The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Mar 1884, p. 9

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"m. corrupt ofhre to me. I am quite willing to id defend my conduct anywhere. . at Mr. Mmmmrn crime-examined the witnees with regard to the statement which he had made, 0 which was in writing. d Mr. McKm stated that the statement was dictated to ashorthand writer, and no anon e was present but the shorthand wrlter w n i d was done. . f 1 Mr. McKm said, in reply to Mr. Meredith to that having heard the witness deecribe Stimso :n, he had no doubt the man was identical with th m. I Lynch who gave him the money. . . to II Alex. Graig, clerk in the Roma House, and on l he recollected Kirkland. t a l It--l9o you know Mr. Marks? A.--No, not to personally. I cannot say that I have seen him iry i at the Koeain House to identify him. cc- l, Q --Dld two men at any one time call to eee he l Kirkland? A.--Yess: two gentlemen came in or r and asked to see Mr. Kirkland ', I gave one of nt the cards to a boil-boy to send up to Mr. Kirk. il l land's room but the boy returned with the card i- I and said he was not in. When Mr. Kirk- d r land returned he asked if any person o had called to see him. I told him that two gen- o tlemen had called. He naked who they were, n and the boy said the name looked Something 0 like .' LyGs" or " Lynch." Kirkland then c sail. "J, that was Mr. Lrneh." He said, "It . he calls again, tell him that I want to see him par" s tieularly and that I have gone to the Parliament . Home." I cannot identify the men, as I did not I take particular notice of them. I don't know whether I could even identify Mr. Kirkland. , The Committee then ndjourne I till 11 u'eluek . to-duy. i APPLICATION Full BAIL. l The application to admit J. A. 1%lkingon and l, Frank S. Kirkland to bail came up before Mr. , Justice Galt in Chambers at Usgoode "all yen- b tevdayrnoruiurt. ' Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Neville appeared for 1'nilcirtsou, Mc. (firewall for Kirkland, and Mr. I'Vsiiton f "s' the (frown. i Ailidnvita from Wilkinson arrl Kirkland were read. setting forth Copies of the mioonatiut against them. Kirkland',, ailidavit further won or. to :ilicqoth'it he hid property Within thu inn-i din-Lion of this Court, and that the money h had paid Mr. Mckitn was paid for services rcn dared in converting members or tli Home to Kirklaud'n timber limits policy Mr. Neville contended that the Police _ [Avis trute Wm "run: in min-ling bail. The chart: made was that. oi committing a misUemeauouf only. and the magistrate must allow bail in all "its lcintsouours. Mr. Murdock and Mr. Caswell ul>n addressed His l, irdship. Mr. Fciitou argue-i that the case Woe not yet developed. Thor Wad nothing here to ehow what Wu the reel charge against tin-4c men Heep their own :iiliiuvits. " we had here in Cour . the, return to a octioraci, we should have sum 5 thin-.; to d" on: no it, i, we have nothing. IIH Lor,rutw---1 tliiuk it is unjust that then men should be kept in cool and [must admi them to bad. 1 shall make the bail heavy-vor sutsstantisl--the prisoners themselves in $4, . each. and for each of them live sureties in 82, noon. The following is the substance of the atfidav ll 'ttit by Kirkland and bind by counsel in ii c in f c-- .. I never in my life met Edward Meek, me tioned in tho said information, previous to l I appearing at the Police Court yesterday. and . have only met U. w. Bunting three or fol I times, and I have met John W. Wilkinson qui a number of times, and Lynch also I lime nev met, and do not know him. I have never ante - ed into any compiracy With the said John . Wilkinson, C. W. Bunting, E. Meek, or (ny person or persons for any such or similar-[Cur- poses to those mentioned m said inform 'Cion. or . ' for, as I believe. any improper puruzsc what, " ever, and I court the fullest investiira ion por . sible. I came to this city about the 22rl, Janu- e, _ ury but. having prOViouely purchased 10,500 e. acres of land from the Ontario Government, and a I came With the object of trying to induce the '9 Co!umisriiotttrr of Crown Lands to change his I 1" mode of disposing of mining lands, no that at an t5 _ advanced price the timber should be told along 1 a with the soil, and not reserved as in my patents. ' w _ I visited the CJommistuoner and several members l ." of the Pariiament to urge them to try and in- I If duce the Commissioner or the Government tor " _ change its plan of selling these lands as above in- ' t, _ dicatcd. I was satisfied. and am yet, that the u said change would be for the better of that part ': ot the Province. t _ " 1 have never given a single dollar or any larger sum of money to any member oi the tht- tario Parliament for any purpoln whatever, mince I came here, or before, and I never offered to pay l money to any one of them. I have been asked i by Mr. Mckim for money to pay him for his l services that he alleged he had rendered on my 3 ' behalf, in explaining to other members of the" Legislature the policy that I considered best in the interest of the country in dealing With the lands west of Lake Superior tthat in to "y! 1 held the view that lands west of Lake Superior should be sold at a fixed price, giving the pur- chaser the right to the standing timber upon the lands, and that this would materially facilitate occupation and development. Mr. McKim from "imot?titno reported to me that he induced . several members on the Reform eide to adopt I these views, and that they would all vote against d the Government if the matter wee brought up t and the Government refund to adopt this lion and it wee tor thie - thttt.the gittt 'all';

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