The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Feb 1884, p. 5

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+ 7 a l ® en . h t on , + ns F * * } % « o "I'hi % nd also as a telegraph operator. $ | geant of Police at Rat Portage. 'This was the n};czlli.a The auentlf»{n of _ the -- undersigned ) ' army that was about to cause murder. (Laugh-- was drawr to the cirenmstance: by tho ter.) Mr. Lyon had been the stipendiary magis-- fact of secing him in the oflice and hearing it & trate since 1879, and the people had been in stated that he had openly b'ou.stec.l of tapping the formed that they wore under Ontario rule, and wires in Muskoka for the Conser vative party (llur- . f they w tisfied. --Mowever, 2,000 uavvies had ing the last local election there. 'This gave colour j ey were satisfied. W (Abedrind r to the i1dea that he had been brought to Hat Portage been sent there by Macuonald, Shields, & 9"" | by Shieids for a similar purpose during the pen-- . and they deftied the Courts of Ontario. The dency of the Algoma election. . Magistrate and his constable were powerless, Tth. The undersigned piaced himself in commu-- | and the law was almost suspended. lt nication with the P. 0. Inspector at Wiunipez,. : : was a question at that timé _ whether and both verbally and by letter represented k a force should be sent up to entorce the law the circumsiances, miso stating that Shields p P 3 ho i9. had free access to the office at all times. and against thess imen. A resolution was passed in had been seen in it during the sorting and deliver-- } the House to the effect that it was the duty of ing of letters: but the Iuspoctor, though admitting ® ' the (Government to enforce the law in that that the matter looked suspicious, took no action ' northerly and westerly territory. It was these in the way of removing the office, stat-- f : contractors of the Domimon Government who Lace ":'l'lf, u\'wlsgl?:llkzn F W(\,':ltzgn' 331';" u{ocal'il:; } : i s R s t . 1 » defied the laws of the Province, and of the office would be changed as a maiter of who were coercing _ _ Manitoba 10 _ go course (MeCarthy held the offlice until just one in _ and _ take possession. _ (Hear, | hear.) month after the election, as was expected by the It was reported to the Government that the peo-- writer of the accompanying letter to the Rat Port-- ple at Rat Portage had become sick of Manitob® :zgo Arguslp. h'lrjumotn }}'emaiued, and for some rule, and the orcimary standing population to & lme acted as Deputy--Postmaster, t . .+ 4 R tct ie f werl 8th On the 18th Aug;st the undersigned lvursz_e extent preferred the rule of Ontario ; that receired from the Suuel:-'l'ntendent, of the (§reut ¢ sullicient forces should be sent, because the gaoi | North-- Woestern Telezranh Company at Winnipeg was about being completed--and by monsy voted a notifica ion that the C. P. It. would "iake pos-- in this House without a dissentient vorce--and it session of their own wires for cormmmercial busi-- * ¢ was judged by Mr. Lyon that the time had come ness at . ltat Portage on September ist, for Oatario to take its place thero. It was June from _ which _ date connection'* with _ the before the arraungements could be made, as the f?:l'_::")'r;nl'\',";": :l(-r'\!'i':-'t\l"'\lutc':fi?.(' ]l,hefl";'g:'t:'(';;'i!(';fi means of correspondence were such that fom-- at Winnipeg and Iat Portage, and received an :s- | munication was . slow. However, the Com-- surance that on the date named (Sept. 1st} the con-- imissioneis _ were _ sent, _ and he _ would nection with theoflice in the sSection B buiiding (the like to see where _ the _ circumstantial Postoflice) would be cut and all business transact-- . s evidence was of corruption * 'The men were sent ed ;ll;l:'e('fll:g;;a"{:e\: x;:zs_r':fil'&c:;l:):ltlgfol;nfligi p rats ere e 5 a. or bw 0 8QLr ,recelve nsMmi f '.