The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Mar 1884, p. 23

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". ", -. .. . . .. J" _ . "r". grower?" If" 7e'WRF _ . .4233": . t , I, _ 1;. "'7 in. - ., _ - . l _ _ _ . _ " ' . F / t A. line t A.-ma. . say a1rthinst.about. it. I thought it who rather it ' i . - "a "-ah, on know " thing about it gentlemen seandalous piece or business, and said so very ' y , t " by the mine of Lynch? Has he ever been 2ht often to him. He culled on me several times. a . - . o . _ siitedtetsttt A, Yes.; " was introdutte FEARS or PENrrENTiARY. me by Wilkinson. 12.-u5Shen t A.--t think on the 14th. . Q.--What took place on the subsequent coco. . T 2:cchrtysro' A.--At the Walker Home. In sinus? A.---About a repetition of what took Mr. Wilkinson'. room. . . place at the other interviews. He told me on q.--mow come you there? .A..--Mr. Wilkin. Saturday last Hint some of the members llll'l eon got me to so down and see him; , told the Govcrntnunt of the transactions, and lie 1l.-Arer you sure it Was _Wi|kinsons room! wits afraid the tivst thing we knew they would A,r--2t.ry the some room in which I had ti.ra.t all not into the penitentiary. I told him he had met Wilkinson; and I presume it was occupied I butter he Cill'ellll. 1 think I told Mr. Wilkinson by him. ' . . . I the some thing. . U.-id Wilkinson remain With you'. A.-- F tt.---Wivs there anythine more said on that oc- 'a', NO: he showed me into the room, introdutnd me I cnaion'.' A.--ILs said he was very anxious. He to Lrneh,and left us together. wanted to buy up some timber lands, and he J ft.u-wtt" took plow? A.--Lynttlt "ku-r. thought if there was a chhnge in the Govern. Mr. Murphy .UUIGOM to the OOBVOMM I ineiitlie could gettiiese limits. [ _ being Menu-evidence. . I 2--Was anything iill'ered to you at all by 'lb, Doinuou said it was his duty to get .11 the l Kiiltlaiid? A.--1%y,. i stud that Kirkland said on ence . B Could: anlit the'lcgal gentlemen : it I would support a coalition Government the - present did not succeed in drawing' out all tint l protest against me would be dropped, and if I "ttl thlIgmtldt'dh; \Vould'hux toTIIry himself. I would resign my seat they would give me 82,000 i .- no i on soy. - erewusolne- or mono. 1 thing said. ' I if. - . . ' . a I 2-What was the substance of itt Ae-That Al.)': Rho" were not asked to sign anything . tho man Lynch wanted to see me. 'l.---) no money produced? A.-mo money It.-jow long Were you in the room with producvd. Lynch? A.--About twenty minutes. I Q. --Only he said they would give you two or Wrr.ell us what Lynch said? S-rm tied I three thousand dollars. llow was that broualit me ii 1 had been speaking to Wilkmm He I in? A.-lu his conversation he referred to Wil. wt,ftl,t go "gilltdo l:llsln05§.h h i known and Hunting, and I understood he meant i r. ention- on t see t at t in countes- they were to give no: the money. tion should be taken against \VilkinsmI.' I have 3 It.---) vou ever say anything about a round no objection to any foot brought out, ut an to ' I robm? A.5--I mu Wilkinson had a round robin Li their Elie-re conversation and the gossip between tor me to sign. ' tiiv,rt/,.: mind not be taken as evidence against , , Tuis ciosud Dr. Duwliog's examination. In (Hindi. ll. ,e \yhut did "a do? A.--He drew a iargu I Irit. BOWLING s C'lttmtrexAhHNATI0.N. eiivoloiii out oi his picket. ll 1 , , . . . . r. J. Mach1astur, Q.C., ILP., of Montreal, l lr-i-l/Y, )_U"I$'3'ikthl° ey?,,'?:,','!, 3'? en 'i"it"ii', I then proceeded to cn,,u,-exaniiv.e the witness. He tiii , l?, "0* t tttt ' t 1ere was tuty "ttir m t te i "you! ..