The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Mar 1884, p. 16

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. _ .._. ' -M_, I " - I . . . l the defendant',, offer I told Mr. Hardy- i' ' took place Itt the home. Dr. McMichael-Never .mmfl what rou told l , AN HONOUItABLE arcane. ii Mr. Hardy; was this the first time you agreed to r . l accept the iuouey? A.--Weil, I did not want to l ; Mr, Murphy-You have been in the Home a 3 go any further in the matter. He rose the money l , long time have you not and have never been Hr _ to 81,000 and I would not woe t the money. He I , worded 'l A.--I don't understand you. then went away and came basil; and said that he Ii-hid you. never look for any reward for had attended a meeting, and thoyhad agreed to your lotta servjea? A.--l applied once tor a give bun 32.000. I agreed then to accept, this registry office in Guelph and also in Dnlfcrin. I offer. I said 1 would accept the 82,000. Wits not in. the House wh 1 applied for the _ 1l.-How do you account for that part of Four Guelph '"'spttra_rri'itiv, but it for the other. I evidenco in which you said after accepting ' hover applied for anything from the "i'atsufieid I the 82,000 they had a note for 33,,000 I Mocdonnld Government. At tho election of ready tor you? A.--Whea I refused to accept 1871, when we came back, we wort pretty equal. thstA.',,0o0 n, was "grand that there Would be a ly_divided, and tatvetai parties came to um at note given by Mr. Bunting that I would get the this time and offered to place at my disposal the oilico. horth Wellington rtyy1stt:artrhip if I would vote T 2--Did you ever express any indignation when Baziixist h'attoitieid Macdmmiu, I refused the . thew tillers Were made to you? A.-I think not. offer, and should have thought that refusal would 1t.-jow gm," alter uid Von report to the liov- have been sufficient to have prevented iiiv being ' eminent oi the attempted hi'ihory? A.--Almost again approached in this way. But I suppose . immediately alter. they thought my recent tintuiciai ddtieuitie, were _ 1r.--mum" you were in the employ of the Gov- such an no make iue listen to them. erttutent? A.---l went to tell Mr. Pardee that I Q, ---Did you our get any Government lands? _ had been offered 52.000 to vote against the Gov.. A. "No. ariiiiioiit. . tl. "You had a good deal to do with the lands ' Q.---irid he express any indicmation.' A.--He up in Wellington in regard to trotting the prices expressed some surprise. low-rod, and in getting out deeds, etc. ? A.---1 , t.l.-dhu he offer you anything or promise you ' have had a great deal to do during the lust seven- V any thing; for giving up this effort inndo you? teen years with the lands belonging to the ' . A.~-llo did not iuiIle iizoany odor directly or m. _ settlers, ll! cutting out deeds. etc. _ i." diroctiy. . . . l tl."--- Were you ever accused of not usmg your _ ", Q.-~-l)id you intend to break faith with the exertions pruperl ' to get the price of the loads t men Who attaunvtud to bribe you? A,---l cor- I lowered '.' A.- The case was this-- , thinly dad intend to break faith with them. 1 l Mr. Murphy-l am askine you a question and a ' I . thought I Would encourage them to go on. I don't wish you ta make a speech. l {x l . Sumo disqnaoluli than ensued on tilt! einploy- ' Mr. 1hudion-tt you ask the witness an ambi. , l _ ment oitutittiorttter, and Mr. Denison said it , q knows question you must allow him to give an , l . was it Pc1tec"vly Correct thing to do. Jie had I answer in his own way. There are Bumu (lugs. l l _ always "ein that tlu, rutmlovment of a whiskey l tions that cnnnot be auswiired with a simple i , iutoruwr was )wrh'ctly legitimate. and that it ' "yes" "1- "no." i l l was the proper tltittg to u'o. l Mr. McKiin then _trriefly explained that a. man l l ', Colh'WPrtiiLL' AND INC0RRcPrint.e. i named Boyd led hooded a document to Mr. . Dr. McMichiiel to the witttesa--lii they ask t Murphy at tho time ot their political contest in " . yott to Lotrcv your party? A.