The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Mar 1884, p. 1

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pas = Emm en _ n augiccmees."2! voted IRMDRL 14. o 19g 7 . ' Nr. Ml&ld':[)llli--Tnen" you were wrong 1 r Mr. FRASER--That was a more drastic mea-- | when you said we were ex}t:..!di to more ? _ 4 ONTARIO LvGISLATURE sure than this. 4 l | 4 ¥r." MOWAT--L never said we were entitled Mr. MEREDITH proceeded to review the | to lnord. .. $ § M clm{.:es ;e}erX'zxxg to theptrinl of the petitions, re-- Mr. ;\IZ',R}QUTT![----\ on argued it. _ l i o marking that the question of & trial be--| _ Mr. MOW AT--Aud so would argue it again. | FIFTH PPFLIAM ION tween two judges, as | st prcsejnt, n shnlu.kl ]1§ Leing six o'cleck, the Spzaker leit the ; w«* e --reconsidored, _ and it seomet o -- him | chair, [+ R ENT------FIRST SESSION. bout "'too -- resulte -- had -- demonstrated. that AFPTER RECESS. |~ mm ww wovn memmmemnmmmice se a trial before one judge | was sufficient. Tha order for the third reading of Mr. Mowat's | r a ' He thought some remedy should be provided for | fyil{ respecting the property of warried women |_ E+.\ Trursoay, March 20, 8 the present: eapensive nature of clestion Costs, -- was discharged and the bill referred back to the i | _ The Speaker took the chair at three o'clock. and stated that as the law was at present ib Im-- C mmittee of the Whole, where certain unimmpor-- | THE LATE MBR. LAUDEK posed grievous hardships upon 1""','"';& pers()!'l?.. tant amendments wore made, Mr. MOWAT lnge % ecronkl He thought the Atturuey-uem-ml'xmou consider INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS. t P pant Pae A'T moves that the full ses§1008!! gomg remedial means, but whether by limiting e * | allowaunce be paid the widow of the late A. W the solhcitor's fees or by the reduction aof tosts he The Houso went into Comuittee on Mr. Ross' | Laudor, momber for East Grey, Carried. could not say. Me reviewed the provision ap-- biil to amend and <7u'n'~loii(lmte the Acts respecting | IMPOUNDI®* THE MONEY. pointing statutory returning officors, and called indusirial rchools. 'The definition of the Indus-- | Moved '"by Mr. Fr wr, seconded. by Mr, upon the Govornment to be cqu.-istqnt. with tlvl:L;l .\cx,w:l as given in the biil is a schm:i in | Pardes, "That Mr. pp«ker be and. is hereby themselves and make the returning--officers for which indusurid }"?""Hfl 18 provided, and in | authorized and direcu.«. . to impound, keep, and Muskoka and Algoms the same as those in the 'Vl!'h:h.cllll'lreu Nto lodged, clothed, and fed as retain on bohali of this lfouse,to be deait with as Other parts of the Province, t was true that -- weli as taught. The bill was reported with slight this Mouse may hersafter decide, all of the the Dominion Blection Act did not provids & amendments. ' imoneys, bank brlls, and notes which are men-- statutory !"S'LUY"Iflt{'ufl\&"\l'. }mh it was another LICENSE DUTIES. 1 tioned lllfi:llld weore inclq.icd with t'_lu K.A'N.&:i' of the question wili '."';'5.'".1 to :'h" l"."?'l'l'c"d' ;\Ct;'°, 1 l'it'.