M Bc vialliait=. i: ' ies t d % % 6+ t al 9 gts . M * in Gines priaim, j ds connttame onl | --_ of good to forwa e interests . of immigration. l i _( He eould understand that a special immigration | __ agent wounld do a great deal of good, and he \ . thought Mr. Hay had done good work,. I The item was passod, I k ® sUPPLY. 4 ; The House went into Committeo of Supply on -- the vote of £150,290, increase $3,186 54, fur agri-- cuiture, etc. Mr. ROSS (HMuron) stated that ho proposed to impose an eutrance fes of $100 upon non--resident pupils instead of $50 as at present. _ The vote yassed. { i Mi, WOOD questioned the wisdom of the | grant of $10,000 tor the Agricultural and Arts | | Association, and especially the propriety of hold-- | ing the Provincial Show, _ _ Mr, DRURY stated that all the delegates were | in favour ot holding the Exhibition, t Mr, BRODER tfiougin. that no money was | better spent thaun the money given for holding , the P'rovincial Fair, and asserted that the show had been of immense benefit to the farmingy com-- ' mumty, Me woulid vote for an increase of the amount. Mr, BALFOUR stated that the farmers of the south--western part of the Province wers in favour of increasing the show, | Air. WATERS contonded that though they had a good C:ntral Fair at London, yet they ' always looked forward to the Provincial Fair. | Mr, GRAHAM, whila not. in favour of in-- | creasing the grant, ;/ill he considered the pre-- | sent management of "he fair was such as entitl-- ed it to be continued Mr, CARNEGIE coriticised the expenditure on the Provincial Fs n. > | The item was voted. | The items for mamtenance and repairs of Gov-- t ernment buildinus, $38,000, increase, $3,150 ; | pubic bmildings, $199,259 65 ; public works, | $49,0065--were passed. | This Commuttee reported, and the House ad~ | journed at 12 o'ciock. '