The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Mar 1884, p. 5

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V-~ane on taken before thin in a co. .report all this false conversation. _ , f ar,ti; f'/'J,','.r'2hl'l'Ctef'm' but I hove noticed I 2-Did you not tell him that Iyou had a l their formation. t written tlg'petg',1i. F--'""' at all. I told _ . 't '.--Are on a ver extreme rt me? A. him nothing 0 e "in . . ' -'d; no, I in" pot Sheen 'l','lhl't',IM. l Mr. MocMaster -When you left him after the ' It. 1.11.9", w" nothing very wrong trying to , interview, did you partymtli him good iritsadst . forina coalition Government. was there? A.--l , Iz-re. 7 , . , _ IE think there wan tomething wrong about forming This ended 1)c. (Junction n eVioeiice. Et, '"irllfitrt,t, d? A. Y _ THE CHARGE AGAIN" MEEK. . . .~- ll: e . - es. . . ,. . " il fg---rrras it a. crime t 1---trsanhorr. . ag?rAe.1ti,et. ly read the tollowing charge l r. 8.rit'ttht t A.--Yes. - _ . . . T . * ' IF, - . . , . "That the said Wiwerd Meek on or about the tbs J; _lrtt'ritd',t"ttt,tii, 'i2t,t',t, t, mm: min. day ot February. 1881, did unlawfully. cor~ ,' . . y . " con It " . people n ruptly, and wilfully propose and ott'er, and caused P . " would. . to be proposed and offered and given to John Uns- i t', 1,t.---Havinx told you what he wanted. cation, then being it iiiciiioer of the Legislature of k'), : being an honourable man you would have told Ontario. duly elected and sitting at the ttpst ses- , a. him it you disagreed with hiint JL--Weslt, I sioiiot thee-till 'lieglslaturc..a brine, recompense i; C __ thought there might be some well-laid scheme and mmhe sum ot $2.000 in money. and , Fi that should be brought to light. didturther uncle: take to promise lo obtain for him rg 2--Yoa tw an to b f . l t d , A.--Y the said John invention it" onion: tit Regina in the , V , '3 _ I' Plgit ene . . Its. hortli-Weet leriitoiy to produce to him the sum _ _ _ 2citltem why didn t YOU tum tail apd ran t or 3550) per tutttuttt,--8ttid ottice being an when in . V A.--Tisat was nut my business. To turn out the , the gift and tt'ripostsi of Iiie Government . _ recognized Government of the people returned ' _ol' Cattttdn--tttereby con-unity to intiyeuse said k" by them last year without consulting them would I John Unwritten. then being a member in said t' be more» :<:::.:':;:rr;;}r:"iinnumerrri.than: ('lefc'/'/g . Bk, . 2--1 ' the, "NP"MY , A.--2'o be i to my duty liihlllltl behalf, should i'ote'npon any _ offered bribes. question arising or to urine in such Assembly at ' " Il.-jho we: offered bribes? A.--t Wee. me said amnion in opposition io the V 2-How , A.--By offering me an otttee to vote ' oxiriinx Athninisirution of the executive uovern- _ .. Igninst my Government. l men: of lOntario lknowni as 2','iie,yg,"ot,ogt,g,t l t, --- .. . . men am again}. an: u on or i he . ' . t me1ii..Y,'il t.'11',Utivitittiy, often tttst "mind I here of said Assembly supporting ouch Govern- . . I . f y "m 1""uuos. . nient on the occasion or said vote;und the said to. 2--liow will) it you met him a second time , ' iuforuraut, upon his OJ") "toresaid, further stti it . r . A.--l had an interview with him the next- dav. that he. is informed and belictes that the said i ' It we; in the lions": Home. I Wu With him Edward Meek, on the ion. day of February, at t F half an hour or tltreo-quarter. of an hour. l Toronto, did urtlawfully and curpuptly propose l ' k" 'I ' , . ' I and offer and cause to he proposed and offered to ' . Ft o J,'),',','?:' IN am RtulMttttT Potstrtotitg. f tliesaid liol;"rU'jlfl'1i."h"Pym";."lcyzycroli'lm ' , '5 - . . o- o you remember during that time "uh. I above-mom one! .etnismt vo. SN)!" iiyo 'lltltl'lo,u j q ' ' ' a bribe. i-deuiii ensc, and iewarii. to Wll. did under- . . , Ki: '2fekCl'Cstuta,hu1,i't.1t . Ac-a drew l take that till: utilize of ',elt",rtr of dccdsnt Ed- . l . _ '1 Q --Nour let an hour what . _ iiiontou. in the. NorilrWeist lorritory. being a a . '31-. r I' s" . . 