They were not favourab'y improssed with the manner in which Vickar« gave is evidence, and do not credit his testimony. 89. The commissioners further findsthat the per-- sons so advised acted upon the advizs. They made no advances to those who were end~av>ur-- ing to corrupt them. 'Tho advances were made | to them and thsy «uffored them to ba im ide, with ; | the view of procuring evideance sufficient to prove | E ulus wthulcdel E. argument by the Counsel who uopo;n;dul'n;;m them. All of which is respoctfally submitted. S gued) W. Provnroor, ww s . Chairrgan, CAREPUL CONSIDERATION or THE R\'IDENCE, and baving lhul the advautige of he«ring able 40. The evidence does not show that the money ! givon to McKim «nd Balfonr cams from auy--| other souroe than Wilkinson or Stimson, [ 11. Nor does there appear to be any reason for ! sapposing that any of the Conservative members | of the House of Assombly attompted to use im proper means to induce the members on the other side of the House to change thoir votes., s en & ie ""vieeke$" "uitidaaint dn @ use o ulc s aa dfh d i i is 42. The Commissioners have arrived foregoing conclusions after a the offenco of a to sea howifar the persons making the offers would «0. 'That is the evidencs of theso mam bers ol the Governmen®* themselvos ; it is the evidence nlso of the persou« to whom they gave the advice, The oniy contflicting evidence is that of the wi:-- ness Vickar«, who says he heard Hardy say to Frasor, " If our little scheme with Balfonr works we will Ex them." _ 'This was distinctiy deniei both oy HMardy and Iraser, _ The commissianers think that Vickars was either under a mistake as to the persons who werse apeaking sogether or that VerumiIkD IPT WITH THE SPEAKER oF® Tus: noose. 38, fn regard to the charge tusde by _ Atr. Moeredith against Messre, Fraser, Pardos, Hardy and Mowa!, the Commissioners aro of opinion that the evidence wholly fails to establish it, All the witnesses wiho spealk on tho subject, with one exception, show that the advice of these members of the (Governinent to the parsons to whom ofers were madJe, wa« rnat ne wou'd not vote against the Mowat Ad | ministration. . And on the 15th March Willon ; son and Kirkland in company endeavoured w | induce Dowling to vete againt the Governims. §37. A'l the persous to whom offers of mongy adte 1 situations were macde, communicited them to some members ot the CGovernment, and had no / intention of accepting for them «l ver any of the ! things so offered. And McKim and B«four immediately upon the receipt of the money given to them berostTED IT WITH THE® ROUXD ROBIX, pledging themselves to vote against the Gorern-- imne@ut, 36. Corrupt olfers were made also to Do wlingp | by Wuikinson, who wanted bim to ; vyore agcaixsr THE coveErxMeEXxT ie and resign his seat; the petition against his elec / on would be withdrawn and the expense he ha " been put to would bs recouped, and for votingy | sagainst the (Government lie was to get #2 000 and after he had resizned his sent S'J.OOQ or $3,006 if he did not interfere against the candidate whe should run,. -- Wilkinson WaANTED HIM TO SEE RUKSTING * to arrange to have tho protest withdrawn. Dow!l-- inz saw Bountiog, who said if he would assist in the?s formation of a# coalition and vote again at the Government and resigu his seat they woul« recoup him his election expeus=«, and thay coul | afford to give him 82.000 or £3,000, Witkinsor } took Dowling to Stimson alias Lynch, wao N waxtren» to sat 82,000 | that he would not vote against the Mowat Ad | ministration. -- And on the 15th March Wil~" y on wanted some security for the withdrawal of the petition aad Meek said hs would give Bunting, and Lyon was told by McKim, in ta presence of Wilkinson and Meck, that Bustin, l:ml agreod to see thut the protest was with. Grawn. 