Mr. Barvour--Yes. He authorized me to do so. In regard to every interview in the matter I have communicated with some member ol the Government, and sometimes all the members of the Governinent. Mr, Baurovr--No». The only intimation I gaive them was that I would bée a party only _so far as Marcourt was a party. 1 rested in my belief that he would not be a party to it, and was quite satisfi»d that he would stand out solid, _ About 3 p.m. on Siturday, the 15th, Kirkland came into my room,. I may say here that I never sought an interview with any of these men. Ha said he wanced immoe to vame my price for . sup> portinz lhis timber policy by speaking an i | voiing in the House. _ At thas interview he bo--| cums suspicious that he hadn't better go on. Ho said it was a serious matter for him, and I toid him you havan't got enough money in the city of Torouto to get me to vote against the Govern-- ment. to be fulfilled. I wanted to know how tHarcourt telt about this, and he said he was only waiting to be assured of enough members to defeat the Government. I saw Mr. Harcourt that evening in the reception room of the House. and Mr. Harcourt denied any knowledge of Wilkinson's pl'o'x:oanll, and spurned and repudiated the whole matter. Mr. Fraszra--Didn't he advise you to ses & meinber of the Government * f Mr. Bsovku--Did I understand you to say that you signed the round robin ? _ _ _ On Sunday about one o'clock McKim came to my room and found me thore. Then he got up and handed me ten one hundred dollar bills on the Bank of British North America, which he said he had just got from Wilkinson in the next room. _ I counted the money and handed it back to McKim, telling him that Wilkinson could see mse after dinnes it he wanted to, ~McKiin went out, and in a few minnuies \Wilkinson came into my room, sat down, and asked im# how I felt. I told him I had ssen Harcourt, and that he had not -- sitisfied _ me. _ Wilkinson -- sait _ that he was now -- prepared with a guarantés, and -- if _ I_ wouid -- sign _ a -- round--robin he assured me that Harcourt was all right, that I could have the registrarship at Regina if 1 wanted to move away, and he would have tha law fixed so that I comd hoid my seat in Parlia-- ment this session, and have the work done 'by deputy. _ ty $ <biust' nsff ty Mr, Mowar--The law fixed ! D.d he explain what he meant by that ? Mr, _ Barrovn: ----HMe _ did_ not _ explain. On _ Monday _ Mr. -- McKim _ came .. to me saying that Wilkinson had just seen him, and had asked him to say that hs wanted to see me in his room. _ I went into Wilkinson'; room ; he asked me how things were going on ; I told him I woulid sizkn no round--robin or anything els«, HMe said the round robin was only tor Hareourt's satisfaction, and asked me to see Marcourt and a~sure him that I would stand by him. Me said that Kirkland bad told him to give me 81,200. In the first place IKirkiand said he did not care whether the Government were sustained or whether they were defeated so long as he got his point, but now Wilkinson told me that they had assumed ali liabriities, and had found ous that Kirkland had not money to carry out his agree:-- ment. _ Hoe then offered mss $600 down and $600 after the vote was taken in the House. I askad him if that was the first proposition he had made me. It 'was then incressed to $800 and 8700 hereatter. Wilkinson said that this was not as a bribe, but as a guaran-- tee that the Regina Regzistrarship or any other office that 1 wanted would be at imy disposal. I did not accept the money very readily, but fin-- ally he said, '"here, will you taks it?"" and handed over cight one hun Ired doliar new bills exactly similar to those McKim had shown me on Sunday, 1 then left, MHe ssomed to be very arions to have the matter gettlod, and sai¢ ho expected ms to see Harcourt and vote against tho Government, and then gave me the money without _ asking _ mo to _ do any toing, I then saw Mr. Mowat, Mr. Ross, and Mr. Hardy, and wrote a letter to the Speaker enclos-- inz the 8800; I went immediately to the Speaker's chamber and handed him the package, Wilkinson said he was going to the North-- West as Suorif# ot Calgary this spring, and be wished to see the (Government defeated before he lett. There wate other parties actiug in the matter with him, but he did not wish to give me any of their names. _ Me assured me they had enough me«mbers of the «Government already to securse its defeat and have a coalition Government, Mr. FrasEr said he had no manner of doubt that there was no reason tor the insinuations made azsainst Mr. Harcouct. M To Mr. Harcourt--Mr. Balfour said that he had been assured by him th.t he would not as« sist in the onset against the Government. Mr, MowaTt moved that a sub--committee, com-- posed of the leaders of the Opposition, Messrs, Merodith and Morris, Mr. Froser, Mr. Badgerow, and