\"["] t:"r{;-'t"b'f' r":] ;"'""h' _"f Walr trom M""':'"b'; | by either Foster or Stanton, but in less than a ATRnitone Drougitt. down poitcemen, in sboals week communication was rostored, and things and spent money freely to support their men, but remuined so until after the clection, when com-- s he had not heard that the people of Manitoba mumication was again cut off, and s0 it remains were grumbling at the cost of the alloged wauste to this hour. _ f of money, The sum of $47,090 lad been mon-- Stanton has since left ltst Portage and gone to ' tioned as having been, wasted© by the Govern &llt,ntw':'m::,f;,e:;fle':fi is undersiood to have received ment, and the orgzan of the Opposition had From references in the Winnipeg Times news-- screamed out that $160,0C00 had been spent, but paper it is morally certain that the cypher ard now they seemed to have settled down to the | othor telegrams passing between the undersigned former sum. -- He could, however, tell the House and the Government were violated in the Rat that _ not _ one--quarter of $47,000 _ had :_"'":;';':"p'l'l':gfih':"d that Stantou was brought there [ ae spent-- (cheers) ---- ; vwhe Pre P ek ®} 3 l})f.:::m "l').;:t im'fi?fiflq' uf t']':g c::c';:um thi: The fu':!owm[z' *!'nm Mr. H. McDousal}, ( P cooogi t of the Great North--Western Telegraph Conm-- 6 would be found to h;'.m' been judiciously ex-- | pany, to Capt, Burder:, dated August 10th, 1883, t |s;-mw'<l. Phey knew what had t ken piace at was then read as follows :-- j i Rat Portage, How the Ontario officials had been I have yours, dated 15th. Owing to the C. P. R ' resisted and pcople arrested by the Manitoba people taking possession of their own wires for ' officials,. -- 'The instructions given to tha officials commercial ijsiness, September first, our connec-- | were given to administer the law without inter-- tion with Rat Portage will cease on that date. I 4 ferimg with Mamtoba. They were to stay there enclose a letter from Mr. Foster in reference to 4 | without trying to turn Manitoba out. They your complaint, which I trust will be satisfactory, | | were to use no force but in self--defence. But DEPUTY POET--MASTER's LETTER, | | they were not to ailow Manitoba to turn them Then there was the letter dated August 6th, | out. -- They were to do their duty and staund by | 1883, from tho deputy postmaster of Rat Por-- their own Pr-wm'cu.:uni let the Manitoba officials | tage, Mr. James J. ¥'oster, to Superintendent m > | do the same. (Cheers.) In all this the Ontario ' McDougall, of the G. N. W. Telegraph Com-- -- organs of the Opposition ll.'ld"cl)lue out with | pany, which he read as follows :-- c",lm.lnm after column of hhl'c('(l that Uutuno' was |-- * Yours of the 4th received, and in reply I beg overthrown, beaten, and deteated, and hfi would to say that{neither Shields, MeDonald, or any one like to know wanere the patriotism came in else has access to this oflice excepting Stanton, which the hon, leader ot the Opposition was said who 1 have to assist me. I cannot see what ob-- | * to have been inspired when ho appiauded such a Jection there is to his being hera any more than f 3 course as this. Mr. Hardy continued to review """'5"";'!';"'1 I will b':hr':sl'o"'"m" for his tl;"'epi"l"'; | f a mnititen af t lan i e y everything priva'le that goes on in the office. on Pietine Somedrerpepve ade ecd d nerely etieieion on S thath it uie no | grams 4 nel Aaw bee is here to give information outside. 4 stolen from the custeody of the Company, * liis quite necessary for me to have an assis-- and _ asked if _ the receiver _ was _ not tant, and I will employ no one that I have not the ? as bad as the thief * Ho _ traced strictest contidence in as to their keeping every-- | | 3 the history of the telegraph operator Stauntom, , thirg private. | o % from his career in the Muskoka campugn, singe In continuing, Mr.2 Hardy said that it was the | c which he had boasted that he had, by iistering , first time in the history of this country that a | at the oftice at Bracebridge, stolen confidential postoitice had been _ desecrated. It -- was ® messages. _ The telograms read with such gusto the first time in the history -- of _ thus by the leader of che Opposition, had never been country that telegraph