--What were you unlimited for? A.--Be. . Culo '. I tr' ' V I 1t.--lg.vnclt made " statement to you. Did you I 35:; I treated the enormous number ot three infant: any reply to him upon that statement: A. I 12.---Did not two judges find that you "min i J./hv, t l , ,. l t l l t tl I guilty ol corrupt practises? A.-Yes. I mt.: tIT, ' l"li', It.' t I', gems f: a" P,', y ti) l' I il. ~-llow Wou it that this whole affair in Your I "flu" ft)"; a you a ma e.' 2 '- Wttn ou mind was a 'try stcoiidiiry matter? A.--Yes; ' ' " u {I fl'.l'li"; ou M i.. wl d f what tlurce was 1 lookel.uvott it as it wry secondary mutter. . I l i, an. .et..r, .'Y 'i'."fll "bluish -d . w. l). --V, hen did you hrst hear of money being I I .'L', tr" " uuopo . t -" ' m M) $buve op, ati l offtsreit to members ? A., " heard it at the first I K . , ' J." t . N .. . oi the scmiiii, but I had no positive knowledge ' ', 4111:1113": so" '/i'11e"r1.t "l., ttlr:.:."" was "W l of it until last Thursday week. . I I I " (Ii l) I. 1'r' "ll J" l', LIV i, "I LF.' l -No , It--" on: the first often. was made to you did l l, (V; I'll-Y0." ','le'f.,,r'u'e,,',,"; "fhirncsed iiiiicot' 'A . i you fool insulted"! A.--Mr. L'isliop and Mr. I I _\!'N "ve you m" SL'Ctt . . g . I Ali-Kim cone to my room iiiid they commenced I ll q . . m. .: . i to linuli and snid that Mr. Wilkinson wanted to i I "If V "In, s-l in had Conscientious with him I we IUU at the Wrtlker "Ham, and] risked why I ". , . -_ t'tt. I i ' u V I _ _IV, . it P, , l., . ' . . I l he wanted to see me. lliey stud, M ell now, I I I 9'4"," "t" fl,' trl': tir"; ""0 I"? rift"; :8??? I you would be surprised," and they then told the i ll.)ll'l(l""ll f, ',/,: 0 ""1" ~0 my W" tt ' I in: was trying to buy up some of the members. I f ' t .ss F U. ".' . tet . . 9 . ' . --- mid. .. Well, Mr. Bishop, it it is anything . I'. Md ). a .~pi..l. tohiii. about Lynch... -rt. l, crswrkid 1 don't want to have anythinit to do I It la InhallJlL' l may have spoke" about Ly rich to I w'Al it ,. hut, ' , . . . . . . l) -1N'hy did you si-o him at all then " A.--- ' - co " . . l a --- .. . . J, I VII] t,' "Ia-k Jo,,,','.:.':.,',',,':.'..',,' Lo uc.i . A. l 1,rsoic.'.', 'l.:it in the eleetum there was most on I ' '.i .. . s'.rt 1.. "| . . . ' _ ", " ' J. .... ".. ' .'. , fitirturyati', twsoriotl to ",'.tuittst, me, and 1 went I I "533;" C".) 'dl,""??."?-".'),, dd, '0" lull": _):,,i.t I then» Its, iriuch for my own interest as anything I I ll 1""? I' .',i'",f.,'i" d .-. int"; ),'"us1'),"l1'llsr, _ 'l '. l l no», for 1 never dreamt that there was it trim l _ l' t'hhlL-k "'f "f "l"ll"f'. no " "I?" me u I going on to catch those than. [thought it was , l ttru" . MW "ll" """' aunt-my tilg ' . not, " i'i-i'v Cl't'dltltlfie piece of business they Were i I ".'iii: i'.'0C.Nit noun; AGAIN. i , mugryd iii. Aitur I had been there I returned i, I ( WI l I ll t I and odd the members a the Goverruneat what I I I.-- Mt l id he say then? A. 0 came " [ [mil do; 0. i my room .iiul ii:iii;~- '. inc to take $23,000. ib, had I ll. ~liriw ziliout going to the Mall oilice when l ora'ors'l,t'1A) -l,ctt (1')?! i,rll, and he Wanted the I the appointment win; nrado for you to co there. i to too; clno,,, and .-;;;;i it [LIDCB . , Why di i you go". A. -'tlecause the, members of l I tl. l. /i you l".tl tin: [mu-:1"? A.