The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Feb 1884, p. 3

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5 4 sets of t :aders used, consequentiy there cuuld be no loss on the grn!lnd of the publishers not being able to seil their book. He sl'm\\'ml n t'.ho onl pletest possivle manner that the Opposition bad all along introduced party politics into the edu. cational system. He made an eloquent appeal | acainst the continuation of such disgracefal | 9 partisan politics. He strongly declaimed against | the ()p;)us;'u:t'll having moved -- an amendment | on going into Committeo of Supply, and hows ever nonsensical it might be they were bound to vote down the resolution if ever they got imnto . Supply. _ e cuncluded by asking the House to * treat the amendment as what it was, a vote of @ censure on and waut of contidence in the Govern-- | ment, and vote it down. Mr. CREIGHTON, after dealing with the _ question of _ the withheld subsidy, proceeded to defend the Dominion Government in withdraw-- I ing its obnoxious land regulations. -- In the mat: ter of readers he accusod the Government of | shielding themsclves behind the Central Com-- mittee, and assorted that this did not well com-- port with the reason assigned for the change from a superintendent of public instruction to a . Minister of Education, namely, that there would * Opposition did stand by the Province. Ever M | :mc : Coni ."f"l'«\i;.'x!l the Province had certainly ; ; had one right undisputed by Courts or public ' a me and thoss who discussed the matter, name!y, ¥ * _/ the right to legislato upon the liquor traffic. The Opposition had stond by, and ftor partisan par-- | ) poses had seen the Provinee invaded and deprived } of its legislative rights, 'Tneseimen who, roused to | mainess because two sets of Readers had been | authorized, were like dumb dogs wuen the logis* | lative powers of the Provines wore being taken l away,. -- Once more, when a clum was being made for the financial rishts of the Province, the Op-- I position was holding a brief against the Province. | It was set forth that Ontario would have to pay j the Lil! 1f the grant were made, and yet hou, gen« tl--men opposite were silent whon the Dominion Treasury was being depleted by the Province of Quebec, He contended that if v hile the Province of (Qhtebeec were vressing their claums they were silet on behal? of Ontario, they wou.d be traitors to their Provinee. -- e agreed with the unon, gen-- tiemen opposite that if the money came from the Dominion Trossury Ontario would have thovreat-- est portioa to pay, but Untario would be very much worse off if she stood by and altowou the other | Provinces to have it paiec out to them without : taking a share. HMoe proceeded to review the Op+ position aspirations for oftice, and drew an amus-- ing picture of the member tor: Londor surr« und-- ed by an eager crow l of seekers atter 1)~>I'quil"~. There were to his certain knowledge three or four embryo Treasurers,*about six aiter the Provincial Secretary's office, a hke number anxious to show their ability asCommissi0t sofCsownLands, three were budding Ministers of Edu--ation, an l heaven ouly knew how many there were waiting to warin his ch ur in the effse of Public Works, (Loud and protonzed laughter.) The member for East Toronto here interruptel the Commissioner of Public Works, upon which the latter proceeded to set before the Mouse the position of the former | when on the evenimg of the general election in | 1879 in the amphitheatre in Toronto he stat »d | his auticipations with regard to office. llia was 'l then, as reported in the Ma/il, satisied with | boing a * cook or bottle--washer," but even that t slight solace had boen refused him, and it would !y be a l_u;-.,'_!lun-- before he even got a ** bottle | washing " -- position in the Ontario Gov-- | ernme--nt. (Laugh:er.) Passing to the | rea ler question, he anim idverted in | strong terms _ to the vile _ insinuations | that in auchorizing