---iitey did Mk I the recent Local campaign. containing a state. , . . . me, and thuv on: to my me " that purpose. 1 I l int-ht of the. uniouiit due on land owned by yr. _ ' . w , j intended to vote with tho thrvertuuent,' and I in. l bloyti. J Tf the statement of the. fmount one, 1 I " l ttnded to ttandover that; money. I l {ox-worded it to the proper authorities, and had V gr": l It "If you had pot 5.3.000 would you have I l nothing else to do with it. . (l , Illl 't'l . handed it over to the Government? A.---'; l l Q. -y ere you never accuses! of keTing money j l i l. I . and it I had got 8100,000 from them i belonging to the township. A-rr as i bu: I i rr I would have handed it over to the Covurasunnt. ' produced documents eotttaiuingevidtsuee that the l l , b" I Wanted in we how fer they Would go. and ii I i nioncy'had been paid over. y l '- . i, could watelt them. 5 (3: -llowssoon after yo. and spoken to the first F l i. t/.---Wtten did you tell tho Government that l of mi: 22cee'e d1}! ,yfll, speak te Mr. PNYe ? F ' I you ltud got the odor ? A.---d lwiievo it was 'tIto. "a. T. mine lately a ter .leJ'ecelved tb detinite ' same slay. I told Mr. Pardee that he had better I l of "r. h . .' . , look out, for they Were trying to buy up mun f/..ryyr long' ad negotiations been tttunit on ',. I , porters of the Government. Mr. I'm-doe theat ', 1'ftri',l1rxtit,,' J ("I "we El)?" fy, matter? 1 l (r , told in: to go on and see how far they wrould go. i l : 'Jill""' exae y relueui I tat I think about , ( . l J,oirtt1,,tsno,,tltp, "till; 1'ksc'i'r/iiyt,peifrt.eyu.wai dill ; 1l.-id you sneak to Mr. Balfour or any of l I pr , not nite the appearance ot his face, and 1 wanted , the other m)yybera before you stoulm to Mr. Pat.. l i J " ' to we Mr. Bunting. I dee? Arr-lope one. . r T '1'? l LY. Mchriehssa2t nmnfrnid you intended to l l U~-_Wnsn in consequence of what Mr. Par. : . I use Mr. I''s signature. A,---yes, 1 did I dee said that you spoke to the other members of a il it [ intend to use it as l did that Which 1 got from the. Home? A.-No. . f ' ' l theothstc. Q.--Uul anybody also speak to you toinduee ' _ l t).~-*500 was not enough, then? A.--No. Prtl to go Uvuy of the other members of ttus _ l , l 1t,-Tue next odor no. til,00o, and you did not . House? A.--Nu. 2 a iii , think tt "laugh? A. -ho. The same questio. ms repeated in different» l ii, i. l Q. -r'inauy they nth-rod you 82.000, and you form-two or three times. and replied to in the": ti' . l accepted that as your price 't A.--if you like to negatlvo each tttue. I , - A I until. that my. ATTEMPT To BROWBEAT WITNESS. t . l Ll A: l WHAT KIRKLAND SAID. Q.--Was it in consequence ot what was said I ( 'Ai' , I Ily Mr. Alex. Cameron-t Mn not quite sure by any member ot the, Government tbt" of l'arlis- . t J l whether I intrrdiuwu Mr. Kirkland to Mc. \Vil- ment "n your own tiyot,.the House that you k , ' kiiisoii. i met Air. Kirkland first. and he spoke spoke, P, Air. Lyont A.--dOt up to that tima. I q i ' Tm of his tiinhoi- "mm, and that he h.._l Mr. IN ilkirsscu-- . l iri. ' scseral thou:rtnd acut'.4 from the Cana, Mr. 1!yrph.r-r.1.wi" not allow you to nmwer f . f , I than Government. Hu lt'l'l the land my questions ttt this way. 5 " l Without the timher, and wished for the Mr. "3""30""1 ou must. i i l timber also. Ho said he was prepared to pay as .!1--rltid, 1PPPe "tuUtest My. Lyon to you be. i l , " much for the timber as In)? one else. I promised aide, M": NN iiliinson I' A-No. i I . 