The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Feb 1884, p. 2

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r" - r .. - ., 'Wb . t ff,', MI new: - .v s." ', . . ' l8r5'M, Mr,,t'-',s-"iue ll1lW,Fr,l-5r1?'l'sTirs" " .. 'T.?"' "'tPlrit IM " 5T,? TI l "5'6 . 7. Er-" "1rr5'ii'1',? "s5,.ll8 Tz" Cr,l51lBy, 'lrRitor'r, 's :i"i/,"iitrd, :':.5f'vip?!:"i:'1r's' / J'r' ' / t" /'?tf8a, F." , N _ - _ . , t.'T279,,,i.,8l,P, iiillt f _'--,' _ ', . _."., C'?tsiitra/ __ I'" "s, he? I' _ . , y " P, 't _ '~_:.e:7z.*~v%. :11}, ' '_'" Cine," aC. _ .. _ . q ". '_ il ' ii, ia-iii-tttiris-ii/elitist. that tuaY/ii'iio ------..-_ A. . . t on: . . " _". . . _ yt.rtretux, bow." the man who supplied 1,000 _ (By Our Own Reporter-9.1 A' _., _ -p - V », 'd bricks and the one who supplied work to the some I RIDAY, Feb. 15. T ,. "Rpt . The Spegker took the chair at three ouook. cr., wfhgelbill 'le, mad the second time and referred PETITIONS f _ . ' , I cot ommittee. . . . s I' ~ , , l The following petitions were presented ..- ' " -y,1eyyrPtTll Oh' LAND. . By yr. Gould - From Reach Township __ , , M".BAL1'0L R moved the _sec0nd reading of . Council paying for the abolition of exemptions _ ite. bill to amend the Municipal Act. He ex. with . few exceptions. " ' Pinned that n We one to meet several ditfieal- By Mr. Wood-From the Township Council of l . . hes f.ound "I working out tht Nrt. relating to the Dungnnnon and Faredey, praying for aid for I 'l,12ulrfl",f,','2 of land for r.nunittipel purpose% The the extension of the Midland Railway into the t , . All] yay read a recond time and referred to the Free Grant districts. " "r , " "lumped Committee. Br yr, Rosa-From the Council'of the Town '" . * COUNTY AUDIT. l of Goderich, praying for an Act to simplify the . ' ' td,)tin'U,1?j/,bf maid the second Jp,'?,",',': of 'trt/al." fit')fp. h'itu iitgtetow hi f l . e t to amend the ct rmspeetittgtltsrpxpertdi- ' . - I . ns .T o tore ot county funds in certain cases. He point- , gSTPth' for an A"; b.! authorize the Midland . ' , , outtliatl llefdlhll not inteng to interfere with ; hur Eva)! bempeny to uild a branch to 1a'ravett. , e priiicipe o t N Act. e proposed by the a . , . V l amendment to have the Auditors report to the i lt/h: IriArerryvc--h'rom the Queen City AS- ' _ County Council, and that the auditors be an} 'le? , nights of Labour. far an extensnon of . pointed 'e', If, Iter, the pleasure of the Conn. t 'grtr.hlta,,,.o,,, F tl o Cit A . Ct iiietcn o auntie y. , , . - mm " Queen .I Y ',r. ' Mr. MEREDITH. objected. to the bill being gnaw MW!" I!. Labour:, for. the abolition of referred to a committee until the Government ' tl fitlt', Brag." at,otig,"h'tr,t,eti . had stated their VIOWB on it. .He thought tint ol'llilbur. Flint y - r",',',',','), e 0X" 1p Seyee'.l r ' bill? toe',', not be passed their second reading the law fir 't"t/',u'Ct1ig"rof0,,uh,,t,t, to simplify , WI iou 118011810 . ' . ' . - _ g l Mr. t//l1crh"h"l'ltatu that no question of prin. By. Mr. 1Frodrr.1i'txetn. w. 'Hurrnyett, .praying cu . cipie was concerned. and that the House was ' 3'?" "if? extend the Midland Railway into the , . "ulttr' tatt/tit;? the (lu5'gonbifl they chose. T, f//tfclitt,1ft,,,, the Toivrvain Council of ' 'g . J n e l A 0 58 ' I . . . - ' . . "f Mr. BA LFUUit 's"u"li'lt'rt,ll the bill on the Morrison. praying that the municipal and pin-lia- , some grounds on its author, that a greater per- mentsry franchise be extended to. Women holding : a i 31.335323 3335.333: th',, if"? being Tdl 'uhnt'n'iiUg,',tertpyrg1al1i,'r1it',1 Council of ' ' a 1 ie . _ ' l . . l improper claims. eg s accounts an Amherstburg. praying for relief on account of _ . i . 