T Mr. Morris--On Wednesday next--Enquiry of ) M:l:i«l}r_v whether the Parliament of Canada had |. : m an Act to declare and establish the | boundary between the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec in accordance with an Act mgoctmg | the boundusry between the Province of Ontario | | and Quebec passed by the Legislature in 1875, | | whereby the establishnment ot the said boundary | was made subject to ratification by the Legisla-- ' tures of Ontario, Quebec, and the Parliament of | Canada ; and if not whether at any time, and if | so at what time, applications were made by the | Government ot Untario to the Government of | Canada with respect to obtaining the ratitication by the Parliament of Canada ot the conventional -- boundary established as far as Ontario w»\B on-- | cerned by the said Act, and what were the re-- : sponses thereto. 6 Mr. Drury--That a seilect committee be ap-- | pointed to consider thg desirability of so amend-- | ing the Municipal Act that the number oi mem-- | bers of County Councils may be reduced --with | power to send for and examine persons and | | papers. | _ Mr. Baskerville--On Monday next--Enquiry ot Ministrvy, whether any correspondence or other communication took place between any | member of the Government, or any of its office | and Major Gaskell, with reference to the brin, | ing to this Province of immigrants from Irela» «> _ Mr. Brmatinger--On Wednes¢ay next--En-- quiry of the Ministry, whether it is the intention of the CGiovernment to discontinue the grant to the Agricultural and Arts Association for the purposes of the Provincial Exhibition * and if so, whether the same will be apportioned. among any and what district exhbitions ? ; Mr. Monk--On Wednesday night--Order of | the Housse for a return showing--1. The specifi-- cations for the gaol at Rat Portage. 2. Estimates { of the cost of construction of it. 3. The tenders ' received for the work to be done, or aay part of | it. 4. All reports upon the tenders received. 5. A statement showing what part if any of the work was done under contract. 6. A statement showing under proper heads the expenditure in-- | curred" in erecting said gaol, with the names of the persons paid. 7. A statement showing the , amount, if any, yet unpaid on account of the cost . l of constructing said gaol. I 1 «nc 2222c ccc n meonet c ncmmmmnemmemsmenes