the mover, be appointed to further consider the whole matter and repors« to--morrow if pos-- sible. The motion was carried, and the Com-- mittee rose. op n iee feeenine mt . L AT THE POLICE COURT. Atthe Police Jourt yesterday morning, aftor the disposal of the ordinary cases, John A. Wilkin-- son and F. 8. Kirkiand werse brought up in custody, having lain in the Agnes--street Polic:s Station all nigau -- Cihtistopher R. Bunting and WAITING FOR GOVERXMEXNT PROMISES THE MONEY PAID. Biward Meek also aaiswered to theoir n&IOs, h« ving been served the previous night with summonses to appear. They were accom panied by a large number of friends, and took their seats at the table usually _ occupied by counseli. Wilkinsou and Kirkland were at first placed in vhe dock, but Mr. Fenton, County Crown Attor-- 1 & i L 1 8 7i 7 uck, Vus NAD, P GRHCUIM AATSCCT l 4 hA Aucaties cctadt mtc n ns bistel se T ce P y 5 Ti e ;::: uc,'h:;.l the attention -'lf the mj.xgm'.x'ate to tha# sum of one Qnous ind dollars to be paid by tho said fact thait it would be uafair to placs them in the -{ghl;l :\ 7& lxl:'l"w" fi" atlbflbed"'?l hirln. the ]s.m.i dock while their confederates were allowod to sit at f ?lfrofl" C "t?l:ibu" 15 en R L nu ::i) ull: a w-- ad', ty 74 m fore directed | [9"" uols o Nee o i M Fradn ar counsel's table. They were therofore, a member of the Legislative Assembly, by to stand within tho railing. _1)r. McMichael @D-- 'unlawfully undertaking to procure the with-- paired for the defendants Kirklaud and Meek, drawal of a certain petivion theretofore tiled and Mr. C.ark, of Foster, Clark, & Bowes, for the , then pending in the HMigh Court of Justice for detendant Buuting, and Mr, Neville for the Ontario to set aside the election of him, the said ant WilkLM}80; Robert A. Lyon, as a member of the said Legisla-- d fendant Witkinsoun,. _ ooveis iss hild .4 ture----the bribes so offered to the said Robert Mc-- The accused havias been ordered to stand up, the Magistrats real the information us fol-- lows i -- CANADA: 1o.oicoan e banialioe The inlo--mation and complaint of John W . Murray, of the city of Toronto, in the county of York, detective, tianen on vath the seventeenth day 0f Murch, in the year of onur Lord one thousund eishi hundred and cighty--four, before the under-- sizned, George Taylor Denison, lsquire, Pulice Magistrute in and for the city of Toronto, FLisT CoUNT, The said informant saith that Christopher W. Bunting, Jobn A. Wilkinson, Kdward Meek, F. 8. iKirkiand, one ------ bLyuch, and other persons to this informaut nwknown, being persons of evil ininds and disposition, on the 25 d day of January, in the yeur of our Lord one thousand eignt hun-- dred and eizhty four, and on divers other days aud times between that day and | the day of the layins of this information, in the city of_ Toronto, in the couniy (of _ York, unlawfully and wickedly dia conspire com-- bine, cenfederate, and agree logether to cors rupt, deprave, impvair, alter, and frustrate the con-- stitutional proceduce and action of the Leislative Assembly 0i the Province of Ontario and the members thereof in their votes and proceedings thorein at and during the tirst session of the fifth hegigiature of Ountario, held in the city of Toronto afot esuid, by bribing members of said Loegislative Assembly to votean onposition to the existing ad-- musiisitration of the executive Governimment of the Province of Gntario and the members of said logislative Assembiy supporting such Govern-- ment upon questions arising and to arise in such Assembly during the said session. UO% 0 (1) And the said informant further saith that the said-- Christopher W. Bunting, in pursuance of and uccordingy to the said couspiracy combination, confederacy,. and agreement between them, the said Christopher W. Bunting, John A,. Wilkinson, Edward Meek, P. 3. Kiurkland, one Lynoh, and the said other persons to this informant unknown as aforesald had, did on the first day of March, in the year aforesaid, and before the day of the lay-- iny of this information at the city of 'Toronto aforesaid, unlawfu'ly advise and counsel one Robert McKim, a member of the said Logislative Assembly, to accept a bribe from the said John A. Wilkinson and Edward Meek, and did also unlawfully advise and counsel one James E. Dowling, another memoer of the said Lexislative Assembly, to accept a bribe from the said Joun A. Wikinson and Edward Meek, such bribes being designed and intended to influence them, tho said Robert MeKim and James F. Dowling, in their proceedings as meinbers of the said Legis-- lative Assembly, that is to say, that they the ; said lNobert McKim and James F. Dowling should | vote in opposition to the oxistingy Administration | of the Kxecutive Governmont of the Province of ; Ontario, and to theis supporters, memmbers of the said Legislative Assemnbly