The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Mar 1884, p. 1

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e ' . ' w...--------'"" "'""'°"'°"".'°i'.23€.§'ii"km"ppm existin im ro e . MONDAY. m t " for f,l'f,'/d use on payment of tolls instesd of . The Speelter took the cheir " three o'clock g,"g,tlgr, the 1hutl go thief the right enquired , , , to escerteine on pat THIRD READINGS. The amendment was lost on the some division. The followmc bills were reed e third teu; Mr. MORRIS moved that all the words m the Respecting the EWW'W of marriott -n-. " motion after the word " that " be struck out/and Mowat; to ma I' further provPyp WWW that e cleuse be inserted to the "eet: that the the public health-Mr. Ross (Middleton): to . hi d . d . be d th ta pectincindlll' bill be not read e t it time, so it remind tttet',',',', consolidate ttHt m that while the House wee willing to pass such t oola, enactments as might be necessery for the protoc. LICENSE DUTIES- tion of the public interests P. rivers and streenis, Mr. HARDY moved the third reedinI of hi! l it was of opinion thet the bill would interfere bill rsspectiuc license duties. nded i with ',")tlrt'dt, private Sinterests as tttpeg'. Mr. MEREDITH said he epprehe that by the IM gment o e upreme 'ourt o Gat. the hon. gentlemen had not understood whet had ada, without making edequste compensator; fur been done in the House of Commons With reier- such interference. end it Wes therefore celculnted once to this question. They bed proposed to to form ndnngerous precedent, end is therefore suspend the action of their license out toe eyes! opposed to sound principles of .iezisletion and till the question of jurisdiction had been settled. i might set " such as now frsined if permuted to Under these circumstances he thought it net at I become law. l rissble to PM' the third reciting of the bill. The amendment was lost on the sense division. 3 h Mr. HARDY expleincd that the Govetrnmt l Mi. hlhllthlell'ii'li then ITtf, in 'tttity'?,,',,' ad given no notice of their proposal to t to . -..." ' 'hat the i l e not re t e thir time ut 1 isioture. The act had been postponed indefut. . , that it be resolved by the said bill to i'iiiii'r,, to l, itelv. ' . i be, and to have always been. the low thetwliich the t The motion wee carried on the following divi. 1 Supreme Coilirt of Canada has; by in 1'"t',"llflld' I sion:-- . ljuilgment. declared not to en not to nve'; Yh:Atg.-.Mesara Btutour,Baxtesrauhotr.cq.1prtt. i been the law, thereby constituting this House e a Dowltug.Drydett, Ferris. Fraser. h'reemen. Gibson . Court of Appeal from the judicial tribunels ot ( (Hamilton). Gibson (Huron). Gillies. Gould, Gre- i, the country in e matter effecting valuable private hon). Huger. It.r.ytrh Nerdy. '4"th- P,tt l rights, and so'to overrule the judgment of the Mct 'aaney.Meiuts re, McKenzie. MeLatuehtiu, Mo I . . . T . 1 1 Mahou Morin Mowat Murray Neeloo O'Con- ,""d ltr,) ).tih'%t,.',utgi"'it 2rg'Pl', A', g" ', R' . . . i . ' ' ' 1 ' ' itiG Mid. Privy Jounen .0 log an is pen. mg on in he g'Jal'rigit21"'ttdg." #.1tli1'lltd's't. l iopinion of this {douse the said 'i'r,iiiiiiii,iiii, NAvi-.Mm,srs.Batskerville, Bsrthe,Brpder.fUro i highly objections la in prineiple ca cu ate to ',l,tHlixN,rttHit'N,lt,t'P' 1,,'i2,pr,ttf,igi,1,rl."otd1hitg't L impair public confidence in the 'diiiiiirG and Lgiiill'm" tici'ili2,",ftt"/""a'kdtt: "IP. 