7 fit, WOOD objected that the bill would make 't'if,,ppttgt',S', with the Canada 8outlteru , l i ' T, am i ir . t . '. V . ll r " 'llllllt'Jl' a: 'll','i"l.i"u'"i'/ as county clerks, and as .B.e Mr..h'euTitscFrou? the Municipal Conven- l . 15.3.. Mr. HARDY pointed out that the Municipal l tion, praying for amendments to the Municipal (, _ I t' Committee was an a rule very conservative in re- Act. .. _ . , . _ , , ' , . t l or . gard to new legislation, and they would not very I sph" DI)? o.1.'"ohys'.. ' - e ._ willingly pose measures for the simple reason The Committee on banding Orders reported ' . i ty f: fl change would be made. no thought this n number of Private Bills as having complied } k: t " ' bill was one that the Municipal Committee could i 'It atrthiti1h1l?, ()Tld9r5-d tl t l 'j. sf.: i ' Bl well talk about round the table better than it y F. d , exp tune m t Iet'6 were some L '. i " h could be discussed here. The bill, in his estima- questions with reference to bills of which proof i l . . tine, was not one about which one would be bei. ttot been given, and he. made n'motion, '7 f, iikeiy to hold strong views. which was carried, that the time for the t3ttuuftnsr The Bill was read it uecond time, and referred Quins Committee to present reports be extended ' ' l ve _ to the Municipal Committee. till Wednesday next. .'5 , , . . . ' COUNTY BRIDGE BUILDING. I REPORTS . . . . i i ' ' Mr. LIO'po' second reading of. It bill . PM? 1dfgi,Tt"e,tri'st "if"? from. tlielQueen'A I _ l to amend the Municipal Act, having for its ob. l pp er "."nt Ing t 1e tsposR 0 36591011" papers . f. ' Ject, the taking away of the liability of counties ind .revit.ed statutes; tJ.tu.i enotlier report . ' - _ to build and i'epiir bridges penning through vil- ttg/tt the '",eel""ic,i High be??? tr,,e,'it ' lages. It was read a second time. 1Ut2r,2t I',' ,t te tunouttt 0 overnmen . QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS. 'rrun 'ttben with" BUN . . , - n 4 A dr . " Mr. MUWAT, in "ml" P, M i lurk, stated The Speaker informed the House that he had s" there are four policemen at hat 1 orange and one l geeeived the report of the judges on the Estates ' T ' at Fort Frances in the pay of the Province ; one, l Bills ' , git" who also acts 1w detective with apt-cial rpiniilicn- t . ? , P. y , N _ l, it??? " Fey", gets $100. the sergeant $352", and three l' M w1Lyli',1l511iih1j,A,e',,iid1'asnr, lid t l' I T, I - moi-or month. They are pint now under the l r. - . - l 'I amen ant "my" a 9 , lg El , ' general supervision of the Htiiisndiury Magm- the? tt respecting the 10panee Rwer Lnprove. l Ill a ' ' trate. The sergeants name is l illiam Colter. " tt I'lTd?N . . l - l I a q Ki . The Manitoba special pulice st.,':; were sent down T MT. MURIUIS-Blu respecting the City of To. r ' x. ". " received $2 50 a day and in their board and on o. _ . . I - ' i li travelling expensee paid, while ontarioU had 8'1. L viflli; b"iliCl?v'i1k1,4.i-Bill to incorporate the - q - so ' army and boarded themselves. t at: , no JI 'Y., . - . I. I V .. " lllllEiiit Mr. All'ilil'll 'l'l'll rose to n point oi order. Mr. toui,Rlyrlvi),l respecting the XOPleue k: a ANI' " ii . , The SPEAKER stated that he had attentively loop-Line I,lpllyr,ap: company.) t This?" .all8lillt rr . followed the Attorney-General and he did not Ae,; (lebO.