The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Mar 1884, p. 18

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t . ' only any that t: "lien"! the papers fe line Cout. I . mittee-reem w on ie sow t, mm or t e rat time i llllr. Bowie Pnhtes the Telegram and Uhadn't any knowledge of them until they I . . were produced by the Police Inspector. The i g llom WIiklllSDll ligned "round robin " certainly was not among _ , 1 - . ' the pnpeni when they ware produced in the Com- [ T ---------_ "12tgg,t . r. Mrntmm suggested that it might have , MT THE LETTER l8 DESTROYED. u... with. or 11 Mr. FMSEE said Mr. Fenton had stored in i ~. _'.-------------- the Police hCourt that he had examined the . 1 opera wit in an hour a ter they Were taken . 'tttrt. Shields and Stimson Show l {an the prisoners, and it won not among them ' ' n. . T I and!" ill $l,000 Bills. Mr. Baron's said it had been asserted that g g i _ the Registrarnhip of Regina could not ho ve. 'it. , --rt---.-----. hleenhpromisled to high 11% itkwus not vacant. To , his 0 won d any t at il inson said that Dr. i ra , WHERE THE$5OO NOTES CAME FROM Doing, who holds the position, was not dis. _ ' _ W, charging the duties mxtisftietoriiy, and the position i , ' T--..'."..".-.---- wean) be made vacant either by his resignation [ _ - L, or unisex . '1 m Draft Report of the Committee t9 Mr. MORRIS was here understood to ask 'the V, 1 'c, the House Adopted. witneuii Mr. McKun trove him the 8800 on C i) ___ the some Sunday in: he received his 81,000. f "ti, 1 - Mr. Bureau said no. Mr. MoKixn canoe into t ' ROYAL COMMISSION TO ISSUE. " room and ulnwud him the money, which he . I - naked him to Count. This Mr. Balfour did, and I "1 1 . handed it back with the remark that " 1 4.11). Defendants Again in the Police he trad setter give it to the Speaker.' . 5 " Court He "tted that when he saer. Harcourt in the 1,, . on the night of the 14th, he T 1 , ----------. genie; emplmtiicnllyl having any knowledge of _ , is a air or t int he conspirators had at on J, t MR. BALFOUR ON THE STAND. ' time hinted to him that attempts Were bed"; _ - lets t? r"tTs11..1'h1"i1,et,'i"i Ho distinctly under- .. i C" " Itom t not . r. nrcourt had nothin: to do with ir - 3m. Wilkinson. and lithium the "ah. in any shape, and that L," had never i _ T . ' Worked Together. l intended to have anything to do with it. . ' 1 ---- ( Mr. 'h'rtauste-Thdrt, is no doubt in the mind of l Bt" anyone who ttttows Mr. Harcourt that the oribem I l B., THE PRISONERS SECURE BAIL. med " name without, "nykmu of authority. . i . -- Mr. Fungus said it Was intended yesterday to i i g J.- report to the House to-day, but the buni- f i "3!. I The Committee on Privdeges and Elections um not being through he now thought it 3 Bf) not on Suturday in the library at ten o'clock. would be better to wait till Monday. r Jf'" , , 0wirtttproUbl.f to the change in the hour there, He Outed that the tuttreommittee had 1-1 were only a few spectators present. decided not to make It final report, and read a f' The hrttt witness Watt My. Thomas Goldie, of return draft of the mport Which it was intended ' 3, M Guelph, who was sworn. Examined by Mr. to submit to the House on Monday. The drift , " Cil Mr. Ifstasmt 3. not» forth that the Committee had met and taken ( r7", 4 2--Have you mudoa search for the letter and such evidence as there Was time for, i :3: tolegrumn? A.--t have. l nud state. that it would be impossible i 2uuravo you found them? A.--t have found to fully and fairly complete the investi- i ' thu' telegram; but I think the letter is de. cation hetero the close of tho semen, and . Itroyed. they therefore recommend that a Committee 1 2---Wilt you produce the telegram? A. ---P: composed of judges be constituted to make " full C' i. he". and snatching invetttieatiott, and that the Cour , The telegram w" read, it being from Toronto, mitten be discharged. They further report that dated Guelph, March 11, " Come down aml see in pursuance of " summon: lfl~llcd by theh'peaker ' _ me it possible " the Walker Hoaae,"--J. A. i Mr. Dwight had apocarod and stated that acting _1 'Ts _ Wptarissos." under the advice l? counsel and for the reasons , 1 W-Have you 3""th for the letter? A.-- not lorth in his evidence he had. refused to pro. l = _ YG. due. the copier and telegrams referred to. 2--Have you searched sufficiently to be able Tur, $500 runs. V t,t,ti',glt'te 1,it'r,',ig,tur.o"d " not? A.-1 am Mr. Guano): Dcssrns. called and sworn ."-- 3 LI . W-whens.' 1'C'S'iri uiust have been destroyed Wr,1,0,"t is your position.' A.