'o.ur.rteoposala ' vttlualr'e billet: in the gift and uiapoiiul of the , ' - P, e Were . AV"; tsaid I "ll-"Natl "New on 30- l Government of Canada Would be given by the , 'li it 1'" a count of my ill hulth. I stud Government of Canada to the said Robert , _ ,r:;.5 q ' r Ue--11ad you applied for my particnlnr tsitutw ' .)ly!9rtyicywt.iw with the sum of Shooter expenses is l lite '. (l tion t A.---l never applutd for my position in _ 1 connected with the omni'ng'of the ta..if other,! tttttt l v 'ri it my lite. 'gi'lt1'ths1',"'teecyf J,,':' l": "nurturing Ei il ; T ( Q-"D'd you not T'2.h'r . Brr'evtyltrt Air. ' it...) [attuned and stizued by the said Edward ' .' ' I 'tttvor did, though think I might hill/0 got it, Meek and one J. A. \Vikiiison tur the payment or IT,' I ii I had not been t. member. had I Wished. l 9,000 to the mid Robert Melilin, should be de- " Wh .4 _ 1t.-rhd not Mr. Meek othsr you a position T f 905mg 9))" way uf f) (flul,'h'lt'hfN "milky "Th , _ .--. "e. . . . . some tm person o e lllllnet ecu mm. or Fi', , frcl"i"v'li,t'dtt,reiis.' , "'t"i-rtltt2"ltg"iid "vew"l1t.'e"iFf,, t," no. '"i))tg,tki,iyid,'it,lili ' . . . t . . u l . . I di i not think my health would stand the cli- 1.'lt"r,'l,'es1 1'ilil'lid in his proceedingi as such with ' . 1 mate there. 'ller in. the said Legislative s1sttetnbly, in the end ' 1» Q.--What did he say? A.-Weil, he told me the! the said Robert McKiin. then being such . I might Vet Mmest any position in British Colum- 11ei"/'J/t 'f'll1'1'tu.'tr"y1g2oAe/i,iiii in the t T . . ell" 0 inset: ei .' . tnui' hm my I f,',',',',',',) I though; the; were ,"f,',','i'"t'ti, motion urismg' or to arise in the said Asgembiy), , to pa " I "."fl any 'ttttrt ft, carry out t a at the raid tirat Seuloli, against and in opposition 'fs, policy that Mowai 'ty"t 'tof. to the existin: Administration of the Executive . ll. --Uid you complain to him that you had Government of Ontario. known its the Mowat l F been badly used br your party? A.---Yun. Government. and in opposition to the mambo"; of C' 'l'noreiire suction: of our party in there are m any the cold 2'at',','h','t, supporting "such Government 5' T party. and there is one of their: "sctioto in my l on tho occasion o te ',"tliyi,e,; M T ' , Er, countitiiniit-v that treated me badly. This lac. The information was laid Y ' P. hotnas It. . I . tion. however, is not is winning one. Wsum. , , il . ' 12.---Did you almost accept any Proposals that "a 0" FENCE ()f tttttBERT. a he mode to you? A.-vNo. . Mr. Deni-ion asked for the statute under which e _ CL-Did iron couture to tlad out We do! h. this charge WM laid. , bribe members of the Government? A--t knew Mr. Few-rm said that it was hid under the ' nothiue ot tiue ofsrs of bribery until last Mon, Leeislative Assembly Act. ' . , day. 1 font that it. was not very touch or an I Mr. Dettiiou--IGt gives the Assembly the r r honour to how this offer made to me. _ power to lay it charge, but it is not clear' that r . Q.--lt is not every one they would honour by it, the offence charged, is a crime, unless there is ' , . ' making such on offer. A. l hope they would some Am, before this making it an offence to ' itat offer such an insult to very low men. offer a bribe. li it is no offence under the com- 'tilt) J? Q. -Htut you ever an action in which you sued men law it cannot be tiiol here. . . , for a promissory note? A.