during the said session as aforesaio. (2) And the said informant further saith that the said Joiun _ A. Wilkinson in pursuance of and _ according . to the -- said -- couspiracy, combination, confederacy, and agre ment between the said -- Christopher _ W. Bunting Johu A. Wilkinsan, Ed ward; Meek,F, 3. Kirkland, one Lynch, and the said other persons to this in-- formant unknown as aforesaid had,did on the loth day of March, in the year aforesaid, at the City of Toronto aforesaid, unlawfully offer to pay as a bribe the sum of $1,000 to one obert Mcisim, he the said liobert McK im then being a memver of the Legislativo Assembly of the Province of Onta-- rio.and did then also unlawfully offer and promise as a bribe to pay him the said Robert McKim the further sum of five hundred doilars and to procure for him the said Robert McKim the office of Register of deeds and titles to land at Edmonton in the North-- West Territories of Canada . the same being an office under the Government of the Do# minion of Canada--and did thereafter unlaw{lully otfer the sum of two thousand dollars as a bribe to one Jas. F. Dowling, another member of the said Lexislative Assembly, and did thon also unlawfully olfer and pay the sum of cight hun-- dred dollars as a bribe to one W.1). Balfour another member of the said Legislativeo Assembly, and did then also unlawfully offer and promise as a bribe 'o pay him,the said W. D. Balfour, the furthet sup« oft seven hundred dollars, and did thon'ulso unlaw-- fully oifer to procure for him,the said W.1). Baifour, as u 'bribe, the office of Registrar of Deeds and Titles to Land at liegina, in the North--Wost 'Ter-- itories of Canada, the same being an oftice under he Governimnent of the Dominion of Canada ; and «id then also unlawfully offer as a bribe to one liobert A. Lyon, another member of the said 300 ,2, 7 4%+ 447 798, RHOLnot incim9Cr ol 1nd said Legislative Assembly, to procurs the withdrawal ol a certain petition theretofore filed and then pen-- ding in the High Court of Justice for Ontario to set aside the election of him, the said Robort A. Lyon, «s a member of the said Lesisiative Assembly, the bribes so offered and paid by the said John A. Wilkinson to the said Robert McKiin, and so offered by the said John A. Wilkinson to the sauid James F. Dowlinx, W. 1. Balfour, and Iobert A. Lyon, respectively, as _ afc resaid, being to influence them in their proceed-- inus as membars Of tha anldA'" Lanlalntiwa h iihasi in P onar l se cainth d t ings as members of the said Lexislative Assembly as aforesaid. that is to say to vote in oppositi~.. io the members of tho administration of the Exeentive Government of the Province of Ontario and their supporters, members of the said Legislative Assembly during the said session as uforesaid. t 0 ¢" PiRoVINCE OF ONTARIO, CuUNwY OF YOuLK, to their names, | federacy, and agrecment between them the said ous night with Christophor W. Bunting, Jno. A. Wilkinson, wre accompanied -- Ed ward Meex, F, 8. Kirkland, one Lynch, 1 took their seats and the said other persons to this informant un-- id n + | znown as aforesaid. at the city of 'Toronto afore-- d by c000$8-- gaiq, unlawfully offer a bribe to one Robert Mc-- t first placed M ; Jzim, a member of the Legislative Assembly of the ty Crown Attor-- | Province of Ontario, by aiding and procuring the (5) And the said informant further saith that the said one Lynch, in pursuance and aceording to the said conspiracy, combination, conl'edem&y;. and »greement between the said Christopher s Bunting, Jno. A. Wilkinson, Ed ward Meek, F, 8. Kirkland, Lynch, and the said other persons to this informant unknown, as aforesaid had, did on the loth day of Marca, in the year aforesaid, at the city of Toronto uforesaid, unlawfuily offer the sum of $1,500 as a bribe to Robert McKim, a member of the Legislative Assembiy _ of the _ Province of _ Ontario, __to _ influence him, the _ said _ Robert McKim, in his procecding as a member of such Assembly, that is to say to vote in opposition to the mem-- bers of the said existing Administration of the Executive Government of the Provinse of Ontario and their support»rs, memmbers of the said Assem-- bly during the said session. as aforesaid. _ _ _ __ a member of the Legislative Assembly, by unlawfully undertaking to procure the with-- drawal of a certain petition theretofore tiled and then pending in the High Court of Justice for Ontario to set aside the election of him, the said Rovert A. Lyon, as a member of the said Legisla-- ture----the bribes so offered to the said Robert Mc-- Kim and lobert A. Lyon being to influenee them in their proceedings as mombers of the said Legis-- lative Assembly, that is to s4y, to vote in opposi-- tion to the meinbers of the Administration of the Executive Government of the Province of Ontario and their supporters, meinbers