the two sets of Readers the | Government had been improperiy influenced by | a certain publisher, He read from the A/cail an | article which he said ths Opposition dared not ' repudiate, which strongly urgo l the preeminent | 1880, giving _""3 reasons thorefor in cach Case, aualities of the Royal Series. Now the fact that 1 and copies of any correspondcnce in the Widlaca-- they had authorized two seres was a ('m.n;»':e-if-, | tion l""-'i"'i'l"'-\flv-le'.:.' upon the subject, answer to the charge, for if the Government had i '\l.'" i\"""'j --Un Monday next--Engquiry of the wanted to favour the publishers of the R wwal | Ministry whether the Government intend to Readers surely they could not have had a more |; 19tre """'.""'f'""""\\' iation this session amending perfect answer for adopting only one series, and ""' Puvlic School Act by providing for the thus giving a favourite a monopoly 'The ftact | election of trustees by ballot. that they had not so was a compicte answer, AMr Drury--On Monday next--Bil!l to amend Mr. MEREDITH said the leader read sounded | the ('""',"h'l ited Municipal Act of 1888. like an advertisement. | _ Mr. Fell--On Monday next--Bill to amend M». FRASE! suid that was something which . Municipal Act. ie he would no. have said. That was really a bid | Mr. Mcl:aughlin--On Monday next--Order of thing to say of their own organ, for it was an in= | the House for copies of all correspondence with sinuition that provided the price was paid the | ".,,'-. Dominion Government, or-- any member or Muil could be bought to puff and praise a set of | e on' thereof, with Major Gaskell, acting on Roaders which were not fit to be put into the behail of the lf""" Immigration Cominissioners, | Pubiic Schools,. 1e said the Mail article was an | and .\l'r, Ho Iigkins on bebait of the Tuke Fund, | answer to tho charge that they had given an | 8" to the special Irish immigration to Camada in additionsl fillip to the **Nelson" _ serics | Lhu;:mn'n«-r of 1883. by adonting them for the Normal and | , Mr, Preston--(On Monday 1 ~Enquiry of Model Schools. Ho :li"-'e';'.'fl"l to the ()i)l)(nitiun | Mimistry "h,'.'"""" it is the inten of tue Gov-- to say if, with the article before them he had | ernnent to introduce legislation to compel owu-- ' quoted and the report of the Central Committsee, | °8 94, public buildings, such as hote'!s, halls I they, foreed as they were to make is choice be-- schoo's, boarding houses, and other I)lUl\:'lH"i' H'\ ' tween the two sets, could have done otherwise | U1° by the ]'»uhiu-_ to keep fire--escapes u;t::;"n-d | than they did. BMis hon. friend from North to said l"',"ll"""l"f- % o | Grey had almost shed tears over the school in \ Mr, Widditieed--On Monday nex;--Bill re-- »pectors 5)0!"::' beheided. (H. ar, :.c-"'_) Hoe had | Sllli('tll\!;' Pnhlrln'\cy. * ' i * vria TA some experience in matters of Taw. f ...ll.'-' hx'x,uA;uf On Monday next--Addross for Mr, MORRIS--HMear, hear. areturn "f'."l""""t all correspondence and commu-- Mr. FRADSEHR said ho never expected to be-- |, meations with, or by, the Attorney--General or 'l'nl\' come a chief justics though. (Laughter.) HMis |, member or oflicer of the (Government and "\;lh\' hon. friend had arzued a case from a supposi-- "fi"'l' porson, and all reports and Order $ in tion standpoint. Me did not touch the Act Council, with roference to the tremoval ;, 't' 6 which had been quoted by the Hon. the Pro-- atics "E Police Magistrate of Port l"':n' "«' l":J xJ- vincial Secretary. "Unauthorized text books -\'_'Et. Esquire, 7 ocX old wers not to be used without leave" was the || , P'ue Attorney--CGsneral--On Monday nex side note to the clause in the Act. Ho asked his Bill to amend the Act rl-'p(',c'in; t :l: ','IA.L.", hoa. friends if that section was to be used in any | ol cities, towas. and villages \\"-':h \V"Il'o'rlt!'"i.\r"lj" locality where there were two authorized tc'\:L & _______'__-___--' and gas, ¥O

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