--No. l sued for Dr. McMicliuei submitted that no crime was ' a libel. alleged. ' ll. ---What was the libel? A.--ylueh ate emer- Mr. Irving said that them was a crime alleged. - idly occun; in " pulltlcul CitilVll-'m. .Rumo.urs, _ Ordiuurily speaking and generally speaking, the e T which Were set about with a view of damaging legal interpretation of bribery was that of oifm. kr " my character. ing a bribe. littering a bribe to it person who 'J, Q.-Tneu you brought an action for datrtatto? was connected with the adttfuistratioit of justice . ' A.-And lost it because there was it politic-1 was primarily an offence. The definition was Bt'. division in the case. wider than that. It extended to any class, r, QAWere not you charged with having lofted which included members of Parliament. A per- . " l a receipt? Arr] Was accused of it during the son bribing members in the Home of Common: _ in" campaign. The judge. in the slut that I brought in England had been punished, but it was not an I " CN on amount of the mama. held that the patrols, offence in the common law. The one referred ( were privileged to make Mich charges against a to hid been taken up and punished by the House l . candidate for Reovesliip, member of Parliament, as a brooch ut privilege. There were cases, V etc. While he bbtbg 1wf,G, tilt! WONG- however, in which bribery had been punished " [ kl.---lrui you tell Mr. Meek that Put had been under the common low. He quoted Rescue, . ' offered an oilice by your Government? A.--No. whore it case of bribery for a Corporate office was tF" 1 Wtts disappointed though, because a certain ntated, and in which the briber was punished ,. position should go to some man of the western under the criminal law. . part of our-county. I had given theilovernnient _ Mr. Denison-lt' the criminal law recognizes I _ to understand in 1876, long below I Wits in the the bribery oi) mayor or alderman it should 'Fdur' ( House, that it won unfair nod unjust to dispose apply also to an attempt to bribe a member of i 'k". l of all the positions to persons in the other rid- Purliament. It seems to me that this is an l , inst. aiiolagoua case, reasoning [ruin the other-- rr i a Q.~Did you tell him that you had shaken your Dr. McMicliucl -l object that no crime is made. " i fist in Mr. Ilardy , face tunl Gd "wore at Mr. Mr. Uranium stir-Reasoning trout the other R" Pardee nbout there givuur you a position ? A.--- cane that it Wits not made out he considered was " I told Meek that I aware to Mr. Pardon and be.. . suilicient itibrrrtrtiou to hold this case good. li I ', ',',,1 " cause I understood that the shrievalty had been , he made w. . take and threw out the case there i V given to an East Elsie man instead of genie to a was no ,'2l'tl going before the higher Courts ' west riding man. with it, " ' 1l.-Why did you tell Meek that Van were Mr. Macilfaster said he who not prepared tony _ ' forcing the Government to do what yo ' wanted , i that {33an It member of Parliament Was not an A.--0tr. Meek has strained the nutter; I did 5 otfencs. , . not tell him that. Mr. Denim. said he would lot the case stand . some or THE munitns' FABRICATIONS. till to-day.. The Court thtayliourtied till 10:30 J '. 2---Wero you not telling him all your troubles, this morning. -, ' and telling him to tind out if the other side ' """"-""""'"--T--. -. , wuuid accept you? A.--Not at all. I am very . well contented where I am. cl. -1);d not you tell him all this? 2L---?Gr, you i are not telling the truth. . tt.--1 mount teilmg-- Ac-The truth if you

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