, my others " first, and another on the stairs outside my room. ' ' Q.-When did he mention about tho "tum.' 2-rHow many intervmwe took irhum m Wit. . A.--It was at the second or third interview that kinson's room? A~Thr00- . . . he mentioned the otlters. Q.--Thon Y! the majority of the 'Ptrv!ue you ' Q. -Wito was spoken of as working with him , went to Wilkinson s room . A.~Yee, at his u. "d A.--He said there Were other parties working to quest. . J , , secure the deieut of the Government and he Qc-Who conveyed thin. request! A.--htn . I, Wanted to know my price. i M cKim and Mr. Lyon. it Q. -Wiso did he mention? A.--1 will not u (In-Mr. Harcourt he"? udttd you " I" Mr. - IWeor positively that he mentioned Wilkinson's , Wiikinson? A.--No. g name. lie mid that Mr. Bunting Ind Mr. 2-Who asked you to use Bunting? A.- - \Vilkinson had on interview that midnight in l Wijkitumn. _ ream) to the ch mite oi toe Government roiioy. , Al.-Wiet was tho object of this t A.-Wil. fl.-What was the price you risked h in? A. i lumen sand Bunting was inter-outed in the mat- --t told him heind not money enough in To. tor. ' route to buy mo. lie seemed nomevhat su-i- I (?.--Braa it not merely for you to report to ' . vicious of we aitor tine. 1 never lied an inler- .' Bunting that you would support the Aspoai. __ ' View with Mr. Kirkland outside the Walker tionand that Mr. Harcourt could depend upon " House. I never went to Mr. Kirkland'e room at ) you? A.--l think not. but thin may have been J the Ross-in. I think I havo given you tho sub. T mentioned in the contract ? - i Itnnco of nil the iiitervirmi with K rklaad. I 12.--To whom in the Ministry did you speak ' L) x had an interview with \Viikinson on Friday, the flrd of the conversations With Wilkinson! Ac.-. Et, ', 13th or 14tit, at his room. m showed me a paper To Mr. Purdue. _ he had drawn up, which he risked me to Olga. It Q.--More than one can versation between on was to the effect that We, the undersigned be. I and Mr. Wilkinson and Mr, Lyon had tact: iievod it would be for tho advantage of the bit'.' l taken place? A.-Yee. - Vince to have a Coalition Government, and that i Q.--When you wont to Mr. Pat-doe ttad you in order to bring about this end we promised to found that Mr. MA"im, or Mr. Lyon, or my vote against the Government until the and of other members who had been ttlkitttt mm F,' the semen. He told me that Dr. Dukes. Emir Wilkinson, were getting afraid of being found F't trar of Regina, waiidoini: his work utytytitsisuot"rdy out I' A.--1 had not found out thts ' but i and that it I would applv for the position he Would I had told them " first that " soon on 1 had be able to secure " for me. I told him t would may money placed in my hands I should go to the . T not "Rib. Speaker with it 2---Did you see him afterwards? A.-'ilhe Q.--And what of Mr. Lyon? A.--Mr. Lyon some 'gr/pt close to my room in the hotel. m agreed with Mr. Kirkland s timber policy. . sexed me if Would see Bunting it be arranged a Q.-Did any member ot the Government weak . _ meeting. I consented. and he laid he would w you before Mr Mekimt A --Mr McKim - . arrange an interview for ten o'clook next "with only nine in. me after '1 had woken , ing in the Mail building. 1 consented, but to this members of the Governimsnt. I when next morning come I was busy and not He told me that Kirkland ' was tr . ' anxious to go, and on did not keep my appoint. . in! to at "me of the (internment art to , merit. On Sunday Mr. Wilkinson came into my in portkhis timber lie and said that}: yiioon f . room while I was lying in bed and u'he had po n l 3 F "ASKED til HOW 1 Plan. ANY moss? PLACED IN ms mums r _ ' m said he was prepared to close the tguttee up he would (yet it in tho hands of the Speaker. , tr. then nod there it I would Sign, but I refund to Q--Di any member week to you about this & tsign. matter before you met Wilkinson? A.---No. 'r ' Q.--When did you see Wilkinson new A.--. it -Do you know a man nus-nod Lynch? Was ' N On the Monday Mr. Lyon told me that Mr. "W name mentioned to you by My meat. , Wilkinson wished to speak to me. This was My ot the Government l A,-trmih was ; . about half -past two in the afternoon. I wont to pointed out to me by Mr. MORSE " one of the Mr. Wilkinson's room, and he acid that what u men whom they had hey to help in working out r, wanted me to do was to uni-t in the omthrov their scheme. I mentioned his name to Mr. _ of the Government, that the matter of the Gov-a Fraser. _ It. ernment's deiont was ensured, and be we. pro- _ N.-m we: not Mr. Fraser who mentioned rr pared to carry out the arrangement Mr. Kirkland I his name to 'ou . bc-Att. . had node with me. He said they had um Q-rWhon Mr. Melina pointed out Lynch to ' Kirkland into this mntter for " own nuke. you it. was after he, knew you were not win: to v although he had no money l he ttttd-ood Kirk- HP." into the coniplmcy t A.