v 't 1 1% _ 'v', 7 at. J.' Art'; 'e _ ' . _ r , _ ar" i ' ' i _ a. ".1 _ ,, _ c)' t . $.53 "r t ' , . l N» _ Cer, _-. _ . . _ 5 l _ . _ '- V " . 7 ------ l ', Thework was still being done under the lowest! ,.- . (By Our thon Aeporterur0 _ q tender. 121rT,,t had beelllagunehtlle Province; i l, ', F C Mr. YO a G was I t at t he is- - TUESDAY, If". It . cos-ion bad come up in the House, The Speaker tookthe chair at three oclock. v9.3 it would only clear up any state. PETITIONS- merits WhiChthhad' beci'irhinade in the issuer . . , . papers or o erwnse. ere was no eVi ence tJ)h,egt.chtsadttgitge 1:531:13?" whatever to show tlint there had been anything Tir.' "iiicriiiccia"iii of Niagara for the some like collusion, find it was not likely that there pur frugal" tttte, d The that ptriifiting couftréiict a: tMet. ', in on per ones to ie so is action o ie ad'o'iito."gJ'tot,uiitic 3:301! l',; ueis,tt'lrdu'd , House, and he had no doubt but the present con- may not pass. tit',e,2,C,1i lbe carried out in thet 1'l,ttlfdrd,"eti; . , e s owe tow ie rin in con rec s la en _ [ Mr. ,1f_tirctrt-,r,H. lil. Bennettl of Sharkford managed at Ottawa. pit WES a. question to con- , Hall, Somerset langland. that hit to amend the . . . t Synod and "iai'ar'v" Sales Act may not puss. sider whether} depomt should not be required. we,','; Clarke ('t'ororttor--Tutsht)tht' Union, 1,d,eueptliP"T" thought there should bea . a 'tJi'i,'2','u.tut assisted passages to inunizrsuts be I Mr. RUSS (Middlesex) explained how $15,090 Mr. Clarke (Toronto) -Labourers' Union, To. hsd been given by one person to another in route, to the some effect. your: to 3,113? the printing contract and pay the Mr. Ross MiddleeexF-ir. B. Coo r et al., of T, s as. e . f,i'ert,e,t Jdfe,f/g William Hownrpde to practise 'rlt,',I m"i0s',',,,"tt,'t?r,rtd,: 1DING,q m icine. L . .L . *1. - '" Mr. Dryden-County Council ot Ontario, for M.r:.1.1HTh'lva' moved the second reading of extension of frauchino to women. the Bill to amend the Consolidated Municipal I Mr. A1lVamsr---Henry Dollar (1 al.. of Act. Heexpluined that the first two sections of Howard, for amendments to Draingge Act to the bill had to do with the mode of settling: dis- pl co the matter m the hands of arbitrators putes between municipalities in regard to build, chosen from farmers. ing bridges over streuuu between two muniei, Mr. Gibson (Hamihon)--Mrs. J. A. Cull end politics in a county or dividing two counties. In others, of Toronto, that women be admitted to the case of a bridge over a stream between two I the lectures " University College, mumeipasities, either Council could petition the i Mr. Morris-Tin-tfu' Union, Toronto, for Council oi the county for the erection of abridge. manhood "ifreiaze. and if they refused to build each Council would Mr. Balfour-Township of Maiden, for aid re appoint arbitrators, the duties of whom would F Canada Southern bonus by-laws. only be to decide upon the neeessity and upon Mr. Wood-William Thompmn " al., for ex- the site. After stating the Course to he pursued tension of Midland Railway into Free Grant Dis. in Case of a bridr,rc- divuhntt two counties, he went tricts. e on to lmy that the iii'fseiit llowlwns not adequate I r ' p , , '.' for t in purpose. The thitx section proposes Mr J.liil'f,f,',l'1 Ol f,yJ),erltT,li",,',i'?)t fth 'to deal with drainage undertaken under the Sh'lllkiill ", Jr',f,'di'tl'l,t',e// 'lille',', 1:5 repor " 9 l Municipal Dining-go Act. it had been found thnt _ Mr l?lll3()\' ree- t d tl I .t t ftl t in the cuss of drainage undertaken in one .lllnlll' C l '. V ' _ T, P "ew, b "' Irs repor o te cipality and extended to another municipality "'rttu'ute,e on , "my: bills. dihiealty arose. and it was to obviate this. He , On Illutlou or Mr. l, ruser the name of Mr. Ross l also proposed that it should be iiiiper:.t:ve on all I (yiddletws) We"! substituted for that 'f ME auditors to cancel vouchers and thus make it . l ramer on the Standing Committee on Printing. imDossible for them to be presented twice. The FIRST READINGS. hill further provides that the representation for Mr. PAltDFlFl-1hll to enable free grant WP" "'°"'~"."'.".'" bu ou the basis of Yoo quali- . settlers to obt-uii further locations. fie . voters. . In!" was, however, optional, and Mr. r'FaRRit's--Bill tonuiend the consolidated h? fliliity'tt, ttlf, W11" bf t3 the advantage . . o n tb " ow tld ru e. n 16 case or coun- i1m1.c"/,,'tl,:)titscr,iu to amend the Ditches and ties whore incorporated villages did not prevail Watcv.coutses Act. very .nmclli he'tlioufht ti|ié3re "iduldIbe an til).',')',',; . .. __n . , . ta o in run Lin: tie a. crime. n cone union oder.ayi(,1."'" Pnll to amend the Rail" ay Act hoqdiJ not tiiiiilr that any change would liesatis- Tun FH'TIH STr's' factory which did not leave the matter optional. . ' . ., -. . . C" 'ry ' Mr. PHELPS thought the present Act was . T Mr. MO" A l" presented the estimates for ISN-i, quite satisfactory. Cvrtainly it was satisfactory when had hm" sent to thu House by the l to his constituents. lie nus satistiud with the