The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Mar 1884, p. 3

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| _ Mr. RKOSS (Middiesex)--HBill to make further provisions effecting puble health. ' _ The Mouse adjourned at 10:30. i NOTICES OF MOTION. | Mr. Ross (Huro nz---()n Wednesday next--Bill | s to amend the Consolidated Municipal Act. I Mr. Meredith--On Wednesday next--Enguiry | : of Ministry whether N. Dyment or any one else | | has a liconse to cut pinetimber in the township of -- Lefroy, and if so, in what part of it ; when the ' | territoryembraced in such liconse was first placed | | under license to the said Dyiment. Mr. Ermatinger--On Wednesday next--Bill to l amend the Act respecting the administration of justice in unorganized tracts. | Mr. McLaughlia--()r Wednesday next--Bill \ l :: amend the Act rospectiug the study of anu-- | ny. M | fl'r. McCraney--On Wodnesday next--That a | | Committee be, appoimmted to tuke evidence and i report as to the expediency of excepting boun-- | dary lines in townships from the effect of the re-- | cent statute of limitations and to report thereon | by bill or otherwise. Mr. Balfour--On Wednesday next--Order of the House for a return of: copy of the circular issued from the Attorney--Gener«l's Dopartment, } 14th January, 1882, with respect to the efficiency | or otherwise of the 'nreunt systemm of detecting | crime and bringing the offenders to justice, with : the answers to the circular, and any other cor-- | respondence on the same subject. | h. Ermatinger--On Wednesday next--En-- | quiry ot Ministry whether it is the intention of | the Government to introduce any legislation this i session providing for the proper construction of | passencer elevators in buildings of a public na-- | ture aud for an inspection of the same. \ _ Mr. Pardee--On Thursday next--Resotutions : --1. That by the British North America Act the Legislature of each Province has exciusive power | to make Jaws in relation to local works and un-- dertakings other than such railways and other works and undertakings as connect the Province with any other of the Provinces, or extend be{ond the limits of the Proviance, or as are * declared l by the Paritament of Canada to be for the gene: ral advantage of Canada, or for the advantage of | two or more of the Provinces." 2 TPuat excln-- | sivo authority in the Legisiature of each Province | in relation to Provincial railways and other local \ works or undertakings is an essential part of our federal system of government. 38. That ever aince Con.ederation the Logisiature of this Pro-- | has granted charters tor the construction of a large -- number of railways within the Pro-- vince, and has dealt with the said railways and made such provision for their reguiation and control as the public interest . demanded. | 4. That the Logislature, in the session of 1882, | asserted by the unanimous voice of its members | that the best interests of the people of Ontario required and demanded that the Provinc:ai | Leislature should not, without absolute neces: | sity, be deprived of its authority and eontrol | over these railways, and further insisted that i where a company sought to escaps Provincial | control it should be compelled to procure from | the Legisiature by which it was incorporated an | assent to its railway being declared to be for the \ general advantage of Canada, or should be re-- ' quired to show that such assent had been ap-- | plied for and refused on improper or insufficient | grounds ; aud these views of the Legissatare | were laid before the Parliament of Canada. 5. | That in disregard of thisgust assertion of Pro-- vincial rights, and without any communication on the susject to the Government or Legisla-- | ture of the Province, the Federal --Parliament in | the session of 1883 passed an Act deciarmg ail | the-- main lines of raiiw.y in the Province, and each and every branch line or railway « now or -- hereafter -- connecting with _ or crossing the said lines of railway, or any one of them, to be works for the ** general advantage of Canada," and enacting that * heroafter the same shall be subject to the logislative authority of the Parliament of Canada." 6. That the practieal offect of this wholesale assumption is, if legal, to withdraw the whole subject of railways from Provincial jurisdiction and transter it to the Federal Pariiament. 7. That aid has been granted out of the public funds of the Province to the railways so seized and assumed by the Federal Parliament, to the extent of over six millions of dollars, and by various of the muni-- cipalities of the Province to the extent of over | eight millions of doliars, by means of which grants the construction of such railways was ' secured, and without which they would not have been built,. 8. That such aid was only | granted to these railways on the faith and | | understanding that they would continue to | be Provincial railways, under' the control of the Province ; and that the assumption thercof by the Federal Parlhament gives the Province and the said _ mumnicipalities a just claim to have the Hunn\-u Lkn _ @rantad '_ hi __tham \ ture ; and this House submits that there is no-- | thing in the circumstances of the case to war [ rant the deciaring of the said railways to be \ works for the ggneral advantage of Canada ; | that such declaration is incousistent with the facts, and that the action of the Federal Pariia-- ment is a violation of the spirit and a perversion oi the purpose and language of the British North | America Act. 10. That this House deems it a | duty to firm'ly protest against this encroachment | \ of the Federal Parkhament on the rights of the \ Province, and to assert the right of the people of | every Province to exeroise thkrough their Legu- | latures exclusive juarisdiction over railways and '1 works of a local and provincial character, and to | superv se and regulite the conmtuct of all com-- ' pauies owning or operating such works, it "'. ccnmmsmnmnannensmem even mmar ce newee % // ooooinNNmmmmmmmmmmmessmms

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