The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Feb 1884, p. 4

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3 7 P ¥ ,,.J A T @2A _i books in question. Such an idea 'was absurd, | that if the local Boards had :\do;')te(. ar autho-- ' mzed book that the Minister of Education should pass judgmeut upon it. In tl:e section nf_t.hc Act \ which had been quoted, text books which were not authorized were referred to. Mis hqu. friend opposite had said that there had been jadgment wrongly -- used _ in authorizing two sets .uf rewmdors -- It was an easy thing to be wise aiter an event had happened. If the Govern-- meut had authorized one set of the hon. gentlemen opposite would4 havs said that the CGovernment had croated a menopo!y, and had authorized that one set frn:n' improper mntl\'c_s. It was not a settled matter which it wou' d be in > the interest of the Province to have, one, two, or three sets of y(;m(('l'i, }l,' was ()f. t;ll(! opinion that it there had been a fair competition between the different sets for a certain length of time thoey would bs able to see which set of readers were the most popular, There would then be no | * | monopoly. 'Tuey had _ dragged | this ques-- tion --into. the arona. for . the . DUIPOGG-- of -- making -- political capital. (HMear, hear.) He reforred to the huge biunder made by the Dominion (Government with reference to the d. ~ e actacked th# / (1oyadian Puodfic Rulway, and said the hon. iitte» , by stating that gt;,nt'lu:r'u.':l had nothing to say about that, but l:.lll::l-:l{ it had ever had | they condoned the p m'Linn- (.'.tt'dm ()}rlltartul)((i::)'--' I th t Ithougitereat | erumont on th(') l'%i;ul'el quos ..l.)". k 0 .13 ght at % g"n 5 ! the House would have no difficulty in opposing ths House z'.u'l the tho" motion : 'of: the) hon: gentlemen opposite. ';1'0"'111"}\":;505';'t::lrl'" They did not pretend to lu, imnlallible, :'.'ml were hok d --'" : not as perfect in their judgment as the hon. id Sroidinga briet fos gentlomen opposite tried to make the , people ie Province except °" \Think they were. (Loud applause.) y ie for. swo :ygats Lo. Mr. LEES hoped every member in the Houss LA | would voto for the motion,. 'They were wasting f | ' their time and the puvlic money in combasing | frivolous questions. -- (Mear, hear.) ! _ Mr. MORRIS ross in an excited manner \ and said the Government bad no longer a mechanical majority to. do as they wished, & He eulogized himself as to his career as a public ' man during the last 24 years. lieo was not an aspirant for office on the other side of the House. (Upposition applause.) Air. BISHOP said there had been a great deal of smoke with reference to the Reader Question, but he could see no fire. (Hear, hear.) They had spent a day and a half discussing such a | simple arrangoment, which was not worth that . time. The division was then taken on Mr. Carnegie's amen iment as follows :«---- Y®Aas.--Messrs. Baskerville, Blythe, Brereton, Broder, -- Carnegie, Cianey, Clarke (Poronto), Creighton, Denison, Ermatinger, Fell, French, Gray, Mammell, Mess, Hudson, Kerns, Kerr, hLees, Mc(ihee, McKay, Meredith, Merrick, Metcalfe, Monk,. Morkan. Morris, Mutholland, Preston, lo-- billard, ltoe, ltoss (Cornwall), Waite, Wilmot, WV ood--35. Nays.----Measrs. Awrey, Badgerow, Balfour, Ballaniyne. Baxter, Bishop, Blezard, Caldweil, Cascaudlen, Chisnolm, Dowling, Drury, Dryden, Ferris, Fraser, Freeman, Gibson (Hamulton), Gibson _ (Huron), Gillies, _ Gould, _ Graham, Hazar, Harcourt, Hardy, Hart, Laidlaw, Lyon, ' McCraney, _Mcelutyre, Mcigenzic, McKim, Me-- Lauahlin, McMahon, Master, _ Morin, Mowat, Murray, Ncelon, O'Connor, Pardee, Pheips, Ray-- side. KRoss ({uron), Hoss ( Middiesex), Silis, Snider, Waters, Widdifield, Young--49. The House in Commuttee of Supply, Mr. ROSS (Huror) moved that the item oi $1,750 in con-- nection with Government House should be In\'ge«i. After some discussion the item was passed and | reported to the HMouse, which adjourned at 1:20, NOTICES OF MOTION,. The Attorney--General --On Friday next--That during the remuinder of this session, when the J Mouse adjourn on Friday, it do stand adjourn-- | ed until Saturday at eteven of the clock. HJ | +Mr. Nxeelon--lHousa in Committes on Bill No. § | 25, St. Catharines & Niagara Railway, will move m \ ta insert the following :--* It saall be lawiuni for | the said company to approach and enter the city 4 | of St. Catharines at any point on its easterly rou or south--casterly limits, anything in the said | by--law or agresment to the contrary notwith-- | standing." | J _ Hon,. Mr. Ross (Wuron)--On '; € ' next--That this l!|:ll«n: will, on ! next, resoive itseif into a committeo to consider j \Hw'ln!lu\\'nng vresolutions :--1. That it is ex-- tL : pedient that in lieu of and for the purpose of re-- o 8 Itnwn: any <»a}'!:lxx ling certific ites lmr':po.fnm | ls-sllw], or which may hereafter _h.: issued in aid pu | of any r vilway under authority of any Act of the 1 lf".'l\ilklll'l! of Llu;; Province, the ILseutenant-- l { | Governor in Comncil moy direct the granting oi terminabls annuities for such tetms not in any C case exceeding Im_'i)' years, as the Licutenant-- eyf | frovernor may from time to time doem expedient, _ and -- every _ annuity so-- grants= ge ed _ shall _ be a charge upon the Con-- m _ solilated Revenus Fund of this Province. y 2. l'n:\t it is expedient that the said annuities | shail be basoed on a rate of interest uo; excgedin« 1 ild five per cont. per annum, and shall be l'\'iA]e'nC(':I KEX by such form of certificate or other instrument /) as the Licutenant--Governor im Council may kirXl _ direct. 8. That it is expedient that the Pro-- ss t _ yincial Treasurer may selt any annuities author-- ib ex iz d under this res lution, and apply the pro-- ceeds thereof in the repayment of any certihcates ittle issued 'as aforesaid in aid of railways, and may, dq with the ;'-v|1~.'|1n ot the holders of certihcates im l 3 (1 upoih .\'\lt'?l'h.'l'lni as may ba ;l'r:l'l'l';! 0n, eX !l:;ll;fl an such annuities for any certificates held by them,. coul Mr. Baxter--On Monday next--Order of the | Hwork" Mouse for a return showing the total number of | : school sections in ths Province in whicha the | (Government grant bas been withheld sincs

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