"" * "apaee C rert Eo CCCa . ~eute 2 o o 0 > Titaiinaiis'e 1. ... l mc dee meuabiatiiincrccry e i3 B se C ae i | gives details limiting the power of the inspector | as to entering on . land sown with grain, and also ' makes the inspector liable to a fine for nevlect in : | discharging his duties. tA Lo | 4 | -- The commnittee rose and reported the biil with | | amendments, | , | SsSUPPLY. | ' \ __The House in Committee of Supply, Mr. Mc« | f Craney in the chair,passed the following items!t-- } 7 Tieut.--Governor's office, $3,980, no increase ; | P Executive Council and Attorney--Gen«ral's Do-- / § ' partment, salaries and expenses, $14,688 34, in-- / . crease ot $808 34 ; Education -- Department, | k £20,679, increase $1,583 74 ; Crown Lands De-- prrtment, _ $46,360, increaso $1,460 ; _ Public «a Works, $17,880, increase 2200 ; Treasury Ds fe-- partment, $17,610, incrsase $150 ; Department ' of Apricaitare, $1,400, no incrsase; Secretary 6 and Registrar's Dpartment, $14,100, increass C $400; Registrar--General's Department, $8,725, t increase 400 ; license and admimsuration of jus-- : tics, $5,200, increase $150 ; immigration, $1,600, @ ; no increase ; public institations, $8,225, increase o \ $25 ; misceliancous, $16,700, decrease $1,200. t | _ The Commuttee reported progress, and the . | Mouse adjourned at 12:10. x/ ';;..' | Tocine magateeiitaitente in Ra> % LEGISLATIVE GCOMMITTEES. | x%g l - * inte 3 w mmz %s« '; * _ Amendments to the Synod and Rectory ts se Sales Act. +i Smepndona ues ctniea eb ie is s TEHE BILL REPORTED. «l Smermeromemey memmmies mesere spemng S ;_' ' The Private Bilis Commuttee moet yesterday, > Mr. J, M. Gibson presiding. The first bill taken E a up was the Bill to amend the Synod and Rectory K Sales Act, affecting the Diocese of Toronto. f' There were present to promote the bill, His _ f: | Loraship the Bishop of Toronto, Ven. Archdea-- jcon Boddy, Revs. A. J. Broughall, Jchn Lang-- try, and A. Williams, with Mr. James Mac-- "Fog lennan, Q.C., and Charles Moss, Q.C., solicitors. . '#f 4 Messrs. J. K. Kerr, Q.C., B. B. Osler, Q.C., and Pss y 3. Ptze H. D. Gamble opposed the bill on behali of the es ath i _ $ Wo%-- rectory and churchwardans of St. James' Cathe: \ o e :',.'s'f * drai. Tue preamb.e of the bul sets out that * .. ~pamil » en . in order to enable the Incorporated Synod of th! 'fi" k. : k Diocess of Toronto to effectualiy execute th " f vrights, powers, duties, and trusts conferred and t o oi § reposed in them by an Act entitled, ** AI! A . t Ast to Ameni the _ Synod _ and _ Ree 73 x e > tory Sales' Acts affecting the Diocese of Toronto," /¥ l and other Acts, it was desirable and necessary Fis 5 that the lanas dealt with in these Acts be vested ;:a in that incorporated Synod. Under the first +4 5 clause of the bill the lands ever which the *3 Synod had powers of sale were vested in the § p | Synod, and the secoud clause provided that the { rents of unsold rectories vacant sines March 7, f | 1878, should be paid to «he Synod. _A nu nber of + | petitions were read from the ~churetwardens of St. James' Cathedral, and the El of Quslow and H. 6. Bennet, both of England, objecting ' | to the passage of the bill, the former on the ' grounds that vested rights would be interfered with, and the latter because they held some # | $065,000 in debentures ot the rectory of 8. 8. J ames, . F The CHatriAX suggested that it would be bet-- 3 3 ter to bring about an amicable settiement of the disputo between the parties if possible, before the ; Committes took action on the bill, The judgment % was only a judgment in the first instance, and P | he understood that it was tha intention of the J 1 defendants to af peal to the Privy Council, ¢ Mr. MonRts agreod wi h the suggostion of the ©, chairman. ble was in favour of aliowing the J : Bill i06 stand till Monday next till the promoters f y and opponents of the bill could come to an ainicalne settlement. _ Mr. UOsLER stated that the Cathedral author-- 3 ( | ities had always been willing to arrive at a fair f : settlement. (Laughter) Me said the reverend al . claimantsmight laugh, but it was a hungry laugh. * f They uad offored to refer the imatter to an arbitration and named the Chief Justice of the ' | Province of Ontario, but that offer had been re-- : | fused. The claimants had determined to get all | the :aw would give them. _ The defendants / believed that the jadgment would be reversed . 3 0 93 & &8 ;. ag *' by the Privy Council, It was a serious matter ie 8 2 3,.8 2. f 9 | with the people of St. Jaimmes' Cathedral to de-- * .« 9 » 4 R s ' prive thein of these receipts at once, as they had on & 3 6: yo | gone into debt to build the spire to the extent of N ® '_3--3_.-_3 *% f | some $70,000, which would not have b--on under-- 220C F33A s taken without this endowment. -- They were a , ¢~ 4s t p prepared to recommend a settiement as follows: ?; ;:.'-3_., igt & : --The rector was given $5,000 a year by lav, and g-:,:- §48"~. they wera perfectly content with a proper dis . 3 $4lgay" + M vision of the funds, which wore left among the «2:3 'G "~ _ |. ; ' existing churches and the Cathedral. a 8 °§ 045C l Mr. Maclennan did not azree to any such pro-- +2 4 I,2 ~ 2C ; M | position. -- They came before the Railway Com-- _ & ®§y~ . .1° 80 ~ | mittee simply to get their rights. He did not : 2 25223 $ o. a | sse any use of an adjournment for the pur--| 3 5.5 °8 | 3 5 | pose of attemnting to coms to a solution of the | 373 3 5.4 | difficulty. o cited the history of the case from ' .3?..52 * £ ui ' 1896, when _the quostion was first discuss 2 & :_"_5 §,9' ed. _ In 1878_ legislation had been passed | 3g3 8@ giving the late Dean $5,000 per annum and de--| °&3 %# 'E?;if'f claring that the surplus should be divided. | _'é prEr s Evory person thought that this was a settiement | Jg 3 o g t.8 of the matter. until the death of Desan Grasett ' o SsaR sw and until Canon Damoulin was nut in his place.