pointinent. . t Also copies of my "oommett4uiom. and of all Ordewin-Couuail msde to the Executive Council ( with reference to such appointments. _ I Mr. Creiirlttou--0a Wednesday next orders.of the Home for a return of (1) copies of ad in- structions given to, and reports and correspond- ence from the consulting board, or otlter WHORE ith reference to the erection of the three public cresnieries provided tor in the "estimates for 1814., and W) a statement of all moneys paid to, or still due, any member of such board or other person for his services in connection therewith. I Mr. Creighton-On Wednesday next-Order of the House for a return of all correspondence l reepectin dispute between the Government and Messrs. 'iid,";',','.', Rose & Co., former contractors I for the printing at this House and the depart- ments, as to rates to be paid for such rintinu, including the reference toned award of Ilr.tlllfl','f,'. berlain, s. A statement of expenses in. curred in auditing or examining printing ac- counts preliminary to such reference, and the cost of the reference . 3. A statement of the balance (it any) found to be due to Hunter, Rose & Co., on the basis of pavment fixed by such award ; 4. A statement of the amount (if any) repaid by Hunter. Rose& Co. of the mono, of the Province accruing from the Ontario Gaze te, mounting to $14,481 M, retained in their hands on 31st J anu~ " . 1878. . in. tycounor--On \Vednesday next-Bill to abolish distress for rent. Mr. Kent-tht Wednesday- next-Enquiry of Ministrv ".---l1) Who is the matron of the Central Reformatury for Boys t, (2) When she was ap- pointed to tttttttidly',. (3) Whether. she has undefined the ntiee ot itvandif so. during whet per"N and where? (4) T h sore she is re- ceiving utcl from what, dsto it in" been paid? lhe Attorney-General -Un Wednesday next -.-ilill to amend the law as to property)! mar. ried women. y Mr. Creighton-On Wednesday next-Order of, the House for a return of (1) copies of all cor- "sgpondenee and communications since 1st Jana. nry. 1882, butween the Minister of Education or uni; other member of the Government. or depart- iu--ntul or other otticet. thereof and tiny other per- l mm or company, with regard to text books for use in Provincial schools or the authorization thereof, and with regard to the withdrawal of any such authorization or the adoption of one uniform or composite series, or otherwise, in re- gard to the use of text-books in I'tovmcinl s'elsool.u. (2) COpies of all th.ders.itvCoutteil or detrutmeuuU regulations with reward to the powers or duties of tho Public School Inspectors as to changes in the text-books in use in the schools within their inspection districts, and of all circulars issued by the Department of Edn- cation with reference to such powers or duties or the authority under which such changes should be made. Mr. Gibson (1ramilton)-Ott \V'ednesday next --Biil to amend "The Public Health Act, 1882." ---------- LEGISLATIVE COM M ITTEES. Mr. J. li. Gibson, of Hamilton, presided at the Committee on Private Bills yesterday. Mr. (stay s bill to empower the municipuhty. of the Village of Pavkuale to make special assessments was first taken up. Mr. Shepli'v apppared for the Pun-lgdale Couned. Mr. Kerr, (2.0., and Dr. Snellinc repredented property-owners and parties injuriously ntfuctetl by the Queen-street subway. tlir.. Slieplcy said it was not proposed that the bill Hhupld enver any ttlmse p tssed or reptvuc-d regarding the subways. Mr. Bl Ick, re- presenting other ratepiyers. and the other op- Ponents to the bill, withdrew his objections. The bill was reported with slight amendments. illt 'l,T,",tri'i', bill.reepo-ctiug the will of the a e unuel B. bmith, mu reported with slight amendments.