth and a Rontlelnan who lived "a- ,,-. .._..v -- .- ttt Toronto. The Reformers ot Huron sent two .i l farmers, while the Middlesex Reformer: sent two FIFTH nItuggEliT--.--FllltT SESSlON. farmers, and when the vote come to by taken it . would be found that there were more ttTr.uevs. on ---.... --... ..= - the Government aide than on vt,,hgft,t'i1ti',l side. ' . . Mr. Morin resumed his seat min on app an". ' tfty Our Own ,IWWMM " Mn Mry1'CALr'r', congratulated the Speaker r'wks'MY' Jan. M. u on his assuming his duties for another term. Tho Speaker took the chair at three o'clock. Ire was in accord with his) hon'. friends on the I Pr"aTIT1t )NS. other side of the H ouse Wllill thle Address an ttr, ' I , . , , . . - "it. related to the agricu turn. interests. . a By 3i." 1 'g,rcif,1t1"ch'c",etfei.e',"li:u'h',i V spoke in high terms " the report of the Agricul- mo oron ' . .A . . tural (ie/ttttttd lledthou'zht the mower and a i . T ' , . . . . _ _ y . . - seconder of the Adr rem; emu ved gloat praise or d,tit Iii,'r?,tt','rie! at,',"' a??? J,aetnlyltdr:',i taking their grounds in a courlureous manner. Incorporation , d . ' He did not think the'mover of. that Address had BY Tii.' 'ii.7am-ot the Roman Catholic dio- l my»:03.53.2126153331;?uzrgmeYli;all"; "tg'j1d"e/t,ut,oj"e,'sidt1 tVT/rt,',:,',',",",; He thei\i dwelt liir 'tel th",," oilidthlo goodb results - A' ..' , . " . Tr l' l. . . of the National 'o icy. e to t min a outtie (l. 1'i'. 'it'rc."' to uteorporatts the hm" Bvook , way the elections were managed in his canstitu- ' il . . ' ency. The Commissioner of Crown an {suave B Pos .ll,r; J',?""" (lramilton)--W tho Ihttnittat them a Visit. and he said if they were going to ' soon I." .0' , elect a Comservtstive,he (Mr. Metcalfe) WM as good By It Clarke (Turownljl' ".r and Act to ell-l" _ a innn as they could get. (Latutlrer.) He thought 59'" 'ft.'" todivide ttte city into rluttagt, (1" the arguments of the Couuuitvsionev of Crown "f. a"? B l ot th l . i ttlite of lands wstltreferenee tothe Boundur.vAwtsrdtuul N Ir,,. . fr M '..l'f,t"2- le l",', m If": P' I . t' Streams Billwore " all right on the face of them." l -rl,t1""""' or an .. ct to Pita "e a ce. "m "en " , He thottgiitthelte'tytnt, did not vt',::,",',':'",,,)","?:':,', . ' , , I tliesgquestions. He said the Streams lall was l THY 31" rt!/t,1/pcif'trrf,; e: graterkin {(61,313 an tthrqthtootumtsarure. He behaved the pre- lirmX' sewn": t m "to" o enemen ' ao . j sent Minister of Education Would perform his MEI? 'll . F, ti --ut E I Stoek " "I of l duties to the satisfaction of all. He thought E iii l . r. .rma in": t " . ' . tl . to l , there wail too much of this system of cramming i it" coke, f": I'l f, Ct o einpowei tem i , in schools, and he hoped the new' Minister of l n 1"fslt "(i,'itia,,'l',tl11',"i1s, Variance R linprnvo- ', F {Education would (lll'lll l3) cpu',', put a S"h' _ l . . " l ' . . hm si'stem. i) 190 row at tention " tie ment Chnn.pany. for an Act to amend Aet oi l unsanitary arrangement of somooi the schools. ""J'pit?.1iii?,i.,.r, Of th, incorporated Flvnod "(I He asked when they were to haven Normal b '. . - " f; -e- , . , ' . . . . School in Kingston. They should haven Normal 3 ille.ll:|:)c:?:;: loronto. for an Act m vest certain I , School in that part of the Province. our." 