The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Mar 1884, p. 4

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im ukn 7 "o> es as "~2 Ees 2 froke nc iaatics. P F P 2 Sn "At o mrarite y C M Pss + B A Sn ' k i« A":f,-_(_' §9 +4 L9i *R §* P es * ' . w are ciple of forcing tarmers and others to use a ce . & f '}"'Vxed. and he proceeded to rfifx:]l cgtmc;:, lfr;)l:!: Fak, ta'in sort of m%. The bill, however, was passed, & M ' '::m::!teo?th? ?\::::«m" hs had bees doly _' | and referred to the Municipal Committse, } w s . > Mr, MEREDIUTH coutended that the answer SECOND READINGS, | E j + 48 not a sufficiont vindication of the Attuorney -- The following bills were read a second time :-- s teneral's course, Mo claimed that Mr. Nott To amend the Consolidated Municipal Act with | ¢ Nes ad been sacriticed for the sake of a stronzer reference to county roads--Mr. -- Laidlaw ; to.f \ § p solitical supporter, -- . amend the Act respecting coroner's inquests : to } ie § . Mr. FRASER declaimed apainst the assumed amend the Consolidated Municipal Act of 1883 i ~ P ks indignation of the leader of the Opposition in the Mr, White; to amend the Consolidated Muni-- | ' §# 3 matter, and stated that it was the tirst case which 1 cipal Act of 1883--Mr. Feli ; and to amend the 4« B : '? had comse to his knowledge of a Judge of the Consolidated Municipal Act of 18883--Mr, h A High Court having practically stated that a | Driry, § s magistrate was unfits for the position, _ He did On motion of Mr. Meredith the name of Mr, F Pe\ not see how any othor course could have been Wood was added to the Public Accounts Com-- | Ds t | pursued. net'ce. ; $ % g}ha xxi(l){tinnywas caxirlled. $ d . THE ALGOMA RETURNS, ' B | | « <al ¥. GRAY moved for for an order o e | ryv * ,Huuse showing the names of all prisoners in the l 'hh'l MEREDITH '_'f'k'd_wx'y the A?gom. te» : N: i. Central Prison who, during the year 1883, were turns }_Jd not been laid before the H mase, Hs P | f punished for infraction of the prison rules, and | had asked ftor them about a dozen times, A other information, _ Carried, | uit was pending in the Courts in which an action ) \ p€ h Mr, BA:',,'!:}RVILLE imoved for an order of | had been E:'.Len against a Minister uf_zlm Crown, | & is * the House tdi'ta return of copies of ail general !. and the Government h:ui' actually mstructwl.a 6 ' rules and orders made by the judges since the defence to be set up against producing certain 1 e passing of the Ontario Judicature Act, and ail s telull'iflm. on the xzmu:'d' thuf. & person was accing 4 -- general rules anmd orders made by the Court of _ | under tuc!greut seal of the 1' rovinee to cover up F Appeal. | & grave 'uf',»en'cg against the Eiection Act, o t A Mr, MOWATP explained that all the informa~ j _ Mi. F h-X'S ER sad the hon. gcnt!mxm:_z did not } : tion asked for in tho motion already existed ir expoct to fish for .e\"l'dvence in certiin suits. % d printed form and were distributed in all places i (llcm', hear.) Certain friends of hon. gentlemen ; & C the Province. opposite _ charged Tur -- Gropg, including ; | Mr, BASKERVILLE explained he had bee: Mr.,' Anglin, Mr. Jadgar,' and others, f'"': 4 P | requested to ask for the information by a leg } pubdsumg certain unamrb.)g.unus charges Ofi Ay |geuth mau, and, not being a lawyer, ho did n« t in the plainest manner. Writs were issued by f & 25 know the matter asked for was already printed these friends of hou, gentlemen oppo:ite, but | Mr. MEREDITH thought the orders ot the thg mattor ended in smoke, such as this Algoma ' e f a Court should be prinied and appended to the suit would end, (Checrs._) This was just a little { h g" | statutes, * | bit of bluff on the part of hon, gentlemen oppo-- s ; o > Mr. MOWAT said the orders of the Courts 'sitc. His hon,. friend had said he was goiu"z to i a were only of interest to the legal profession 'd" great