. ' 'e sq" _ ", ' ' " tru' i r't _ i , (W I" ' ff" ar. . - t if? . ' C" _ f t it did son's mime w" mentioned, but he would swear B. rr faction existed? A.-a do not know the t M . positively u to Bunting and the others beinir a " . W--Whart Do you mean to .an th,tt r. there. ' Meredith is not dissatisfied with the (Juvel'u' ' "TED _ w . meat? A.-1 suppose he is, and perhaps you THE PBrsONTtR.q aDN To 1UIL. ', may be. .. . The uestion of allowing the prisoners Kirk- V' _ Q.--How 300" nftor Melvin came to you did land mild Wilkinson bail was then brought up. you speak of this affair to some iueinber_ of tho I Mr. Murphy said that he understood that one V' Government? A.--As "0"" " I left Wilkinson man tendered as bail had been accepted. . Tparent to the Parliament Baildmtrs and "w Mr. Mr. Feiiton said he had heard something about - . _ in"? "94 Mr. Pardee. the man in question ' he would have to search ' I ' 2--Diu you speak to '" other members M the records at the registry office before he would V the Government? A.--No. l accent him. _ _ A roam) FOR AN cum. l u,il,1,t Miurphy 'led/ei,?,",',:,?':': feemeffl tt . c.. ' . . - runner not to a c , t van o ere . . I f?,ii-tt1trr grve , on any instructions? A. i Mr. Denison-l do not think it is fair; to say ' Mr. htyrphr-1 am not asking what you told i l "at? 3/91 te, :3 .82: he): hten'ttt",gto,it, . them. You are not a memner of the Govern, l ttt mg m t ttt l , J? y p ' no we . . found they were not worth one cent. may yet, tyi I thinit You never will be. l it was finally decided to accept as bail for as ),'ilo"""r-Ath'au I have as good a chance I Wilkinsqnd two! (wrench? $2,003 "fl" 3": s , . Messrs. '1 war iegir an homes ha am eac yl."i1i),"tttic.? Murphy hasntizot his seat gave their recognizance in this amount. The 1r.rcWhat were the Instructions civen you? Pl"s°"er.w$'l4k&?)"n also gave hit, personal "Cog- e .A.--Tltey told me to go and 300 Mr. Bunting and iiizanco in ' . have the inter-View that had been arranged. A FRIEND IN NEED. 1l.--For what purpose? A.--To aee what ho Mr. Alex. Cameron said that Mr. Goldwin Smith had to say in the matter. had come iorward to go bait for the stranger _ Mr. Murphv - Then there was a concert Kirkland. . between you and Mr. Pardee and Mr. Fraser to Mr. "unison said he felt disposed to reduce rr Ru and see Mr. Bunting and induce him to do , the bail in Mr. Kirkland',, case. The evidence I i what -was uulawiul. Wu have contended all showed that he had only been running with the 1' i along that there Was a conspiracy to that Mr. F , others; it showed that he was not so much in ' l Bunting into diilicultics. Had you met With , tlu, conspiracy as the others. He would, under r any other' Conservative eontltsman, would you l those circumstances, reduce the bail to 82,000, as F have gone and told Mr. Pardee or Mr. Fraser T the tine, would be only 8500 if the chargeof , oi what had taken place between you'.' Are you I bribery alone was proved. Mr. Smith's bond for " so iuuch under the lash in the Reform party that 82,000 was accepted. It is understood that Mr. " you cannot meet a Conlenative gentleman wrth- timuh went dow" to tlu, Taol on Friday specially out tolling Mr. Frascror Mr. Pardoo? A.--lt to Lail out Mr. Kirkland, to whom he is a total 'i, was.' with reference to what Mr. Wilkinson had : stranger. lie Hail be highly approved of the 7 said that I MM") to Mr. Raw:- and Mv. Pardtso. i course Mr. Kirkland had taken in refusing to - Q ---You spoke of Mr. Lynch, a; d your iueot- allow any of the politicians connected with the 5 ing with him ; did you see him at any other I allair to go bail for him. time? A.- lilo not remember seeing him. Mr. Wilkinson left on the evening train on . l Q.--Did you not see him with Mr. Fraser or Saturday for Colmurg. He returned yesterday i some other member oi the Government in the l morning. and registered " the Walker. House, ' r l grounds oi the Parliament Buildings? A.---. where he was boarding previous to his arrest. - i I Never. _ lb, Kirkland, upon beiuur bailed, returned to p l 1l.-99n the Saturday you say vnu were offered l the Ronni" House. his room having been re. _ l $2,000 to sign a document. Have your over i [ mined iorhhn during his detention at the anal. given adilloreut account trom that? 1l.-iat l ': Yesterday they were visited at their .respectvc I is the correct account, and I think I have never l l hotels by a large number of their friends and given any other. l l political associates. . Q.~~l)i-l anybody else ever offer you 82,000t The case Wats adjourned at six o'clock till eleven " A.- our. Bunting. l o'clock this morning. f . 1rrrl,nieerlt' else? A.--Mr. Lynch wanted I 1 "r"CrTrTrtrrrTrftefe1t ----------" V to put 82,000 In an olive-ope, ---------e, ._t___ .. -- t/--nbo; d:d nobody else offer you any THE BRIBERY PLOT. F, money? A.--hir. Kirkland said it Iwould do _ as he wanteddthey would give mo 82,000. bef ' _--.