1e casger x . % * " "'_ a w & is assuming a maxnitude demandinz serious con-- 10 y in which the owners of property had been put to - sideratiou, and there stHould be t:«:met.hmg done «0 lacge expen#sin order to quiet their titles to the ' to prevent its further increase. There was not f f property. The lezal profession should not be | a civil servant in the Province or a teacher in 4 4 C considered. They would be kept busy forthe next | the Province, who was there from sheer patriot-- % 4 E. twenty years in arranging and settling deeds. is1g, aud the mainienance of such a system was _ The hon. Mr. Biake was in favour of thin'yatem, an _ anomaly_ on this continent outside the + F and he was glad to see that his hon. -- friends Dominion. No one of the United Sates had f opposite had so imuch confidence in that hon. any such asystem. It was evident to all that gentieman. _ (Hear, hear.) something must be done. Me would not adve-- f Mr. MEREDITH did not think it desirable cate anythingy which would -- interfers with the ; to make any sudden change in the law, --In enjoyment of those who had --joined the fund m 5 3 Australia, where the system was in force, the wood faith, but in fature the door must be shut. f transactions in land were not so numerous as in + He wail remembered the outrery raised by teach-- Ontario, He thought the promoters of this ers against the scheme, and they claimed as men f scheme should experiment with the system in of intelligence to be avie to invest their funds | this Province. -- The Legisiature cou!d sllllp"fy y for them:elves, and so if the system was en led | the system at present in voguo by making certain there could be no dissati<faction, -- Hs consiuded 7 I changes in the law relating to real estate. He by urging the matter on the serious consideration | thought the Attorney-- General would be able to of the Minister ot Education, I submil a bill to the House next session with Mr. ROSS (West M ddlesex) said there wonld '. reference to the matter, A central office in the be no objection to the return being brougit down, -- city of 'Toronto, through which all titles should and hewas pleased that the member had introdune-- | | pass, he did not think would be suitable to the od the subj»ct, and he might say that he intemied ~] | people of th}j' %"'0\'1""- to bring the matter: before the prosessicn anl | _ Mr, MOWA'T was glad that the hon. mem-- the country during mcoss in order that ho might a l bers had taken the opportunity to give their have opinion on the subject. The ol ject of the | opinions on this important subject. 'The question fund had been to assist the teachers who wers k | of the quieting of tities had been alluded to, and regarded as having low s#lariesand being pub ic f ho knew that sometimes a title was so complicat-- | benelactors, spending -- their strongth for their f ed that it would cost 8500 to quiet it. | He had countawy rather than for theis ewn int rests, He A 4 | given this matter a good deal of attention, and | thouglit it was a imistake to make the teacher 4 i« * had 0.\';umn-~('l the clauses of a similar measure | in :m.v sense a civil servant. In addressing him-- p p * I wdopted in England, _A short time agzo a depu-- self to the question of abolishing the fund, he . | tation had \)-';'uted upon him with regard to this was opposed by many difficulties, wh le if it hal A iWB question, xlhu system . was P revn!utumary so to be made seif--nmmining the payiment would E ¥e : far as it related to transactions in property, havo to be greatiy increased,. At pre-- . 