'iyta.i.".t'"le"' of their rights by means of the! rick 'slt'lit. 1e.l.lrut'd'dlt," iiaaia.' Boo. iiadicipl tribunals or the country, casting upon White 'ii'iii'uat5ii ' the House, without adequate means for deter- iiii"biil was read a third time. mining the t'tbtne, difficult qiiesftiigis of law or" , , . , fact, and placing the property o t e people at _ e IHE 111915th ACT. , mercy of eportisoii maiority of the heuisietn. Mr. HARDY moved thts.third reading ot e Assembly, and ought not to Pm into I) law." built-o 1'il'ljl',"i, fl',", eierihit"ti't et u di The amendment was lost on the following divi. . . more in e or r u. sion ..- clinrged and referred back to a committee end YEAS Messrs. Baskerviile Bl . . . .--. ' , the. Brereton the bill eniouded to months that before e tavern F Broder. 1arntros.cltstutclaIk1t 'lRft'd'Jtit','ti1"tl'. license is granted the applicant shell be required f ion. lienis'ion. Erinuiinuer. Fell. may. Hemmeil. to produce to the Commissioners . certificate , lions. Kerns, Leos. McGhee. Plitik Meredith. signed by onethird of the electors entitled to tht'i'ftkiv1t"okc $17"er Preston. ito herd. Moe, Vote in t to polling sub-division in which the ro- , B. - . miscs sought to be licensed ere situetod, topthe m'i2,Yt-etri',"ei, 1:123:33: J,t2'syseftittg effect .that the applicant is a fit. person to_hsvs Imwiiiiiz. Dryden. Ferris, Fraser. 'llh'lali'i1lh"Jlll; such license. and that the premises no suitable (Hamilton). "been (Huron). Giiiiea. Gould, Gre- therefor, and that the said premises u. situete ham). Hagar, Harcourt, Hardy, Hart, Lnidlew. in a place where the Ct trying on of the said husi- 2yt2ii'fi1ii,rtat'i,',cu/'st,'rT: 2'get'"lt,uet, . . . ' l . I . . . 2:31;." not be on annoysuce to the public gen- Neale". 1J'Counor, Purdue. Phelps. Ross (Huron'): The motion w" lost on the folio . di . has: (Middiesox). Snider. Waters. Wiudiiield-to. "on .-.. "n8 W" M imiiiliaiil some: COMPANIES. . . . AT . trod ol?gigce't'/itol't"tg/J,t 1teitrrk'g,ft,t Tiniher Slide ti1'mitla"dt'i1t td a: t,T,22 s i, a r. , . _ . . . . Creighton. Denison, Lli'ellgid 'y'G'i?ug,',"ll'atl'. i arbitration clauses in ones where common mell. Hess. iGwas. Lees. Matinee. McKay. Mere ' tale possession of private lands. . flee ii'!tiriifkii Monk. g."""'" Preston. ltobillsrd, 'ldho lbilll was put through all its stages, and oe. 'tsito, 'ttmot-- . roe it t in time. . NuYs.--Metssra. Awrey. Bolton ' Ba . m , " N ' Blythe? Caldwell, Cook. Dowtin 3.. Dr i'di: F323: NIAGARA li ALLS WAlrRR.W0RK& l Fraser. Freenisii. Gibson 'llid'JWn't Gibson Mr. PHELPS moved the House into Coni- , (Huron). Gillies. Gould. Graham. Huger. liar. mittee toineurporata the Niagnre Falls Water. ti',og,',tu','k"i','ae'E',uet/,lt/? sht2it'git'urg','i't Works Cont-um The bill W reporud Ind Mount. 'si"iiiGrr'", Neelou, b'tGuGi"i1iiiiiG; A%ft read the third tune. Ross (Huron). iGG (Middleeex). Snider. \Veters, HIGH SCHUUL ORDERS IN COUNCIL. widdttotd-39. , ' IDI H . Mr. 511350;; said that next session he would Mr.. .\iial.l.. ITI moved that nil Orders in one... . bill to make the liquor drinker ._ gong" II',),"),',",'?],"?. "5313331333; (git,', e llv ilt f . . is fill" ut o . t " . i . I " flg','r",,.Vi','r' iii 'r',ugidhi,orcitt21itdtut the collegiate institutes .and hiirh schools ought, be The bill w" read a third ttttte . fore becoming operative, to be submitted to end . ratified by the viiteof th a House. THE STREAMS BILL ' Mr. RUSS (hliddlcdexl moved in emsndment Mr. PARDEI) moved the ti ird reedin at his l that "I t te wor 6w that " be struck outouul bill protecting the public iiitereet in" river; the iol.lowye. '.sur.stituusdira, the Imtstu Ott "'ihT't and creeks. 