things, He hadl produced a couple of 4 B and they were to be found in the Law Journal, telegrams which cuused the poople to sneer, and ; 3 P The motion was c itried, i \s"lnlch could tx]mt be cznel:xltmlned(fivnthoxllt c:;uslx{x{s: ! (OYERNMUEXN an t & airys the hon, gentleman to blus i. car. hear. is < % goy }'lf'\ MENT sCROOL (iRAN lS.. hon. frien?d had produced telegrams which had < Mr. BAXTER moved tor & r.iurn showing | been stoien--(cheers)--and he might take as { fa. the total number of school sectio,.is in the Pro-- ' much consolation out of them as be wished, but! ' i vince in which the Government grant had boon | he could not expect to fish to get evidence ! withheld since 1880 ; giving the reisons therefor | to, substantiate -- what he was fishing for, | + | in each case, and copies of any correspondence ' (Cheers,) h " !in the Education Departmenrt bearing upon the ' Mv. MEREDITEH followed with a long state. | P snbuject. He thought there had been some cases ment in which he claimed that the Government -- w f 3 of hardship where the Government grian's had had degradod the Crown in their action, { s e been withheld. _ Tho Minister of Educazion Mr. FRaSKR explained that these writs in n ~143 F should exercise great judgment when withhold. the Aigoma case did not contain a tittle of infor-- : agl ing theso grants. matiou,. _ (Hoar, hear.) Any person might lay / ~Jr ¢ Mt. ROSS said the law from '71 to '78 was such a blank information, ' 4 F ¥ that the inspector on his own authority could Mr. MERRICK began to tell the House what v l withhold these Government grants, but there ; transpired in the Public Accounts Committee . um a E* bad been an amendment since then, authoriziung '" with reference to certain vouschers which they /C A f the inspectors to report each case to the wished to be nroduced, but for which the Com-- ~<9, H | Minister of Education. } mittee did not, as a whole, ask. wel The motion was carried, f Mr. MOWAT sard the Government had had aI H t THE SCHOOL BOOK QUESTIONX, f nothing to do wxlt.h the suit in question, If so, he # REIGHTON | moy d f X i .an knew nothing about it The statemant of his $ is . K Mr. C iee Lae ay" 7 °£ e (x P hon. friend that there had been a defence set up e correspondence since l;"t "f' January, 1882, be-- to this action was entirely without foundation,. 4 & Cween the Minister of Hducation and any person He held that confidential papers should not be C oT comuany '.':lfh i ckard to t"'""'o"kf' for use in . produced. --(Hear, hear.) If his hon. friend did es the l;onncu V.'\':""UI"' or. the authorization t not know it, he was sorry that he knew so little i. + d thereof, and with regard to the withdrawal } 'atos frurt ar h: : x avout constiturional history, "u -- of any such authorization, or the adopiton of one $ Consigerable discussion followed as to what ixtk * umtu.nn ie comlm;flov'scncg', e """i"'"i?'e'»i" | had 'bcen done in the Public Accounts Com-- 4 : ; regard to the use of tex 7 bouks. in the Provincial ' mittee, but the Speaker ruled the discussion out A schools; copies of all Orders in Council or de-- | of urd(':' x ' o danies or " oo o°Ott wigl t penbarys | The House adjourned at 12:10. i x3 %, > "w. changes in the text.books in use in the schools NoTICES or MOTION, : es | M n within their inspection districts, and of al} cir. | t 'Tlie Attorney--General--On Tuesday next--Bi]1 1 & | cuars issued by the Department of Education | ' respecting securities vested in the 'Treasurer of Bb with reference to such powers or duties, or the / | the Province, = authority under which such changes should be | . Mr. Meredith--On Tussday noext-- Address ; ¥% made, for a return of copies of all Orders in Council : t :: if Mr. ROSS said the first part of the resolution passed under the authority of the * General ; f t 3k deait with a question which was now pending Mining Act," creating, extending, adding