3 and he thought it could not be introduced sent | the teachers _ vaid _ 84 a _ year hastily or till the people were prepared for it and it _ would be needful _ to _ increase He agreed with the hon, gontlemsun opposite when it at once to $16, and in the near futnre it wou d , he said this :V,-ystnm. should be optional when in-- lhuave to be rainmi to $20. If they considered ths R i troduced, If people owned land and desired prob'eim of abolishing the fund they would have 3 ' to bring it under this system t..hey should be to continue the payments to the present claim-- Sal ; cr'lt.n.!e-d tfu do so,. -- Hoa was sure it would bo of ants on the fund and repay to those who were ; f ?uept .\d?:umngu. It was quite remarkable that deprived of prospective benefits the amount of 6. { an UMpor l:.mt and v.\t-!:m:v-- reform regarding the thetr contributions. This would involve a pay-- M I transfer of land should come from a new colony metst @f/RL leant 810&000 t 4 $ f | like Austrabia. Thue system had worked to great | "Blr ME[&.E[)ITH n:sked if"tho Minister: of | | advantage in other colomes. 'The matter was | Edncation could give the amount withdrawn | ! utlcr\'v;u'u.-; discussed in England, and he thought f:cm the fund f | ' c | :'!:" :l::":\'::'fit';;t]'l":; i Pstainronl {'e;pclctn supenor | _ Mr, ROSS said the total amount withdrawn | p« k r ystein, ILe had, compared | was $23,586, and there now stiuds to the credit | t | yery carefully the clauses, and the English Act | of the teachers the sum 06 $140,000, but 'as many | j } had some .:;d\ antages, 'The subject was first | had left the country, some had left the profes-- d | introduced in this country. by Ale. Mills at the | sion, and others wou'd not claim their paymenta, a l time he was Muuister of the Interior, and pro-- | he thought that $100.000 would meet the claitas : bably that Act would have passed and been | of those not on the fund. He thought that the in operation by this time if there hl'l(l not been ' present outgo would not. be diminished for a time, | & fl"t{ly'f of Governiment, Mr. McCarthy had ' but as imany of the claimants were over 60 years } | twice xmmduccq similar bills in t!ue present Gov-- | of ago, after about ten years there would be a « § | ernmeont. _ Mr. 1'..&'1(0 wis u.lso in favour of it. rapid diminutgion. Hoe was not prepared xt the d # l In v.c\tl of all tl.llfi he (Mr. Mowat) thuu;_;ht. the present time to sugzest a scheme or say whai* N , time bhad come to prosent a measure to this House would be the best course to pursue, but he t I in ur'der to put the psople in a position to know thought they might be doing the teachers ' | what the Torrens system was, and some injustice by continuing the present state of A NE HAD PREPARKD A BILL FOR THAT PURPOSE, things. It was now looked on as a position ' which was now in typs,. HMe had not, however, l of dependence, and perhaps an increase of "'ll{".\' | boen able to discuss the hiil in detail with his was desired consequent upon trustees looking i | colleagues, theretore he did not think he would | upon the fund as a solatum for a poor salary, > : be able to introdnce it this seasion. He hoped | and their advancement was thereby retarded, | the hon. gontieman would withdraw his motion, T Mr. MEREDITH quite coneurred in the re-- h5 I Mr. Ermatinger withdrew his motion, the mark that there was no need for grafting upon f | HMouse consenting. {our system that of superannuation. _ He quite | sUPERANNUATRD TEACHERS' FUND. | agreed with the ltliniswr of Education that the | _ Mr. MeLAUGHLIN moved a return " show-- | resoursee of the Province should not be taxed for ing in each and every year since 1871, inclusiv | the continuance of the fund. _ HMe concluded by -- t3 s iepcd ufura yeat syen do06L HOld®s | speaking against the system of gratuities as being € i+ amount of movey paid by the ieachers of | hing liable to abuse ' | Ontaurio mto the Superanmnuated Teachers' Faund : tA o NreNC: C ihins / 4 the amount paid out by the Government to su-- | Mr, MOWAT thought the system of g'l'at!n'les ; per innuatlted teachers ;'Hw amount in each year | h'ad frowi l:'.p fl'ol{l(%{l: a:'nallfious sy"'e.':" of par" paid out in excess of the amount paid into said | :;:n;n}fy_:xu NC "t fer tl' + L" 't":" qulve c(;rt,:'m | ¢ fun i ; the total amount paid into suil fund ; the | 'h? lhegs \ve':'e "E) tlk :;'f:m C 1e: m&nlyd(t')el ;e k | tota! emoun paid out o' said fund, and the es I"e"""' SH0 "ne 'l-d'""%fin wl eft | ¢ gon e' .