\' The House went into Comuittee, with Mr. | member for the west riding of Wellington, and must remember, that the, *1":'"." ";,"' AC 2P° Baxter in the chair, on Mr. Hardy's bul re-- | the letter of the member for the south riding of pointees of tiie l'{""_""_ and held 'f:'c" t "';'e" at $98° specting license dutics. The bill was reported | Essex, directed to Mr, Speaker and -- pro-- disposal of the Covernment, and now \ ien t19¢0 ) wich an amendment to the recital. | duced by him _ to and _ before _ this Wa® 4 political difficrence between the two Gov-- o m ids y o APiEs t Hous--e en the lith day of March in-- ernments they could not expect the l)a';xmhiqu A GAS A~\,D W -'}""I;- | stant, with power however to the Spearker Government to make the vilisers of the Quatario T"B,H',""S"' went ln'Ln Committee on Mr. | to permit the said moneys, bank biUs, and let. Government returniogsoflicers for Dormumon H""'?Y';* ""'f"" amend the Acts respecting the 3 ters, or any or either of thom, to be produced to elections. _ Me contended that Sheritf Ciarke had suppiying Of C&S and water, 1 and before any cours or tribunal in tho course of been removed from being. returning--ofiicer for Mr, MARDY explained that he nad met the or for the purposes of any proceeding or mvestiga-- Aigoma, expressed his bitter hostility to the Mayor of the city of Toronto, and after talking tion therein or thereby." Carried. clause giving a returning--officer the right to over the question he counciuded to strike ous the THIRD READINGS rejoct votes when be kuew them to be bad, and ciauses fixing the charges tor o ater and Sas and rik . 6t e s \ contonded thut' practically the provision »nlaced the mode of measurement, The city of Torouto ,, The following bills were road a third time :--| an elsction at the hands of the Government. charged Dominion Government property the same | To empower the municipalities ofi the villages of| _ \f;, WHUTE argued the clause w hich provides | for water and gas. The Provines did not object | Brockton and Parkdale to make certain assess-- | that lndians who receive part of the annuty |to paying the same for gas and water as any other | ments, --Mr, Gray, shall not be eatitled to voto as Indians. water or gas user, but they would not be dis -- ' SHERIPFS FEES. | _ NMr., MORIUS spoke at length on tho clause criminated against. . ; Mr. MOWAT explained that owing to amend-- | providing that when the j'l'l"","s differ the mem-- Mss CL:\}"\h said he kn'ew the city of Toron-- | ments made to the law the saiaries ofi the sheritls b"'fl hln".l": f"."."".""""" duly elected. 54t ho t \V!Hlng o e o l arne andioue 4 throughout the country had. been greatly des! Alr. Aw ATERS challenged the position of Mr. to an a.ruucable' a-.l'l'allgement. Wl-"h relerence to the | j creased during the past fow years, | Ho moved Meredith witn respect to the appointment of the suppi¥yMd of Sraver to the public institutions and | that the following be the schedule of fees of the | revurning--ofthcer for North Middiesex, anud asserted | * AFdainoftt Buiidings. _ | sheriffs :--Attending the General Sessions, q7 that the gontleman nad done his duty in a conser-- The b'"_"f"f"»'?"l:ted with amendments. diem, §5 ; advertising bolding of. General ies | entiouns ;'m-l'pn:[?ex' manner, s . nIViLRS AND STREAMS BILL @3 sions, 34 ; drawing calend=r of prisoners for ur al _ , Mr, PHBELPS hoped that some relief would be The .""'.""' went into Committee on Mr. Par-- at General Sessions, including copics, $4 ; ar-- a'r,"'."i"d from vexatious petitions.q dee's bill for protecting the public interest in rest of each inuividual upon a wurraut, $3 ; The bill was read a second time. rivers, streans, aud creeks. -- The bill was carried | serving subpc@na upon eachu person, 81 ; keeping _ TORONTO UNIVERSITY,. | in Comimittee, though the Opposition . cried | a record of constables at ass:zes or sessions, each, Ar. ROSS (Muidiesex) moved the second read-- | '*lost " whon the question for the adoption of | ¥2 ; notices to Clerk of the Peace and justices, WMK of the Biil to anend the Act respecting Tor-- \'3"9" section was put to the Committee. Mr. each, 50¢ ; attonding to drafté jury panels, $4 ; onto University. In addition to the expianation | Meredith moved an amendment to the preamble ; traveliing to serve sams permilic, 18¢; writing -- E1¥@ND on the first reading, he stated that it was l to the effect that the Court had not held the con-- | names of jurors on cards, 82. proposed to give the Umversity power to conter | structon put upon the law to be true, and that | The resolution was adopted. the honourary degree of LL D. an appeai was pending in the Courts, but the | PREVENTIOX OF CORRUPT PRACPICES ;. N« MELEDITH regrestod. that no intima-- amendimont was lost, and the bill reported to the n HTBRODPIOANS tion hsd been given that public school teachers Houge: > J,\l ELECYVIONS, should have a representative in the University. * YBas SECOND READINGS, % _Mr. MOWAT xxm'.";;l the second reading of He would ask the Minister of Educuaton if he Mr. k()'SS' (Huron) bill to amend the Aot his pill tor the ameniment of the election law, was hostile to the princtple. réspecting Publc, Separate, and High Schools, and lx-.:~ the better pr 'vention luL' lc»)rnlu;.. and il-- .\l;]. ROSS ()-l:d«f!;.-.~.zx) said ho could not be was read a second time. legal practicos at elections to the Legislative As-- hostile to anything that would tend to raise the 3 seimbly. -- He explained that the object of his till | standard or position of public schooi teachers, but | _ p, JJ I}I'.\ll(gRAEI:ION._ g was to make certain provisions, which experience e hat found such dificulties in working out the | ;}) ";" (i:"'?t,.vf'uthmtl? Coinniltser gf Supply, had shown were necessary, in order that the astcer that he had abandoned the idea. IWI\l 6 1':' ))'a_.\ lf mAno cAni's ar elections might be carried on as far as possible 'PURB BOUXDARY rmamErxa | Mr. ROSS (Huron) moved that $31,950 be set - + taper P 1 C ME BOUNDARY QUESTION, apart for the purposes of immigrat without corruptioa, -- The bill m«de the persona: \Mr. MOWAT moved the second reading of t! ,\ .6 es o upevigatpag (19n o1 i¥oters Hudniglt thave ded tor ube ADSERL : i; recueciing moved the secontd, 1f ading of the Mr. HAI.\.I Y explained that there was & de= {rom tive counthy iAicurFibt wew & Bili respectiny the territory in dispute between | cerease of $8,000 us compared with last year. »n the country a corrupt practice. . Any candi-- ths Proviuce and Maunitoba, He stated that the | _ Mr. MEREDITH thought tni ditu date who, before or during the election, makes @ | [y;{| was in exact accordance with the te ti ould "De "Autb ypr usc prmy Te LOFAPAgONS P biices i erare of anltorest inF orah M as cact ace n th the erms of the | should be cut down to almost a nominal sum. Fsat: > agreement. _ He nad much pleasure in stating Me did not think a port t offic . e any manuer becoimnes a party to any bet or | })»,; aveudP rwmt uy Pnd ) MmH 1 permanent officer was re waror un tlin sesul f iA is iuk a A thas yesterday a d h.ul_ been received q\:ll'ed at Hamilton at a salary of $700. + agor upon the result of an slection in the elec= from the Dominion (Government intimating theip Mr. CRHRELIG HTON said last 1 toral district, orin any part thergof, or 0n ADY | readiness to negotiate, at all evenits--and perhaps snomalvan ' nt! 8P C sil ast year there was contingency relating to the election, should be | ( o mt PSBSL [ ':'-A & mt 1 ;',,,, 1aps: : an imncreasoe n't $1,800 over the estm\pte. in the ie ritmapkt Ti l Yart C e ie might use a« stronger word--with reference to | agencies in Europe. Mr. W. H. Hig: had guilty of a corrupt practice, lt shall not be paving the wuole subject submitied to the Prixs' | ho f pe _ H. Higgins ha jawtuli for any eaudidate or nerson to provide c '( hm Sabtits ho ldese ou to vhe ."f\.» been sent over after the estimates hbad been money to be used in betting on the uwullt of ai oo oc onl che serded Aiisl \'"N re : were, howeéver, | passed Inst veat election to the Loegislative .\*aclu'l.'l\'. or to mx'.'k-: (Lh-'tl':l:-xw-u:g h":.::'n.t';'lv\::ll'-l.(:::m\i-""\:I-dv dl:;.\'(flv"; n;'g": Mr. HARDY'ned that the citizens of A : boksloe, (Waker bide sithe eqiafpese cofilan. \-"l-'. lff',' * L wl might causs olay, if there ]{mn}ltuu had pvtltwned for an agency U k i _ w vas any desire for or intention to dolay,. But he { in that city. Th ext t fluencing _ an _ election,. Voting by pro® Gid nos ampute any such Gutention, and he 1|R 11y e extra money spent in fnorigd . (persons» And»s publisning : of _ falss 'x .n'," potdt hB i4 ;"...'...' ".'x.L:.' (.|I: '.-'m_ l..,' lj,un pe: was well spent. Mr. Higgins had tra--s statements _ of withdrawal shall be alieg«l. "'\ a \' + |.',l,fl-l,' .{lf.'i" ion was submilted the \'(\"'('\d in imany parts otf lreland, _dom;:'good 4 T ho bill propests Abat osidence should | be te-- 1. M EDirh T aoutsrs tRrHH4® | \{;"'l(.' ]llo vl.v:xs as well versed in his business, qu red as a condition of yoting. | This would not Mr. MOWAT --No3; the ])'ulllln}idu ~Govern-- ' :,\ml: T ltl:u irfi m;d. :\sl p';h"w a:nyllt')t'lcr'mau oo be in favou» of one party more than another, as a etiy 6 j j id be foung in the Province. That gentleman a ha uce s ) 48 -- ment positively reiunse to include that. seut out some good immigrants to this Prov at present the state of the law pertaitted shoa's of Mir. MORRIS d iBiAuti . A% ich--thx d is Frovince, people to be brought in. For Muskoka and Parry (ups E f e i o aania t crimer t.h. He (Mr. Mardy) had been told by Mr, Lowe, ot Sound, in the organized parts where thero were ll;;f::'pec of the speedy settlement of the dis-- t\'h'ctti)c::_::'rii]:lf(llz:\:)tl;e(])svta(\;)u'lri"lmtimtm? Ux:itcd P ASSESSIIC is anfama'a Siithce s on * uo reias _ Li9f & »tates receivod s 3, O0U sh migrants of ;'uetls. l::u,';"mr\':ln::rg':::ilz;du:fl:ts I'lfizr.c \:'l'l't.::e":\::;n)u' A .\Ir MEREOITH coincided with this, but the poorer class, Mr. Hizgms had gaent. out in Alguins There waFo o vuters"liSte d & {.L.L *ht it unsatisfactory if by any means it should classes suitablo to the Province, such as tenart ropesctite ut Algiind Siusie m; & :;u it was )edvmdulv that the P;uvmcu had territorial rights farmers with means, agricultural labourers, and Muskokasitd 1,..": uandmnnd h'u\'?:'v(:(»m-:lfl- as 't'lnd("mt' the ownership of the laxd. He twitted -- domestic sorvants. made out in organized parts, -- The C :::':'_':) ":':'* b(')"fl;g:l:-'il"'!t\;l'cutt,"f«,:" mull:,m;,t tléw hrst'lq\'m-mnn !uf '.\u' :\1()111{15' asked what s;n-t of immigrants vides that a voter shall vote at the poHing place validity ot the A \um 1 rivy Councit as to Viio "O\m wanted to come to this Province. nesrest his residence on the property giving the Jir. OW \'1" \)ir;l § e i OS "[r. MHARDY replied that tenant farmeors, quantication, -- 'The bill also provides that if there l'usiti.