wennmemmamn._zz~ mm I FIFTH PARLIAMENT--FIRST SESSION. w en gee en (B, Gur Qwn Reporters.) § Frinay, Feb. 1. _ The Speaker took the chair at three o'clock. _ * PETHVPLIONS., 'l 5 The following petitions were presented ;-- By Mr. Sitis--To incorporate the Niagara Falis Water--Power Company. j By Mr. Morris--The Toronto City Council, praying that an Act may pass to empower them 10 borrow money for sewerage and drainage purposes, By Mr. Fraser--Of Ceorge Taylor Falford and others, of Brocicville, praying that an Act may pass to incorporate the Brockville & Sault Ste. Marie Railroad. By Nir. Sills--Of H. B. Rathbun and others, of Deseronto, for an Act to revive and amend the Act incorporating the Gananogue & Rideau Railway Compal}ly and changing its name. By Mr, Sills--The Village Council of Ganan-- oque, for an Act to legalize a certain by--law in favour of the Gananogue & Itideau Railway Company. By Mr. Sills----Town Counail of Trenton, for an Act to legalize a certain by--law in favour of the Gananog ue & Rideau Raiiway, By Mr. Neclon--The Towuship Council of Clinton, for an Act to incorporate the Niagara & | St. Catharines Railway, By Mr. Neelon--The Township Council of Louth, for an Act to incorporate the St. catharines & Niagara Central Railway, By Mr. Harcourt--Toronto & Nipissing East-- ern Extension Railway Company, for an Act to change the name of thae Company to * The lrondale, Banoroft, & Ottawa Railway Com-- pany." * By Mry., Harcourt--The Laké Simcoe Junction Railway Company for an Act to authorize the company to sell to or amailgamate with other compantes. By Mr. McCraney--Town Council of Dresden, for an Act to mcorporate the Dawn Tramway Company. By Nr, Balfour--Of Delos R. Davies, of South Colchester, for an Act to authorize the Supreme Court of Ontarlo to admit him to prac-- tice as a solicitor. * By Mr. Clarke--The incorporated Synod of the diocese of Toronto, for an Act to incorporate the churchwardens and vestries in the diocease ; uf Toronto. | By Mr. Ferris--Of W. H. Beatty and others, i of Toronto, praying that an Act may pass to in-- | corporate the Toronto, Hamilton, and Buffalo Rariway Company,. By Mr. Gould--Of the Township Council of Reach, praying that the franchise may be ex-- tended to women having property qualification. By Mr. tould--The 'Township Council of Rama,. praying that the franchise may be ex-- tended to women having property qualilica-- tion. By Mr. Cillies--Village ecrporation of Port /lgin, for certain amendments to the Municipal Act respecting the appointment of collectors. . Eleven petitions of municipal conncils, tor an act to simplify the laws for the transfer of real estate in Ontario. | By Mr. Wood--Of Charles Payne and others, af Wailaston, praying for a grant for a road. { PRIVATE BILLS. . On motion of Nir. Fraser the time tor present-- ing petitions was extended till Friday next. DEBATE ONX THE ADDRESS. Mr. PHELPS said it would be his duty to up-- hold the Province in ail questions, and at the same time help to assist the other Provinces which composed the Contederation. -- Me dwelt for some time on the Boundary Award. _ Me was of opin-- ion that it was the duty of the House to pay every attention to matters affecting Ontario, rather than to discuss the affairs of the Dominion, | Me empbatically denied that there was any in-- tention on the part of the Attorney--General to use delay in the" settlement of the Bonndary Award for political purposes, 'The members of the Opposition had gone to the country and mis-- represented the position of the Government on the question, and thus turned attention from the backdown of Sir John Macdonald. He had lived in the times of rebellion in this country, 'an'l from his standpoint he could not see a better method to be pursued than had been pursued at Ottawa in order to produce another, Mr. MEREDITH--Hear, hear. Mr. PHELPS--Let the hon. gentleman re-- member his bear, hear, and let the Dominion Covernment take the consequences of trampling under foot the rights of a free people, Concern-- ing the question of Provincial rights, he asked the Upposition if they were prepared to go to Ottawa for their views on Ontario matters * Me had been a lumberman tor many years, and he gave an instance, almost on all fours, with the McLaron and Caldwell case. Taey had been under the necessity of floating timber down a streamm which had been obstructed by a dam. The strean was only floatable in the times of c freshets, 'The men interested in the timber above