\f (rttyijegtd,,'1',l ft',' tlitifrnnsfel' . iiia ttitt'Sitill MI hear him say 1t,t,roityteut, of order. . t) securities /', ot, "I 2 mi,"" , "ll i OWENS" p, q ilk? 1!;ng Mr. MUM Al coineuteil himself with remark. "DEWEY to t P, , nimuni becuiities oiiipany". l e if." ine that considerable latitude was rillowed to a 3\lr. CALI)" IjL.Lr-Bi1l to amend the bow _ F " : . . Minister when answerimt a question. Helinil 'soli.uittt? 3,iu,nicfel Act. . I I ,1. i ' " nicuvly been showinc, that the. l'rowllice had not ' tsh/trc/lei',;:,',')',', to amend certain by-laws of 3 . if? It an. ' hven extravagant in the pity of the po ice as com- i " t " r,".',' on. . . l i, - . 'rr-A T . . utl ti th p m V . I Mr. AAPGElu-r11r-.-Hl1 to ineorporstte the __ I , T." I pared WI I, , is f. or TI , "I? , . l Annual Conference oi the Free Methodist Church l . B', ' , Bis3 v _ 1 ll r', Kl5 nFiltGAltTrlN. l of Canada l T , i " 7 Mr. RUSS (West Middlcaex) stated, m reply '; on. Nra'ELthN-miil respecting the St. Catha- ; ». $1 l I ' tohlr. iLarcourt, Jar. .arrattgemeyts, were now 1 _ tines & Niagara. Central Railway Company. l r Jt"' I g E . being mule for ,1,','r"1tt"y, the. student, of the _ Mr. RUSS stated that the Eitimatos would be ~ . Model blehoot in loronto to obtain the be.netit of I laid on the table of the House on Monday next, . l I _ , the kindergarten already estabhshed ttt this i and the finauertU statement would be given on , l 'll ' PJ, l' r city. He hoped arrangements would be made 1 . Tuesday. . ', IR4 , V ' before the next session (if . the Ottawa b'eitool by i The House adjourned at4 o'cloek. , . 3,' , Rlir which they would got similar benefits. ----------_ r, '?,lt'Lrti1 - ' . . ' The House edjournod at six o'clock. NOTICES or MOTION. , _ forth-I" tl, ll' e 1er_Tereeieeieeui.-ie.'lr- ----_---------_ Mr. F'erris--tln Monday next-Bill to amend E, BElhrue,, "ll the Municipal Act. , Mf,-'. ii?i,i' if?" _ Mr.Wosst, (Huhau)--On t 4 ','d .. 3 ly,'. " Tre ' tiott--"Wtat the Home concurs in the agree- i 'tttie, dad; .r' " -' meat laid \before the House by command of His _ _ r , iiiG'FSc' v Honour the Lieutenant-Governor, bearing date ,' . 7 ' l. i ' ' 'st/ri, ~: the 27th day of December, 1883, and expreeeed ' . 1 f " Er,! I.,' __ ' - , to be made between John R. Barber, of the vil. A: ' te I I i If" l I lage of Georiretown, in the county of Halton, of , i xiii. IP, If *3, - the one part, and Her Majesty the Queen of the , i i Ef, i: m." . , _ '5 _ other part." ' E l g"? L _ " " Mr. Gibson (1Gmiitopr-ot? Tuesday next--- hr i in; . is B' F Bill tr amend the Consolidated Municipal .Act. _ l i,tiiiti) ." ., " Mr. 1udmsrow---Ott Tuesday nex.t---BiAi to V l if; 'h' or i U' nmeud the Assessment Act of Ontario. Also-- I l we?" '.,'. ,1 Bill to amend the Act 'int'it.tlr pawnbrokers l , 1 ' iii-'5 .tr 'y'rl and parnbroscing, cap. 148, 1.5.0. . p, Em . sit , Mr. Hardy-Ou Monday next-Ball respecting a,» j..;~g: iieeuee duties. 7 a 'ii?, . in; ---'"-"""'rc.......-. " 1 'al'df' C., a; " - il W2;,;' . , ' . I. , K. i [ in " 2 _ were - P. c f, '

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