'ttelf: Idomli"l'v° as": ll distributed to higg it. CREH'HTUN moved in m nd Se ion 5 on co. egiute to no I is tentative an the bill be 1',iT.ti' back to 2tttt'dt',"'2lt', subject to certsin moditietienf u." (""9 time to out the paragraphs in the preamble misting to time. " "P""'!."" m'YJU'my and the interests the right of licensees and grantees floating saw. of higher education rennin i eat! the: an) tur. ' logs, etc. down streams on which their limits ttter Information " obtained retttsrdine t.lte open- were situated, grantees expending large sum, of tron end effect of the. present scheme It. is not 'l'd,'l,r, on the lends so grented mid pieced under gradient is) 2t2,',1 l:ho i'iberty which dtili; ice-ms. ucntiou e r men as sways exercise The emendinent was lost on the foil wi w . i. dealing with itt metter. sion '.-- o m. din A division was tt,t,.eht',t,h2ht, it" thst the Yum-Messrs. Buskervili ' Bl th ' emendnieiit was carrie y . to " . Broiler. ctsrtusqrie, "we; 'c'dlt',', &2§$ Ynss.--Awrey.Badgerowmuiiou..Bexter.Bisifop. Creighton Deliieon Krmatinqer Fell Gr. " ' Celdwell. C,aettndon, Chisttpitmi3tohit. Dowl N'. mull. Eleni. Kerrie: [lees fiii2yiii)iii, {hit"- 2,,rrtr h'rfllrl',glifemaniluib:0[\};::glulli.:0lil}.{a?&' ' . ' . ' eon uron ' i ice. age ' ' , e,tder. 'eiiiieiiciiiii'ii,i.1ii'?'ri"c Preaton, Rod" Lsidiew. Lyon. Moorsney. McIntyre. McKenzie. , Nsvtr.--.Motmrs. Awrey. Bsdzcmw. Balfour 34.81;::13?liiarhéigéuslhgg'bzloiii'iagloxmbxmag; . 1,'it'ii't.iirornt's1'tl,t,r,eiCii',iif', "site, a'tg,', gimmick). suds}. Water's. WidditUld, youu.-- ( ami ton). will uron), Gillies, G id. . L, . . hem. 11twar, Harcourt, Hardy. "numbing"; ,y.'.ttrtcP,,ts.tleyri,e: Blythe. te'?,",?,',,'.,','?,', grader. l sh'thi"tlt,r:ste.ci1,h'/,t 1iii,ijiia,f2i,,iif,iiiiiiiiii': , apyh'fdg'gg'gfi'aergymi'flfim'if'figf312;. c eion.. or u.. ownt. . urrny. 'eelon. Cam. ohm . ' ' . ' I , Rose Kerrie. McGhee. McKs , Meredith. Met l ttg,2it',t Mix! 'd/turea'?), (Middle" rick. {Vinnie Mwoiirie. Ir""" greeton. Robulerd. l Mr. ROF. then moved in immanent. second. Roe, ttite, "n": .1 , ed by Mr. Dennison. that ell sites the word GoVERNoR.GENERAL"3 REPLY. i " that " i," the motion be otrucit out, end . pore- Mr. HARDY presented the following reply I graph be inserted to the effect the: .the existing of the Governor-General to the sddress from the i ""3 tet T,'rv'J'l','l, f,'.a, g,"?,',',','),', improvements House on his landimt in Canada '.--. "n Wor l or ram"Pf. tttt no 't own "WWII OTTAWA 20th Merch 1886. to be required for public user by corn we c . . ' poed ot tive or more perBor" on mum of "ll': Bm,--t he" the honour to teratttth the It value of such improvement such value to be 31:13:33" agjPJit,iai,tld3A,'frrn/1t/letlllrr' . . . . l n " decided by trtritrati.oty sail "I thy ludnnent of the 'lrl'Qlfllulru'r'il en address adopted by the the House the hrovrsions of the not low ere Welsh" Asseinblity of the Province of Ontario. auffieient for the due roUetiotr of "lf ' congratulating ms xceilcncy on his appointment P e public ' Interest in rwe" and strearrts,tmd more sqniteble tgMi' madam"): in tfitttltir'T', to i,,'2f,t, Bl . on recs as n u rose 3nd moN in tueeordauee with Just principles Excellency. who hes commended me to nuke ,

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