'm. 7 .. ttlk . . . . . I By Mr. Awrey--ot the Hamilton & Dundas lulu"; 'e,lli,,reh2,ctu"'iei",tut'iiyio'e,t Itly.wan for an Act to mound Act of Ineorpora. . Dominion Government by the fact that the Ito- " . . .. minion Government had sent him on an auc- Br Mr. Noelon _-ot the St. Catharlttei & Nia. . l, _ I . ' . . ' ' . .. tioneoring llllaSlOlI to the North-West. The sfg'ic,i,,f/tt/t"/ihetrp,uj,'/,T""" lor au Act, to occupation would account for the fluency, and I C rt e . l t . n I i . t ' . . b'ive petitions for extension of franchise to the: ll" oi ml" r'y///o'tLt,n"ill the rutiftfude. I". t women a piitatef TIll if; orI t I' (tunic w l' C,t', the 1 A . . , , , . mem icr or .on on us Ie." y congra um ion on lly Mr. " Connor-From the ( ounty Council tl . . ' . _ _ I. . _ te iucrensed strength of the leader of the Itp- 1 of idit,',t'ig'rrsytet, ill" Jie'.,)." "than" may be ', position in the House. Previous speakers had I'"'), MRI" Ti l!ie"1;'/ Il'," T F c, oil of ',; , given their own View» as to the causes for this M by, "re), f, Ll I..".', " R I',,,,. in"! s1"/d"i',i'd'l ' (, result, butlie believed the Hon. Attorney-Gen. a-let"',.','.,.',. "fir"; i'". il',' 'l. Si": f" l, m . u t U' . I : oral had hit the nail on the head when he assigned . 'il f.1i1"l.'.1hi: "ll" ff/I' "a turnout . C' "m ill of ll- not to the "bilityor thepohcy of the tJmsositrou, " . i. this lo him. t ll. 1 tttt y 1 - i but to the support "t the Dominion Government. . _ Peel. respecting the hurymur "(tum doc in" il l l Referring to ihc late election caiiipugn, he ' P"): Mr. gum?" in the 9""??? ('_"'""_C'_ be ' made a courteous oliusion to his late oppon- 'dei'.' praying t tat ttttttrqtc't's due nil-.3 um) ettt. A51 mm". ttoWetc'r, as the election ' ' in . . . A was over . tis opponent Wm nphointed P. (moon's . I or . ' 1 . r ":25: petitions for the I'orrcn. a) stem ol land Comma]. shortly before the election the county tt . . . , . . . - , , , ' . , J, jiidgenliip fell vacant, and it was kept open until f Brt,s,tu/or1l',2yiTt-iy2ht0,'.ri'titaiiv, Couucilof altr-rthe election. During the election cam.- C ran . ot rt? l", in I,,',",','",',',' " ', rains pawn one of the most active and most sleepless l ltl l A l l'. Ill Li's. canvau'sers was a rising barrister, who afterwards Mr. MORRIS said he was gratified to one was appointed County Judge. He madeno cum- that his hon. friend opposite, the L'ommisrion- piam: at Flue. as both were worthy of the favours er of Public Works, Win in his seat. (Chm-rs.) l they.reeeivtd.tnd Watt glad they had received the l lie undersitood that the time for presentation oi y.spoioutymts, but the prinCIple of ttiviue reward Private Hills expired to inorrow, and the qum- l for nerwcos performed remained all tho some. lion was whether that should be the last and final giftei' this, 'iirrytiuiod With the result. they determination as to the time, or whether it avoided to hie a patition, and went j .should he extended fora week or ten dove. through the ridme seeking a petitiom'r. A Mr. FRASER had no doubt, but that the time poor man was found who had not sixpenco to his l Would be extended, owing to the length of the name, and was promised a Government position I debate on the Address. if he becimiu the "etitiorter.Thin mun Rot the posi. ' DEBATE ox THE momma $335;';§"§'f(,°,l;??3,':'fii512:1?";nfil'j'jf;t':§','l§'\':at Mr. MURIN. after claiming the new member's TYY' 'rt .h w irrso will hr whom the came was I prtvtieRo of indulgence, alluded to the attempts Kei; mi. he was taken out of the Witness box made to defeat him at tho election and ttttor. ly the. K"i"1S,'"rt, Next