of the said As-- sembly, during the said session as aforesuid. _ _ (4) And the said informant further saith that the said Is. 8. Kirkiand, in pursuance of and accord-- ing to the said conspiracy, combination, confeder-- acy, and agrecment between them the said Christopher W. Bunting, John A. Wiikinson, Edward Meek, F. 8. Kirkland, one Lynch, and the suid other persons to the informant unknown as aforesaid had, did on the 1st day of March, in the year aforesaid, and before the day of the laying of the information at the city of FPorounto aforesaid.unlawfuily offer a large sum of money to wit the sum of $3,000 as a bribe to one Iobert McKiim, then being a member of the said Legislative Assemmbly of the Province of Ontario, and did then also oftfter the sum of $1,000 as a bribe to Jumes F. Dowling, another mem-- beer of the said Assembly, and did then oifer other large sums of money as bribes to other _ members of the said _ Assmbiy--the bribes so offered by the said F. 8. KWirkland to the --said Robert McKim, James F. Dowling, and other members of said Assembly as aforesaid, being to influence théem in their proceedings as memvers of the said Assembly, that is to say, to vote in opposition to the members of the existing Administration of the Executive Government and to their supporters, members of said Assembiy, during the said session as aforesaid. iess VY. AP. ERPmEVImy EeWd d SCs y ETT E7 Lyon, and other members of the said Lexislative As--eimbly. and to the great danger of the peace and welifare of the said Province of Ontario, in con-- tempt of our lady theQueen and of the laws and Government of the said Province, to the evil example of all others in the like case offending,and awainst the peace of our lady the Queen, her crown and dignity, _ To the grews damage of the said Robert McKim, W. D. Balfour, James F. Dbowling, Robert A. And the said informant further saith that the said OUnristopher Buuting. John A. Wilkinson, Edward Meek, F. 8. Kirkland, one Lynch, and other peérsons whose numes are to this informant unknown, being persons of evil minds and dis-- positions, on the 23ra day ot January, in the year aforesaid, and on divers other days between that day and the day of the laying of this information at the city of Toronto aforesaid. unlawfully and wickedly did conspire, combine, conrederate, and ngree together tosubvert, change, alter, defeat, and ovorthrow the then existing administration of the Kxecutive Government of the Province of Ontario by bribing members of the Legisiative Assemuly of the said Province to vote in opposi-- tion to the members of the said Executive Gov= erniment and their supporters, members of the said Lexislative Assemuily, upon 3ueslions arising and to arise in said Assembly during the first session of the fifth Legislature of Ontario. . 4 And the said informant further saith that the said Christopher W. Bunting in pursuance of and according to the said confederacy and agreement between them the parties in this second count of this information above named, did then and theve do and commit the overt acts in the first count of this informantion charged on the overt acts by him the said @hristopher W. Bunting com-- mitted in the said tirst count, as then and there ulleged, and to the intents then and there stated ; and the said informant further saith that the sail John A. Wilkinson, in pursuance of and according to the said conspiracy, confederacy, and agree-- ment between them, the parties in the second count of this information above named, did then and there do and commit the.overt acts in the lirsi conut of this information charged as the overt acts by him the said John _ A. -- Wilkin-- son committed in the said first count as thon and there alleged, and to the intents then and there stated . _ And the said informant further sauith that the said Edward Mcek, in pursuance of and according to the said conspiracy, gon-- federacy,. aud > ngrecment between them, the purties in the second count of this information ubove--naimed. did then and there do and commit the overt acts in the first counts of this informa-- tion charged as the overts by him, the suid Edward Meek committed in the said first count, us then and there sliewed, to the intents then and there stated. And the said informant farther saith that the said Kirklaud,in pursuance of and accord-- ing to the said conspirncy, confederacy, and agroe« ment bot ween theim,the parties in this second count of this information above named, did then and there do and commit the overt acis in the first count of this information, charged as the overt _ncts by him the said Kirkland, committed in the said first count as then and there alleged and to the intouts then and there stated, And the said informant further saith that the said Lyoch, in pursuance of and according to the said conspiracy, sECOND COUNT.