--H"mr. I tho tiorerutueut, told me to go and see how far I V l I: --YX not WtV', :iio J""'!':'" ot this paper? A. {my W-'H'il go. l ' I JlnIlsuiigni'i r. oullllwll tiovciattntsttt and oppose Il.-- You went there as a spy? A.--No, I went . "' . our. G rv"rriuietr's.. for my own.sati,f:tct,iou. i I (3. AN lint zii.~.i was this? its-Eleven o'elock (grail it hr.d not, lit-cu for your being uracil l I on 'i)'t/i1'irr,".l,'y.,,'fs' l N I you would not have gone? A-No: I would l, l . _ it you Ml!" t in paper? A.--d o. , not. 1 (er Did you t &o, the money ? A.--NO. l H. You ntr'crd as an iuiormer then? N-Go, r,.-Whv. win- the vifect of it? A,--Wilkin- i I I ili::ik not. 1 went there to endeavour to put a 1 son went iiii'uy and said he would see hie again. I l atop to this "lol.. thing. i " diam )ousueii him since ? A.--1 sow him ' I it. When you wort there you wanted to see on tii: billowing Monday in my rooiniit the hotel. Mu hinting? A.- Ye,. l lg. -Wivat time on Monthly? A.-in the I l). -liiii you give him the impress-ion that You . I "ir/l")")? t.h1t.S1u",1:),.tii" "l",),',"..," \ H w t would be winingr to be bribed? A.--No, 1 thd i I. c i I '0 I' '. um! d .-- 0 as tttr'. I 'et' WI t t k . ti , A. w l! . , ir-You mudaim objection to theso disluutottr. l . ~- in oo' piece ion . -- o ., Just nah: ti' u,trciiou,s'.' .-\.---l listened tothohi. l the some thing again. He wanted me, to take I (3. AY'HI did not Slu' s6 Von. " or "hey I" A.---. ': moiiiey to opium: the Mownt Government. I did not; I shill \i'i'ydlttlc. I b lt. ""131: l/gd..,'"":',."""),','.'. said than what had I 1'.--Cau you swear you did not? A.--I can- ' CN'U n'll' te, ore! ' . _c'tf. not. I 7Q. ~'i'i'licii did you first, come to know Mr. I (:.~~l)id you toll Mr. Bunting that you were ' l, kirk-lend: A.--1 think it Would be on Thursday. I In: howling? A.--Yus, l mentioned my name, . I tiiIazl..iIil "Ht. ti t? 't I t I and he come forward smiling as if he expected s. _- ow won in . 2 .-- am no very sure "W. I 'Ti, night-ducal llIC_:UL.'lI'. {{ii-lilind.k it t <3.wl)id you tell him you Wished for a private ' ' .-" ions was t a I " .a nu l was a c 'uvcrsation? A.--l am nite sitive that l l tho Walker House or at the Continental Hotel. did not. q po Ir.----." what tune was this introduction? A. 2--Uhn you swear positively that Mr. Bunt- :1 am not sure. 1 would not aweur tu' to the Ir, locked the door when you went in? A.-- iihc. . 'us. I if: -1rarl you any conversation with him? A. I).~l)iil .vou'complatn that your p-irty had not ' A vs. we mid Minn. aided you to the extent of tive cents in your eletyr Q. Vlitllicrobdid tho: Ital-103%"? A.--1n my tionexpcnscs? A.--d said that l was hole to room a to ion men is o e . Il,. -What tool: place then? A.--Mr. Kirk- PAY "I OWN ELECTION EXPENSES' hind Wild he Ive.? iu.te?eted in mm" timber limit», Q.---Did you tell him that Von could not afford Mid he would like It if sonic of the members of ' to pay between itll 000 mm iru' 00) expenses" A the Government would you; against Mr. Mowat. --No , , . . He did not cm: which Government was in, he 9.;Did you say that it cums hard upon you. and, for he 'l/ll', only looking tor his own inte- that you were " young moment! it woe is large rests. He said it I would vote against the burden upon you? A.--No. la",,.",),',',:"',':',",,:'?,":',",'.':',',',',',',', petition that was 'p.--Did 1'ott tell him 'le,t thov hnd ctsmtosrt of l g . _ . Q.~Whnt did you my to that? A.--1 did not

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