wires had -- been answered, and as far as that from Mr, Aubrsy thrown open to men in the employ of the hon. f White was concerned, hecoulid say tha. it was members, or one of their agents, John Shields. | the first tiine he had heard of it. % The postoffice seals had been broken and the ;' "MR. DWIGHTS LETTER * telegraph plundered and prostituted when they | | He had a letter from the CGeneral --Manager of were in danger of open war. gThey were | the Great North--Western Toelegraph Company, acling in quite a loyal manmer. (AI'PI'*""'-)' uddressod to Mr. tHeorge Burden, Comum: stunst He referred to the Apjohn trial, and held that 8 for Ontario, at ut Portage, Jntario, dated the voters who were retused the privilege of vot-- i August 10th, 1885, which he read as follows ;-- Ing were unu.ulq to give a description of thv}r I * Yours of the 3lst nult. was duly received, and property, This, he held, was a valid ' e I immediately communicated with our Superin« reason for not allowing these people to vote. rendent at Winnipeg in relation to the matter, I HMe also referred to the occasion whon the Hon. , ul.l'«.ll:'i_llzlx.l'll_t'l::;'('"t::":;lh;fl(f_:;i:'lll"ifi"")t;,"il".::'(_Kil*,' lnm'"\':,: Mackenzie Bowell and others chartered a special s '.l;'ll\:;ll. }.c»\\')(-\'er. endesvour to remedy u''usfl of train from Winnipeg on the day gf the Algoma ' complaint that may exist at that point, and will election to carry voters to the polling pla.ees, and do everything in our power to pat matters right." showed where three men had voted in three | CAPT. BURDEX's STATRMEXT. or four divisions on the same _ day. | _ He then read the stotement of Captain Bur-- Thew were no. voters beyond one every ton or ' den, dated at Toronto, January 3rd, 1884, as foi. tifteen miles. The day when MacKenz:e Bowell | lows : came down voiing their men by huadreds is still |\ _ The undersigned bogs to state for the informa-- laughed at and taiked about, and he set the exam-- tion of the Provincial Secretary, and with refers ple. The meys hadbeen gathered from the base of > ' ence to the uc«:olflpflh)'htfi tloctlfncnl.-'«. * the Rocky Mountains,ana one young man boast~ | emea hm ont i0 n Siee Apome pred, w en od that ho had, guthored 85 of such cotor brouneran--faw of 4. J, McDounic, one of thg Sec. Then the voluntcers were gathered, and i tion 3: contractors) has hela the appointment of between 300 and 400 men came down j Postmaster at ltat Portaze,. with the ftield battery to take possession Znd. That the Postmaster never did duty as of Rat Portage and driven out QOuntario by the such, l{i!y',-um(ptl(:y(l.;:);lt':»'ill'll}-:;u' f:rllllflglltf t\l;tiuu:- cannon,. (Cheers.) _ These men came 'down by bl?{l' :zcu::iGd by ll|c4cu;xlil;ucl|'u.r'su.'b Ne : free pusseg, ; supphed l)y whour? 'l'l}esel men, 4th, That for some time before and after the | the U|')p'0.-n_t.lou, lam'zhu_d at such * violation .Of « | | election the deputy--postmaster was a young man | Ontarto's rights. This was done in order to in-- named Foster, who acted also as telegraph oper-- , timidate the voters of Rat Portage,. uu;r_the postoftice being also in the telegraph Mr. MEREDLITH--Does he say that they did oflice. intimidate voters > That some months before the electio e 3 ):";ll:.; Il::im named -- Staunton . came -- 19 Jflu': Mr, HARDY--If thoy were not sent down 8 Portaze and was housed and fed at the Section for _ this _ purpose, what were ail . the ) \ B headquarters, It was given out that he was to bummers _ and _ rabble sent down _ for ? a , be empioyed as bookkeeper to the firm, but in-- Then after these shameful proceedings they 1 | stead of that ll:l;'v-'s_l':l"'l"}"}"'l'l" b-"h"l"l'u(l'}:"}l!'_us as» cried out about the case of Apjohn. Concluding, F | sigtant posimaster, i at time ucted us he gave the leader of the Opposition joy of the 3 stolen teiegrams, and he gave him welcome of his £ x cant, rant, and fustian about building up the * J -- ecer Mibnatmniyinenendaiinnt c itivimims omm meancat--atn w TR a

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