L:uuttuctttt.Govurnur. clcuute. TIW. PRINTING CONTRACT. r Mr. FRASER thought that there would be no Mr. RUSS fnuron) explained to the House objection to the. bill main; the second readuigand t that the Government, orutract for printing had berug referred totho Minimum. Cymtuit.tye. home i erirrd on the 31st of December last, and it had of the prowsioiu "TC!" ":"rm-V ot fousiderati?ty income tpacisiruAr that a new contrucl be entered , althour:h h" "eito ttot mun," to pl who even his litCo. Tenth-rs were tulle} bu. with the mu." own personal lu/YI"?. toltreui. .ll- thought that notice. Severn! tomb-is were rveeivud. They i many of tun can?" won ( require .reeas mi". were referred to the Queen's Printer, who re. , Atr. CLANCY "bled-{94 _to takunit the Powar Ported rccominentlmg the deception: of then l of dcc.dlllg 11pon me building ".t, bud??? ou.t of I lowest tenth-r, tliut of Mr. Wilson. This tl'iiilsi' "'3h""d3 "f tlte County Couiicds and gum)" it to was new-pied, and on arrau mine-ht for printing l ar "'vrrtioty., . . . . . l for tice years unis entered Elmo. The pin-es in . Mr. DRURY objected" rtbuqntr the 4g",u,iligt . the new contract "er-i much below the former I I tion, because it would ""re." thidiifk " m contract, and there Would be a great saving. I: reference to the representation of county munici- Tiu're Was no lurtltevesolanation ruquired, and , pttlit.ie.s. He thought it tt most t.e11irey. be tutsved that the agreement entered into bo. _ provmion to take out of the hands of. the County {ween UN Guvevumunt and Mr. Wslson be rau. f,e,g,i,i.u responsibility and give It to irresponsible tied. par MM. Mr. CRE" HI'l'l 'h' Irelieved that the present Mr. MEREDITH opposed the taking away of coutmc. was mom tvlvasntagsous s' m the pre- the decision with regard to the erection of Ttous one for the Province. The l we was well bridgaa from County Councils. . aware that there had been a stood l will about Mr, \VATERS contended that the bill did the pl'Pselli contract in the ttd tripe". He not take away powers front the County Councils tl:ou;lit there should he " change tho mode of and give it to the arbitrators. That the latter did tendering for such work. It be Jett stated in [witness now. He contended that now if a County the Itewitirr'ts, hut ho would" . vouch for it, Council absolutely refused to build a. bridge a that wlren ltr. Wilson tetMvred a Win not in a case could be entered in court, and it would position to curry out hm (routinl ' It had been there be, arbitrated on. found since tho". the company . JOKE tender was The Mill was read a second time. ..t,ep,.h'e,frte,J,i'; i,t),'t':,t CE"; dite.:ethwt',e', nircnns AND WATERCUURSES. . I i::. 2 " xx 'rut? ', t "are " t , , , . Collusion between the parties ' but ho could not , M.r.. WATERS moved the t.rgt1rg,'tdi,'Tgdf T make this stat-uncut as u. fact. l Ile thought such l toe bill to amend the Act respecting l c person or Company tendering {mould be required l watercourses. Carried. N to make " houvy deposit to show that the tender " SHORT FORMS OI? MORTGAGE. h was "r-r,rtet,V'rt'e. i ' , . d readin of t a Roll tWAThad not the slightest doubt tttst .7 t,yii,12,',f,'S te,'n1l1"r'etit','li1,r, shortg forms l Mr. '.\ ilson's tender was n genuine one, and tha. I of mortgages. This he explained was to prevent i L, Y' s Lib-t} ty carry out thu c1'n..tra.ct.. Mu lud l the accumulation of unnecessary costs, and make imii- enquiries and he was salislied that the qr [ certain other changes in the Act. Carried and 'Cl',),',',),',? tt,my,'t",'cl'ne '3: "'it/t: ',,l a": ttir/r.',','.',.',', , referred to a. special committee. no co iiisioii _ . . so i an: ie Jm' i , _ T N Printing Company. 'l'nere h ul been no column). THE Oh' TARIO IP-YS' AGE ACT. f l nicition between them. Any arrangements Mr. BALI-"UR. moved the second reading o which might have been made butwecn the psi-ties the Ontario Drainage Act in the same manner l were made subsequent to tho ueeeptmice of the in which the Municipal Drainage Act was pro- contract, by Mr. Frank Wilsou. lie did not posed to beamended. He proposed. to increase: know that the Government bud suffrred from the the number hf petitioners riiquired to a. petition plan, now being adopted. for the repair ot a drain. He proposed, that'one. Mr. MORRIS held that Mr. Wilson was not fourth of the number concerned should petition performing the work. He "WHEN the Whole _ before action could he taken. fncu were not before the House. lie waa in ' Mr. FRASER thought there was no reason T favour of the plan of havine " sulli inst 1leposit why the bill should not be referred to the Conv. with coco tender. He thought the Grip Print. mittee, It proposed that one person would not itttr, Commiiy should be bound to carry out the i be Able to apply for c mandttmuy.to issue for the tottratF, , ' . I repair of the drain when all the others were ble. 151i,",e,,it,txttu1','1,tJ't,t,, the 13m" Ilild agninst such a; course. Carried. owing to t " Wt'. " "my tt "V "ms t he THE DOG TAX, \'x'rodt Tue Government held "tuple tustntrity. ' Mr. CHISHOLM moved the second readinirof