The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Feb 1884, p. 2

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£ | "u :.k e > ~ara t >, ~f o y is e ols .0 ~ P E --~sH l f .:. e - A 3 -::':. $7 t ~'} 1A .'\"'.:' * s a v !f | of P !:e T ' g:rfo;m.uon was only received s man wished to put the Government in a false t | Mr. M O\Vl)mA'r dn me Deminion hnd cessed poc:thlou. T:xere never had been an undertaking | to claim that it was one agninst Ontario alone, :: e part of the G(&v'gmment to take care of j and they now asserted that it was one against the ese. iminieratits, ey . were sont b{, the . old Province of Canada. _ There was also another Dominion Government, by the Grand, Trunk ; 3 element of difficulty in th ter/ 1 T M ' Railway, to the Dominion Immigration Sheds at two Robinson's tre{tin s e"m:; ed"t: ":h"""Am '.:' Toronto, and the Local Government furnished s can boundary in the \::st..x ar;'(; ouf:ide toho. Iafn:l; them with food and gave thein passes to differ-- C affected. South, and cast of the height of land ent parts of the Province if they could find some f 4 there was a large amount of land which the D v. _ lfi' for Sherm to settls. s minion Government claimed was not in Ontario, r. MORRIS thought the Ontario Govern-- -- k« Mr, MEREDITH asked if the Government mont recognized: their responsibility by giving a 3 Mfix:;liv.ted their liability for whatever the amount gc:mta::is:'d t?x};:e pn;'::;t::) o c rasinerants _ in of the annuity was y o toe _ immigrants -- in & lands within the Pro'\";:g:rly shargtable "to 19 T°lr°"t."' He hoped the Government would f Mr, MOWAT said he did not intend to make i eopiete diferent paite on the Erovigts whors f-- any such adinissi arts of the inc k | A{lr. cl\lll:'l;.nl'l,sl;llo?'fl spoke against any furthor they could wet employimernt, es . f f delay in the matter in the interest of the Pro-- Mr, ERMATINGER gave an account of the ' vince. He understond that the Attorney--General g(t)th'll?ll'l of these immigrants who had arrived in a% had assumed that there was no trust against the | M oénLu::RK 3 | lands, and that if there was any it had been th e o E (Toronto) read extracts from | assumed by the Dominion on Confederation. ' Baty report of Mr, Armstrong to the Trades Coun-- Mr. ROSS (Huron) said when he assumed the polin Whl{:h lt"wns "'",',d that the Ontario Gov-- f position of Treasurer it struck hin,. as a business | 'ernment i dum{nd a number of immigrants i man in looking into the matter, that on Confed-- ! in a certain town in Bruce. He (Mr. Clarke) | S eration, when the debt of the Province was would. not, say that .'Armstrong wit .A _ sup-- § | assumed, the Indian annuities were capitalized at porter of the Mowat Government. He thought . £701,000 and charged to the Province. It seemed i th'at gentleman was a C(\nserva}:ive. These im-- # ' E'i"i\lli-'ti tr him toat the Indians had not com-- }i\\;':;:ltlzs generally found their way back to 4 plained till 1873 of their annuity being insufticient x | 1 and this claim not h:\vinfzyl,ncongallmvede:il'l ME FRASER thought the question could be | . 1875 ; further, that the Province should be dxscpssgd by ie hos: gentismen oppbiite with-- | | charged with $140,000 as being arrears up to out insinuating or asserting anything against the $ July, 1867, when hbe understood that this had | Government of Ontario or against the oflicials or | been assumed by the Dominion, and also that the heads of the Departments, _ There seomed to be j additional annuity of $11,000 should have been a constant glesix'e on the opposite side of the | capitalized at $330,000 whon the former annui-- House to yring up every question which ofected ties '.\'crt}{cupit.dizud by the payments for twonty :i:c ITsh o tiys o c ateray blcgorc C 4C Huus:la Y any years. o emcluded by remarking t 4 i1ey became desperate, anc roucht into the dis-- | 1 ment, to his mind, was one which the lt)l«l)?nilx:'i'(zn cu ssion great feeling and passion,. . He could say 1 } Government had made to keep them quiet. for himself{ that he would be the last man who' R . * s -- Mr.. MORRIS objected to this latter: viow dercere h hy ho C s ts innesoneid o ced us | 99. enunciated by the Treasurer, and expatiate stinces if he thought the things insinuated by e | length on the necessity of keeping fmh:t\l,::tt};lu:rg the hon. gentlemen opposite had really oc-- l P Indians. * curred. The Opposition had proposed to condemn | ' *¢ The motion was carried. | tllle ac;iqnl of the G')verument}with. mieron{coMto | i t3 THE IRISH IMMIGR \\'I'S. rese lri<h immigrants upon the evidtence of Mr, | ; R hirt veoiaamses t «A4 +-- Lowe, which had been_published in briet in a | o } . n'l\t"r']'. \b'hhl':l» ILLE moved for a return of newspaper. -- Ho (Mr. Fraser) said that if there | L ta';.'t.i-:: :;"'I".L.:F'}l clgt:u \\'t'th regard to the impor was any blame to be attached to anyone it was al f i. H '\ll" l'){{'*f;'_': "Iilh-'i' i with those on the other side of the Atlantic, The -- ( 15 L. colmialid t $ 'l: lt.lmt he had nothing new | Government of this Provincs had always been | | L %o c(;;l 'xtncnt.e. 11d been arranged that | willing to receive able--bodied immigrants who bomint tees wore to send immigrants to this | were willing to support themselves and their Ej | country--persons in the habit of earning their families, but those in charge on the other side of ° $ @4 | h'f}"K, ";ho could not get work, or had been the Atlantic had not taken proper care to seethat ~ | evicted from their farins, and also those none but able--bodied men and domestic ser--mnts P ~# of good character and gool health from the were sent to this country. There was a demand : $ nnions. 