\';'\' 'mi »:M-x 1 tlo i "m'l»lf"m"l ")"mmlne'!t | figl.lcultuml labourers, and d,ome.suo servanta is no voters' list the returning--officer shall not | the question of 'li A :'7."' $ 40 ll': ols lm l"m?'\ were invited to come to this Province, and the receive or enter the vote if to his knowledge the the f,"'l'"i"" ShaAt "':l \""'h t,» It' r:) land, _ Me heis Dominion Government invited all classes to come man is not entitled to vote. WThis had from eax-- the Prov fige b; l-'.w s dibe ,"0 doubt t""',ti to this c:)un'tx-'v.' : 3 C e oo -- n ex e Province bad tho right to the land if they$ Mr. YOUNG thought the Prov hou! ; perience beon found to bo an essential provision, had territoriat rights, and this w t } ght the Province shou!d not sud. 1t ) hod | furmeriy.lteen wecognized in hm he Lhuu-vh; nt ;h\' 'i).\m. t: is was the reason, | cut down the estimates in this Department, as _| country that the returning--odicer was entitled to --refused P 'i'ins'w- -il '(fmm'"" (m\ermne_nt. had | immigrants were required in this Province. Of reject a vote if he know it to bo bad, and act the M-\;li!olm'-\c:bf ho 'f"""S" on lthe pft?§aa;';'c _uf course a suitable class were wanted, such as agri-- judictally. -- Mo concluded by explaining the gen« the Province of M "';"iuu maxe: tl? territory in | cultural labourers and tonant farmers, Tnere eral provision regarding the prevention and came to O n EHEIO they 0)':1~<.1:unal3., that -XI it ; | was no ncg-l "'f )ll'\"ltlufl mechanics and clerks, | f l k l k n e to Ontario they would have the title to Mr. MEREDITH thought there w eed | punishment cf corrupt practices at elections, the land. Medid not think for t th hi F omgnt XRARE Mss no need | Mr. MEREDITH said it was a very remark-- position could be succe ".'rlvklm hnons yhip B oo s ef sending Apjohts ie Oul Ceuntry, to idistri-- f able thing that the Govermment had not seen fit witting L'ne \'~xl';li'\%~('t'h'{ll~l Y Om.)f"'wd' Aiva sp.): bute pamphiets. Persons should be sent to lec. | to copy more from the bill introduced at Ottaw rebia yAz i naxe 0 ho Award as the firss | ture the peopie, & | 6 N oo e y a q n, he conld say that the Award was about Mr. ROSS (H ) said it w ) for more stringent penalties for violations of the | wi they could justly claim. They couid Mr. ROSS (Huron) said it was only proposed | election law." He wasuin favout of several | any portion of Mamtoba i ol :'1% couid not take | this year to sive assistance to domestic servaints. cliauses of the bil., notably those making the | vince by an [invenial '\" '."" u"(ldl"l' AHAL IP'ro-- / Mr. Higgine had paid special attention to dis-- person who aided in procuring personation guilty old bouhdary of .\I'\.!\i"ub. s (;.'ti"n: .\cui\\ ean the | conrage, pauper linmigration and -- immigrants | with the personstur. . He took credit to hrmself dary was not of s roan \'!;;'tlx'l'x i s'e .|_\;rl.-.'r( ed boun-- | unable to muke a living in this country, A 1 lor having cast his first vote in the House in a question whether the ";,_l_"'" "'" ;t migrht be | small expenditure in weeding out the undesir-- | favour of a bill, introducad by the then member -- land west of Manitobs., y" Lt.;' tb ",}" ad to any | able class was well expended. (Hear, hear.) ; for South Leeds and Grenville, making betting a -- ple of (illtal'i:) .wv'm ~f'fltibt;ld ":'g,\l\ mllo. the peo-- © Mr._ YOUNG, in answer to hon. meinbers | corrupt practice, and "hf' Government to a man --and for his nart lA M AS. h N e Ned % opposite, «aid Mr. HMay had add.'?%se.d. meetings z

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