35. Lyon and McKim both agned termed a hirkland aiso °Wi'":&'ggo :": | $1,200 to speak nst the vernment, a ' tfiu Lith Muc?:"Wilkimnn gave Balfour 8800 * | and promised to give him $700 after the vote wa'ya | taken on x resolution expected to be moved b% | the Opposition, . ®H | \, 43. Negotiations had also been renowed wit . , . McKim, and $1,000 was given to bim on the 16t . | of March by Wilkinson, after Stimson -- alias | Lyneh had on the previous day endeavoured > | get McK im to bet on Dowiing's vote. a | _ $4. Negotiations were riso entered into with. Lyon for the purpose of securing his vote. McKim, at Wilkinson's request, tirst spoke t-- : bim on the subject of his vote and ; ARRANGED a MCEIING between him and Wilkinson and Meek,. Lyvon': titrscl!.l.on had been protested. At a meeting witi. ""»ween him and Wilkinson and Meek. Lvon': election had heen protested. At a meeting wita. Wilkinson and Meek, when McKim was als present. Lyou was asked if ho would votf against the Government on a rero ution in regar to their timber policy if brought up as a vote » want of confidance and Moek said it Lyor woul« carry that out he would io i Kirkland also o HR WAS TERLLING AN CXTRCOTH CONxsPIRACY TO BRIBE TRHEA WwItHDRaAW THs PETHION iO BE PASstIV® e Ceregres®t K. J. Sexcorc, Communssioner, at the wha' was Tlius sitting continued until 18th July inclu-- ; sive, when the Commission was adjonurned until lat September, and sat on that day and the day | foliowing, then adjourned until 2nd Ocsober, and ; sat on that day and the Sed 4th, Gth, 7Tth, I1th, | and 13th days o the sam» mouth, on which last | date the evidenco and argnments were closed, ; and the decision of the Commissioners resorved. } THE PIRSY QUESTION TO BR DECIDED I8, | Who are properly bafore the Comunissioners ? [ ' Who Act 47 Vist., cap. 4 (sec. 46, sub--seo. 4}, ' enacts that " no action shall be taken against any porson founded upon evidence given by any wit-- ness, ttn'ess it appears that siuch person had ap opportunity of appearing before the Commis~ stoners and cross--examining such witness either at the time he was examined in chuief or subse-- _pr ntly, and that such person had also an appor-- ty of calling wituesses in his own beha f." [Jpon the evidence taken under the Commis-- m Oe o e ney oi inducing them to imale corrupt eff>rs and to endoavour to entrap others not engazed in the matter into the same crimina} acts," and particu-- lars of the namuss of the persons so apprached , haviog bean demand=4 and ordared, the names of | * J. A. Wiikinson, Eiward Meek, Christopher t Bunting, and F. 8. Kirklaad," were given, 1? 'The enquiry was limited to the charges men-- tioned in the statem»nt of the Aitornay--Ganeral and that formulated by Mr, Msrodith, no other person having been charged, in proper | fora, with uin ifflerma" Whes 2 cctie + . nduttiitcs Biad $ i i Bs d Bd i io & 5d clerk at his offics, on or before the 4th day of «J uly instant," was published in the ** Mail" and Grone trom 17th J tae to 14th Suly. FRY l i ts * Aulltd Ariclisactas 1 20 NENou NOuvée was advortised in Tus Gropz and ** Mail " from bth to 114th June, The sittings of the Commission for the purpase ol proceeding with the enquiry was held on 14th Suly, . Notice thereo!, and that "t 0 names of ali witnusses were known, aro to be left with the V1/. 