day he wards by petition. (hie hon. gentleman had {as 1'/i1tei' In". the "Winnie. Ceiiclsrniiiir the referred to wood rangers or rangers " alter gm"). it: won l Just " the hon. member f r wood." and if this class of men haul not been in l l" tst lull-onto if. in his calm moments. he ','i',G'l.' ' his riding, Dominion Government canal contrac- ' thottgitt that the Mackenzie Govertintunt should , _ tors and canal veluators Were thorn. who had haw passed anticipatory legislation. I med their utmost endeavour!I to dofestt him. Mr. Mullins. in reply, said that there hav- They] "Pd made "ll dkind'thnf "tTet,'," to fl": in: [mono Contract between thetworioverutuentti' ml. e in on." to in ttee Ptrt o vote ngaiin. th t tl r't'f_', " uld be n bit l ti al cull 13...... they bad not m... their M... for 'dll, he: i")C,ih,li"l,t'l a: 'tt'itt,ii',uath,",' no; they .conti.nyyd them right uv.to tho time of the potion by anticipatory legislation. This Parlia- ' 2:21:33 tLtissi.tt,7ne,1,e,t1'gts,,ltnttmt't,e. men: having: twilce partied sucfll an Act, tho It',: " I ' g . . . T" . a-wnz..wi no t .u . i ttico, tered for partisan IRWIN-"'3. and be Would k""' l .:,ldtltiCf"i'i,'lfli'd'i 'ld,"i1l'A'l'f,, 'rt'i,"il"u"Jl'.ji','. hm opinion as a License 1'omutinoioner. During Mr. HAQHIIIUHV than asked Mr. Morris ii the campaign the" charges hail lie-ell made, and he had pvttcGiuttt, tor such a com". I tshown to b: entirely b.aneioys. They had tlttsn l Mr. MOlx'mlN'--.l decline to make the hon. made the same concerning the way the Act was I gentleman luv father coufesuor. - administered there. and they WW? Shown to be I Mr. "AUG l-thOW proceeding showed that . equally unfounded. Junt "WWW" to thy iulsy there was no precedent for such {course there- lme'." m the Queen against i.i!ttittt.s trav.i"srl't,"? I tor" the member tor East Toronto iii/ui not (lhhdmu'hlao thid"'er",i,c,ler1",'Ji1, "liming; J'dl'r'/','.,',)) mull :,lh"tl as follow" I. despatch from an ' .ai' lrevt . Ialsn' _ . ' to get their licenses from the Local Government WM J'Jt)2',,.li1tee,l'11',tn'tst,htutigt'x, 1t,',,htg in the future as they had done in the past. Yet!" between at Canada a'nd New 'ii'h"f,hh? ICI l i a with the contentions oi the member for North .. . ' . l 1tuc; he proved that as far as his own dmtmet I b if" the ultimate prooeedlmm must necessarily I was concerned the distribution had been very n?" LAP?, Ill .1/t,r,.'.'ttat't,1,; " does ttttt "PM" to me ' euuisblytrvrtributtsd. itwamuistributevi according valldnity tr',"lly ')'ittllll'll',dTr' tre"','.",,",.',',', to f0it, i l to the 'ttttttdatum at the twitooU, and it the hon. will be in tha- nature ot a. 1,lllue/,"rtft'dllle'l , member had some other and better plan to pro- only. If there is no pros ct Ol unazreenient be- pogo he had better bring it forward. 'lha line made. Her Mmjeuty'n 'tr,",,)',',,',',',',,',, Would have paucity of farmers on the Government side had to take up the question if, a decision of a court of been adverled to by the member for South 'gr, 'Stl',', iml Ubtilllldd. "Phil intercourse "up"? Grea. An far as his constituency was concerned in un ttt Ct to l w case. . l they !,rl tt'e,'titi',e,,t, a 't,'h"fh' ht in the rural This was the precedent followed by the Macken- t .tiucnc e la . enaw . ', tl ' ' ' . will? P 11li"llillPill'rUp". Tl,,',",',',','] soniiayotlier 'illi,lih' 'i',",.")?;,'.",,':,';,',"'," ll" yrquiesd m and Bp. ' - . - * . l ' o in at e tune.and cm the true