--------- I It.--). id you not mention him ore'. . . . Evi n e Pry ' A.-l.cam,e, I thought it was the same $2,000 Reading Over a.nd Sig-112g de C ' I that the others promised. espccially as he said viously a en. , F "they pt would give it me; ----_------, A . Q.--Did you never make this statement-I am ' , f, h",'..'tl'e, limml Tur: (3")th LT,,", 1,"r"e,e, night l THE COMMITTEE. , Mr. " lain came am as e ine ii was vein , , , . . ' i. s , ,. . P, i into his arttuttremettt. He said "It you 1ffll',7, 'l he .C'omm.ittee of l TPaes and l 1'ht,', ' l is $1000., and produced the money." Ind you met this morning and Mr. l laser presented t in S' ', not say that in ovidenee bolero the Committee? report, the gist of which Way, gin-ii in to'day s ' A.--No. GLOBE, and the Chairman was authorized to . v,ea11i,2'ioat,t,ltt.,t 2:31:22 did not want to present it provided the Home acts through the A few questions followed bearing upon tele- business to-day. If the-"House sits for busiuees- . grams that Dr. howling.r was alleged to have re3 to-iuoi'roiv the report Will not PO promoted a" n ' I ceived from Mr. Mowa, asking him to 'to to isuudtnutuod there is another Witness expected to 1 . 'Uttawa, and in Consequence of which he had testify. I . been induced to run for the Legislature. Dr. AX THE POLICE COURT. . t "curling denied having received any telegram Mr. Denis-on enquired of the various counsels r, I trout Mr. Mowat. Ho had received a ttleseryn whether they expected to call many more "li- from Preston, Secretary of the Reform Astsoeia, "asses and n they would be. able to go on with tion, asking him to R" to Evanville, and he had l the argument to-iuorrow. Tluseviduuo,e, he said. gone. . . 'n h in: "extended b Thursday. 2ccAnd. You told all th.is to Mr. Walkimsont 'hhlii '/lh',,l'ox/ objectedy to the argument being A.---' us i m roply to questions putto 1ue. delivered until utter the evidence was extended 2---And what. induced you to run? A.--TG and tvad. arguments of the leading members of the 1Lsiorm The obiectioii was not sustained, Mr. lh-uisml party. . . i observing" that his decision would not, bu given ' Q.--n there tttty doubt m your mind that the until the evidence had been iced and signed by object Kirkland nad was to get this timber limit? the various witnesses. A.--1 have no doubt that wasnvhat he wanted. Some delay occurred this morning in i-osumui': In rtrexautiuation Mr. Irving asked t--Uan the examination iot witnesses in tho Conspuacy you say that no other person did offer vouinonev? Case at the Police Court owing to the arrince , Mr..l.hetyt-pyi you have any comniunica- l of the stenographer. 'l'ho dclciidzints and the tion with Mr. Kirkland" Counsel Were all in court anxiously awniting hrs Dr. Jrowliur-Yes; he told me he would go advent, and Dr. Cascadcn, Il.O'., was pr-ut, home. Ho made this remark in the presence of to a"... evidence. At 11:50 the stenocauil: r , Wrlkinson. arrived with notes of Mr. Balfour's ehittiittttt'-ttt l Q "A few minutes tttto in answer to Mr. tully transcribed. As it would?tulce, sonic-Imit- to I Muwhy's question, "who outside those ineu- road thes, and as it was important that, it "mold l tioned hid offered you money." you said that be read at once, it was decided not to tulle "if. , Lynch offered you 82,000. On what occasion Carwaden's evidc uco until two l/clock, the ".1. was it that Lynch wanted you to take the money l deuce in question being meanwhile rend :liollil by in the tyvylye? . . . . - Mr. "ellison. The eourt.thenudjourmullfor:recrss Dr. tMeiy.rielyselobjeeted to this question being i The remainder of Mr. Balfour's evidence was l asked by Mr. Irving. road over mm" the Court 1vassetubhn.rr, and WM Mr. Irving then asked-Was this the lame en- sinned by him. . ' velope you referred to before , A.--Feur, it Was "Aftet the reading of Mr. Ballollrs evidence the tgame. had been concluded. a few questions were PUC"" F Q.---Yott said to Mr. McMaster that repeatedly _ consul for the defence on crunsq.' mtinit.urry J in: i during the session money was being otfertsd only point brought out was the admission Ly ' l to metnirers. To what purpose waa this money Mr. liiilfour that ho had made some additions in _ o'dertsd.' A.-To secure the defeat of the Gov. pencil to the cutttettts of his note-hook Mt" the I eminent. latter had been used by him in his evidence in _ This conluded Dr. l)owlin,;'a evidence. connnittee. The addition concerned Mr. Bale ' Mr. Balfour was then revalltsd by Dr. Me. tourU interview with Kirkland, and was ot a r K Michael, who asked inn. tt ho was poai" that . trivial character. , ' _ Mr. Kirkland had mentioned to him '. . Wil. ' The first- witness called was De. Cascadden kinson had Cone into the room at midnight With ' who is giving his evidence as we go to press. Mr. Bunting and the others. Witness replied I -- W that he Would not swear positively that Wslkin. t i