to, or 4 4 / settlement, 1t would be iuconvenient in the diminishing mining divisions, Also, | J i¥ : interests of the schoo!s that this matter should On Tuesday next--Address for a return of -- & . M ( be laid on the table., copies of all Orders in Council for the sale or dis. a ¢ i | Mr, CREIGHTON had no desire to embarrass | posal of timber or timber berths or lands in J |W the Minister of Education by asking him to 'Thunder Bay district, or rogulating the sale or | bring down any papers with reference to & ques-- disposal thoreot ; and of copies of all Orders in a Py I tion now pending setilement, ° 1 Council fixing the dues or fees to be paid in re-- ' p > The latter part of the rosolution was carried. ) spect of such timnber, and tl_xe bonus or purc!m'se -- f: THE LAW opF EVYIDENQE, | money to be paid for such timber lands or bertis | "pp3 # a s or the right to cut the timber therefrom ; and [ P Mr. WHITE moved the second veadling of hig ,' also of copies of all Orders in Council or repula-- -- j bill to amend the law of evidence, in which he ) tions relating to such lands, the timber thereon, 3 i | proposed to '"C'".'","' the obtaining of evidence and the rate of bouus or dues to be paid in re 6 t "}:'f'",'"'k'" commuissions in suits peading in thiy3 spect theraof ; and also for a map or sketch 1 e ob e esc s 'I showing the area of the sail district, Also 1 § Mr, MOWAT thouzht the clauzses had been t On 'l'i:sduv next--Order of the House for a 4 copied from Amecrican statutes, Me proposed in I return _ showing _ in detail the timber --lots I & Ins bill to introduce clauses on the subject from | or berths in * the Thunder Bay districts . i § p t{"' g:"gh"h law, He thought the biil might ' which _ have -- been sold or _ disposed of, ; } | stand. c a | with the names of the ; ersons to whom the same { f Mr. M}"REDIT" asked that u}," bill be read ' l'n.:t; been sold or disp\':scd of, the area of each i o | aseco.nt(g cmne without referring it to a select ' such lot or berth, the price paid therefor, the } s | hi io: \~ o+ epea « & rates of dues to be paid in respect of the timber & | Mr. }?'R"\b}"_}?' hfifd ".h-a: 'the lb'" s'hnu]d be dis-- to be cut thcr'cfrom,l and the names of the presont p" [ D posed of at ence, 'The bill, je thought, should be owners of such logs or births, and showing also E | allowed to stand if it was not intended to refer it which, it any, of the lots upon which such rights f j 2 | lagy cox\r;;n_lttec. ted How bis bi to cut timber have been granted have been sold, % *A * Mr, White cousented to a ow Ins bill to stand, and if so to whom, and the presont owners of [ 3 | THE WIDTH op wWAGdaox TIRES, such lots, Also, 4 A F + * Mr., SNIDER moved the second reading of his On Tuesday next--Order of the House for a 4 L | bill to res=late the width of waggon tires to be return of copies of all petitions and applications P 3 M | used on publhc highways, The bii} provides that by lettor to the Department of Crown Lands, 7 f ' on and after June 1st, 1889, theo t.res shall be or any member or 'officer of the Government | % | four inchos wide on drays and waygons carrying with reference to the sale or disposal of lands j a ie upwards of 2,000 pounds, and timber in the mining districts of the Pro--| 4 F ' Mr, SNIDER spoke of the damage done to | vince, and of all correspondence ard communica-- : ' the rouds by wheels vith narrow tires at certain | tions in reply thereto, t 3 f periods of the year, He cited several opinions | _ Mr. }{arcuurt--«Tuesduy next--Resolution-- J & i of farmers and othess in ;","p'"" of his argument, Whereas the presont system of tracing titles to * A general 'discugion vilowed, which saowed ! land in this Province is cumbrous, incouvenient, I that the House was not NnanImous as to the brin« | and productive of great dolay and expense in ,

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