--I think we were land had made various premium, but could not sitting on a sofa " the Walker House talking , carry them out beraau" he had no money. Ho of the matter when he pointr ' out Lynch to , laid he understmd that Mr. Kirkland but one!" tmt. . , ed to give me 81,200, and he would now my on Q--When Mr, Mekim came to ask you to 8600 down it I would sign the document and '000 no Wilkinson did he say what the reason was? t after the Government" was defeated. I naked Afr-I told him that '1 knew what business Wil- , t' him if this was tho original agreement. boson Was engaged t. . and after some argument he increased the Juan Q-Hod Mr. Mohair gone to any ttsomber, of " othrred to 8800 down em) 3200 u seen u the the Government before this? A.--His has told you . . Government w" defeated. He said tur wotsld himself that he won as harm as he had received .. bevelled no reserve money at all if it had not been Ionic money, which was sou time tefor. I had ' for Kirkland; the money was not given to buy i been unmatched at all. , p w' . mo ' they were not in the habit of buying mom- Mr. unison said this was certainly the cue . hers , the money was ' Q.-Hod you been approached, or had you _ human A GUARANTII arranged with anybody time an offer should be that I should get tlte "ch they had promised ttt.byitted to you , A.--hir, Lyon told me that A me. He then took out my" 8100 bills on the Kirkland was prepared to pay for the work he British North Americu Bank. and can thereto l wiUted to be done, . f me. I then left the room, Mr. Wilkinson mb. Ir-ale. yr,.") seemed Pt?et"'t' l. A.--Yo i he hing his hands as if with nice at what he had wanted Mr. irkland " ymberpolier "d0Et'ld' . done. I went down to tho Home, and told the 2--Ihd Mr. Mukun any Mr. Wtlkun. Hon. Mr. Mowut what I had done. tron W". ptmrared to make you an oifer 3 Mr. Ueninon-Was "WWW"? aid nbout It A.~lie mtmmted such. to me. ' turning the guarantee {and when you had the 2 "AM kttoyinz.tys you epnxntyl to Mettttt ' cffiee? A.-Nothing was said on that eubject. Sir] Wslkintsot, 2' Diu y utt 'ttl to Mr. W ilkimuuAs __ cross-examined b in. MeMiohast. room for the purpose of harm: tho offer made . Q.--Mr. Kirkland is a stranger here! A.-. 'ou'.' A.--" went there understanding that "I , You. char mail: be made. be ll l .-me wished to J on in . 1 itimato we .- i nnv 0 too mom rs of the Govern. " for-2your services in J.l7,d,',1' him 1'f clan a M, mom know that the offer would be made you? ' F timber policy? A.--Ha could not pa 2'lfU'J'. Ara IU ', they "all Int, P Co "yd. lot ttg one how mutoly for doing anything oi the king for they would go in trying to bribe us. i Q. wile did not earn what Government invour- Q.--Then thero wax u settled plan between you i C ed his policy? A.--d believe not. tttid the members of the Government to let these Q.-~Did Mr. Kirkland give you any uticle to parties come to you and bribe you '. A.-1 had print for tum 1tou0erauttq the "iutberr.ruiGii' A. Cotttlttu',ucattott with all the members of the Gov. ~No. eminent and they agreed that we should let the , Cross-examined by Mr. Murphy. I matter go on end see how hr they would K0 I .' Q.---You spoke of tsttrievu1tisk in the North. yh' THEIR ACrhuli'i' to mum; IM, Lt f f West. Do you know that there no no such _ 9--1' ou were told to lut them bribt you? A. i, vaeatot tsltriemltimst A,--i only know what Mr. ... "No ; I was not ' told to let them bribe me, be- " Wilkinaon told me, and also that Mr. Chuplcau i coupe I did not intend to allow them to bribe L: P. was recently appointed to a shriovaity in the l we. . . .. ' .. North.Wcst. Mr. Wiliciwson said he wa- anxiotu l ft.-Are Vutt ttwarg that it ttg Att offtsnee Ntt'.inst v rr to become a North-West sheriff. , too low fora number of Parliament to receive a W-When he spoke of the Dominion Govern. 1 hill» 2' A.rl [Mei-11in) it member of Parliament , ment advertising in your paper, did he " tu, 3 who uccaptid ii bribe would be amenable to the _ ' _ could Meure you such advertising or ('d',l'l'i'2',' law. , "7 . , bis influence in doing so? A.--He wok. as 2r-pidyinrfttderstatut thntvou Were to convey though he had the means ot securing met. " to Mr. fiarcouh the idea that you would support > vertieing tor me and he certainly conveyed ouch him if he wen. over from the Govurnnusnt to the ' _ an impression to me. I Opposition. A--l uheltored myself behind this , f Il-n it not a usual thine tor a Government I - tlintif Mr. Harcourt want over to the. opposi. TMV' to gm: advertising to such papers as support it. Mon I would do so also; I had known Mr. ' . policy! A.-1 have never been in aposition to Harcourt for yours, and knew he would not ' get any and) advertising. but I believe it in as _ chime» sides, ' you any. I have had luvurtisin' only when leoui t Q.--Did you pledge your word of honour that , matter-i have boon concerned; i you would not mention Mr. Harcouri'u name to , Q.-Did any oi your interwar" with Wilkinson i any one I that his name should not be ' f take place outside of \Vilkinsm'e room! A.-. brought into the affair at all? A.- e tN on. took place in my room, a. I my. merttiooed, Mr. ilkinuon wanted me to do so l I did not il bromine. but I mar have given him the impression P,