# v bn**~~ ayee theo haom--r"~ Hao | without a cent in the world, . Lhe same was true 3 d i thought this was a question of groat importance. | | of ml" teachers, and ho o nf quite sure that but i , | The Province last year paid some $37,000 over | ' for t ie ullnwz\ch many of them would be m & i ' | the amount paid by teachers in Ontario towards starving condition, _ He concluaed by hoping § ; ¢ ' the Superannuation Fund. The system was in-- that some conclusion would be reached satisfac-- | f | ausurated in 1870 under the Sunfieid Macdonald tory to the Pn'uchers and the Province. | R -- Administration at tne snguestion of the late Mr. MEREDITH--What did they do before | 1 it Chicf Superintendent of Education, The con-- the fund was established ? ¢ $ ditions were that every male teacher in the Pro-- |\ _ _ Mr, MOWAT replied that they were in greit vince was obliged to pay four dollars a year to-- straits. It would be a most lamentable thing to F B wards the fund, which was transmitted by the contemplate if men who had spent their lives in , County Inspector to the Department. When a +/ such an important and-- honourable profession p teacher became 60 years of ago bhe was then en-- | should be in want in their old age, and die of | titled to retire, receiving for each year he had | starvation. -- He would be glad if some scheme _ , traught the sum of six dollars per -- annum. could be formulated by. which the end could be 4 t | This was the only condition upon which § 'l audmped, and t':ne g'rovmce easod from the large -g £ the fund _ was _ established. Binecs _ the and increasing irden. E. fund _ was _ established _ many _ teachers | | _ Mr, HARCOURT '""'-"?'"d"th".tb" words | i had drifted to other protessions, aud the object ; should be added to the motion, and the amount ,' f of Dr. Ryerson had been to keep the teacuers in I paid out to teachers who have \xlt,hdr.awn from | 4 the protession. He was one of those who believed the fund during the same period. This sum, he : P that the teachers were not sufficiently well paid. | thought, was increasing, and was conclusive evi-- | 2 : The following figures showed the growth ot the |\ dence against the popularity of the fund. He f: fund:-- | thought that if a circular were issued to the c Paid to Paid by | teachers it would be found that they were against f Teachers. TeacheLs. Loss. | the continuance of the fund. [ 187i.... . $ 6.143 68 $ 5.219 00 $ 914 883 The motion was carried. > + , js1:....:. ilggg gz %{gg :"é 7(8'0451) Og PUBLIC BILLS. | a 9, 4 s o y * # ; . ' * llg';gj::::: 22.910 25 12976 T5 9.933 go | The Houss went into Committese and reported | | 1875...... 25,009 25 12,824 18 13.695 07 1 \ the following bills :-- 4 n 1876...... _ 31.768 82 12.707 23 19,001 57 l To amend the Act to impose a tax on dogs, 1877. ... .. 351'2?5 g" 11?*,";2'}7 fi' 21,082% 10, \ and for the protection of sheep.--Mr, Chishoim. > }g?,g *«*@+* 23'77 ; 58 16.217 93 '3'73'55; %';. | To amend the Ontario Tree Planting Act, 1883. 1880...... 42306 00 15.816 45 26.579 55 ! --Mr. Monk. To amend the Mechanics' Lien 1881...... 54.964 56 14.195 75 40,764 81 l | Act. --Mr. Ermatinger. 'To amend the Division 183}...... £1,000 00 13,501 08 317.598 92 | | Courts Act.--Mr. Lees. To amend the Ontario j f; 1883...... 51474 59 12,515 50 39,959 05 | " Drainage Act.--Mr. Balfour, & -- is Totals..$ 430.736 24 $167.390 T1 _ $272.336 53 | | FIRST READINGS, . v ; ' It was evident to the House that this fund ! | _ Mr. MEREDITH introduced a bill to amend ¢ 3 | the County Courts Act.