0 tBUE@g® 4 on 5th Juns, and beld their first public moeting on lMth Jane, "for the purpose oi opening tha Commission, announcing the time for pro-- ceading with the engoiry, aud giving dirootions as to the mds of procedure," of which notice vesice slly. l la® W sys -- ' i8 ; Nt aprioabs ie nct® 7: 20 it 2 se c d w + 4; >A kA 9 ' 'The enquiry was limited to the charges men-- tioned in the statem»nt of the Aitornay--Ganeral and that formulated by Mr, Msrodith, no other person having been charged, in proper | fora, with any offence that could be enquired into by the Commussioners. +410 Comnussioners ant atage of the proseedings th: be confined to the general five persons named unjov n/*~ ~Auubi? CPON TO ASSUXMXE AXY RBSPO®SI-- BLLLTT for the production or omission of evidence, or giving of notises other than general public notice of the proceedings, 'Tho Commumnnane | en amimtgs us ta & NOT CaALLED trox The Crown, or the G. on behalf of the Lems! the enquiry, and the C that they wero that was otfered tending the waid five persons, ofr offence coming within an made, Comipssionors thet was offere 2' * 7 +~ MWirkland, and one Lynch tered into is conspiracy to rccomp ish : of the Government mm this House by . merabers of this House to vote azainst enment and QGQoverniment neagures ; t} parpose of corruptly influenciog tie members _ of _ thi; House, the ; persons have at divers tima; during th soasion of this Legislature approache members of this House with money, money, promises of offices in the gil Domimon UGovernment, and promises personal advanta ros to such meinbers," proceedsy to spsciiy acis of cortuption or ed cortuption, and members approgcite These particulars Heod mat ie nlurccei.2.l a " is ons i dn e pr oC m IL The statement of the Attorne ferred to alleges that he is credibly believes "that divers persous, inc topber W. Bunting, Jolhn A. Wilki Meck, F. S, Kirkland, and ana I.o. h The Commission, dated 12t) nnder provisions of R. S. 0 We y Inpgi sls q e old «--VUsgnode Hall, Toronto, 8 Jan., 1885. T concur in reporting procsedings and evid would prefer a distinct stateimment as to the ons against whorm evidence miy be read an spectfully decline giving an opinion or fndir to offences proved. * (Signed) A. F. SCOTT, : Commissic RBrampton, 8 J an., 1885, CoPY OoF Mi©MoRANDA ADDREsS: BY JUDG & 8COTT. ONRAR MITrH 2. COMMUMIS8SION --_ [ _ 2270 *6G°M0nA N DA ADDRESS"{.DI BY JUDG e 8CoTT, onrn or PHp CG .. MIS.\IONERS TO VICE~CHANO!«LLOR PI{()UDFOOT. CHAIRMA.N oPF THE COM HTSSTerA: | THE CoMMISSIONERS urp p4 J , _ O3 0R v6 mentioned,&ss the rs have admitted ail the evidence red tendiog in any way to inculpate persons, of ruy of tha n. in s«py q within any of the genoral charges , or the Government assuining to act the hemslature, took the conduct of ind the Commissioners ther elore felt woverninent mengures ; th corruptly inflzenciog« tie E <tais > Afouse tha 3 cty acis of corruption and members approq {ars uneed not be ment have admitted ail t gi1, o gy [ VAHCAOK Hite voles of his -- House, -- the said _ tive livers timay; during the present Legislature approached several Mouse with money, offars of of othcss in the gift of the imont, and promises of other tus to such memmbers " nust +4.... 'dy, and Mr. Mowat kuaow-- were being madse to corrupt ise, indueed moemmbers of the the persons who are said to [m:MonANm.] C emminee ho members," and then corruption or attempt-- uo ies weath P : _ hid. 1P Chiss yote against the Goy aqn inA oeh ree miy be read and re-- an opinion or fnding as uhP iha db es cilc id Attorney--General re. credibly informed and | ous, Chriss | A. Wilkinson, Edward | 1 one Lynch, have en~ | a;t;:omp ish the defeat | approached Een v e Oe y ' elnpts to corrupt ths f biv, and into all other | the jndgment of the | 6 or affect the same," I Attorney--General re. | redibiy informed and | is, including Chriss ) Wilkinson, Edward | one Lync'h, have en. ) e B. SCoTT, Commissioner ; that for the 7 set forth in ve Assembly on }\londay' corrupt ths an early corrupting 2once, p r--