--Wayittsr teller at the time I got it. at the Federal bank. ', ii q.--Hsves you any recollection ol having doe ye..i.-Huw long have you been there? A.--Two . _ ' ' - . . . ... E ' tel'eh'dAci; f,i're,"/nttoarl"'bit of 'l":,?,",,',',',) 1 "iron you '9': mum" in the an" e,', "-v- ' Q.-You said on the former oettattirut that You M Wee _ you pan. on o any versed. t a 0 r L " were certain that the letter was in extuttmcut A. i 8600 of {M'nmmu "sue. A.-dwts pay 8500 billa x. C . , --t have thought the matter over Since, and I ' out 1.'...T,' 'l,1Y.: 1 , F at. ' - . III now tustUtied it has been destroyed. 1 can I trr W way of Ie,! lenient. A.-1 "$1 P, 111 tell you what it had m it. l . .r-r.lrt you recodoct payitt'T large bills to any '. , W-What won the nature of the letter? A.-- I ie,d/v,rdyl.' A'MI remember changing some k i . _ It Wu dated from Unbourg. and he commenced l his: ly 1't2y,'a,y. , ' t ' tt L by asking me about my i-culth, that his health i 2.-'I'o Whom . A.--r don't know the man ' rl" . 1 wu- ull right. He use he had left Toronto, and i name. . . . 'a 1 1 Mr, he rttaumed for good. 1 2---Havts you recon-0d may inforrty.ttiort as to , - . ik 'd."-' Did he tuake any reference to his having why the man is? A.--r don t know him, v T:" " , failed in his eiforts? A.-ile did not. 14.tHyye you .nny reason to know his name? , C' . i . ' I ll-What did You understand by his state. A.c-1 bolinve he " ntt/tyti.h'tiyvyon. ' " IW' Fd mom. that he had left Toronto? 8cr?v'tit"yg',et,'ge/t," "T? :)siidlh"t slueldtr, k, 1 . , . . . . o'"'" . l'llanill'O . .""""" IrttWott itho'e tna . . 1 pd." Menu in: objected to the question being i the,fe, 2:11.,l and ctf,"1 a," to chum, them V J; 1 p, .-Whnt did cu understand or veaun rein. F. urn i he then re 47 - mi this: he had left 'iiommo? A.---; ba'htggt i i tne another 81,000 bill "d 'da "'° to 'lift," I _ ' '!l ' "end onything by it. that, mull did, . / " I h Q.-Did you If form any opinion as to What ver-Did he take tivehtsadrxra for thatt A. - . a'itt e meant! A.-- di , . L'd. 11 'lill in of. do t think the letter of any Q.--That wy on Saturdly lust? A.-~Yel. _ - gin-Did you have my belief at the time as to 2---What issues' do you call the 81.1090 bill. t, to what the letter meant.' A.--No. you received from btunson? A.-Dotninioa ot "., . f ll --Did you reply to the letter? A.--No. Canada yyel.unde.r. ttohm. . , ., . '. , I" h ta"2t there uothinq l it to indicate l,"le, mil-"WW" t"ttt' 1iid he ttot m exchange. A.--- .- .3? nun failed to carry out is plans? A.--! o. ' te some issue. . i 1 r There w" nothing having reference to political Ir-What, become of tlt? $1,000 bills? A.-" _ ' " 1: mutton! at all. presume we paid them out in the ordinary way. ' Q.»~-WM that the only letter you received 2--ot tsettlement'. A.--Yex . ' . T trout hunt A.--Yen. . 2--Do you know whether they are new in the T) Il,-- Have you any knowledge directly or i batik? A.--They um not. , . 1 if indarectl of any a rplication havinsr been made I Q-"Did ron notice the numbers? Ac-No. j , " go our hither to hold any letter? A.-No. It-lid you obuerve in any wry the numbers R - d.1lfd aidn't happen to your kn'M'ludge, and of the bills you gave him.' A.--No. . T e ' _ t .' r if it had happened you would have known it? (Jr-Who pt'odumsd tl" mossy? Aa--8titrt. . l Mb A.--Yoa. ' son. . . , a, , 2---No application or attempt was made to l ll-Did he have my other money with him? t , k, ll you to get you to hold any document? A.--No. A.~Yoa l quite a roll of bills . . , v t 2---Whr didn't you sign your letter to Wd. Cl.--Can you tell of what denominations they , i . F, kiusont A.--A number of persons have naked Were? A.-No; I think the outside one Will a the this. I cnnnot nay why or give any reason $1,900 note. q "up: that I wrote". in a great hurry. I had no 2--And he had quite . roll? Air-YO. . . . intention not to sign it. . . . . handful. . _ 2-Tltett your explanation .ttr that it we: writ- l Q.-Did you obscure if the notes he produced , k: 1 ton in . gmt hurry and you intended to sign it , Were consecutive to a running series , A.-NU 3 I r,,' A.--Yar. I neVer looked at the numbers at nil. i F;, ml: "with " Lieu. ', 2---Were the bill. new? A.--Mss , they 3 I Mr. FRASER said the Mail lined charged him "ere in Very good condition; most 1tstpa1 tenders v', . .hnvin ktt t or suppresser some document are. . 'muogd in the Committee-room by Inspector Q-'Vere they freshly laauttat A-a don't TS". This was the " round robin. , He could i think they were. 7 _ I

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