1 to when}: to Mr. Pardon about it and moist him Q.---lrid you go to yr. Lyon before going to i , l ; to the best of my abdity. I believe that Mr. Ml" nude"! J-uve. i i , kirklinu's mile i la... was to get possession of tin, xix-On l"P.r tirtst interview with Mr. Lyon l 5 ' number atul thitthe did not care whether he 1rul you try'l.hity abou:, the proposed withdrawal I l . c. ' frat it from mm " "my or the other. ot his petition if he would Vote against the Gov- f l - .. i Mr. CameruuUJdst an; that is exactly what eminent? A..--We spoke "0out.the withdraw. ; ' We my, . id of the petition on several occasions. 's ' l Mr. Dtmirou-rroid'rou yet any admission from /rrllow many.. conversations had you with 5 l ( Kirkland that he knew anything of what the liiiu bolero you dititrlosed that you were In treaty otln-r defendants were doing? N-IL: made no With WINES whom You proposed to desert ' A.- t . I such d stinct admission. 1 cannot remember. 3 l ", 3 ily My. McMaster-t an: the money lief..." I ll, --19o you know if Mr. Lyon spoke of you . ' t l signed the round-tot/m. 1 went 1_tnu"yliattrly to . as i , f Mr. B.-.llour's room and said Mr. WilkitLon A DANGEROUS MAN, " ' , wanted him. I do not believe I naked him to and that it was after thutyou wentto Mr. Par, C-: I sign the round-robin. I did not look at the mat. dee on this utrair. ? A.--I do not. , ll . i ter nun joke from the beginning. My object was Mr. ih3tuuon--Witen you spoke to Mr. Par. l l l a , I to get all tho proof i could. Mr. Wilkinson den had you had any .con_vertmtion,.with MnLyon l j " . made the appointment for me to see Mr. . about the withdrawal of the petition t A.---No. I k T ' 3 Bunting. I cannot swear that Mr. Bunting had Mr. Murphy -Did you tell Mr. Lyon any- I. . - . asked to sen inc; 1 only know what Wilkinson thing about your conversation with Mr. Pat-doc 3 3' 1 t. . told me. IN iwu 1 met Mr. Bunting at the A.--t can't remember. ' , house, it was 1 who suggested we should walk 1l.--uriu you tell him what was to be done if - , , out. tho petition "on withdrawn t A.--1 told him of i f ' i 'r-t believe, Mr, McKim, you are known (is the proposition that Mr. Wilkinson had made ' , _ - mailer a mild politician. A.--1 believe my his- mu-tlintii he would support the Opposition his ' t . i Lory will speak for itself. petition would be withdrawn. , , 3 2-L'ut .3 it not n he: that yononm said von Q.--Did Mr. Lyon falter in his allegiance at _ : g , would vote against Mr. John Sninliicld Mac all t A.--He said he would vote against the . l ' (" _ ' dotmld's Uovoriiinunt? A-n did once soy on. Government on the timber question, but it it , r . . l kr.--Mud you admit. do you not, that you were came to a Toto of want ot tsontideucts he would i. , 7' l bem,e "Butt as an iiiiornier by the Ministers with not vote against them. t , i a view to win-upping wine or the defendants into Q.--'l'hen when you told Mr. Wilkinson that 'i y I the. alleged conspiracy? A.--1 admit tint] had you thought Lyon would vote against the Gov. t ' , _ , interviews with the defendants I have named. moment if the petition was withdrawn were you h' i and reported to the Ministers. telling him what you believed to be true or {also 'l h J ' l 2 --lhd you speak to Mr. Mom: at all t A.- A.---d said he would vote against the Government 'l' l I never spoke to M r. Mow-t until the disclaim . on the timber question. _ l l _ 1 Q.--Tht, round robin shows that it was not the l i t r t 'L _', l ,

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