'l[-c proceeded to state the extent of the \ for agricultural labourers ani domestic servints. , Province's arrangement to be to take care of the | Why was the Ontario (fovernment to be h! yned / people for a few days while in the Dominion | when the Dominion Government brough " skse sheds, pending employment being found for | | people across the Atlantic and sent them £ this * them, aud to send them to the places where this i'mvinca? The Ontario Government hy acted W work was found. -- 'The Province did not pay any in good faith, and not a tittle of blame rested | portion of the passage of the people to (Quebec or upon the Provincial oftficials or the Provincial | | from that place to here. It had been found that (Governinent. (Applause.) the cominittees, upon the other hand, had not Mr. MEREDILTILE contended that the Gov-- 1 carried out the arrang--ments, and it had b--en ernment ought to have expected that the emi-- found that a certain proportion of the persons grants were not of the sort needed for Ontario, f» were not able, or were unwilling, to get their own and that greater care should have been taken to living. . HMe stated that the Governiment had see that the prover persons were selected. given first £500 and next £200 for the purpose of Mr. °CONNOR said the article in the Bruce | / I f relieving the destitute iminigrauts: in 'Toronto, Herald was almost entirely untrue, Jt was which sums had boen entrusted to the Misters of written with a view of damaging the Govern-- f the House of Providence. -- He concluded by stat-- ment'and not with a view of helping the emi-- # ing the correspondence would be brought down * grants. -- He would quote the Brucse Herald on ( as soon as possible. the subjecs on the 29th June, which would sho n 1t being six o'clock the Speaker left the chair. that they were all fit for work and the right / After recess, ,| people to be sent to country places, The Brucs 4 The House went into Committee, with Mr. Herald, on the day ho mentioned, said the people Baxter in the chair, for the consideration | sent to Walkerton *'were a't:nspcctnhlelonk:ng and ' ofl Private i Bills. _ 'The following bills were l n'l'wlhgdntd lgt of lt't'(;l'lb'- ulhey pv u;ostfly.l or ' adovted :To incorporate the Dawn Tramwa all, evicted tenants from the west coast Of . LrG» | Company ; respec:.ixI:_' the debt of the county (,'; land ; not a poorhouse man, woman, or child in ' UE Middlesex ; to authorize the town of Collingwood the whole lot." The men woere fit for farm 1 o} B to issue c]crmin lduheutnrcs. work, t t'l'l"f""ah "'fly a mxgh{; a not , ='° Ace : i 10 ~ Mr, MEREDITH objected to the clause in quainted with our methods, and Che sir's Wure "aa | the Bill to incorporate thJe Brockville, Westport, bmtublut for (llumcist,iu ssrvxcc. EIhe roa]a:ml fltlt')' # | & Sauit Ste. Marie Railway Company, givin were not employed was because they asked too + if | the Council of any municipality \lvhiéh mig'u':. much,. The girls asked $8 a month and the i | grant a bonus to the Company tho full power to young boys wanted $20, Every one of thein K ' extend the time for the completion of the works could have been employed it they had been AHF} on the completion of which the Company would reasonable in their demands. -- He quote from the AtP| be entitled to such bonus. Bruce Heraid again to sh{;'w :lmt ;lhe Reevo and '; | Mr. PARDEE said he never know of a case the Mayor were responsible for the einigrants _ 4b where any difficulty arose from the insertion of going to Walkerton. R 4i such a clause in an Act. . Mir, HESS said the (Government had failed 1 The biil was then adopted without amend. m'IE:K'il' duty of l"'l'teCt"&g omigrants. t meut. ie motion was carried, 3 t f Prmin JP Loun Comoe ie gaopital st0tk of the EXPENDITURE OF 1834 24 PC nglish Loan Company was adopted. 3 Mr. CARNEGIE moved for a_ statement of s . The Committos rose, reported the several bills the receipts and expendituras of the Province a & as adopted. between the 1st January and 15th February,1884. i E. THE IKISH TMMIGRANTS, Carried, ho xt B6 | | _ Mr. Morris resumed the debate on Mr. Bas-- BHAMILTON ASYLUAL ; { | kerville's motion regarding the question of Irish Mr, MONK moved for a return aof copies of | immigration. 1t was very unfoitunate that the all contracts for the erection of additions to the ' | Government of Ontario should have committed Lunatic Asylum at Hamilton, for which appro-- #4 | themselves to receive a class of immigrauts such priation voted in 1833 ; a statement showing 4 | as had been sont out last summer, These immi-- what changes have beeh m«do in the plans and i | grants were brought from the congested portion specifications for saiq addi j0 is ; 4& statement of | of Irelard. 'The Ontario Government had as-- the amount paid on accou t 0o such additions ; wA | sumed the rBSY()nsl':lhtV of receiving these un-- copies of all reports of the ars rwitect in charge i | fcrtunate people. '"uh had been sent out by | with reference to such cnanges. M the Tuke Committee. e quoted the evidence | HIGHT SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS. % given by Mr. Lowe, °ls(:'h° Department of Im-- , Mr. BRODER moved for a return of all $ migration at Otrtawa. . "'°l"'f these people were Ordors in Council, depirtmental regulations or now living on the P"V;}tfl c lt-ln'lty of the city of instructions with regard to the use of trit books Toroint:- .g?»lfxet,lvxe'::n::gngi':a d ';:r::&?:l")'f'"f::l '":ld in the Normal and sligh Schools. ¢ | & and, §S i »sex) asked if v < ' pog{rl,oHARDY id mot think the hon, paittic. Air. ROSS (Midd!:esex) asked if the momber for | e ¥

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